Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2288: 2288

Chapter 2288: 2288

Zhang Xiaoqiang has been in the hospital with Yang Ke"er for three consecutive days . The medicine he brought back from Australia is used on the unconscious girl for the first time . Looking at Yang Ke"er who is in deep sleep, Zhang Xiaoqiang is full of remorse . Yang Ke"er is his closest person and irreplaceable in his mind . Yang Ke"er"s injury makes him unable to accept, Don"t dare to think about intimacy call his uncle loli motionless lying on the bed, never wake up,

Sitting beside Yang Ke"er"s bed, Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at her clean face like a fool . In three years, Yang Ke"er has grown into a big girl, and her pretty face is a little pale . Looking at this pale face, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but think of the moment when he first met outside the city that day . At that time, he was still a survivor who was nothing . He took Yang Ke"er to survive . Along the way, he met all kinds of survivors and saw all kinds of evils of the last human beings . Only when they met Yang Ke"er"s relative brother long did he really start to build a power, And gradually found his own position in his growth . Although he was forced out step by step, if he had not met Yang Ke"er, maybe he would have been lost in the public, let alone have today"s achievements and abilities .

Seeing what Yang Ke"er looks like at this time, he only feels a stabbing pain in his heart, which makes it difficult for him to breathe . Yuan Yi sleeps on the bed of his left hand, breathing deeply . The woman whom he has been angry with has been sleeping in this bed for nearly half a year, taking care of Yang Ke"er all the time, turning her head and looking at Yuan Yi"s thin face, Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but feel sorry . Yuan Yi, his earliest woman, has always regarded him as his backbone . It can be said that Yuan Yi lives for Zhang Xiaoqiang . She is also a virtuous woman . She doesn"t know what to ask for from Zhang Xiaoqiang, and she has been paying silently . It is precisely because of this that she gradually becomes marginalized in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart, This marginalization comes from the fact that there are more and more women around Zhang Xiaoqiang . Men"s energy is limited, and Zhang Xiaoqiang has countless responsibilities and things, so he ignores the woman who doesn"t ask for return, and also ignores the woman who loves him most .

Yuan Yi hasn"t had a good sleep for a long time . Her heavy breathing makes her unable to notice Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is only a line away from her eyelids . The hot air from her nose hits Yuan Yi"s eyelashes, and she can"t help turning to the other side . Looking at Yuan Yi sleeping with her back on her back, his depression makes him want to call Yuan Yi up and apologize to her, for fear that it will affect Yuan Yi"s sleep .

At this moment, the door was gently pushed open, and a pretty little nurse nodded to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Then he went out . Zhang Xiaoqiang got up and folded Yuan Yi"s c.o.c.ked corner, gently touched her hair, and turned to go out . At the moment when he went out, Yuan Yi"s eyes closed on the bed were wet on the pillow, but she didn"t open her eyes, Carefully press the corner of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s quilt tightly under his body .

It has been a long time since he saw the doctor . Seeing the doctor again, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that there was not much change in the way he first saw him . Thick lenses were filled with a layer of indistinct stains . His middle and long hair had not been cleaned for a long time . He smelled of balm and had a beard on his chin, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not help but step back and distance himself from the doctor . At this time, he found that the little nurse who led the way had already retreated to the door and was obviously frightened by the doctor .

The doctor saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang did not show any warmth, and the pupil behind the lens was full of blood, but his sharp eyes stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang like a beast without blinking . Without saying anything polite, he asked: "do you have any living samples of puppet soldiers? The information you gave me gives me a new idea . I have to get a complete set of manufacturing equipment and enough experimental materials for puppet soldiers . With these, I can break the bottleneck that I fell into during this period of time . . . "

Waving his hand to the little nurse at the door, Zhang Xiaoqiang went to the sofa beside the wall and sat down . While drawing out his cigarette, he motioned to the doctor to sit down, but the doctor didn"t buy it . He stepped forward and stood in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang and looked down at him . He wanted to put pressure on Zhang Xiaoqiang and agreed to his request . The pressure of the doctor was a fart to Zhang Xiaoqiang, He lit his cigarette, c.o.c.ked up his legs, trembled his toes and said, "there are no living puppet soldiers, no manufacturing equipment, and even the technical data given to you are out of print . If you want to make achievements, you have to do it yourself . Since you made the evolutionary matrix, you have no success any more, have you? If you do this all the time, the amount of goods you will be given will be reduced by two-thirds in the future . "

The last few words made the doctor furious, and then he was wiped out by Zhang Xiaoqiang with a basin of cold water . He grabbed his scalp hard, and the flour like dandruff flew between Zhang Xiaoqiang and him . Zhang Xiaoqiang was so scared that he quickly stirred up the killing barrier to pop these chilling little things away . Even if he did, his psychology was a little hairy, The coquettish dandruff of a doctor who doesn"t wash his hair all the year round is comparable to the most effective biochemical weapon . Zhang Xiaoqiang feels that the air is full of smaller scalps . He has to promise to leave as soon as he opens his mouth .

The doctor didn"t know that his scalp would be so powerful . He stopped to buckle his scalp fingers, wiped off the oil on his fingers on his lapel, and whispered, "it"s not that there are no results, but the results haven"t been developed yet . . . "The doctor softened, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s confidence became stronger . He cried out: "I am very disappointed that the evolutionary matrix has not been able to achieve 100% success rate . The blood has been sent to your laboratory . You should know that the effect of that thing is much stronger than that of the evolutionary matrix, and it is still 100% natural, let alone can improve the ability of the evolutor . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang belittled the evolution matrix for nothing, which made the doctors want to explain . However, some doctors didn"t know how to say it, and they had to scratch the scalp urgently . So they stopped Zhang Xiaoqiang and said, "but after all, you still have a hard time . I can"t get the living puppet warrior, and I can still get the training tank and related control chip, I"ll get it for you, but I have to see the results . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t really blame the doctor . The evolutionary matrix can be replaced by blood species, but blood species need a lot of blood, which limits the production of blood species . If the cost is converted, the cost of an evolutionary matrix is far less than one tenth of that of blood species, and there is another characteristic of evolutionary matrix that blood species don"t have, which is the containment of virus, In addition to the corpses that are actually infected and mutated by viruses, even if the evolutioners are scratched by zombies, the only known effective medicine is the evolutionary matrix, which is the fundamental guarantee to reduce the casualties in zombie combat . In the past, countless soldiers who have benefited from the evolutionary matrix are grateful to the doctors who invented the evolutionary matrix, The 70% success rate is not only the success rate of becoming an evolutor, but also the success rate of immunizing the virus . For those soldiers who are about to become zombies, this is undoubtedly a blessing in disguise .

The doctor didn"t say what his final achievement was, and Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t ask, or he didn"t dare to let the doctor stay with him . Before the doctor went out, Zhang Huai"an and Huang Quan came in . They hadn"t seen each other for several months . Zhang Huai"an was getting older and older . He used to have gray temples, but now he has white hair . If Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know that Zhang Huai"an was less than 50 years old, I"m afraid I thought he was hiding his true age of twenty .

Huang Quan is still the same . He is more calm . He has a certain dogmatic and resolute upper temperament . But his respect for Zhang Xiaoqiang has never changed . After entering the door, he salutes Zhang Xiaoqiang solemnly . He looks at Zhang Huai"an, who is white haired because of his government affairs, and at Huang Quan, who is calm but can"t see thirty . Zhang Xiaoqiang again shows some apologies, Smile and let them sit on the sofa beside them .

As soon as he was seated, Zhang Huai"an took out a thick notebook and opened it . Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly waved his hand and said, "no, just look at these things and decide . You did a good job when I was away . Hubei and Sichuan can develop so well . Your credit ranks first . . . "

For his own people, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not stingy with praise . Zhang Huai"an"s happy old face is wrinkled into old pickles . In the past, because of the mistakes of the missile base, he once lost self-confidence and became timid . Later, he acted as the leader in the Wuhan gathering place and took over from Zhang Xiaoqiang to do some unimportant things . He slowly trained and built a c.o.c.kroach base with the cooperation of Huang Quan, Although Hubei"s development is quite conservative, there are no big mistakes under his care, and its internal operation is also good . Compared with the hidden dangers arising from the rapid development of Yinmeng and Sichuan, Hubei"s control power is the strongest . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang has an accident, Hubei will not have any changes, and will still be supported by Zhang Huai"an and huangquan, Taking Zhang Xiaoqiang"s only son as the leader, of course, is the last thing Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to see .

"The general direction of Hubei"s development is Sichuan . Sichuan, together with Qinghai and Tibet, has a lot of resources, which can provide s.p.a.ce and supply for our future development . Of course, Hubei can"t stop either . Up to now, two thirds of Hubei"s cities have been recovered and a large number of zombies have been cleared . All this is due to the credit of huangquan, although you don"t have a big victory in Yinmeng, However, the number of zombies you have eliminated is not less than that there . The same number of zombies have been eliminated, and less than half of the weapons, ammunition and materials consumed there . All these are the achievements of Hubei Province . I am very satisfied . "

After praising Zhang Huai"an, Zhang Xiaoqiang praises Huang Quan . Huang Quan has already gone through an emotional age . Mature and steady is his temperament . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s praise still makes him excited . Seeing that Huang Quan wants to get up, Zhang Xiaoqiang stops him immediately, pats him on the shoulder and says: "the good fighters are useless . I know what you have done, The foundation of Hubei is not as good as that of Yinmeng . It has exceeded my expectation to have this achievement . Shiyuanye and Zhao Jun can be the generals of the first army, and you can be the commander of a country in huangquan . That"s the difference . "

In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s view, Yinmeng"s military action has made some rapid progress, which is also his style left behind when Yinmeng rose . Yinmeng was no better than Hubei . At the beginning of its rise, there were all kinds of enemies, and the external environment was always bad, so it was necessary to go all out . Besides the millions of zombies in Wuhan, Hubei had no powerful enemy, so it created two development styles, Yinmeng got 800000 survivors at one time . What we pay attention to is a fast, rapid development and rapid expansion .

Hubei nearly destroyed the c.o.c.kroach base because of millions of zombies . Huangquan began to seek stability and achieved the greatest results at the lowest cost . Although it did not kill tens of millions of zombies at one time, its expansion speed was not slow . Relying on the sparrow tactics, it acc.u.mulated considerable achievements and had little impact on the civilians under its influence, It can be said that it is to support the war with war, and most of the consumption is borne by the hunters themselves . They are very good at living by careful calculation . "Brother c.o.c.kroach, I"m afraid of your praise . Everything here is your plan . We just carry out your orders . You can see a lot of things farther than us . . . " Huang Quan respects Zhang Xiaoqiang and does not dare to take credit . However, Zhang Huai"an does not have so many ideas . Seeing that the atmosphere is good, he laughs and says: "CHEN Ye has at least half of the credit for Huang Quan"s great achievements . Since CHEN Ye gave birth to a son, Huang Quan has no status at home . In order to restore the dignity of a man, he has to be cool to others, It makes everyone afraid of him . No matter who it is, no one dares to abuse him . "

Huang Quan didn"t refute anything . He was used to Zhang Huai"an"s ridicule . Zhang Xiaoqiang pondered for a moment and said, "at present, it"s still very difficult for us . It"s not the right time to discuss merit and reward . I"m thinking about leaving a fortune for Hao"er when I retire, so that they can do what they want . We can also consider that there are many good things in the end, In addition to strategic materials and technology, CHEN Ye can operate what he sees with potential . Anyway, he has to leave some benefits for future generations . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words embarra.s.sed Huang Quan a little, and he whispered: "there"s no need to worry about c.o.c.kroach brother . Minister Zhang has prepared for me and w.a.n.g Le"s honest people . w.a.n.g Le"s dry son and Xu Jing of Materials Research Inst.i.tute have married and opened a armor customization shop . They use the received variant animal materials to customize armor for the evolutionary hunter, and the honest people have set up several building materials factories, Provide some materials that can"t be found in the city, and CHEN Ye has found a place to plant edible mutant fruits . Even minister Zhang has set up a farm to breed some domesticated mutant animals and provide meat . "< br>