Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2282: 2282

Chapter 2282: 2282

Surrounded by survivors, the sea of zombies is only a part of tens of millions of zombies . All the zombies migrate inland, all the roads and fields are occupied by zombies, and even the ponds are filled with zombies . Some small rivers have been cut off . From the sky, countless zombies are scattered on thousands of square kilometers of the ground, which is hard to imagine, These zombies will live in small cities before the end of time .

The most densely populated area of zombies is the route of the great migration . The fallen corpses along the way are the wind vane of zombies . Tens of kilometers of mountainous area can accommodate 100000 people, but it can"t accommodate tens of millions of zombies . Looking around, the mountainous area near the town is all occupied by dense zombies . The front-line fighting never stops, and the speed of ordinary zombies is not fast, It"s slower in rugged mountainous areas, but it"s nothing to those quick S-shaped zombies . The army in Guangzhou is armed by Chen Qiaofeng . They don"t have many guns and ammunition, but they have the best armour and wooden weapons . The sharp mahogany spear can kill a zombie every time it pierces . Thousands of soldiers are arrayed like mountains and walls, Squeeze the Zombie"s moving s.p.a.ce . Once surrounded, even S2 zombies will drink in front of countless spears .

There are too many zombies . Most of the soldiers haven"t had enough to eat in a few days . Although they eat bark and gra.s.s roots much better than the common people, they don"t have any real food and meat . Their physical strength drops very obviously . From time to time, some soldiers are dragged into the zombies and eaten as cans by tearing their armor, From time to time, some soldiers fell to the ground and rolled down the hillside . When S3 zombies appeared in the zombie group, a greater disaster came . These high-level zombies running on the heads of the zombies were like angels of death . They jumped up and down among the soldiers, setting off a wave of blood . The fountain like blood was mixed with crushed armor and broken limbs, The smell of blood is the best stimulant for zombies, which makes them crazy . Every time there are S3 zombies, the city wall like team will collapse . At this time, the evolutionists who stand behind the team like statues will rush up to fight with the zombies .

Soldiers" armor is standard armor . It"s crude and rough in shape . It barely covers the front, but it"s blank behind . If they turn around in the face of zombies, they will die faster . However, the armor of evolutionists is similar to that of medieval knights, with a coverage rate of more than 95% . The seemingly c.u.mbersome armor does not affect their flexibility at all, One by one, even if they are wrapped in the whole body armor, they are still as fast as lightning . More than a dozen of them rush into the collapsed soldiers, jump up, step on the shoulders of the soldiers and sprinkle a large net .

The big net made by golden rattan also spreads out in the air, covering the s.p.a.ce for the zombies to move . This kind of big net spreads out from front to back and left to right, so that the zombies can"t escape no matter they jump from any direction . The moment they are caught in the net, the Zombies fall from the air . The claws of S3 zombies can easily tear off golden rattan, but it takes s.p.a.ce and time, the moment the zombies land, More than ten sharp mahogany spears pierced through the mesh and nailed the zombie to the ground .

Hundreds of evolutionists are firefighters on the battle front . Once there is a danger, they will rush to block it . In the process of fighting, the armor that is hard to be hurt by swords and swords is also scarred . Many people have looked back and anxiously waiting to replace their evolutionists . At this time, Chen Qiaofeng rushes here on the giant python made of countless vines, Instantly caused all the soldiers cheering, but also detonated the final morale, a time zombie offensive blocked .

Chen Qiaofeng, one of the pioneers, with hundreds of evolutionists, rushed into the gap left by the soldiers . At the moment of crashing into the corpse sea, Chen Qiaofeng jumped up, the huge green Python suddenly disintegrated and scattered, flying out thousands of slender vines, each of which could accurately penetrate the head of the zombie . Countless vines were connected with hundreds of heads of the zombie, and the next moment, All the vines vibrated at the same time, and the heads of hundreds of zombies exploded together .

Among the cheers of countless people, Chen Qiaofeng slowly fell from the air . Under him, twists of vines formed a green throne, just catching him . Then the throne slowly arched up, and the vines formed countless tentacles of Octopus under him . Then the huge octopus quickly moved forward, Each move is like a shotgun, shooting out the roots and vines to pierce the zombies . Behind him, the highly motivated evolutionists roared, followed by them, killing the zombies on both sides of the green octopus .

One by one, zombies swarmed up and fell on Chen Qiaofeng"s way . No matter how many zombies he killed, new zombies would come to them, and these zombies would continue to evolve and become powerful, Under the siege of the sea of zombies, human beings gradually become weak to despair . At this time, there is only one figure in his mind, the girl who rides down on the rainbow carving to look for their processed food . He can"t help but smile at the thought that the girl is depressed and looks at the mutant beast but can"t make it familiar .

More zombies fell on his way forward, his ability consumption gradually increased, and his face turned pale . However, he did not notice his own situation, and continued to fall into memories . Before the end of his life, he was a very ordinary boy, neither handsome nor rich father, so like most men, he longed for a girlfriend who was not so bad looking, But when he has a strong ability, women are only a dispensable thing in his eyes . When countless women are willing to open their legs to him, the word love is equal to dog s.h.i.t in his heart, because he has seen too many women betray their own men in order to have a good meal, and too many men betray their own men in order to have more vitality, Push your own woman down in front of the zombie and block it for even a second . "I have had many women, some of them are still alive, some are dead, but there is no love . . . " An S3 zombie grabs the golden vine that shoots at it with a claw, jumps up and pours at Chen Qiaofeng, who is on the throne . Looking at the sharp claw that is about to catch his nose, Chen Qiaofeng still remembers that the throne suddenly grows numerous sharp teeth, just like a hedgehog to meet the zombie . Even the S3 zombie has no way to avoid it . He b.u.mps heavily on the hedgehog"s spines and falls down with holes in his body at the next moment, Chen Qiaofeng didn"t even look at it .

"Why does my heart beat faster? Didn"t I forget this feeling long ago? Is it because she"s an evolutionist? " The idea flashed by . At this time, they had already killed in the most dense area of zombies . Even if they were strangled on a large scale, they couldn"t keep up . Groups of S-shaped zombies sprang up like fleas, flailing their teeth and claws . The huge green Octopus suddenly stopped, and then flew up like black liquid rendered in the air by ink . These liquid smelled of pungent plant juice, All the zombies involved are just like flies without their heads . They collide with each other in a mess, and even some zombies begin to kill each other .

"No, she"s not the only female evolutionist . She"s the only one who makes me feel different . . . Yes, it"s her eyes . I haven"t seen such clean eyes for a long time . No matter how beautiful a woman is, no clean eyes will trigger my love, because love is dry and can"t contain any dirt . . . " Suddenly, his face turned red, as if he had taken stimulants, and his whole body began to tremble with excitement . The first mountain has been recovered, and the traces of yesterday"s battle still remain . Some pieces of damaged armor and mahogany spears inserted on the ground appear in his eyes .

When he got here, he should have had a rest, but in his confused thoughts, he rushed down the mountain, where there were more zombies .

Countless zombies are entwined by flexible vines, and are easily pierced by the coming evolutioners . With the power of spears, the evolutioners kill these annoying zombies like fleas . Because of the dive attack, the evolutioners who are not afraid of catching and biting are like torrents of zombies, and recover the whole mountain in less than ten minutes, The recovered peak was the main peak lost yesterday . There was only one road to connect the foot of the mountain . The zombies of the other two side peaks lost the support of troops and were soon wiped out by the evolutionists .

Many trees miraculously grow out on the bare hillside, forming a wall blocking the pa.s.sage down the mountain . In the process of rapid growth, the evolutors use precious metal weapons to cut down the transverse branches and leaves, so as to avoid the tight growing trees from squeezing out the gap . Soon the first wall is completed, although it only blocks the most gentle part, Most of the hillsides are not sheltered, but 60 percent of the zombies are stopped .

Chen Qiaofeng, who had used up his last bit of ability, watched dully as the thick tree wall fell down, and was caught by the evolutionists around him the next moment . He carefully carried it up to the top of the mountain and placed it on a simple March bed, which just allowed him to lie down and see the battle at the foot of the mountain . The battle at the foot of the mountain never stopped, and the soldiers in turn lined up behind him, Holding a spear like a forest to the foot of the mountain to reinforce the past, Chen Qiaofeng"s mind is not on the fight of life and death below, and his confused thoughts are still on meow .

"I"m in love with her, but how can I get her? She is so excellent, so perfect, in order to help him save 100000 survivors, willing to stay in this dangerous place, what do I have to like for her? " Chen Qiaofeng suddenly pinched his fists . At this moment, he finally felt the feeling of powerlessness and entanglement before the end of the world . Then he let go of his hand .

"No . . . no one is worthy of her except me . I am the best . I am the Savior of China . No one is better than me and no one is more capable than me . " Thinking of this, he can"t help but feel confident that the battle at the foot of the mountain has entered a white hot stage, but this is only the beginning . They have to fight for at least 12 hours before they can replace the soldiers who are on rotation in the rear . Next to him, the soldiers waiting for the rotation drag a corpse to one side, stack it up, take out the red fruit the size of a basketball and drill out the hole, Spread the clear liquid in the fruit evenly on the corpse pile and light it . The next moment, the blue flame will burn on the corpse .

The burned corpses did not emit thick black smoke, nor did they emit hot . The soldiers who lit the fire stood less than one meter away from the flame, staring at the burning corpses in a daze . This kind of flame only works for zombies . The burned corpses decompose as if they were melted . When all the corpses are evaporated, they disappear, The moment the flame touches the ground, it goes out .

Piles of blue flames seemed to purify the light, clearing all the zombies at the top of the mountain . Chen Qiaofeng slowly regained his strength, looked at the zombies below and wailed at the soldiers dragged into the corpse group, and could not help biting his fingernails, thinking again: "what if she does not accept my feelings? Who is the man she came here to look for? To make her so worried? Is it her family? Is it her husband? "

Thinking of this, Chen Qiaofeng felt as if he was about to explode . He sat up from the bed of the new army and wanted to stand on the ground . However, his legs were weak, and he rolled to the ground again . In the cry of the guards, Chen Qiaoshan lay on the ground, his eyes were round, looking at the dead bones on the ground and yelled hoa.r.s.ely: "no, impossible, she won"t have a man, even if she has a man, I can"t force her . She"s not a woman who sells everything for food . She"s perfect . I have to prove that her perfection is not worthy of anyone except meChen Qiaofeng, who returned to the March bed, vowed that the battle was going on at the foot of the mountain . The corpses were tumbling and piled up for more than three meters . They were growing in height and spreading to the hillside . The blue flames were burning on the corpses, just like a blue virus spreading in the sea of corpses< br>