Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2286: 2286

Chapter 2286: 2286

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, there"s a message from Sichuan that they need a lot of airships as means of transportation . The roads over there are seriously damaged and there is a serious lack of fuel . The recovery operation is not smooth, and the ammunition over there can"t keep up . They want some support from Hubei, but they are refused by w.a.n.g Le . w.a.n.g Le wants them to use the crossbows and arrows from Hubei, but Sichuan doesn"t want to, Both sides are bickering . "

"There is also a problem in Yinchuan and Inner Mongolia . Zhou Xiong reported to us privately that the government organization of Yinchuan, the Democratic Alliance, drew some civilians to demonstrate to the Executive Yuan and launched a non resistance sit in . They demanded to improve the living environment of the workers, shorten the working hours, and also demanded that . . . , which had been suppressed by Zhou Jie without formally informing the executive yuan of Hubei, Zhang Huaian asked you if he was reprimanding Zhou Jie . "

"The development of Guangxi has been frustrated, and chief Sanzi has found a large base, with an initial estimate of more than 70000 people . He is in the process of contact . However, chief Sanzi does not think that it can be accepted peacefully . That gathering place has formed a complete hierarchical system, unless all the evolutors and their families are eradicated, Otherwise, they would not be integrated into Huaxia rejuvenation completely . In addition, they have mastered a viral parasite, and all our messengers are infected . They asked us to exchange 50 tons of food for antidotes . The third leader has submitted a war report to the Hubei Military Ministry . "

"The hunter command reported that during this period, scattered zombies were eliminated a total of 38 million times . According to the new regulations, every time the zombies were promoted to 10 times of military merit, 13 million zombies were actually eliminated, and the market value of materials, vehicles and oil was 1 . 07 billion, most of which were living materials, which could temporarily guarantee the cost of the survivors of the three provinces for 10 years, So far, more than 1700 evolutionary matrixes have been distributed, and more than 1500 new evolutionists have been recruited in the hunter army . Because of the increase in the number of evolutionists, public security has begun to decline, and the crime rate of evolutionists has exceeded that of civilians . I hope that we can set up an evolutionist internal defense force . "

"Zhao Jun, who fought in Beijing, reported that the vanguard troops had reached the western Beijing Mountains, where they met the forces of the former Beijing Military Region who controlled the radar station . They demanded that the Yinmeng Huaxia rejuvenation army obey the command of the central government and accept the reorganization . They demanded that officers be sent to the rejuvenation army to serve as deputy officers and instructors . In addition, they promised that after we recovered Beijing, They will provide us with a batch of equipment and ammunition supply, but they want us to supply them with a thousand mutant horses . . . "

Standing at the window of the frigate, Zhang Xiaoqiang watched the waves of the river and listened to Huang Tingwei"s reports . These reports were all problems acc.u.mulated during this period and needed him to deal with them personally . In his meditation, the river water was mixed with black zombies . From time to time, the zombies pounded on the window, making a dull sound, and were swept into the bottom of the river by the whirling current, rushing downstream from the bottom of the frigate, There are also the bodies of survivors and soldiers wearing golden rattan beetles . They are all unfortunate people who were washed down the mountain by the shock wave of the supernova bomb explosion . Seeing these bodies, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no sense of guilt, because he wants to rescue 100000 survivors . When the number of survivors is quantified, the number of casualties is just a number in his eyes .

"How long before they cross the river? The width of the top of the frigate is more than 30 meters, and it can accommodate dozens of people to cross the river at the same time . The length of 137 meters only takes less than three minutes to complete . In ten minutes, we can transport thousands of people across the river at a time . Why have they not gone after six hours

Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned, looked at the river and questioned Huang Tingwei . For Chen Qiaofeng, the Pearl River is an insurmountable natural moat, but for Zhang Xiaoqiang, it is extremely simple . After sinking the movable turret on the top of the frigate, the frigate itself can serve as a bridge connecting the two sides, and the width of the Pearl River is smaller than the length of the frigate, The frigate stuck in the middle of the Pearl River is the way for 100000 survivors . The power of the supernova bomb that exploded before reached more than 30 kilometers in diameter, destroying more than 70% of the million zombies crowded in the mountainous area . For the sea of zombies of more than 10 million levels, the role of the supernova bomb is not obvious, and because we have to worry about the comfort of the survivors, the explosion point is relatively far away, This left at least 100000 zombies on the top of the mountain . At this time, it was little Lori, Zhuo Mingyue and hundreds of airborne marine evolutors who resisted .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care about the mere 100000 zombies . First of all, Zhuo Mingyue is four times as much as the previous Nianli Dao, and little Lori is like a fierce beast in the shape of a combine . No matter how many zombies there are, it"s impossible to break through . The main force of zombies is still more than 30 kilometers away . It"s impossible for him to catch up for three or five days . What he"s worried about is time, There is not much time to delay here . In the past, he did not carefully manage the rejuvenation of China . He just set up several sets of checks and balances to let his subordinates follow suit . Now it is no longer possible . The longer he leaves, the weaker his control becomes . The enemy he will deal with in the future needs to concentrate all his resources and manpower to win, So he has to twist the whole population and resources of China into a rope, even if it is violence .

"Because many people are hungry for several days and have no strength to walk . Although they are given food, they are still too weak . In addition, they have doubts about accepting our help . After all, the young leader is still on the other side . "

Huang Tingwei suggested that we wait for the crisis to make 100000 survivors appreciate them, His proposal has achieved certain results, but for the last generation, Chen Qiaofeng"s escape is the most normal . Although he has resentment in his heart, he doesn"t completely reject the young man as he used to, because in the last generation, the first thing everyone should consider is his own life . Chen Qiaofeng has a local ident.i.ty and the ability that others can"t replace him . This is not something that a group of outsiders can do, If we really want to accept these people, we should at least give them a safe environment, food to eat, and hope for the future . Just like Hubei and Yinmeng, the survivors will have a new desire after experiencing the most desperate life and getting what they want . That"s how the liberal Alliance came into being . "We"ll do it according to our previous plan . If he stops us, we"ll kill him . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t care about it . He didn"t care about killing innocent people . As the leader of a force, he should have taken up his responsibility . Before, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t have to wait for Chen Qiaofeng to cross the river . He just wanted to consume some more soldiers . After all, these soldiers were the most loyal to Chen Qiaofeng among the survivors, and he didn"t care about these soldiers .

"Well, actually that guy made a request for us, just . . . " Originally, he wanted to hide, but at the same time, he was willing to achieve this condition . But for some reason, Huang Tingwei always felt guilty . He felt that once he stepped in, the consequences would be far beyond his endurance . In the end, he could not help but put forward it .

"Well?" Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his eyebrows and looked at Huang Tingwei . He had never seen Huang Tingwei like this before . Huang Tingwei swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a low voice: "that young man proposed to give us 100000 survivors, but he wanted to pursue Miss meow, not force, just ask for an opportunity . . . "

"Shut up . . . " With a loud drink, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly sent out a fierce murderous air, forming a real wave, which bounced Huang Tingwei out and hit him on the wall . It was the same place where Zhuo Mingyue flew last time . Instead of being afraid, Zhang Xiaoqiang was very happy . Instead of joining his own view, he just said the conditions of the big boy euphemistically, If Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that he was actually in favor of it, it would not be so simple .

"I never think that women should pay for a man"s success . Meow is not anyone who can make up his mind . The boy who doesn"t even have a base doesn"t deserve to . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang is burning an unknown flame in his chest . When he thinks of someone trying to meow, all his calmness and indifference disappear . There is only one kind of madness to destroy . Originally, he is not decisive in his personal feelings, which is why he didn"t have much emotional experience before, so he hesitates when he was not affected by external forces, Find many reasons for himself, but once threatened, he will be as angry as an ordinary man, at least his things are not allowed to be touched by others, he has never been a generous person .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, there"s no need to be angry . No one can force you, and no one can force Miss meow . Chen Qiaofeng is just a small person . Even if they cross the river, they can"t save 100000 survivors . There"s no food, no supplies, they will run through sooner or later . "

Huang Tingwei"s words calmed Zhang Xiaoqiang down slowly, walked back and forth with both hands on his back, turned to Huang Tingwei and said, "it needs a lot of food for the transport ships to speed up . In addition, it also needs 30 transport ships full of soldiers and ammunition to clean up the city, so that the survivors here can have a place to settle down, I don"t know how Chen Qiaofeng became the leader? They have been able to stay in the mountains for five days, but they have never thought of recovering the city as a way out

Huang Tingwei was stunned, and then said: "in fact, they chose a good place . Because of the Pearl River water area, most of the urban areas of Guangzhou are isolated in the East, and the South and West can block the zombies . The zombies originally migrated in the north, but I don"t know how they came . If I were you, I would stay in the south, You can cross the river to search the city for urgently needed materials . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was silent . Then he shook his head and said, "forget it, this place is not suitable for development . Even if they have a foothold on the other side of the river, if the zombies are not eliminated one day, they will not be able to live in peace . "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, the survivors split up . The news that Chen Qiaofeng gave up 100000 survivors in order to pursue Miss meow was leaked . Only a part of the evolutionists were willing to follow him . A woman named Miao Luoci took more than 200 evolutionists to join us, and the soldiers who had been abandoned before were willing to join us with their families, The evolutionists want us to send them to Hubei, and the military wants us to provide food and weapons . "

Fu Shanlin sent the latest news to Zhang Xiaoqiang through the internal call system, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Tingwei happy at the same time . Once a force splits, there will be no power to resist their demands . Chen Qiaofeng"s shortsightedness has finally received a bad result< br>