Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2313: 2313

Chapter 2313: 2313

The three newly hatched T-Arm beetles are far less powerful than adults . Their milky skin is wrinkled like a Shapi dog . It"s hard to imagine that when they grow up, they will have a thicker sh.e.l.l than tank armor . Like a dog, the T-Arm beetle arouses meow"s strong interest . She squats on the ground and pokes with her fingers . She is very addictive, and she squats beside her, Little Lori holds her chin in her hands and looks at the three little things drooling . Maybe in her simple little head, there is only the option of steaming or frying .

Zhang Xiaoqiang, on the other hand, was annoyed to see the three scalpel larvae rolling among the red algae . With their soft, one finger long scalpel arms, they rolled the red algae into their mouths and ate them . Zhao Jun, with tears and laughter, slowly tore up a handful of red algae leaves and sent them to the middle of the scalpel larvae . Like a pet keeper, he kept looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang, Heart constantly acc.u.mulated courage, want to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang for the courage of a knife arm insect .

Zhao Jun has heard about the power of saber armyworm . Although he has never seen it grow up, he is very excited by its ability to kill D4 zombies easily . The type 4 zombies are the biggest casualties of front-line soldiers . Every type 4 zombie needs 100 lives to replace . Even the evolutionists have not many ways, The only way to kill type 4 zombies is by erosive grenades and erosive sh.e.l.ls .

"Why?" Zhang Xiaoqiang"s chagrin is not directed against the saber armyworm . His main purpose in Yinmeng is to fight against the saber armyworm . He needs more than three saber armyworms . In three years, at least more than 10000 saber armyworms will be needed . The power of 10000 saber armyworms is far more than 100000 troops . Seven or eight saber armyworms can fight with Wanqiang on that day . If the frigate didn"t drop the incendiary bomb, It"s hard to say who loses and who wins .

I thought that the biggest difficulty was that the female insects didn"t cooperate . However, I didn"t expect that he could not provide what the female insects needed . The female insects needed a lot of precious plants to have enough savings to breed Sabrina . Every plant was a treasure in the last days . Most of them didn"t know Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the red algae that could provide high-energy fuel was not among them, It can only be used as a ration for accelerating the development of common insects . For example, it takes three years for three Sabrina insects to develop into adults . After providing red algae as food, they can reach the adult standard in three months and have high-level combat capability in half a year . In one year, any one adult can kill 50 Sabrina insects on Okinawa Island .

In other words, red algae can improve the ability of larvae, but it can"t let the female give birth to high-level eggs . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang mobilized the army and civilians to collect them, thousands of flying beetles are more efficient than human beings . Besides mutated plants, Yinshan Mountain also has a lot of natural resources and treasures that are beneficial to human body, All of these were collected by the flying beetle and sent to the mother for the first time . It was these things that made the three saber arm beetles in front of us .

"Zhao Jun, immediately sent an internal service team to the miracle forest to collect these species and fruits, issued a mission to the hunters, and told them that each plant had a minimum of 100000 f.u.xing coins and 1000 bullets . The more the number collected, the more complete the root system, the higher the value . No matter what they did, as long as they could provide a large number of weapons, equipment, ammunition and oil, Even the baby that can enhance the ability of the evolutionist can be open to supply . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang took out a stack of A4 white paper and handed it to Zhao Jun . on it were all kinds of plant samples depicted by Zhang Xiaoqiang with pen . These things were originally fixed in his mind . Even if he didn"t have the talent of painting, it was not too difficult to copy them . This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang was very cruel . Even if he couldn"t make it, he had to get a lot of plants and have these rare plants, He will be able to breed more Doberman, and Doberman will be his trump card .

Zhao Jun didn"t know the reason why Zhang Xiaoqiang collected these things, and his lack of determination didn"t hinder him from completing the task . He took the ma.n.u.script, looked at it carefully, handed it to the adjutant behind him, and asked Zhang Xiaoqiang, "brother c.o.c.kroach, the hunters have a complicated mind . If they let these things out, they may suspect them . If someone h.o.a.rds them intentionally, it may not be good, Why don"t you let the army search first and let the hunters collect the information carefully after dividing the area

Zhao Jun is a bit of a petty man . No wonder in the later period of the battle in the Yinshan Mountains, even the most elite companies were counting bullets . Even if the army recovered the abundant equipment and supplies in Beijing, they were willing to be thrifty . This is a sign of being used to hard times . Zhang Xiaoqiang pondered for a moment and thought that the army was more efficient in collecting these things, The cost is relatively small, but what he needs is not one or two . Naturally, the more the better .

"The army can go out . If a soldier finds a way to set up a military merit file according to the type and quant.i.ty, the hunters will benefit, and the soldiers can"t work in vain . According to the acc.u.mulation of military merit, they will be given out after retirement . There are two options: one is to give the same reward as the hunter for f.u.xing coin and evolutionary matrix, the other is to give the reward of land freedom, 10 points of military merit per mu of land, Land can be pa.s.sed on to future generations, and the government will never take it back . All the output belongs to the owner, even if there is Jinshan buried underground . In addition, Zhang Huai"an was allowed to enact a land law . Individuals have no right to buy or sell land, but can only sell it to the government . The land will be paid once and for all according to the sum of 100000 f.u.xing yuan per mu plus 1% annual interest . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang said his new plan in a few words, which stunned Zhao Jun for a moment . He asked in disbelief: "isn"t that hereditary w.a.n.g Dai?"Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded to confirm that the Chinese people have the most plot of land, and only the Chinese people in the world have no land of their own, even after death . No one wants to live in a cemetery with only 20 years of use right . If they meet a filial generation, they will be dug out and frustrated . Although he did not let go of the land control, he left a glimmer of hope for others, That is military merit . Military merit is the goal of inspiring the ancient people and the promise of rejuvenation of China to the soldiers . Of course, if you give land, you don"t have to give money . Zhang Xiaoqiang won"t admit it .

"Well, I"ll give an order now . In addition, I can edit these plants into pamphlets and send them to the following people to mobilize everyone to look for them . In this way . . . "

Zhao Jun is a man who has something to do . He wants to finish the task at the first time . Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitates for a moment, but says to Zhao Jun, "it"s better not to . Once there are interests, there will be disputes . Most civilians are the same . If someone gets rich overnight, others won"t have the heart to work hard . This is not worth the loss, In case of robbery, robbery or theft, it"s not good to let the Hunters know . "

Zhao Jun thinks that before the end of the world, when he said that there were good things, they all rushed to get something . But now, even if it"s just a day"s work stoppage, it will cause great losses . The army will save millions of bullets and the factory will save hundreds of tons of materials . So Zhang Xiaoqiang is willing to create some stakeholders, I"m not willing to engage in equalitarianism .

Zhao Jun seems to be on fire, rushing to the ground . Meow and Fei no longer tease the saber arm beetle . They get an ice beetle to ride around as a mount . Fei rides a little slower and shouts in a hurry . He turns down to the ground and lifts the beetle with one arm . He opens his two legs and then exceeds meow in a blink . Meow shouts in a coquettish voice .

Zhang Xiaoqiang walks around with his cigarette in his mouth and his hands on his back . Even if he finds those precious plants, it"s not a temporary job to plant them on a large scale . How big is Yinshan? How many precious plants are there in the whole Yinshan Mountain? Even if the precious plants in the whole Yinshan Mountain can only breed three Sabrina insects, how many Yinshan Mountains need tens of thousands of Sabrina insects?

"No . . . Yinshan is much bigger than Okinawa Island . There are not so many zombies on Okinawa Island . Nearly ten million zombies die in Yinshan, which can at least cultivate a hundred times of rare plants . I"ll wipe them, and the females will play tricks on me?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly wakes up . He has been holding it wrong all the time, but he didn"t expect that the mother insect would hide it . There are 50 Sabrina insects in a small Okinawa Island . He doesn"t believe that there are only three in Yinshan Mountain thousands of miles away?

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t answer the question in his head before he got back to the mother insect . He checked the cart behind him . On the cart, there were black piles of weapons, pistols, submachine guns, rifles, machine guns, sniper rifles, 40 rocket launchers . In addition to weapons, there were also bullet clips piled into hills . He loaded the type 92 pistol with a blank face, Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his hand and pulled the trigger to the female insect 50 meters away . With the sound of firecrackers, he saw that the wrinkled skin of the female insect spattered a little green liquid, and the female insect was also howling in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head .

After shooting the pistol bullets, Zhang Xiaoqiang takes up the 05 type micro punch, and the 50 bullets in the roller clip quickly pierce through the air in the puffs of blue smoke . After the slight sound of breaking the air, a hole the size of a bowl appears on the trembling skin of the female insect . Perhaps it is the first time that she is injured . The female insect turns over and rolls in pain by this small wound, and the mother insect"s plea for mercy has become begging .

"Wow . . . " The type 95 rifle was pulled off the bolt and aimed steadily at one of the few pairs of small eyes on the mother"s forehead . The long tongue of fire spurted a dazzling streamer . At this time, a spider like Eight Legged beetle suddenly popped up from under the mother"s body . This beetle had layers of armor, and its eight long thin legs were similar to the hind legs of the gra.s.shopper, All the bullets were thrown away, and the sparks of the bullets were like welding spatter . But the next moment, the whole head of the beetle exploded, whirling in the air and falling to the ground, and I didn"t know whether it was alive or dead .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the beetle with eight legs twitching on the ground with a scornful smile . This beetle is really powerful . Its speed, springing ability and protective ability are all superior . Even the ordinary D2 zombie may not be an opponent, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is not the original one . It"s especially ridiculous to give up his own advantage and jump in mid air to block bullets for the female beetle, Just put all the bullets in the beetle"s mouth and you can kill it with one shot .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t ask why the female insect hid the private goods . He guessed that the female insect was dishonest and then came to teach the female insect a lesson . After shooting the star anise beetle that he had never seen before, all the surrounding monitoring staff changed their faces . They were monitoring the female insect all the time . No matter whether it was laying eggs, its weight, temperature, and the number of various beetles were registered, I didn"t expect that something went wrong under their noses .

This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang picked up a Bayi light machine gun, with a long elastic chain hanging at his feet, staring at the mother"s frightened little eyes, and suddenly roared: "how many private goods do you have . . . "< br>