Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2271: 2271

Chapter 2271: 2271

Regel and keselle arrive at the gate of the warehouse, and the battle inside has come to an end . If there are no zombies, these half puppet soldiers who have lost their senses and are not equipped are not worth mentioning . They die one after another in the planned campaign, leaving blood and broken flesh like slaughterhouses . Almost all the culture tanks are destroyed, and most of them are covered with bullet holes, Even if the repair is not a matter for a while, there is still the smoke around, which suppresses the light of this s.p.a.ce . In the bright and dark s.p.a.ce, besides the smell of blood, there is also a faint stench . Even if you stand at the gate, you can"t stand it . It"s better after Regel and Kessler take out a spider mask at the same time and put it on .

The blood of the warehouse flows out slowly from the gate . The original drainage channel has been blocked by corpses and broken meat . Occasionally, intestines and broken limbs can be seen in the blood flowing out . Apart from making a.s.sad feel dirty and retreat, other people don"t care . Regel"s smooth shoes directly step on a ma.s.s of snow-white brain and enter the warehouse, Kesailer"s face was ugly . a.s.sad hesitated for a long time before he carefully avoided the human flesh organization in the blood . Just as he entered the warehouse, an exit suddenly opened on the back of the Yaoying airship, and three armed men in leather new era uniform came out one by one .

The three men were as like as two peas in the tacit understanding . When they got to the ground, the tallest man raised the metal storm sniper rifle to guard the valley direction . The sniper rifle in his hand was exactly the same as Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed . Even the equipment was very much the same . The two meter tall figure would be a tight young man, and he was a little boy beside him . Although he was wearing the same type of armor, it was a little thin . Even if there were muscle lines on the body engineering armor, it could not make him strong . The weapon was only a pistol at the waist, but his main equipment was a reinforced personal terminal in his hand . All kinds of data and patterns were sliding on three virtual displays, one main and two pairs, The big boy was surrounded in the middle . The other one was a silver haired woman . She was 180 cm tall and of uniform shape . Standing in front of the big head, which was more than two meters high, she looked delicate and delicate . She was wearing an opaque mask and carrying a multi hole shuttle crossbow .

The three men"s equipment determines their nature . This is a penetrating combat team . They are so alert in the new era nest that they are obviously ready to do something . When the big boy in the middle confirms the information in hand, the three men immediately act . Nothing happens . The light around them begins to twist, forming a confused reflection, The three people are not completely invisible . If you look at them carefully, you will find that the three blurred figures can"t be seen clearly . It"s just absolutely strange .

On the vast ground, the s.p.a.ce occupied by the three people is not large, so unless someone is lucky and pays special attention to the position around them, they will not be exposed . The route they choose is just an open area without any landmark objects, and they will not be found at all . The three fuzzy shadows finally arrive at the place where Zhang Xiaoqiang disappeared, The big man took out his shovel and began to dig . It wasn"t long before Zhang Xiaoqiang and loli were exposed under the earth . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang and loli had lost their intuition . The shock wave of the previous explosion made him faint . Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang, the big boy immediately took action, Lolita as like as two peas, Zhang Xiaoqiang took out all kinds of medicaments from the backpack to give first aid to the little Lori in the arms of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Many of them were exactly the same as those that Zhang Xiaoqiang had grabbed . The big man carefully dug up Zhang Xiaoqiang and excavated another place .

Compared with Zhang Xiaoqiang, the unfortunate child, who used her back to block the shock wave and fainted in order to save little Lori, Christina got into the ground before the stone ball was destroyed . The G.o.d of the earth doesn"t cry in vain . She can"t die as long as she stands on the earth, but her luck is not good either . In order to stop the shock wave, She in the shortest time beyond the limit of the ability to use, and then drill into the ground after their own tired faint in the past .

After Zhang Xiaoqiang was transported to Yaoying, almost all the internal surveillance systems were cut off, and Zhang Xiaoqiang and little Lori were not bound . On the contrary, little Lori was given the most perfect treatment, While Zhang Xiaoqiang lay on one side and did not even take away the Firebird machete and backpack, Christina was placed in another room with a bomb collar around her neck .

Obviously, everything on the Yaoying airship was carried out by Regel and Kessel . After receiving the reply from the satellite headset in his ear, Regel, who was absent-minded in the warehouse, didn"t want to stay in this smelly area for another second, turned to walk out of the door, turned to a.s.sad and said, "I didn"t come here to help you wipe your a.s.s, and no one can wipe your a.s.s, I believe no one knows better than you the importance of d.i.c.kas and his mother . My father poured a lot of hard work here and spent 63 . 7% of Australia"s material supply . You can imagine his anger after receiving the news . Of course, you can also take out a pistol and put it on your head . After all, before the news from this department came, You are still the commander here . No one can force you not to commit suicide . "Regel"s words were like thunder . He slashed a.s.sad"s head and made him bend down to support his knees in dizziness to prevent him from falling down . Regel"s words were very ugly, but he knew that Regel"s suggestion was the greatest kindness to him . No one could bear Kluger"s anger . He knew better than anyone what virtue a puppet warrior was, It"s kind to wipe out the thought . Because of the accident in the experiment, there are many puppet soldiers who are sober minded but can"t control their bodies to cry for the enemy . What"s more desperate is the Puppet Toys that the elders will make in private . Women are controlled to turn into female dogs, kneel on the ground to eat excrement, or pee in the crowd of countless people in the square, In this kind of despair, which is more terrible than death, they have no right to commit suicide unless their thinking collapses and their ID consciousness is erased . But even if they erase themselves, they are still human toys controlled by others . With only one procedure and one instruction, they will turn into the lowest animals .

"Lord Regel, as long as you can plead with the speaker for me, I"ll give you whatever you want . I don"t want to die, I don"t want to die . . . " a.s.sad"s incoherent plea is like Regel"s, who almost regards Regel as the G.o.d of saving the soul . If Regel takes a deep look at a.s.sad, he moves his mouth as if to open his mouth, but he is pushed by Kessler around him, and says in a low voice: "your own affairs have not been settled, do you still have the mind to take care of others? Even if you are the speaker"s own son, he will not spare you . Fortunately, you are his own son, at least you will not be executed . "

Kessler"s words dispelled regor"s seemingly impulsive reminder, and he shook his head and went to the Harrier empty boat . Several of his followers had already taken photos of the miserable scenes in the warehouse . After collecting enough evidence, they followed . Regor obviously didn"t want to stay here . They had the appearance of walking on the Harrier, Looking at the group"s back, a.s.sad was stunned . After a long time, he woke up in his report: "Sir, the mother"s nest has been destroyed . It will take three months and a lot of equipment and materials to recover . All 1200 b.l.o.o.d.y soldiers have been killed . There are only more than 300 soldiers left in the 1500 garrison . Nearly half of the 300 puppet soldiers have been lost, More than 130 scientists and researchers died, four shark hunting helicopters were lost, the mother body was destroyed, and dicas disappeared . . . "

"My G.o.d . . . What should I do . . . " a.s.sad could not help groaning . The adjutant around him was also ugly . He was a.s.sad"s confidant . Even if he betrayed a.s.sad, he would still be executed . At this time, he had only one idea in his mind . How could he escape from Australia? Other members of the base also have this idea . Once the speaker gets angry, I"m afraid that all officers and managers above the captain level will be punished, which is the most cruel punishment .

"Lord Regal seemed to have something to say to you just now, but he was interrupted by Lord Kessler . Maybe you can ask him for advice . . . " Looking at a.s.sad, the adjutant was even more disappointed . He didn"t know how he was blind and stood in a.s.sad"s team? a.s.sad is good at nothing except playing with power and getting rid of dissidents . Even if a.s.sad"s younger sister is favored, she can"t really become the wife of the speaker of Parliament . What else can we expect? If he had a place to go, he would have taken a helicopter and gone .

"Let"s . . . Let"s run . There are helicopters here . There are a lot of materials and weapons . We can take root anywhere . It"s impossible for the new era to control all places, Saudi Arabia, Iraq or Afghanistan, even India, as long as we get there . " a.s.sad has lost his courage and just wants to keep his life away from the trial of the speaker . The adjutant"s heart moves . If he encourages a.s.sad to escape, isn"t it? Then he looked around at a.s.sad"s lineage, only to find that they were all secretly staring at a.s.sad and himself, and could not help taking a breath . The reason why a.s.sad was able to attract so many people was his power and background . Once he lost these, a.s.sad, who had no ability to convince others, would only die faster, even if he ran outside .

What"s more, if a.s.sad doesn"t run away, at least none of them will be able to escape . But once a.s.sad runs away, the people below will have a chance to commit crimes and make contributions . They can fight for a chance of life by stopping a.s.sad"s defection . Therefore, it"s not realistic to run outside . Neither a.s.sad nor he will come to a good end at that time, After all, he is a.s.sad"s confidant, second only to selling a.s.sad"s credit in other people"s eyes, so he must stop a.s.sad"s bad idea . He can run away, but he can"t run away with a.s.sad . Besides, even if he runs away, it"s not so easy to stay outside . Without logistics and soldiers, it"s hard to open up a place to live .

"I think there"s still time to think about it, but when you completely calm down and make a decision in the confusion of your thoughts, the consequences may be beyond redemption . . . " As he exhorted, he winked at a.s.sad, so that a.s.sad could see those sinister subordinates and suddenly wake up . He knew more about the plot than anyone else . He could see what the people below were thinking at a glance . Suddenly, his back was drenched with cold sweat . He could not help nodding, looked at the kite flying, and gritted his teeth and said, "Regel must have a way, Even if he can"t help it, I can"t wait to die . The speaker of the Grand Council once gave me an appointment of the Senate . Under extreme conditions, I can accept the rights of the whole of Australia and take over all the armed forces . All the senior officers in this appointment know that at that time . . . "< br>