Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2278: 2278

Chapter 2278: 2278

Kessler watched painfully as boxes of ammunition and materials were sent into the frigate from the hatch . The Chinese officers standing at the hatch were smiling and nodding, while the soldiers watching around pointed at the frigate . Obviously, they were very surprised that the frigate was in the hands of the Chinese people, but Regel was still looking at tons of materials being sent to the frigate"s warehouse, In the distance, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue face each other .

Zhuo Mingyue stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang angrily . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t show weakness, but stares at Zhuo Mingyue . It seems that there is a big war brewing between them . Xianghai"er, who is not far behind Zhuo Mingyue, stares at Zhang Xiaoqiang . It looks like a hungry ghost sees a roast chicken . Xianghai"er"s expression obviously causes little Luoli Feifei"s dissatisfaction, The blood red pupil stares at Xiang Hai"er without blinking . If it wasn"t for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s little hand, it might have been torn to pieces .

"She"s the one who took you away?" Zhuo Mingyue"s soft and magnetic voice with a slight chill makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hair stand up . He looks ugly and stares at Zhuo Mingyue . He doesn"t know what"s wrong with her . He says: "it"s just an accident . This little guy wants to save his mother . He thinks I can help her, that"s all . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang is easy to say, but Zhuo Mingyue is even more angry . After Zhang Xiaoqiang disappeared, she almost went mad, which makes her feel haggard every time . Because of her own strength, she is obviously worried to death . When she sees Zhang Xiaoqiang, she can"t help but get angry . Zhang Xiaoqiang has some male chauvinism, and naturally has no good face, Only let Zhuo Mingyue feel aggrieved for herself .

"Do you know how worried we are about you? Why don"t you be careful . . . " Zhuo Mingyue broke out like a normal woman . At this moment, she put all her grievances, anger and worries into her mood and burst out to Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t understand this outbreak without any reason . He frowned and said, "it was just an accident . Huang Tingwei didn"t know what happened at that time, but you were not normal, What"s a tantrum when we meet? I"m not sorry for you . . . "

"Yes, you"re sorry . I"m not normal? I"m full . I have nothing to do before I tell you this . . . " Zhuo Mingyue is even more angry . She is like a shrew who constantly criticizes Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang is in a very good mood . As Zhuo Mingyue complains, Zhang Xiaoqiang disappears . Looking at Zhuo Mingyue"s delicate lips turning up and down, he really wants to find a tape to block them . At this time, xianghai"er comes up to Zhang Xiaoqiang, just like being hypnotized, Xianghai"er"s action makes Zhuo Mingyue even more unhappy . She is about to be thrown away with a wave, but Zhang Xiaoqiang raises his hand to stop Zhuo Mingyue"s action .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang took out the pebble found at the bottom of the sea, xianghai"er got excited and didn"t know what to say . However, the crystal sign in her eyebrows began to shine, which made the dark and ugly pebbles start to shine, but it was a warm green halo, The next moment, including Zhuo Mingyue, was covered by the green halo .

Xianghai"er didn"t take away the pebble . She just stared at the stone and recited what Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t understand . Zhuo Mingyue also died because of this change . However, she used the mental barrier to isolate her side, but found that the barrier couldn"t block the light . She was surprised and wanted to fly into the air, but Zhang Xiaoqiang closed her eyes and showed a smile, Seems to enjoy the appearance, can not help but stop, let the light source to find their own body .

Zhang Xiaoqiang has never felt this kind of comfort . All negative emotions are stripped from his body, and all worries and sorrows are cleared from his mind . Whether it"s zombies or the new era, or red algae, they are completely forgotten by him . At this moment, he only feels the comfort and comfort from his soul, just like the feeling of being forgotten when he was pregnant, which is invisible, Can"t hear, smell, smell, touch, but can feel the most primitive peace and harmony in this comfort . At this moment, he seems to have an epiphany . It seems that all worldly things have nothing to do with him . As long as he can keep in this comfort, even if the earth is destroyed, human death has nothing to do with him .

Maybe only a second, maybe as long as a lifetime, can"t tell the length of time, finally he was very reluctant to leave from this feeling, in the moment he opened his eyes, Zhuo Mingyue and little Lori also opened their eyes, but before they met, there stood a mature enchanting, charm unlimited super beauty, this beauty is not before the dysplasia of Xianghai? His bulging chest almost broke his skirt like a volleyball . Two thirds of the s...o...b..a.l.l.s were exposed to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes . He just felt that the material was not enough, and let a blush break free from the fabric . He was mischievously breathing the free air . Under his huge chest was his slim waist . Also because of the lack of fabric, the original long skirt turned into a super short skirt, which was Qi B"s, Looking at the small inner wall with strawberry marks, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s nose began to heat up, and his long but not fat legs almost blinded his t.i.tanium alloy dog eyes .

"What are you looking at? Am I inferior to her . . . " A Jiao drink interrupts Zhang Xiaoqiang"s YY and frees him from all kinds of h-thinking . Then Xiang Hai"er, who has become bigger, is pulled behind by Zhuo Mingyue and glares at Zhang Xiaoqiang . The flame in his dream eye suddenly wakes Zhang Xiaoqiang up . Then he lowers his head and sees that Zhuo Mingyue"s chest is still the same as before . He suddenly shakes his head and says, "I"m sure now, The real secret of Haizu is the stone in my hand . In view of its value, I think it"s better to leave it to you for safekeeping . Don"t be stolen by xianghai"erWith that, Zhang Xiaoqiang gives the pebble to Zhuo Mingyue . Zhang Xiaoqiang interrupts her . Zhuo Mingyue also pays attention to this stone . Before she can take it away, the stone disappears in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands . Immediately, Zhuo Mingyue"s angry eyes are directed at little Lori who puts the stone in her mouth . She says in a cold voice, "it"s good to break your teeth . . . "

No matter how hard Zhang Xiaoqiang tries, little Lori doesn"t let go of the pebbles in her hand, and even gives her to Zhuo Mingyue . Zhuo Mingyue obviously doesn"t feel at ease . Zhang Xiaoqiang is with other opposite s.e.x, even if this opposite s.e.x is far from being called a woman, so little Lori and the stones in her hand become Zhuo Mingyue"s things, And Zhang Xiaoqiang went back to the hatch of the frigate and played tricks with Regel .

"Now that we have reached an agreement, we are our own people . What else can we say to our own people? In this case, I don"t have to be polite to you . I"m determined to win the supernova bomb, and you don"t have to hide it . Anyway, it"s just one . You"d better take it out honestly . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang really doesn"t know what politeness is . He climbs on Regel"s shoulder, half asking and half threatening, which makes Regel"s face wrinkle into pickles . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s request really makes him embarra.s.sed . There are a lot of supernovae in Australia, including at least 500 miniature supernovae and 80 small supernovae, There are 12 medium-sized supernovae specially used by kites and eagles, but Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t see these at all . Zhang Xiaoqiang is interested in a large supernova bomb that can destroy a city . The large supernova bomb that was tested in India on that day covered an area of 30 kilometers, destroying a quarter of India"s largest city . There is only one such weapon in Australia, It"s still in the Inst.i.tute as a self destructor .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, isn"t there one on your Frigate? Our technicians have already unlocked it for you, and it can be used at any time . I have achieved this level, so don"t worry about my family background . " Regel couldn"t help but smile and plead that the large supernova bomb is a big killer, not stingy . It"s Australia that doesn"t have the ability to produce this kind of weapon, and he still wants to keep this supernova bomb and find a chance to transport it back to the Alps in Europe to blow up his Laozi .

"Look at your promise . We are going to do great things in the future . Why do we think about that worthless thing? By the way, it"s OK not to give me a supernova bomb . It seems that there is a research-oriented evolutionist in the Research Inst.i.tute . If you don"t lend him to me, don"t worry, I"ll give it back to you . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang said this, Regel"s face immediately became serious, and he said repeatedly: "the supernova bomb will be delivered to you in an hour at the earliest . In addition, in order to strengthen our friendship, I am personally presenting you ten cases of French red wine of 1982 . Although it is not produced by Lafite, it is the best before . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed, but Regel didn"t take it at all . A research-oriented evolutionist was worth more than 100 supernova bombs . He nodded and let go of the guy who didn"t know whether he was a man or a woman . At this time, Fu Shanlin came to Zhang Xiaoqiang with ten airborne evolutioners carrying boxes, Zhang Xiaoqiang took Fu Shanlin"s thermostatic metal box and handed it to Regel, saying: "this box has ten super evolutionary elements, which can improve the ability of the evolutor to a new height . Although you are promoted to an evolutor, your strength is too poor . I"ll give you life protection . . . , by the way, it"s invalid for high-level evolutors . . . "

In the box is Zhuo Mingyue"s purified colloid stock solution, which is very valuable, but it"s only the first-order variation of animal colloid . Even if the effect is improved, it"s not very great, but it"s very precious to Regel . Regel took the box in a trance . He didn"t expect Zhang Xiaoqiang to cheat him . The two sides have reached a certain degree of closeness, Some things can"t be cheated

"There are also some meat of level 5 mutant animals . These things can improve the physical quality of ordinary people and evolutors to the greatest extent, and they are worth a lot of money . You are very close to my eye, and I"ve given them to you, but if you want more, you have to exchange them . These things will be used as the payment for this material . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to suffer losses . Of course, he doesn"t want to take advantage of others . Taking advantage of others will affect his self-esteem, so it"s better to exchange things that are precious to others and cheap to him . After Regel accepted these things, a.s.sad appeared with Han Bao and Shu Shuanger and saw two women, Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded and said, "would you like to meet China with me?"

Han Bao nods directly . Shu shuang"er hesitates for a moment . She seems uncertain . The number of more than one billion zombies is a nightmare for the Chinese here . If not, who was willing to leave their hometown at the beginning? Seeing their appearance, Zhang Xiaoqiang says to Han Bao: "you come aboard with me . . . "< br>