Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2303: 2303

Chapter 2303: 2303

Shuttling through the crowd, Zhou Jie feels that he has some strength in wine and wants to drink water . Before that, he has to find Tang Mengru .

Zhou Jie regretted that he brought Tang Mengru here . He looked for her three times inside and outside . The women also went in and out many times, but they didn"t go to the women"s toilet . The women are all the family members of local officials in Hubei Province . Most of Zhou Jie"s faces are not good when they see him wandering around . If it wasn"t for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s great joy today, they all have the idea of calling someone to teach him a lesson, Zhou Jie asked these women about their whereabouts .

After a long time without smoking, he didn"t get used to the feeling of green smoke . After a while, he narrowed his eyes and vomited out more smoke .

"Where on earth have you been? She should know where it is . . . "

"Why are you so disobedient? Is it easy for me? For her sake, I"m at risk of being ruined . . . "

"Did she find the man she wanted? Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh, Pooh

All kinds of thoughts made his mind a mess . When his cigarette burned his fingers in his meditation, two security personnel in full skin armor came up to him . One of them asked, "Zhou Jie of Yinmeng Executive Yuan?", They are arrogant and powerless . Looking at Zhou Jie, they are like interrogating prisoners . Obviously, they don"t care about Zhou Jie"s ident.i.ty as governor .

Zhou Jie looked up and found that both of them were evolutionists with the symbol of tuanlong"s inner guard on their chest . He stood up for some inexplicable reasons . He knew the ident.i.ties of the two men . The c.o.c.kroach base is a military center in Hubei Province, which stores a large amount of ammunition and corrosion sources . It is also a maintenance yard for air frigates and transport ships . The protection work is guarded by the most loyal soldiers, These soldiers were rescued after being infected by the virus during the war with zombies . They have no lack of determination to fight . They are grateful to their superiors for using the evolutionary matrix of one million f.u.xing coins, which makes them the most solid supporters of Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang is also willing to equip them with the best weapons and protective armor, which are all made from the top materials of high-level mutant animals, Even S3 zombies may not be able to be broken . Ordinary light weapons can"t break the defense at all . Any set that goes out is the best that hunters are willing to buy with ten million f.u.xing coins .

It can be said that this army is the most elite evolutionist army in the world . You Yinhua, tulip and puppet soldiers in the new era can"t compare with each other, not to mention the beast soldiers in the United States and the evolutionists catalyzed by blood in Britain . In addition, although millions of evolution matrix and weapons worth tens of millions of dollars seem expensive outside, they are nothing to Zhang Xiaoqiang, The evolutionary matrix is completely handed over to Zhang Xiaoqiang by the doctor . There is no patent fee . At most, it is less than 100000 f.u.xing yuan . The materials of high-level mutant animals are all monopolized . After calculation, it is only a little processing fee . High level mutant animals are often huge and can equip 100 people with any one of them . In the eyes of Huaxia f.u.xing executives, it is not as affordable as flesh and blood .

"I am . What can I do for you?" Zhou Jie, who has been in the upper position for a long time, has a calm temperament . He is not afraid of the Dragon guards like others . He makes the two men"s arrogance subside slightly . One of them whispers: "please come with us . The order is given by brother c.o.c.kroach . Don"t make us difficult . . . "

As soon as the words came out, Zhou Jie said in secret: "it"s bad, Tang Mengru is bad . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on the wooden chair and closed his eyes . He didn"t know where meow came from . He grabbed Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arm and shook it, pleading: "why can"t you marry me, but that girl is not as beautiful as me . You"ve married five girls, and you"re not bad for me . Isn"t it a good luck to get together six girls? Don"t you want to be lucky . . . "

”Bulls.h.i.t . . . So if I marry two more women, can I make up seven stars to accompany the moon? Go away, what"s the name of the children"s family? Don"t you see I"m busy? " In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, meow is still the dirty little thing like a mud monkey . Sometimes, the first side decides the impression . At least in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind, this little girl is not big . It"s like when I first met Yang Ke"er, she had everything tall and tall . It"s fried poached eggs . It"s also eggs .

Meow meow"s crisp voice is like the first cry of a nightingale . Zhang Huai"an, who is on the other side, can"t say it"s pleasant and charming . He loves children most at his age . He always treats his younger generation as his grandson . Seeing meow"s lovely appearance, he can"t help but say, "c.o.c.kroach, meow meow will be eighteen in two years, Are you a b.a.s.t.a.r.d who is willing to take advantage of others? Or . . . "

It"s only half said . The rest is for Zhang Xiaoqiang to guess for himself . Zhang Huai"an has aroused Zhang Xiaoqiang"s deep thinking . Meow is undoubtedly the best evolutionist . Her strange ability can be easily solved even if she is mentally calculating but not intentionally . She is loyal to herself . She puts all her thoughts on herself, and no one but herself is ignored by her, But now it doesn"t mean it will be the same in the future . Before, there was a boy in Guangdong who was willing to give up the country for the sake of meow . If he really met someone with the opposite eye and was cheated by others, wouldn"t he lose a lot of money?"We"d better wait two years to talk about this . Now meow is still young, and many things are not well considered . " Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t refuse to accept, which means that he didn"t object . Zhang Huai"an, who always regarded himself as a dog, recognized the meaning of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words . Meow is more and more beautiful and more attractive . Zhang Xiaoqiang is also nostalgic . Many times he says no, but he doesn"t think so .

"I don"t want it . You and Ke"er decided three years ago . Why should I wait two years before I quit . . . " Miaomiao is an acute person . She is afraid that she won"t be able to get married . It"s just a promise to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang . Little Lori sits on the pile of walnuts in the corner, pinching walnuts and eating them while looking at Yang Ke"er"s coquettish appearance . She seems to think the game is very interesting . She immediately sits on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s back neck, holds Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes and opens her mouth, just like a kitten chirping: "yes . . . ", I want to . . . "

"Ha ha, brother c.o.c.kroach, you really kill all ages . . . " When Zhang Huai"an saw FeiMeng"s heartbreaking little pattern, he just wanted to hold it in his arms and love it . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang was upset by Feifei"s neurotic playfulness . Although the small hands holding his eyes were as soft as dough, he knew that these small hands could also easily pick out his eyes .

At this time, Huang Quan entered the door and whispered to Zhang Xiaoqiang, "Zhou Jie has been arrested . There is no resistance . The arrested guard said that he is very cooperative and does not understand the situation . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang takes off the wild monkey like Feifei and holds her in his arms . He shoves candy into her mouth and throws it at Zhang Huai"an . Zhang Huai"an holds Feifei in his arms like an ace goalkeeper . But it"s just an illusion . At the moment when his arms are closed, xiaofeifei mysteriously disappears from him and reappears in front of the walnut pile, While holding the sugar in his mouth, he pinched open the hard walnut the size of an apple .

"To monitor him temporarily and all the senior management of Yinmeng at the same time, we must ensure that they are under control before this matter is solved . I hope this is just a column . . . "

Huang Quan hesitated when he heard Zhang Xiaoqiang say so, pondered for a while, and said: "will it scare the snake? In case . . . " Huang Quan doesn"t object to monitoring the whole senior management of Yinmeng, but he"s afraid to arouse their vigilance . Yinmeng is a group of its own, and it doesn"t have close ties with Hubei . There are still some problems between the two sides . Without Zhang Xiaoqiang, maybe Yinmeng would have been split long ago . Huang Quan always thought that there was a hidden danger, so he never really felt at ease about it .

Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed and said: "there is no such thing as beating gra.s.s to scare snake . I just want to beat them . I don"t believe they don"t know anything about this problem . Didn"t Zhou Xiong report that there was a Democratic Alliance before? I think the root of this matter is here . A small democratic alliance can"t handle it . Either Zhou Xiong is too incompetent, or there are people sheltering him . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t say the reason for sheltering, and Huang Quan roughly guessed that the senior management of Yinmeng had begun to question Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order, but the army supported Zhang Xiaoqiang, so the problem of military and political antagonism came into being . However, no matter what the reason, it was not so simple to calculate Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head, and someone must be responsible for it .

"What about tomorrow"s Congress?" Zhang Huai"an doesn"t think that the problem of Yinmeng is too important . He always focuses on Hubei . It"s enough to manage Hubei and its surrounding areas well . Although Yinmeng"s development is good, he doesn"t want to extend his hand so far .

"Continue to open, in addition, be prepared to take over the government affairs of Yinmeng, it"s time to take back the rights of Yinmeng . . . " Huang Quan and Zhang Huai"an were surprised by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words, and then the word "centralization" flashed across their minds .

"No, madam Zhuo and madam Ke"er are here . . . " The door was pushed open again, and the panic stricken honest man rushed in . At the first sight of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he said the bad news that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want to hear . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s calm strategy disappeared immediately . He pushed open the meow beside him, rushed to the bedside and lay down, and then said: "they"ll be handed over to you . . . "

"Sleep . . . " With a scream and a flash of shadow, she comes to Zhang Xiaoqiang . She puts her arms around Zhang Xiaoqiang"s neck and her b.u.t.tocks are buried in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arms . As soon as she looks at her, her teeth itch . Before she makes noise, the quarrel between Yang Ke"er and Zhuo Mingyue comes from outside the door . At the next moment, Huang Quan, Zhang Huai"an and honest people rush to another room, Ignore Zhang Xiaoqiang"s previous orders< br>