Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2263: 2263

Chapter 2263: 2263

Little Lori has completely abandoned the human form fierce beast, and sent out the most fierce attack to Tieer . She no longer uses the serrated sword, but only uses her two fists to bombard . These two little fists are peerless killers in Tieer"s heart . The ice sword that can cut through steel is quickly flashed by before it touches the back of little Lori"s hand . The little fist cuts a small arc and hits the side of the ice sword heavily, One of the hard ice swords broke in an instant, which made tie Er spew out a mouthful of blood . The next moment, little Lori came to him and grabbed him by the neck, which was about to break . But tie ER was not an ordinary evolutionist . He spewed out a blue crystal sand like fog to cover little Lori . The silver hair floating in front of her body was slightly stained, and then it was frozen into blue crystal . Little Lori was young, But the natural fighting talent is very high, immediately out of tier"s ice fog range .

Tier looks at the pure little Lori with frosty silver hair . Her bright silver hair is quickly frozen by layers of blue ice mist, which is eroding her face . If she doesn"t cut off her hair, maybe she will be frozen into ice sculpture . But when the frost spreads to half of her long hair, it will be broken by invisible high-frequency vibration, Countless tiny grains of ice crystal sand separated from little Lori"s hair, while the layers of silver hair were like peac.o.c.ks, half of which stretched out and suspended .

This is one of tier"s last maces, and also his trump card . He didn"t expect that without the shackles of the human form fierce beast, little Lori"s skill was doubled, and he couldn"t even fight back . The broken ice crystal sword was being quickly repaired . At the same time, his face became pale, no matter whether it was armor or sword, it was made of vitality, Repairing the sword is not his ability, but his most precious strength .

Little Lori is still undressed . Her slender silver hair covers her chest and back . Her snow-white feet are not stained with dust on the ground . It"s dazzling to see the little girl flashing more than ten meters in front of him . Tier has given up the idea of defeating little Lori and just wants to stick to it until hadman comes back . Little Lori"s bright red pupils don"t have any look, Shaking more than ten meters in front of tier"s body is not that she wants the cat to play with the mouse, but that the ice mist from Tier makes her afraid . Little Lori"s fighting style is brutal and wild, and there is no routine and tactics . She just relies on her instinct and is as crazy as a wild animal . But this madness also makes her intuition more acute and knows what is the real threat, Just a little bit of hair just now made her feel a great threat .

The confrontation between the two sides was very short, only 30 seconds, then Xiao Luo disappeared in the same place, scared tie er"s heart almost jumped out of his throat, roared, and mobilized his greatest ability . With his feet as the center, layers of thin ice walls covered him tightly . These layers of ice walls had no strong defensive ability, In other words, a bullet can easily break through, but when they are destroyed, little Lori"s figure will appear, and the broken ice also hinders her way forward . Before, tier could escape by ice crystal spear in less than a second, and now it is the same as before . When little Lori broke through the ice wall, tier"s long planned counterattack finally arrived .

Tier has never been a Super Fighter proficient in cold weapons . His counterattack is the ice whirlwind sent out by the ice crystal sword . Before him and little Lori, he unfolds a grinding plate that seems to be able to grind everything . Compared with the ice launched by kelaya, this rotating grinding plate just controls little Lori"s movement speed, but does little damage to little Lori, The silver hair that can be used as clothes protects her tightly, sends out a very high shock frequency, and swings away all the ice sand swept by . After this layer of ice sand is removed automatically, tie"er has already disappeared in front of her .

Tie"er"s cards were exhausted after a short fight . In the face of little Lori"s crazy and savage attack, he also lost the dignity of the divine throne and ran away shamefully . Although in his heart, little Lori"s flying long hair continued to fall after she rushed out of the ice, Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang fighting with hadman, who had fought with her before, she rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang . At least in little Lori"s heart, Zhang Xiaoqiang was her accomplice . This recognition came from Zhang Xiaoqiang"s rescue when she was most desperate at the bottom of the sea . Little Lori"s mind was very simple . She didn"t have any grudges . She only acted according to her nature . Zhang Xiaoqiang was good to her, She takes Zhang Xiaoqiang as an accomplice . Whether he wants to or not, she grabs Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hand first . Xiao Luoli"s hegemony makes Zhang Xiaoqiang sad . If Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that Xiao Luoli captured him just to grab him, it would be a very tangled state of mind .

Zhang Xiaoqiang was very excited now . His combat clothes were awesome enough . He could feel the warhead"s vibration in the air when he burst the gate, and with the three-dimensional vision, he almost reached the body reflection of the hacker empire, and his bulletproof property was the most excellent one in the armor he used . In other words, this kind of armor itself is a super equipment used to fight against human beings . Any bullet fired on him can slide away at the first time, and even the blasting shrapnel can"t cause damage to him . It only needs to protect his head without helmet to ensure his safety . It"s like the golden finger of hot weapon combat .

With excellent combat clothes, sniper rifles with 500 rounds of ammunition and full range vision, Zhang Xiaoqiang can easily kill his b.l.o.o.d.y victims who ambush him . These b.l.o.o.d.y victims are not afraid of casualties and fear, so they don"t need to hide in the bunker . The single shot of sniper rifles is extremely fast, and it only takes 0 . 1 second to activate bullets, In addition, Zhang Xiaoqiang is in complete control of his body . He can shoot a three person group in one second . In less than three minutes, more than 400 bullets will cause two-thirds of the casualties of the above 200 b.l.o.o.d.y soldiers . If hadman didn"t come to stir up the situation, and give Zhang Xiaoqiang a few more minutes, he might be able to wipe out all the ambushes with his sniper rifle alone . Hardman is known as the G.o.d of terror, but his real ability is gravity gas field . Although there are few evolutionists who master large-scale gravity technology, the base number in the whole world is relatively large . At least Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t worry about ordinary gravity technology evolutionists . But Hardman"s gravity technology has some pitfalls . He condenses gravity into spherical gas and throws it on the opponent"s body, Once the upgraded gravity field is reached, it can make people suffer . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fighting moment is not checked, and he is plotted by hadman . He is subjected to 50 times of gravity, and almost can"t get up on the ground . 50 times of gravity is enough to crush ordinary people to death . If it"s not for Zhang Xiaoqiang, he has more than ten times the physical strength of ordinary people, If it wasn"t for his armor to make him use it more efficiently, I"m afraid it would have been captured alive .

But hadman didn"t get any good either . He almost cut off his arm with the Firebird machete . Five puppet soldiers who followed him to capture Zhang Xiaoqiang were killed in an instant, and the hair that frightened him stood up . The gravity control was only 30 meters, while the Firebird machete was just 30 meters . This made Zhang Xiaoqiang relax and relieved his negative influence, After that, the two sides fought again, but the main force of this war was replaced by puppet soldiers . Hadman did not dare to fight Zhang Xiaoqiang, but he could make trouble for Zhang Xiaoqiang and deflect Zhang Xiaoqiang"s Firebird machete with his gravity technique .

In the eyes of ordinary evolutionists, the Firebird machete is extremely fast, but it is slightly slow in the eyes of the G.o.d warrior . You need to know that the ordinary bullet is invalid for the G.o.d, so hadman can escape Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cutting at the waist . In this case, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s killing weapon has no effect, and he can only use close defense as a deterrent, and the sniper rifle has been thrown on the ground by him, The armor of the puppet soldier is better than that of the b.l.o.o.d.y soldier . Zhang Xiaoqiang can accurately penetrate the blindfold of the b.l.o.o.d.y soldier, but he can"t penetrate the eccentric helmet of the puppet soldier . He is not willing to waste bullets, so he has to fight close to save the last bullet clip . The reason why Zhang Xiaoqiang does this is that he sees little Lori out of trouble .

Nearly a hundred puppet soldiers jointly attacked Zhang Xiaoqiang . Among them, more than 30 power evolutioners waved heavy cold weapons at Zhang Xiaoqiang . In the air attack of power evolutioners, agile evolutioners took the opportunity to attack Zhang Xiaoqiang . In addition, hadman took the time to make trouble and sent gravity to Zhang Xiaoqiang to get rid of him, The situation is getting worse and worse . The Firebird machete is completely suppressed, and Zhang Xiaoqiang can only fight hand to hand with the power evolutors . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang killed the puppet soldiers at the critical moment, he felt more and more powerless . Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang was forced to return to the tunnel, the ground under the feet of the people suddenly swelled up . Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt that the terrain was higher and the secret road was not good, He picked up a sniper rifle and rushed forward like a bull . No matter hadman took the opportunity to add gravity to his body, he no longer controlled the Firebird"s curved knife to spiral defense . He threw the curved knife out in a hurry and killed three puppet soldiers in a straight line . He cleared the narrow pa.s.sage and rushed out regardless of his head and tail, and no matter how many times he suffered .

He didn"t understand why the ground arched up . When hadman saw Zhang Xiaoqiang escape, his confidence increased greatly . With a roar, he gave out his strongest ability, 70 times the area of gravity . Gravity affected him and made him float like a balloon . Within more than 50 meters of his side, all the puppet soldiers fell on the ground, Zhang Xiaoqiang also fell to the ground and couldn"t move . The pale hadman couldn"t help laughing . This is his most proud move . If he didn"t use this ability to hurt himself too much, he would like to use it as a sign .

When he was most proud, the arched ground burst open, and countless stones rushed into the sky like a fountain of dust . The proud expression of hadman, who was floating ten meters in the air, turned into astonishment, and then into a distorted fear . The next moment, he was swept away by countless stones and dust, and hadman fell like a fly, But Zhang Xiaoqiang, like a cheetah, gets up and rushes forward . How can he not know that the mysterious invaders in the underground core area have also appeared< br>