Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2326: 2326

Chapter 2326: 2326

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who just opened his eyes, didn"t see Zhuo Mingyue and other people . Yang Ke"er and meow were not there . He was the only one sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking at the empty desk . Zhang Xiaoqiang closed his eyes again, and a smile rose from the corner of his mouth . He had a dream just now that Zhuo Mingyue mixed four colloids together . Fortunately, it was just a dream .

"Ah, Sophie, that can"t be eaten . That"s oil . . . "

"The transport ship sent a message that they were besieged by the sea birds because they met the sea people in the South China Sea . By the end of one minute, they had killed 17 sea birds and 35 sea people . There was no need to rescue them for the time being . . . "

"Satellite shows that about 60 giant lotus leaves have fallen into the no man"s land in the Midwest of Australia, more than 200 have floated into the Bering Strait, 96 have fallen into Africa, more than 350 have floated into Europe, some of them have gone into Russia, more than 400 have entered North and South America, and China has so far entered three . . . "

"Lao Li, do you have any cigarettes in the bag . . . , lend me two, and I"ll give them back to you when I get the welfare . "

"Zhang Hao, go to the consumables room and get some lubricating oil . No . 1 Machine is waiting for use . "

"Ah, little red sister, Li Jie has been watching you secretly these days . It seems that he likes you . Do you want me to send a message?"

"Isn"t c.o.c.kroach awake yet? We are going to Guangdong soon . There is a temporary base for us . We can take a bath there . "

The voice of every corner of the frigate sounded clearly in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ears . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s half narrowed and half opened eyes suddenly glared . Everything in front of him was clear and insightful . Even the scattered fibers on the dark red sofa cushions were clearly visible . There were also many female body fragrance and sweat smell in the small living room . These tastes were strong and weak, Zhang Xiaoqiang can smell the taste that has appeared here in a week .

Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately realized that everything was not a dream . He really drank the purified liquid from four five grade colloids .

After finding out the situation, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s smile turned into a bitter smile, and he didn"t feel much regret . At least it wasn"t dichlorvos, and he didn"t kill himself at the first time . Then Zhang Xiaoqiang felt uncomfortable, and there was always a fishy smell in the room . Then he found that the fishy smell was from his body, There was a greasy gray stain on his skin, which was as if he had one more layer of skin .

"Washing marrow and detoxification?" Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind flashed an idea, clean up to the bedroom bathroom .

Standing in the narrow bathroom, looking up to meet the current, Zhang Xiaoqiang once again fell into a delicate touch . The water flow on his body across every piece of skin and muscle can be clearly fed back to his brain . Although his eyes are closed, every drop of spray is so clear in the three-dimensional vision . In the past, the three-dimensional vision was simply composed of points and lines, Now it is dynamic, as if these points and lines are all alive in general, the smallest details of the whole bathroom are fed back to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind .

In the bathroom made up of countless lines, delicate small triangles are inlaid in these lines . Almost every article made up of lines has these small triangles . According to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s estimation, the small triangles are the most vulnerable parts of these articles . No matter the walls or water pipes, lines and mirrors, they only need a finger to crack .

After feeling for a while, Zhang Xiaoqiang wiped his body dry and walked out of the bathroom .

I don"t know what Zhuo Mingyue is doing . When Zhang Xiaoqiang goes out of the room, he remembers that there is another mortal in custody on the ship . His mind moves . A slight voice comes from the room of Xuefeng who is being held

"Xiang yu"er, you are my nanny . The nanny has to be responsible for the host"s food . You see, I haven"t eaten for three days, so go and get some for me, Just a little bit . "

"No, your majesty forbids you to drink blood . Please bear it, or I"ll get you some changed animal meat?"

"No, the mutated animal meat is too bad . I still like blood . Why can"t we get animal blood if we can get it? If I had known earlier, I would have stayed on Sha Chau Island . You can always send me some from time to time . Now . . . "

"Don"t make a fuss . I have a full set of death cartoons for Miss meow . Do you want blood or cartoons?"

"G.o.d horse? Death? Give it to me quickly, give it to me quickly, it must be very good-looking as soon as you listen to the name, GA GA GA, I like watching horror movies most . . . "

As soon as he heard this, Zhang Xiaoqiang stood at the cabin door where Xuefeng was being held . The two guards saw Zhang Xiaoqiang salute him . Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, pushed the door and entered Xuefeng"s room . As soon as he entered, he saw Xuefeng wearing chicken like hair, a white T-shirt with stains on her chest, a pair of beach pants and flip flops on her lower body, Cross legged sitting on the ground, staring at the big screen TV, still urging Xiang yu"er to put the dish . Xiang yu"er is hanging a disc on her waist . She holds it with her bent waist . The stretched coat shows a large area of snow-white at the back of her waist, just revealing the small inner corner of the black lace edge . The small inner corner shyly hides in the round b.u.t.tocks . The seams are covered by tight trousers, which outlines the soul stirring round . The round is not far from Xuefeng"s cheek, but Xuefeng is indifferent to the boundless spring, I"m just waiting for the cartoon to play . Some people don"t know if they are lucky .

"It seems that you have a good life?" After Zhang Xiaoqiang enters the door, Xuefeng doesn"t notice at all . She puts her heart and soul on the G.o.d of death that is about to play . Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words, she looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang in a daze . Her eyes are dazed, but xiangyu"er screams . She stands up and says h.e.l.lo to Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"Ah, brother c.o.c.kroach, come to see death with me?" Xuefeng doesn"t have the consciousness to stand up . Sitting on the ground, she tilts her head to greet Zhang Xiaoqiang . It"s just like a Houseman in a university dormitory who greets her friends to watch the movie together . When Xiang yu"er sees this, she suddenly gets angry and kicks Xuefeng"s b.u.t.t . Although Xuefeng doesn"t feel much pain, she suddenly wakes up and jumps up in place .

Xuefeng grabs the chicken nest head on her head and laughs at Zhang Xiaoqiang awkwardly, but her eyes unconsciously aim at the TV . Obviously, Zhang Xiaoqiang is more attractive than the TV . Seeing Xuefeng like this, Zhang Xiaoqiang shakes his head helplessly . This guy has been locked up for half a year, but he has turned into a dead house . He can"t even speak easily .

"Well, brother c.o.c.kroach, I"ve always been very honest . I didn"t make trouble or think about running away . Well, except for some food problems, everything else is very good . I"m very satisfied with the current situation . If you"re OK, you can watch death with me . After dinner, we can choose another game of Warcraft?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang ignored Xuefeng"s stammering polite words and scanned the comic books, handbooks, CDs, laptops, various wires, and all kinds of posters piled up everywhere in Xuefeng"s room . It took him a long time to let out a long breath . This kind of environment, this kind of atmosphere, if you add the folded quilt and the littered socks, The beverage bottles piled up in the corner really made him miss that time when he was a rice bug at home .

"How long has he been like this?" Zhang Xiaoqiang points to Xuefeng, who doesn"t know what to say, and asks Xiang yu"er . He can see that Xiang yu"er has a good life with Xuefeng . Because of Xuefeng, all kinds of materials are the best . The whole body is full of famous brands, and the delicate cosmetics are not rare . A pair of rare grandmother"s green leaf shaped emerald earrings and a luxurious diamond necklace, They are all treasures envied by women in the rear . Even if the jewelry is worthless, it"s not something anyone can own now .

"It"s like . . . It"s like this all the time . I"m usually locked in the house and I don"t want to move . Even if it"s sunny, I don"t want to let the wind out . If I didn"t keep an eye on it, I might not even want to take a bath . "

Now Zhang Xiaoqiang has nothing to say . He turns to Xuefeng, who is at a loss . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t find any fierce momentum, let alone connect him with the arrogant head of the zombie . He feels that this guy has been supported by his family and can"t see a trace of wildness . Now Zhang Xiaoqiang feels that he can be killed with a slap .

"Xuefeng, from now on, your imprisonment is over . You will return to your fighting post . I appoint you as . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t think it"s necessary to raise this guy for nothing . He"s going to Guangdong soon . The value of Xuefeng will be reflected and he"s going to end his vacation .

"No, brother c.o.c.kroach, I"m wrong . I"m really wrong . Don"t let me go . You can continue to imprison me . I promise to be obedient . I promise . . . " As soon as Xuefeng heard that her imprisonment was over, she was shocked and stood in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang in a hurry to plead . This made Zhang Xiaoqiang even more upset and yelled, "enough, what are you like now? I tell you, you have to go either, or else . . . "

"Or what?" As soon as Xuefeng"s eyes brightened, Zhang Xiaoqiang glared at him and said in a deep voice: "otherwise, you get off the frigate for me, and the relationship with Huaxia rejuvenation will be completely broken . I don"t care about you any more, and you won"t appear again . . . "

"Ah?" Xuefeng was stunned . He didn"t expect it to be like this . Didn"t he say he was free? Without waiting for his mind to turn, Zhang Xiaoqiang continued: "in the future, you can go and mix with zombies . There is no electricity, no computer games, no cartoons, no movies . . . "

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I"ll get ready right away . I"m a civilized man now . I don"t want to go back to the stupid and barbaric life in the past, and I don"t want to mix with zombies every day . " This time, Xuefeng doesn"t have any reason to agree . Xuefeng"s promise makes xiangyu"er"s eyes hot . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care about xiangyu"er"s little thoughts . He once again glances at Xuefeng"s room, shakes his head and goes out . At the same time, he says, "you want to drink blood . After the sea people go ash.o.r.e, you can"t drink enough blood . I just want you to stop human beings, Now I can accommodate you, but you have to promise never to be an enemy of human beings . "

Xuefeng was stunned, but she didn"t know how to answer . Xiangyu"er pulled Xuefeng"s coat and said in a low voice: "this is the opportunity given by brother c.o.c.kroach . You should take advantage of it, or I won"t do housework and wash clothes for you again . "< br>