Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2310: 2310

Chapter 2310: 2310

Chen Guandong is the head of the mineral machinery Department of Yinmeng . He supervises the ordnance factory, and has the same status as w.a.n.g Le in Hubei . He and Xiao Lang are old partners . Most of Yinmeng"s mechanical equipment has been transformed by Xiao lang . the purpose of bringing them here is to prepare to build an air frigate factory belonging to China . At least the a.s.sembly work will be completed here, Zhang Xiaoqiang also wants to develop an engine that really belongs to China . The engine is the heart of the aircraft . It"s hard for him to be in the hands of others one day .

After a talk with Zhang Xiaoqiang, they strengthened their responsibility and mission, and expressed their belief in bowing to Zhang Xiaoqiang . After Zhang Xiaoqiang promised Chen Guandong 100% to be an evolutionist, they sent away Chen Guandong, but left Xiao Lang alone .

Xiao Lang is not a real scientific evolutionist . Compared with the new technologies and new equipment emerging in the new era that can be ma.s.s produced, Xiao Lang"s biggest specialty is waste maintenance, or turning waste into treasure . Whether it"s cracking guns or new engines in the new era, after his optimization, the efficiency can be improved by 50% to 150%, So Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t expect him to invent something . He just needed to make what he had better .

Xiao Lang is a smart man . After he became an evolutionist, he knew that his ability would make him comfortable with food and clothing, but it would also bring shackles and danger to him . He was willing to keep a low profile rather than make it public . When he was accepted by Zhang Xiaoqiang and knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang was the most powerful force in Yinmeng area, he took the initiative to prove his value and become a popular steamed bun, Being valued by Zhang Xiaoqiang is one of the few people who can be remembered by Zhang Xiaoqiang .

His cleverness was not in vain . Zhang Xiaoqiang not only gave him the best treatment, but also provided him with unlimited fruits, vegetables and food that were good for the evolutors . He also gave him precious colloids at that time, making him the first evolutor to improve his ability in Yinmeng region . In the past, he could only optimize some simple weapons and equipment, but he had no way to deal with too complicated equipment, Even if you give him an alien s.p.a.ceship, it can be optimized .

Facing Zhang Xiaoqiang alone, Xiao Lang is still a little stiff and doesn"t speak . Waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to open his mouth, he is a little nervous in silence . His right hand on the armrest of the chair keeps caressing it, and his breath is heavy . Zhang Xiaoqiang habitually takes out a cigarette and throws it to Xiao Lang, and lights it himself, La Jiachang said casually: "I"ll give you a task alone . You are not allowed to talk about this task with anyone . After it is completed, I will provide you with rich remuneration . Can you do it?"

Xiao Lang carefully looked up at Zhang Xiaoqiang, unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but all kinds of questions flashed in his heart . What does Zhang Xiaoqiang need him to do? Just ask him to do it . Why do you treasure it so much? Without any hesitation, Xiao Lang nodded for the first time, and Zhang Xiaoqiang gave a smile . He was very satisfied with Xiao Lang"s intellectual interest .

"Zhou Jie told me that your ability is not playing equally . Weapons and equipment can be optimized at least 50% and at most 200% . I want to know, is there any trick?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked casually . Xiao Lang"s ability is very useful, but the difference between 50% and 200% is four times, which is a little frightening . There is only one supernova bomb left on the frigate, which is ready to be used as the last mace . If the power is increased by 50%, the explosion coverage area will increase by at least one fifth, But if you want to raise it to 100%, it will increase the area by at least 80% . I believe that even the fastest mutant beast can"t escape the explosion range, and even the G.o.d warrior can"t escape . So Zhang Xiaoqiang must figure out the trick .

After listening to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s inquiry, Xiao Lang suddenly became nervous . He put his hands together and stuck them between his legs . He did not dare to look up and said in a low voice, "brother c.o.c.kroach, it"s not me who cheated and played tricks . My ability is limited by the number of times . The larger the size of the equipment, the more difficult it is to transform, and the less the number of equipment, the easier it is to transform, for example, I refit an airplane, It takes a whole day for a helicopter to improve 10%, but it only takes an hour to improve 100% performance if only the engine is modified .

If I need to refit 20 engines a day, the efficiency can only be increased by 50% at most, but if there is only one engine, it can be increased to 150% . As for 200%, it is impossible to meet, unless I am in the best mental state on that day, and only one equipment needs to be refitted, can I achieve the full ability of starting . . . "

Xiao Lang"s explanation made Zhang Xiaoqiang understand the truth . To put it bluntly, it is the relationship between quality and quant.i.ty, and it is related to Xiao Lang"s mental state . However, it has no problem for Zhang Xiaoqiang . He took out a crystal test tube and threw it to Xiao lang . the crystal test tube contained ten blood red seeds in Xiao Lang"s hands, He almost dyed his palm red . Looking at the test tube in his hand, he stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang doubtfully .

"You help me transform a moment bomb . This is your reward . The blood in it is very precious . You only need three to make an ordinary person an evolutor . There is no failure rate . After the evolutor eats it, his ability will be improved . You can keep a few for your women and eat the rest . I think when you improve your ability, There should be no problem in tapping 200 percent of efficiency . "Zhang Xiaoqiang"s reward made Xiao Lang"s heart almost burst . As an evolutionist, he didn"t know the value of it . Although he would certainly get his own women an evolutionary matrix at his level, the evolutionary matrix doesn"t mean 100% safety . Except for ordinary people who are eager to change their fate, people with some ident.i.ties are not willing to take risks, What"s more, it can improve the ability of the evolutor . According to Zhang Xiaoqiang, after eating the remaining seven blood seeds, he will definitely rise one rank, which is particularly difficult for him .

"No . . . no problem . I"m sure I can do it . At least 200% efficiency is guaranteed . "

After seeing off Xiao Lang, Zhang Xiaoqiang sits alone for a while, smoking a cigarette and thinking about how to deal with Eliza and his wives . Meow meow"s big mouth has sold him all . Although he has decided to break up the relationship with her, how can he say that he is also a man, and he can"t do the business of not recognizing people when he puts on his pants? Yueya is good to say, Nothing happened, nothing to care about, but Alisa .

Like a prisoner being escorted to the execution ground, the tangled Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly walks to his room with heavy steps . The former presidential suite is his home in Yinchuan, but now, it may be the place where he suffered .

As soon as I saw the cracked door, I heard a silver bell like laughter coming from the room . I found that it was Zhuo Mingyue"s laughter, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart was slightly lowered . At least Zhuo Mingyue, who is the most hot tempered, is in a good mood now . Maybe she can muddle through?

He stepped forward and pushed open the door . In his eyes, Ji Xiaocao was standing in the center of the room, performing a drive through the air . Two crystal b.a.l.l.s of green and blue fruits were around her head, just like pulling a rope to swing . Naturally, Zhang Xiaoqiang could see that the fruit was suspended in the air . At first sight, even he was surprised, and then his face became gloomy, Ji Xiaocao was not an evolutionist before, and there was no second rain for her to drink, so there was only one possibility . Someone used the evolutionary matrix for her, and even 90% of the evolutionary matrix was not safe . Thinking that Ji Xiaocao almost became a zombie made Zhang Xiaoqiang angry .

Zhuo Mingyue sits on the sofa with her legs in her arms, and looks at Xiaocao with a knowing smile . Other women sit around . Except for his wives, meow, Feifei, xianghai"er and Zhao Xiaobo have cat eyes . Eliza is sitting alone, panting . Seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang come in, she suddenly stands up and wants to speak, But I don"t know what to say

"Your daughter is good . Ha ha, she uses mental power, just like me . I"ve decided to let her be my apprentice . . . " Looking up to see Zhang Xiaoqiang come in, Zhuo Mingyue doesn"t ask him about Eliza"s problem . She puts the topic on Ji Xiaocao . It can be seen that she is very satisfied with Xiaocao . After all, there are few evolutors as big as Xiaocao, and they have the same ability as her . In the use of mindfulness, no evolutor in the world can surpa.s.s her .

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t answer, and doesn"t even take a look at Zhuo Mingyue . He walks quickly to Eliza, which makes Zhuo Mingyue"s beautiful eyes a little more cloudy .

"Pa . . . " At the moment when Zhuo Mingyue is angry and ready to teach Zhang Xiaoqiang a lesson, Zhang Xiaoqiang slaps her in the face and makes her cover her face in horror . All the women in the house are surprised to see that Zhang Xiaoqiang is very generous to them . Sometimes they even compromise without principle, which makes them willingly follow Zhang Xiaoqiang, Even if they share a man with others, today"s slap breaks their common sense .

Eliza looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang with poor eyes . Her whole body trembles, but her tears flow out . Zhang Xiaoqiang feels sad when she sees her like this . She has not seen her for such a long time, but she slaps her as soon as she meets . It"s really a bit too much . However, he gets even more angry when he thinks that Ji Xiaocao has been injected with evolutionary matrix when he doesn"t know what to do, For Zhang Xiaoqiang, Ji Xiaocao is not only his dry daughter, but also his family . In this cold end, he only cares about his family .

"Don"t . . . Don"t hit mom . . . " Ji Xiaocao screams, throws away the suspended crystal fruit, runs between them, blocks Eliza behind them, looks up at Zhang Xiaoqiang, and says tearfully .

"Who injected her with the evolutionary matrix?" Zhang Xiaoqiang did not pay attention to the body under the small point, the tone is not good looking at Eliza said< br>