Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2305: 2305

Chapter 2305: 2305

The meeting lasted for two hours . After the meeting, the officials below the top left the c.o.c.kroach base and returned to their posts . Zhang Xiaoqiang left several top officials to hold a short meeting . At this meeting, Sanzi was recognized and affirmed by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and asked him to make persistent efforts to recover the whole Guangxi, Yueyang and song kunhai, on the other hand, accepted Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order to further accelerate the development of Sichuan . Every day, transport ships sent a large amount of red algae back to Yinmeng and Hubei . So far, they have acc.u.mulated 600000 tons of red algae in three months . 600000 tons of red algae are equivalent to hundreds of millions of tons of oil, which can fully meet the oil supply of the whole rejuvenation of China, The combat capability of the armed forces has been increased several times . As long as the roads remain unblocked, they can still run .

Finally, there are only Huang Quan, Zhao Jun, Shi Yuanye and Zhou Jie left in the conference room . Huang Quan accompanies Zhang Xiaoqiang to look at the information in his hand and does not speak . Zhang Xiaoqiang slides the screen with a tablet computer and does not speak . Shi Yuanye holds a teacup and closes his eyes . Only Zhao Jun looks at this and that . If he wants to speak, he doesn"t know what to say .

"Beijing"s urban area and its surrounding areas have almost been cleaned up, and all military academies and General Armament departments have been recovered . Through the archives and doc.u.ments found by the General Armament Department, the a.r.s.enals in all regions of China can be found out, and the storage locations of retired weapons replaced in previous dynasties are also known, There are enough grain depots and oil depots to feed one billion people for three years, waiting for us to accept at any time . "

The time of silence was not short . Ishiharano took the lead in speaking . He knew that today"s meeting was for Zhou Jie . After cooperating for such a long time, even if he was unhappy, he didn"t want to go down the well and throw out the harvest of Beijing, hoping to attract Zhang Xiaoqiang"s attention .

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded his head to know that Beijing is the political center of China, where most of China"s heritages are there . It"s no surprise to acquire these things . After three months of dormancy, Zhang Xiaoqiang has roughly sorted out all regions of China, not counting Hainan and Taiwan, but the forces of various provinces on the land, Among them, Guangdong and Hunan were basically merged into Huaxia Renaissance . Guizhou, Shaanxi, Anhui and Henan all had Hubei army"s forward bases, with Hubei as the center, establishing a loose protective circle . The next step of Hubei"s development was Shaanxi, where there were not only a large number of heavy weapons left by the previous garrison, but also connected with Gansu, Gansu happens to be the main direction for the development of Yinchuan and Inner Mongolia . Once Gansu and Shaanxi are opened up, Hubei and Yinchuan will be formally connected . It will take less than 24 hours to reach the destination by taking the expressway .

However, in the good situation, there are internal problems, which have to alert Zhang Xiaoqiang . He was so desperate that he didn"t want to try again . All the dangerous signs must be killed . If he hadn"t always been nostalgic, Zhou Jie would not have been able to sit in front of him intact . He also understood the meaning of Ishihara"s wild words, but he just didn"t speak, Waiting for Zhou Jie to take the initiative .

"By the way, we also rescued many aristocratic children in Beijing . They asked to exchange resources for sites, or land around Yinchuan City, and keep some armed forces . If we can"t keep armed forces, we hope we can accept them to the management level . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned and said, "don"t worry, just throw it to Qinghai . If you don"t want to go to Qinghai, just be a common people for me . "

At first, he was in a bad mood . Hearing the news from these people, Zhang Xiaoqiang was even more upset . He didn"t look down on the materials . He was so amazing . He learned from the previous government that all the underground things belonged to the state, whether they were buried treasures or the coffins of his ancestors . But this topic was just a strange smile from the head, Turning his head to Huang Quan, he said, "a pair of cousins have asked us about Hubei . One is Huang Cheng, the other is Huangshan . . . "

After brushing the floor, Huang Quan stood up and stared at ishiharano and roared, "why didn"t you tell me earlier . . . "

Now Zhang Xiaoqiang has some interest . He has heard about the family background before huangquan . His grandfather was one of the founding generals . After decades of trials and hardships, he sheltered the Huang family"s children . Although he was not a top family in the four or nine cities, he was also a big family in Zhumen . Originally, huangquan didn"t miss him . He was the only one left in the family, but he didn"t expect anyone to survive .

"Before they were not screened out, and the soldiers didn"t like these rich families . The cousins came to inquire after learning that we had power in Hubei . Of course, we didn"t tell them about you . It depends on your choice . They are also one of the families . . . "

Huang has the final say of his brain, but at least he remembered Zhang Xiaoqiang"s presence here, turning his head to Zhang Xiaoqiang and saying, "Huang Cheng is the son of my uncle . Mount Huangshan is my uncle"s son . They are all military students . They come forward to explain that my elders have left . Huang now I have the final say, let them take the lead to Qinghai, and the rest of the family can"t say what . . . "

After Huang Quan finished, he couldn"t sit still . He looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang eagerly, as if he didn"t want to stay any longer . Zhang Xiaoqiang envied Huang Quan . It was a miracle like reunion that he could find his relatives in the last days . He nodded and said, "give you three days to take them back to Hubei . Your grandparents can fight a family, and you can also . . . "After Huang Quan left, if Zhang Xiaoqiang had a deep look at ishiharano, who was sipping tea, and didn"t say anything, ishiharano was obviously trying to save the country by crowding out Huang Quan . The three of them would be better able to speak to Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, ishiharano underestimated himself . He was not so unkind . Everyone familiar with him knew that he was nostalgic, Zhou Jie"s case still depends on the party"s ideas .

"You should know the ident.i.ty of Tang Mengru?" Zhang Xiaoqiang takes out his cigarette to light it, and finally gets to the point . Zhao Jun and Shi Yuanye also sit upright . Zhou Jie is obviously not frightened . He has already guessed that Tang Mengru has a problem .

"The Democratic Alliance is a good name . It sounds like freedom and democracy . It seems that Zhou Jie wants to be president?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words suddenly shocked Zhou Jie, and quickly stood up to refute, but Zhang Xiaoqiang continued: "I didn"t expect that you, Zhou Jie, became president of the Executive Yuan for a few days, and began to play political tricks? "Cultivate the Democratic Alliance to be a big one, unite the public opinion of the lower level, and then the lower level will threaten the high level, and then manipulate the public opinion to monopolize power?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang is at least half right . It"s this half that makes Zhou Jie speechless . Shi Yuanye continues to drink tea . Zhao Jun wants to speak, but Zhang Xiaoqiang stares back at him . He sits in a chair and doesn"t speak . Others want to rebel . He believes it, but Zhou Jie absolutely doesn"t believe it .

"You don"t need to explain . From the moment you started to watch the development of the Democratic Alliance, you went bad, not to mention for the common people below . It"s hypocritical to say that . What kind of life did they live before and what kind of life do they live now? You know that you used to be a peddler, so your ambition is only a little bit, Now that you are the manager of millions of people, your ambition will naturally rise . This is what my staff members infer . I think I should also know this . "

"No, it"s not c.o.c.kroach . I never wanted to oppose you . . . " Zhou Jie quickly got up and swore to Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and said, "although I"m not in Yinmeng, someone will report to me . I know what Yinmeng is like now better than anyone else . Zhao Jun and shiyuanye are in the army . They don"t care about the civil affairs . The Yinshan meeting has been fighting for three months, but the logistics is dragging on for three or four months . Don"t you forget when they fought in Yinchuan, I only need 100000 people and a small county to guarantee the logistics . Now I have a few years of reserves, can"t I guarantee a million people? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words changed Zhao Jun"s face . He couldn"t help looking at Zhou Jie . Ishihara put down his teacup and began to study his palmprint . Obviously, he knew that the rear didn"t do his best . At this time, a woman"s voice came from inside: "the common people are not your slaves . You can"t ask them to be oxen and horses . Many people are tired at the workbench, A lot of people . . . "

"Enough . . . "“ Mengru . . . " Two big drinks respectively from Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhou Jie mouth called out .

Tang Mengru"s hair was disheveled, and she was escorted out of the house by the female soldiers . She could see that she had a good life for the time being . Besides her eyes were red and swollen, her hair was scattered, and her clothes were wrinkled, she didn"t suffer any hardship . As soon as she appeared, Tang Mengru called out: "Zhou Jie . . . "

How sad the voice was, as if he had been bullied . Seeing his husband"s appearance, Zhang Xiaoqiang said, "this woman is going to poison me . Did you take part in it . . . "

"What . . . " Zhao Jun and Shi Yuanye get up at the same time . At the same time, they look at Tang Mengru angrily . Zhou Jie"s chair falls to the ground and looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang with a look of horror .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, we can do whatever we want . We are not against any decision . " Zhao Jun opened his mouth first, and his eyes seemed to be burning when he looked at Zhou Jie . His brain was bursting with blue veins . If Zhang Xiaoqiang hadn"t been able to speak to him here, he would have kicked Zhou Jie to death . Without saying a word, ishiharano took out his pistol and pointed it at Zhou Jie"s brain . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang, as long as Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, he would not hesitate to shoot, It proves that the military of Yinmeng has always been on Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side .

"Put away the gun, Zhou Jie should not be involved in it . What"s the ident.i.ty of this woman, Zhou Jie, you say . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s tolerance made Zhao Jun stomp hard and sit back on the chair .

Ishiharano put away his pistol and said to Zhang Xiaoqiang: "we get the news that the leader of the Democratic Alliance is a female college student . This woman appears here at this time, it should be . . . "

"d.a.m.n it, I said that the Democratic Alliance can"t solve it . It"s all your kids . OK, OK, I think I misunderstood you . I thought brother c.o.c.kroach didn"t know the situation . I"ll help you out . Bah . . . "

Zhao Jun jumped up to scold Zhou Jie again . Zhou Jie had nothing to say . After a long time, he said, "brother c.o.c.kroach, I don"t think there is any big problem in Yinmeng for so many years . You can spare her life . If you really want to kill her, you can kill me . . . "

"Zhou Jie . . . You don"t ask him . He"s a dictator . He has no conscience . " Tang Mengru has seen through life and death after a night"s fright . Seeing Zhou Jie"s request, she can"t help but cheer him up . "Shut up, you don"t have the right to talk here . It wasn"t c.o.c.kroach who drew the army and food at the beginning . You starved to death in Yinshan long ago . The top leaders of the northern army have made plans long ago . At the last moment, they will abandon all civilians and leave alone . The people you want to kill are the life-saving benefactor of 800000 survivors . . . "

Zhao Jun jumps up and yells at Tang Mengru . Zhou Jie helplessly closes his eyes . Tang Mengru is unrepentant . Even if he pleads for mercy, it"s no use . Ishiharano sneers and says to Zhang Xiaoqiang, "brother c.o.c.kroach, Yinmeng should clean up . Since the president of the Democratic Alliance is the Secretary of the Executive Yuan"s office, there must be more people in the Executive Yuan, Let Zhou Xiong do a big inventory, pull out all the Democratic Leagues and shoot them . "

"Don"t . . . " Tang Mengru kneels down on the ground and pleads with Shi Yuanye . The murderous spirit of the vulture officer with gla.s.ses makes her tremble . The Democratic Alliance is founded by her . It"s all for ordinary people who have a good life . Her best sisters and best friends are all in it . If she does, the dead people will not be one hundred or two hundred .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, today they can poison you, tomorrow they can mix into the army and poison in the canteen, and the day after tomorrow they can install bombs in the Executive Yuan conference room . There is no need to appease these terrorists, and the army is willing to cooperate with the clearance operation . "

Shiyuanye is the most vicious one . He doesn"t care how many innocent people will die . He was born in Lanzhou Military Region, and his biggest enemy is east Turk . He hates this kind of thing that is like a mouse hiding behind his back .

"I . . . it"s my decision . Zhou Jie didn"t do anything . He brought me here to hide from Zhou Xiong . It"s none of his business . . . "

Tang Mengru is finally sober . She has not experienced the difficult years in the early development of Yinmeng . All the members of the Democratic Alliance are survivors of Yinshan . Now when she learns the truth, only regret remains . However, ishiharano is not willing to do so . He is such a person . Without Tang Mengru"s killing of Zhang Xiaoqiang, It is impossible to say that he will try his best to persuade Zhang Xiaoqiang to deal with this matter gently . Once he finds out that someone is harming the foundation of China"s rejuvenation, he will do whatever he can, just like when Yinchuan broke out that day, he used 100000 people"s lives as stepping stones .

"Sit down, it"s just a small group of people for self-interest . The case of Tang Mengru is just an example . I heard Xu Mengzhu say that the poison she used was found in the flowers outside . It should be from zero . Don"t spread it out . It"s going to damage our reputation . People below think we are fighting for power and profit . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to go deep into it . Tang Mengru is just a prop used to reclaim power . Yinmeng is a unique faction because of the geographical relationship, and doesn"t deal with Hubei . He"s good to say that if he"s not there, Yinmeng can"t bird Hubei at all, just as Hubei can"t bird Yinmeng . Now that he has made a decision to take Hubei as the foundation, he has to reclaim Yinmeng"s rights, In order not to cause the situation of the tail, Tang Mengru is an excuse to send the door .

"Well, what"s brother c.o.c.kroach going to do?" Shiyuanye"s aggressive eyes are always on Tang Mengru, who sobs in a low voice, while Zhou Jie just waits for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fall . At this time, Zhao Jun doesn"t want to care about anything . He thinks that the three people are all from Yinmeng family, so he has to help each other . Unexpectedly, Zhou Jie has brought a disaster . If he meets a narrow-minded leader, I"m afraid Yinmeng"s head will be full of blood . Neither he nor shiyuanye can get any benefits . It"s light to dismiss him and investigate .

"Zhou Jie is not suitable to stay in the original post . As for the Democratic Alliance, if there is no Hai nationality on the sh.o.r.e, it may be able to transform . But now, we need to unite all forces to deal with the catastrophe of life and death . The Executive Yuan also needs to thoroughly investigate and remove all the people with different intentions from the management . Hubei will send people to take over the vacant position . I believe you two, It won"t move for the moment, but the junior officers will start to rotate . Hubei and Yinmeng will recruit people to come here, and they are not allowed to make any more small hill ideas . I didn"t care before, but now . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s arrangement for several people has nothing to say . Zhou Jie"s mistake in ancient times was the crime of beheading . Zhang Xiaoqiang just removed his post, which is a saving of face . As for the opportunity of cleaning up the Democratic Alliance, the military will not have any opinions . The Executive Yuan has nothing to do with the army . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang replaces the whole executive yuan with Hubei people, They don"t know what to say . Naturally, the rotating officers can"t have any opinions . The army was founded by Zhang Xiaoqiang and is the second army of Huaxia rejuvenation, unless they want to rebel .

"No problem . I agree with brother c.o.c.kroach . I don"t think it"s suitable to stay in the rear for the members of the Democratic Alliance who have been cleared up . It happens that a large part of the zombies in Beijing have not been cleared up . We need enough logistic force . . . "

As soon as Shiyuan"s eyes turned, he said a new way . Tang Mengru didn"t know what was going on, but Zhou Jie was menerqing . He knew that all these people would have an accident if they went to the front line within a week, but now he was still waiting for the crime and had no say .

"What the democratic alliance wants is only freedom and democracy . Is it not my dictator"s accusation that they have an accident? The officers and officials recruited from Beijing are going to Qinghai for development . They just need manpower . Let the Democratic Alliance make trouble with them . Those officers are more suitable for dealing with these people than we are . Zhou Jie is also going with them . They are still the people of the Renaissance of China in name . We need to send people to serve as the deputy . You can just . . . "Zhang Xiaoqiang solves Zhou Jie"s problem in a few words . Shiyuanye and Zhao Jun won"t object to it . Zhou Jie"s disguised match keeps his ident.i.ty, which is worthy of him . At this time, Zhou Jie turns to Tang Mengru and makes Zhao Jun want to grab the ashtray and smash it . It"s all done by this woman, and he can"t forget it . I really don"t know how to write death words?

"Well, as for Tang Mengru, even if he was an attempted murder, he would not be able to go to the mainland in his exile to Qinghai . In the future, he would abolish the death penalty . Except for the cannibals who were executed on the spot, all the others would go to the frontier to open up wasteland . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang takes Tang Mengru lightly and gives him the last explanation . However, he leaves a trap here . If Zhou Jie wakes up and leaves Tang Mengru, he still has the chance to return to the center of power . If he wants to be with Tang Mengru, he can only live in Qinghai all his life . In this way, there will be one less family in the future< br>