Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2299: 2299

Chapter 2299: 2299

The helicopter carrying Zhou Jie landed slowly . There were many helicopters on the ap.r.o.n where they landed . In addition to nearly a hundred helicopters, there were huge air frigates lying in the corner of the ap.r.o.n like mountains . When the frigate fell into their eyes, Zhou Jie only had admiration and excitement, while Tang Mengru turned pale, He stares at the frigate and clenches his fists . The frigate is like a prehistoric beast, giving people a feeling of ferocity and despair . Although Zhou Jie sympathizes with the Democratic Alliance, his heart belongs to the rejuvenation of China . Seeing this frigate is only exciting and exciting, which makes him full of confidence in the future of the rejuvenation of China . Naturally, Tang Mengru"s heart is another idea, She seemed to see countless people turned into ashes under the firepower of the frigate, and the people who fought for freedom and equality howled under the claws of the beast .

"Let"s go down . From now on, you are my secretary . Don"t expose your ident.i.ty as the president of the League to anyone . Once you are caught, you only need to send out Zhou Xiong . All the secrets in your heart will be dug out . At that time, the whole Democratic League will be uprooted, and more than one hundred and two hundred people will die . "

Standing on the tarmac, Zhou Jie once again warned Tang Mengru that Tang Mengru was in a trance . She had thought about getting insight into the army, seizing power by force like the 1911 Revolution, and creating a new era . But when she saw the frigate, she knew that all her plans were just a joke . As long as she had this frigate, she would not be able to understand it, The power of China as a whole is not an opponent of the rejuvenation of China .

"It"s all c.o.c.kroach that makes the Renaissance of China today . Hot spring base, c.o.c.kroach base, the first Sumu town and the first county town recovered in Inner Mongolia . At that time, I took my brothers to look for supplies and food everywhere . When I met with c.o.c.kroach, it happened that Huang Jinqi raided us . If it wasn"t for c.o.c.kroach, I would not live today . . . "

Although it"s less than three years, he feels like he"s lived a lifetime . He"s full of nostalgia . He can"t say it"s nostalgia for the difficult start-up on that day or the great development of Yinmeng . Today"s protagonist is Zhang Xiaoqiang, and most managers are around him, Zhou Jie was met by a small director of the reception office in Hubei Province . Zhou Jie was not annoyed either . Under his leadership, he walked to the reception building . As they walked, they talked, while Tang Mengru was thinking about something in her heart .

"Minister Zhou came just in time, and the ceremony will not officially start until an hour later . Before you, Minister Zhao and minister Shi arrived . In addition, many people from Yinmeng arrived by airship yesterday . There was an old acquaintance named Jinxing who brought a lot of special products from Yinmeng for the wedding of brother c.o.c.kroach, In addition, the commander named Xu Hao sent ten mutant ponies . By the way, Captain LV Xiaobu also came back . He was drinking with his old brothers . How busy it was . . . "

The casual conversation made Zhou Jie feel heavy . As long as all the people on the table in Yinmeng were in front of him, but no one said anything to him . Suddenly, he was excluded from the core circle of Yinmeng . Thinking that he was one of the three giants in Yinmeng, he was rejected by others . He felt a little uneasy and turned to Tang Mengru, I couldn"t help hanging my heart .

Yueyang and song kunhai are representatives of Sichuan . Of course, there are more than two representatives . The Yangtze River connects the two places . Two people lead the team, and hundreds of people go down the river with the second fleet . They first go to the hot spring base to change cars and arrive at the c.o.c.kroach base . With them, there are dozens of tons of materials for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s wedding, including 10 tons of Shanzhen dried fruit in Sichuan, There are also all kinds of liquors found in the city . These liquors are at least decades old, and even more than a hundred years old . There are countless famous liquors in Sichuan, among which Wuliangye, Jiannanchun, Luzhou Laojiao and Shuijingfang are well-known . The cellars of these distilleries are the oldest old liquors in the bottom of the storehouse . This time, Sichuan has made a lot of money and transported all the liquors more than 20 years old, At one time, the quant.i.ty exceeded 10 tons . These drinks were not used for wedding, but as a gift to Zhang Xiaoqiang as a heirloom .

Yueyang sincerely admires Zhang Xiaoqiang . The new era is a big stone on them . Suddenly, the new era is split, and even Australia is out of the new era . In his opinion, this is all the achievements made by Zhang Xiaoqiang . What excites him most is that Zhang Xiaoqiang has reached an agreement with Australia, and the soldiers of the Legion have found their wives and children . Of course, When they met each other, they were embarra.s.sed . Many women thought that their husbands died in the war in China, and they reorganized their families in Australia . In order to please China, a.s.sad abruptly broke up these couples . As a result, when these women even gave birth to their children came to Sichuan, they met their husbands who thought they had died in the war, but they held other people"s children, which caused a burst of thunder and fire .

But it"s just a small matter . After all, many soldiers have found wives in Sichuan . Another result is that those women who don"t believe that their husbands were killed in the battle have come all the way back to China with their children, only to see that their husbands are accompanied by other women . In one word, it"s chaos . The whole barracks is in a mess, Every day a woman grabs her husband"s collar and makes a scene . Every day a husband is sulky when he sees other people"s children . He used to drink too much, but those who are still single stand by to watch . When Yueyang came to Hubei to celebrate, he didn"t have much trouble . When he saw Xiaoshan and Weifeng, he couldn"t help laughing . There were at least two acquaintances here, but Xiaoshan was not happy . He nodded to Yueyang with a dead face as a greeting . He led a three-year-old boy to the other direction . The little boy still had two runny noses, Holding a handful of fried fruit in his hand, he ate while walking and looked at Yueyang curiously .

"Well, that"s his son . Xiao Shan is in a bad mood . Don"t care . " Wei Feng went to Yueyang and looked at Xiaoshan "?

"Xiaoshan, what"s the matter?" Yue Yang"s question made Wei Feng look strange . After a long hesitation, he said, "Xiao Shan cares about his wife very much, but his wife . . . Has added a younger sister to his son who is under one year old . . . " As soon as he said this, Yueyang understood . He looked at Wei Feng more strangely and asked tentatively, "your wife didn"t give you any more children, did she?"

"Go away, I never believe in marriage, how happy a person is . . . " Wei Feng laughed and scolded for a while, and then said: "Sichuan needs to speed up . Brother c.o.c.kroach has recovered the 10th corps of Hunan, and is ready to transfer some officers of the former corps to reorganize in the past, which may be used in Sichuan . Besides, yesterday, Zhang Huai"an privately said that from next week, the supply of high-purity oil will be open, and the zombies in their respective areas will be wiped out, Integrating the most elite soldiers into the rapid reaction force may inject them with evolutionary matrix ahead of time . "

Yueyang is stunned by a series of news . Sichuan is blessed with nearly 100 million zombies, but they are divided into narrow areas by mountain roads . Even if there are high-speed kilometers and railways, they can not form a large-scale corpse tide . As long as we do not deliberately recover the city, the efficiency of cleaning up scattered zombies in the countryside is not much slower than that in Hubei, Just because Sichuan is mountainous and watery, and the terrain is complex and changeable, the survival rate of survivors is not small . A large part of them are soldiers of Chengdu Military Region . Like s...o...b..lling, they continue to develop and expand, and the number of survivors once reached more than 500000 . This is only a scattered collection of survivors . If they cross the Chengdu Plain, the population will be more, Relatively speaking, Sichuan is the best developed area .

In such a good situation, we should strive for stability . While h.o.a.rding ammunition and materials, we should clean up the zombies in the mountain areas, slowly restore the ordnance industry, and finally concentrate on clearing the zombies in the city . Wei Feng"s words mean that Sichuan"s development is about to enter a high-speed period, and at the same time, we need to dispatch elite troops to form a fast reaction force, which is obviously risky, A bad thing is the heavy casualties . Compared with Zhang Xiaoqiang"s wedding, this is a big event .

"How can there be so much gossip? Now the situation is very good, brother c.o.c.kroach is still in Hubei, and the Chinese Renaissance is strong . What else can happen? Don"t make alarmist remarks here . Brother c.o.c.kroach is about to come down . Go there as soon as possible, or you won"t be able to find your position later . "

Yue Yang retorts a few words and ignores Wei Feng . Seeing that song kunhai is in front of him, he murmurs a few words and follows him . Wei Feng looks thoughtfully at the magnificent frigate like mountains in the distance . The frigate has been built in Hubei for three months, and its sh.e.l.l has been replaced with special materials transported from Yinmeng . It"s almost a month"s rest, But the frigate hasn"t moved all the time, which is obviously abnormal . He always feels that Zhang Xiaoqiang is brewing something in the dormant period of these three months< br>