Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2269: 2269

Chapter 2269: 2269

The red cutla.s.s revolves at a high speed, cutting away the obstruction of the air and making a sharp roar . Just at the moment when the cutla.s.s is about to cut, two umbilical cord angle thorns with fan shadow are pulled onto the Firebird cutla.s.s . With a crisp sound, the cutla.s.s falls to one side like an angel with broken wings, while little Lori hangs powerlessly on the umbilical cord with her little head up, Looking at his pale face, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt a heartbreaking pain . He couldn"t help but drink . He stamped his right foot on the ground and jumped up in the dust . In the middle of the sky, two lightning like umbilical cords turned to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s chest like poisonous snakes, The umbilical cord, which is a bit faster than the speed of the bullet, fell into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands .

Zhang Xiaoqiang, holding the corner of the umbilical cord with his left and right hands, b.u.mps into the Zombie"s open mouth . At the moment when the Zombie"s mouth is full of sharp teeth and is about to bite him, the slanting Firebird"s curved knife bypa.s.ses the arc and splits the two umbilical cords that Zhang Xiaoqiang has held in his hands into two parts . In the flash of Yinghong, the cut umbilical cord turns into fly ash . Without the involvement of the umbilical cord, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s speed is faster, He raised his foot to kick the corpse"s teeth and turned back with the help of force . This foot concentrated all the strength and anger of Zhang Xiaoqiang . The corpse was kicked with a whine, raised his neck and stepped back . Turning around, Zhang Xiaoqiang happened to fall on the corpse"s neck and cut the corpse"s throat with a Firebird machete .

The flame flashed out at the opening of the Zombie"s throat . The liquid gushing from the Zombie"s wound raised thick black smoke after watering out the flame . It wrapped the Zombie"s head and made it shake its head madly . However, its claws came to Zhang Xiaoqiang like lightning . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s three-dimensional vision could observe everything around him in an all-round way, and his side body flashed past his claws, He kicked the Zombie"s arm three times in a row, jumped up and turned back again, picked up little loli hanging in the air and chopped off the umbilical cord .

After a few somersaults, Zhang Xiaoqiang fell to the ground steadily . Looking at little Lori, who kept spitting plasma in her arms, his head almost burst open . Little Lori"s white and smooth body pierced two holes, and half of her umbilical cord was put on her abdomen . Her whole body was full of blood, flowing along her body and legs, and dripping to the ground like a waterline, Looking at the seriously injured and dying little Lori, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how to do it . Little Lori"s Scarlet eyes stare at Zhang Xiaoqiang without blinking, making the corners of his eyes moist . Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang is immersed in the sadness of losing little Lori, the roar of the zombie wakes Zhang Xiaoqiang up, but the zombie is rushing towards him at high speed, or towards little Lori in his hands .

Zhang Xiaoqiang deliberately dismembered this ugly thing and worried that little loli would die . He could only stare at the zombie angrily and rush to the mouth of the canyon with little loli in his arms . The zombie followed closely . However, the helicopter hovering in the sky found an opportunity to send three shark hunting helicopters to dive at the Zombie and launch more than ten rockets, The rocket dragging white smoke hit the zombie as light as a homing bird, and the sound of wailing and explosion sounded behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Zhang Xiaoqiang faced a new enemy .

There are five divinities in front of him, among which four belong to the new era and one belongs to Genesis . The four divinities of the new era want to catch little Lori in his arms . The one Christina of Genesis wants to kill most is Zhang Xiaoqiang . Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang rush past them, several people move at the same time, as if they were making an appointment, Tier and hadman attack Christina at the same time, while esaster and mengxingchen attack Zhang Xiaoqiang together . Layers of frost spread rapidly on the ground, producing numerous crystal like multi prism crystals sweeping Christina . Hadman also uses his sucking strength to exert gravity on Christina, and Zhang Xiaoqiang is on the way to escape, The steel pipes buried in the ground twist like boa constrictors to drill out of the ground . These iron pipes break into countless iron bars after they drill out of the ground . They are rolled into cages to encircle Zhang Xiaoqiang . Meng Xingchen"s extraordinary skill gathers two black stabbing swords to block Zhang Xiaoqiang"s retreat .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at esaster with a b.l.o.o.d.y sneer at the corner of his mouth and shoots a cold look, which makes him feel a little guilty . However, seeing that Mengxing"s sword has reached Zhang Xiaoqiang"s back, his sneer turns into a smile . No matter how he and Mengxing are also Zodiac warriors, can ordinary mortals compare? Under his control, countless twisted iron bars are like crazy pumpkin vines, forming a big net more than three meters high and more than thirty meters wide to surround Zhang Xiaoqiang . No matter what direction Zhang Xiaoqiang runs, it will be blocked . If Zhang Xiaoqiang can jump, it"s best . The height of three meters is just a psychological hint . If Zhang Xiaoqiang really does this, Countless sharp spears will grow to 10 meters in an instant to penetrate it .

"Go away . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang is angry . He doesn"t care who is standing in front of him . Little Lori is badly injured . He needs to find a safe place to treat him . Anyone who stops him is regarded as a mortal enemy . With a roar, Zhang Xiaoqiang rushes out of the steel fence . However, he sees that the previously powerful fence has melted a D2 size fracture behind Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the steel on the fracture is still melting and dripping with molten iron, Then Meng Xingchen catches up with Zhang Xiaoqiang and sees that Zhang Xiaoqiang has broken through the defense of esaster . She can"t help but be worried . Jiao Hejian throws dozens of long black needles to fly behind Zhang Xiaoqiang . It"s just the way that even little Lori has to retreat before . After these needles are thrown out of control, some of them hit the steel fence . As long as they hit, there will be a gap out of thin air, It"s like swallowing . Zhang Xiaoqiang also felt the danger coming from behind him . He could not help roaring out the flame that enveloped him . The flame spread like a blowout, rolling the long black needle away behind him, and slowing down the pace of Mengxing"s pursuit . However, esaster didn"t give up to stop him, and his whole body appeared like a medieval knight"s body armor, Holding a shield thicker than that smashed by little Lori before, he b.u.mps into Zhang Xiaoqiang . On the way, dozens of sharp spikes grow on the smooth shield, but he wants to nail Zhang Xiaoqiang on the shield . Seeing that there are at least three or five centimeters thick shield on that side, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly accelerates, flashing red light in front of him, and all the spikes are broken, Before the spikes fell to the ground, they turned into dark black molten iron, rolled to the ground and turned out many iron beads, while Zhang Xiaoqiang kicked on the steel shield and jumped up, falling behind esaster .

Isaster didn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang was behind him . The thick shield not only blocked his sight, but also made him have to sprint forward in the huge inertia . As a result, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s shield collided with Mengxing . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t turn back to kill isaster . He didn"t have the time, just ran forward, But I heard a loud roar, and then the ground vibrated, and a loud noise came with the vibration, as if a giant kangaroo weighing 100 tons was jumping, and countless small stones on the ground were bouncing and falling . When Zhang Xiaoqiang staggered forward, the huge figure flew over his head and fell heavily in front of him, setting off a wave of dust .

The Zombie"s long legs are very good at skipping . After three or two jumps, he jumps to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Black smoke is emitting all over his body . Green blood is still flowing from the big and small holes blasted by the rocket . His umbilical cord is almost completely broken, and even his head is cut off by the air . However, the zombie has no sign of dying, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how the zombie was made in the new era, but he knows that it"s obviously not a good thing to be so active under the saturation attack of three shark hunting helicopters .

The zodiac couldn"t stop him, neither could the zombie . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t give in because of the Zombie"s appearance, and didn"t stop because of the mechanism sh.e.l.ls scattered in the sky . Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed up in front of the Zombie"s siege and the fire pouring in the sky . At this time, the battle of the other three Zodiacs was also known, and Christina was completely beaten by the two men, Originally, her ability was not as good as tier"s, and hadman exerted gravity to make trouble . In less than three minutes, she began to bite her teeth and retreat to the mouth of the valley . Only when she got there, she could be safe .

Christina was cruel and finally revealed that she was playing cards . Surrounded by the ice wall formed by tier and under the pressure of gravity, standing at the same place, she suddenly rushed out of the earth column like a giant dragon . The Earth Dragon, which is six or seven meters wide, suddenly wrapped her up and came out of the ground as if she were alive . There are all kinds of stones and debris on the Earth Dragon, but it empties the underground in the process of formation, A steady stream of earth dragons had been pulled out more than 30 meters before they ran out and fled to the mouth of the valley .

On the way to escape, hadman frantically smashes the Earth Dragon with gravity . But as long as the Earth Dragon is not suppressed by gravity, karcristina can always draw new energy from the ground and suddenly increase the momentum of the Earth Dragon . The ice walls can"t stop him at all . The Earth Dragon can cross these ice walls just by raising its head, And the ice crystal spears blasted out of the ice wall are broken one after another by the impact of the Earth Dragon, which makes Tieer helpless .

The direction of the Earth Dragon"s impact is exactly the direction of Zhang Xiaoqiang and the zombie, and the two zombies are closely following him . The helicopter in the sky is always shooting the zombie . Zhang Xiaoqiang has reached the edge of the hail of bullets, and his forward speed is much slower in the process of avoiding . At this time, the five zombies are not far behind him, and Christina b.u.mps open the iron curtain and the dark night, He suddenly speeds up and b.u.mps into Zhang Xiaoqiang . He wants to give Zhang Xiaoqiang a shade when he leaves . He doesn"t know that there is something wrong with the helicopters in the sky at this time . Almost all of the G.o.ds are extremely frightened . Several new era G.o.ds who are familiar with shark hunting helicopters can"t help but look up . They are shocked to find that the supernova launchers of the three helicopters are opened together, and they are scared out of their wits, You know, they"re less than 100 meters away from the zombie, all within the explosion range of the supernova .

"Report base, report base, the helicopter is out of control, the helicopter is out of control, the supernova launch system is automatically unlocked, someone is remotely controlling the helicopter . . . " In the face of the sudden crisis, the pilots in the sky can do nothing but turn on the horn system and send the situation of the plane to the constellation of G.o.d below, because they know that it is not only zombies that will be destroyed after the supernova is launched .

At this time, all the people, including the zombies, were fleeing . They all felt the danger . They knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart was about to explode . For the first time, he hated why his men didn"t find him . If the air frigate could at least shoot down these planes here, he was also scolding why he didn"t carry a rifle, At least he doesn"t have the ability to fight back under the plane . He has seen the supernova explosion . The explosion of a miniature supernova bomb disc can damage a level 5 mutant beast . In front of him, he can see the explosion trace with a diameter of 1000 meters after the supernova bomb explosion .

The first thing to accelerate is the night G.o.d dream star . Her skill is no worse than that of the agile evolutor . She runs to the warehouse quickly . Hadman pouts his b.u.t.t and runs to the place where Christina Tu Long came out of the cave . At least there is a big pit left after the soil is dug . As for tier and esasti, they try their best to add a layer of protection to themselves, Their greatest strength is to build a blockhouse like anti epidemic fortification . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumps onto Christina"s Earth Dragon, who is turning around and running away, and takes little Lori to drill into the middle of the Earth Dragon . At this time, Christina may only need a few seconds to imprison Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhang Xiaoqiang in the stone, but Christina Ming doesn"t even have a few seconds, It"s just a matter of controlling the Earth Dragon to run away . Maybe in a few seconds, maybe in a few minutes, the supernova bomb of the shark hunting helicopter was finally launched< br>