Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2332: 2332

Chapter 2332: 2332

Just as Regel conjectured, Australia is very important in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mind . After learning that the northern transfer area was engaged in a firefight with the sea people, he rushed from Fujian overnight by frigate . Just after entering Australia from Darwin harbor, the camera detected that countless sea people and sea animals were scattered in the vast area, forming a huge arrow to Zhao Deyi"s last sniping line, Through Xiang Hai"er"s description, we know that the following sea people and sea animals are all guided by a vague idea and heading in the same direction . Zhang Xiaoqiang has guessed that these sea people are retaliators sent by meteorites .

What Regel said before is true . The sea people are powerful in the sea . Without the sea, they are nothing . On the land covered with yellow sand, there are many dead sea people"s corpses, among which there are many huge sea animals like hills . Under the sun"s baking, they evaporate their body water and shrink into piles of dry corpses, Countless mummies are far denser than the areas in the rear of Australia that have been hara.s.sed by sea people . There are only dozens of square kilometers of mummies there, but there are hundreds and thousands of square kilometers of mummies here .

Five Chinese version harrier hawk airships surrounded the frigates, just like ducklings chasing ducks . The huge frigates paddled across the sky and flew forward along countless corpses and sea people . Less than 10 kilometers in front of the frigates, 30 giant airships were slowly floating in the sky, just like black sesame, With Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyesight, you can see that the UAV is countless times smaller than black sesame . The UAV is fighting with hundreds of sea birds . Each sea bird is several times or even dozens of times larger than the UAV . From time to time, the UAV is. .h.i.t and rolls in the sky . Then the UAV that stops rolling can always roam the sky again and continue to fight with sea birds .

There are always several or dozens of sea people on sea birds . These sea people are like air firemen, throwing crystal ice spears at UAVs or airships . Airships don"t only rely on UAVs to fight . Every airship is reinforced as much as possible . A large number of light and strong variant wood is far stronger than steel frame structure, Even if the bulkhead on the surface is full of ice spears, it is still like a giant airship . On the contrary, the seemingly huge and clumsy airship is like a hedgehog, spewing out dense fire tongues, machine guns, rockets, large caliber heavy machine guns, and even huge crossbows, forming a fire belt like a fishing net . All the sea birds involved in it will be torn to pieces for a while, The feathers floating in the sky are like snowflakes floating around the airship, and turn into fly ash in all kinds of hot bullets or burst sh.e.l.ls .

The frigates didn"t take charge of the airships of the transport brigade . Every time the airships resisted the invasion of the sea people, they had more experience in fighting . There were too many places for the frigates and transport warships, and there was no time to escort them . Therefore, the transport brigade had to rely on itself to survive . Soon the frigates arrived in the town where they fought the decisive battle on that day, The whole town has been razed to the ground, and the scattered building materials have been crushed by countless mutated sea animals . In the town and the surrounding areas, the color is scorched, and large areas of land have been burned by fire . Huge craters with a depth of 10 meters and a width of tens of meters are dense, and there are piles of sea people"s bodies .

Countless sea people and mutant beasts stagger over the corpses and move forward to the dense fire area ahead . From time to time, a huge grenade blows in the middle of the sea people, and a huge fire ball rolls over the area of 100 meters . Dozens of sea people are evaporated by the fire ball in an instant . Walking around the fire ball, the farther sea people fly up into the sky like gra.s.s leaves in the gale, Every time the smoke dispersed, there would be a huge crater and hundreds of bodies on the ground .

Here, the number of sea people becomes dense . The sea animals and sea people walking in the rear are like sea sand attracted by magnets . They slowly form rivers and rush to the defense line of the city surrounded by gunfire . In three days, the landform and terrain here have completely changed, and the scarlet blood is mixed into the scorched black ground and floating soil, The dry desert terrain for many years has formed a blood mud swamp . The ground is covered by thick smoke clouds . Even above the sky, you can"t see everything below . Only the burning fire flashes in the shadow with the sound of explosion, but the smoke of artillery barracks dozens of kilometers away can be seen clearly, The "Caesar" wheeled self-propelled gun equipped by the Australian Army has unimaginable flexibility and convenience . Every time three or five sh.e.l.ls are fired, it will start quickly, or advance or retreat, to build the best firing position .

The frigate soon broke into the smoke and clouds, and in the process of rapid descent, everything on the ground became clear . Countless sea people stormed against the civil engineering position of the Third Ring Road defense, just like the battlefield in World War II . The position, which was made up of countless trenches, bunkers, barbed wire and antlers, was covered with corpses, Occasionally, it can be seen that the giant animal like a hill rolls over and does not move on the position . The b.l.o.o.d.y wounds cover the body of the giant animal, and the biggest one can even drive into a small car .

The vast majority of corpses are sea people"s corpses . Here, blood is the cheapest . Through the real-time images of reconnaissance aerial boat feedback, in some of the most advanced trenches, blood is almost overflowing out of the trenches . It can form such a blood River in this water deficient desert . It can be seen that the underground soil has absorbed blood to saturation state, and countless fire spots shuttle on the corpses, The sea people have lost the means of using ice spears . They have to rely on their claws and bodies to tear up a road . The layers of barbed wire are covered with the sea people"s bodies . Many of the bodies have been shot back and forth, leaving only incomplete skeletons . Three days made the elite soldiers tired to the extreme . Once in a while, Haizu and mutants could not snipe at the first time after they broke into the position, because there was also a lot of pressure on other positions . If they were not careful, the whole line might collapse . At this time, evolutors would come out from every corner of the position to fight Haizu, and the most prominent thing was sword cutting, This guy who looks more charming than a woman is the incarnation of death . Everywhere he goes, there are corpses everywhere . Even the giant mutant beast above level 2 will die under his serrated knife unconsciously .

The serrated swords obtained in Okinawa on that day have become the top weapons of all the high-end evolutionists in China"s Renaissance . They can exert great power in the hands of the top evolutionists . Especially for the sword chopper who is good at a.s.sa.s.sination, the shadow of the sword chopper is unique in the world, and it often kills the enemy in the invisible . If Zhao Deyi didn"t have the help of the sword chopper, The position has been broken these days . There are too many high-level mutant beasts who are not afraid of the lethality of conventional weapons . Some sea beasts who are good at defense even surpa.s.s the D4 zombies . Even the main gun of the tank has nothing to do . Fortunately, the serrated knife can easily tear the skin of any giant beast, otherwise they have to escape .

In addition to the faint shuttle and its own speed, Jianzhan has also eaten the glia of the second and third level mutant animals . One of its abilities is to emit body fragrance and attract the wild mutant animals . This ability is an excellent hunting bait for the mutant animals, but it"s not as good as bulls.h.i.t for Jianzhan . On the contrary, it"s another ability that makes his a.s.sa.s.sination ability more powerful, Every powerful mutant beast has a surprising height and thickness, which means that their weakness will be hidden by thick leather muscles . Even if they have serrated knives, they can"t easily cut off the body like a city wall, so weakness detection is of the greatest use .

This ability, which needs to be ten meters away from the mutant beast, is the most suitable one for sword chopping . Only by this ability can he find the weakness of the giant beast, cut off his legs and feet unexpectedly or pierce the key points . Otherwise, even if sword chopping dances face to face with the monster, it may not be able to kill the monster . Even so, sword chopping and his team have reached the limit, They are the final reserve team . In the most dangerous time, they suffer heavy casualties . If most of them were not equipped with the best armor and weapons, they would have lost everything .

The evolutioners have suffered a lot, and sword chopping is also difficult . Although most of the abilities of marine mutant beasts are related to water and ice, there are also quite a number of mutant beasts with other abilities . Once they encounter this kind of mutant beast, sword chopping always has to go through a life and death struggle to win . Even if they become crazy for a long time, they can"t stand it .

The ugly heads of the sea people continue to fly into the sky . He is like a wandering soul wandering among the black sea people . That day in Shanghai, he was only a semi top evolutionist, and he could easily reap the lives of dozens of evolutionists . Now he is a top evolutionist . Killing is more manic . In a few blinks, hundreds of sea people who rush into the position are beheaded, He licked the corpse"s position . When he was ready to breathe, Zhao Deyi"s cry came from the micro communication device that was not at the neckline: "everyone give up the position, everyone give up the position and withdraw, the Western defense line is broken through, retreat quickly . . . "

At the moment when the order was given, the front line of the captured position burst into flames at the same time, a large number of explosives bought earlier were detonated at the same time, and the fire network vacated due to the retreat was also made up . A large number of Hai people who took advantage of the situation lost a lot of money in the moment . Watching the flames spread in front of the position, they spit fiercely after being cut by the smoky sword, Turn around and look to the West . The west is also wrapped by the fire, but before the fire, there are still a lot of mutant sea animals and sea people chasing the retreating soldiers . When you see kraya riding on the sea animals, his face twitches slightly . You can"t be afraid of kraya alone, nor can you be afraid of a single sea animal, but it"s quite terrible when you put the two sides together, That"s how at least two-thirds of his wounds came from .

Just as he wanted to fight, he saw that the gloomy smoke of the sky became darker . The huge body of the frigate suddenly appeared on the heads of the sea animals . At the next moment, like hens laying eggs, the silver shining metal cylinders fell into the middle of the sea people, and the dazzling red light suddenly flashed, Let Jianzhan have to cover his eyes with a serrated broadsword . Even if he hides behind the broadsword, he can feel the hot air, just like a needle stabbing at his bare skin . Soon, the air becomes suffocating, so he has to rush into the shadow around him and show his body thousands of meters away . The next moment, the whole defense line is quiet, The boundless industrial fire burned all the areas within ten kilometers . The huge flame head rose tens of meters high and curled up piles of burnt black material . Everyone knew that this material was the ashes of the sea people everywhere around them .

The incendiary bombs dropped by the escort boat seem to be endless . They keep falling into the distance, and more flames are ignited . The scattered incendiary bombs have amazing adhesion and endurance . Each pile of fire will spread to a radius of 1000 meters, and this continuous flow of flames will soon be connected together, forming a huge fire net to encircle countless sea people, Even without fire, these creatures, who are used to living in the sea, are howling and dying, whether it"s high temperature, smoke or lack of oxygen .

Zhao Deyi held on for three days, and the position that was only one line away from collapse was finally safe with the support of the new incendiary bomb . Countless soldiers were driven to the rear by the heat wave of the fire, but everyone was excited . The helicopter shuttling in the sky also stopped firing ammunition, just like a hundred birds surrounding the escort boat, Nothing can feel the ferocity and stability brought by frigates like this< br>