Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2334: 2334

Chapter 2334: 2334

"The problem now is that we don"t know how long to hold on? Just received the news that there have been sea people on the east coast, which are all zombies resisting . Fortunately, we decided to clear the zombies on the West Coast first, otherwise the east coast would open up a second battlefield . If this is the case, Australia will not be able to put together too many materials to support the two-line war . "

"In order to ensure logistics, Australia has reduced the cultivation of grain, and even if it is transported from China, it is impossible to guarantee the supply of grain, unless it directly transports the corpse water that can increase grain production and shorten the growth cycle . In this way, the secret of corpse liquid may not be kept . At present, the service is negotiating with a.s.sad, A part of the red algae fuel will be used as agricultural machinery . "

"Australia"s decision to expand its army by 100000 will take 10 months of training and preparation time, as well as the production of weapons and ammunition . Some raw materials lacking in Australia need to be transferred from China, which will increase the burden on the transport team . Unless we can recover the cities in Australia and obtain them from nearby cities, we may fall into multi line combat, The general staff proposes to attract zombies from the cities and make use of Australia"s arid and rainy climate to create fog of corrosion sources . It needs a certain number of aircraft to cooperate . It is estimated that at least 300 tons of corrosion sources will be transported from China . However, the total reserves of corrosion sources in Yinmeng and Hubei are only 400 tons, so it may not be enough to eliminate the zombies in Sichuan . "

"The Australian side proposed that we move the transfer yard back to the former material loading center in the east of Australia, where is the intersection of several expressways, which can greatly improve the transportation efficiency, use large areas of no man"s land to divide the offensive of the sea people, in addition, they promised to provide us with more materials, weapons and ammunition . . . "

Report one by one to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Sitting in Zhao Deyi"s command room, Zhang Xiaoqiang smokes and looks at the battle situation map on the huge electronic display screen . On the battle situation map, countless red dots launch desperate attacks on their positions . Even idiots with IQ lower than 60 can see that human beings can"t stop them, except the sea people on the front line, A large number of Haizu crossed both sides of the defensive front like huge wings to encircle mankind . He did not have millions of troops to build a defense line hundreds of kilometers long, so it was impossible to stop Haizu"s encirclement . I"m afraid that for a week at most, including the rear transfer yard, Haizu would be submerged .

"Didn"t regor say he was coming? How long will it take?" All kinds of news are in disorder . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to make a decision at the first time . Some things are not as simple as they seem . He needs to think carefully before he can make a choice . Before that, some things have to be explained to Regel .

"Regel"s empty boat is half an hour away . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded and asked the staff officer who reported his work to go out . He leaned back in his chair and looked at the fluorescent light in a daze . The situation in Australia is not as good as he thought . In three months, Australia"s adjustment has not been on the right track . If Australia had decided to expand its army earlier, it would not be so hard pressed as it is now . China does have a large number of troops, But it"s not easy to send it . Because of the problem of raw materials, the production of Venus" airship manufacturing factory has not been large . Even if a large amount of corpse liquid is used to ripen the plants that can produce safe gas, it"s impossible to supply unlimited . The new frigate has only one sh.e.l.l and one engine . Even if tens of thousands of people join the frigate manufacturing project, Don"t expect to get finished products without half a year .

There are also meteorite fragments . When the frigate flew over the Southeast Asian waters, he pa.s.sed through a lot of red algae that were being moved . Zhang Xiaoqiang felt the beating of golden beads more than once . There is no doubt that there must be meteorite fragments under those red algae . Only meteorite fragments are the real reason for the growth of red algae . Similarly, he also needs a lot of meteorite fragments for his future victory, And for the possibility of failure .

I don"t know how long later, the smiling Regel came in from the outside . Kesailer didn"t follow him . When he was opposite Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s first words surprised the schemers who always liked to master the rhythm .

"I need a lot of blood to make every soldier of mine an evolutor . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang goes straight to the point and says what he wants to do . Regel immediately wants to refuse, but the refusal is swallowed by him, and his brain turns quickly . Originally, there are more than 30000 blood species left in his hand, including 12000 blood species planted in the corpse, and 9000 blood species promoted 3000 evolutors, with only a little more than 10000 in his hand, It"s not enough to give it all to Zhang Xiaoqiang . What"s more, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care?

"Mr . Qiang, it seems that you have a kind of magic medicine, which can continuously treat variant viruses and promote ordinary people to be evolutionists . Should there be no lack of blood?" Regel asks Zhang Xiaoqiang in doubt . Zhang Xiaoqiang gives him a deep look and doesn"t speak . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes make Regel a little creepy . Even though there isn"t too much emotion in his eyes, the depth of the sea makes him have an indescribable suffocation .

"There are more than 10000 more, which can only upgrade more than 3000 evolutors . In addition, we have planted some in the rear, which will not mature until this time next year . " I don"t know why, regor can"t tell lies in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, which makes him scared to death, as if Zhang Xiaoqiang can read his mind . When he tells the last secret, he can"t help but smile and shake his head . He finally knows that Zhang Xiaoqiang is powerful . In front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he will always be unconsciously suppressed and controlled by the other party . "I need incubators and ice makers, as many shackles as possible, and, of course, a fertile and secluded land . If there is a harvest, I will give you three layers . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t explain the shortcomings of the evolutionary matrix to Regel . He didn"t have to . Regel was just a temporary collaborator . But he was also surprised . It seemed that he had already begun to be a b.a.s.t.a.r.d after the baptism of grade five glia? In addition to a few closest people, others will always be affected in front of him . In other words, he can see through others at a glance . Before, in the wounded camp, it was just seeing the bewilderment and fear in the hearts of the wounded soldiers that he said those words, but it received unexpected effects . If this is his new talent, isn"t it too weak?

"Does Mr . Qiang want to . . . " Regel is an extremely intelligent person . He guessed Zhang Xiaoqiang"s plan from the objects he needed . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t mean to hide it from him . He nodded and said, "I"m going to arrest 100000 Hai people for watering the flowers . Your blood and part of me should be able to meet your needs . At that time, there will be three levels for you . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words make Regel dull . Even if one hundred thousand Hai people stand still and let people chop them, they will be tired to death, not to mention the detention, binding, transportation and other troubles after arrest . Besides, how many lives do one hundred thousand Hai people need to exchange?

"In addition, I don"t plan to move the transfer center to the rear . It"s a small matter to increase the time of transportation troops . It"s also a small matter to drag the sea people to death in arid areas . If the sea people give up searching in Australia because they can"t find resistance and go North, it"s a matter of life and death . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang believes that the vast territory of Australia will bury millions of sea people, but in this way, if the sea people can"t find human beings, they will certainly change their direction . If they go north to China, it will become a big trouble . You know, there are zombies besides sea people in China . Since Australia"s environment is not good for the sea people, it is a natural battlefield for resistance, Therefore, he needs to attract the sea people in all directions . After all, the sea people are not suitable for land migration . If it wasn"t for this sea people riot, there would not be such a good chance to solve the problem .

"So . . . What about the eastern region? The sea people in the East have already begun to land and are fighting against the variants in the cities . Once the variants are removed, our new cities behind those cities will be in danger . "

Regel thought of the Eastern Front for the first time . His original plan was to let the Chinese give up the northern region and organize new defensive positions in the eastern front . Relying on the dense expressways and the rear cities, he provided materials nearby, and fought for a year to a year and a half to train the army to h.o.a.rd materials . In this way, didn"t all his plans fail?

"You don"t have to worry about this . I have another plan for the eastern region . Maybe 100000 Hai people will be captured from the East . " Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mysterious smile . In his heart, tens of millions of zombies in eastern coastal cities can"t be wasted . This time he specially brought Xuefeng to the East . Regel didn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang had Xuefeng in his hand . After a moment of silence, he said, "Australia is closely related to China . I think Mr . Qiang won"t cheat us, There are already Chinese schools in the new cities of Australia . The status of the Chinese people is growing day by day . The interests of Australia are the interests of the Chinese people . Please understand that . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang felt the emotion in Regel"s heart, pressed the cigarette end in his hand into the ashtray and said seriously: "Australia and China share the same goal and complementarity . This time, I will bring the mechanical expert evolutor, who will partic.i.p.ate in your core laboratory . With his partic.i.p.ation, your efficiency will be improved by 50%, so, I ask you to focus on the design of engines and giant air ships, and list them as top secret . As long as we have the sky in our hands, we can be invincible in the future . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s request was quite difficult for Australia . Regel did not refuse it . The chance of technological evolutionists is too small, but every technological evolutionist is a treasure of human beings . He nodded and said, "I will urge this matter, but our strength is still too small . If we can integrate the technology and resources of the world, Maybe there will be more cards to deal with this disaster . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang moved in his heart, then pressed down his thoughts and said to Regel with a smile: "our cooperation is for interests, and the basis of cooperation is friendship . Over such a long period of time, we have generally known each other . In order to thank you for your contribution, I invite you to join the immortality plan, which will be a breakthrough point for human beings to break the shackles of life, At present, half of it has been completed . I believe that before long, you and your relatives will be able to have more than three times the life span . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang threw out his sweet date, but it set off a storm in Regel"s heart . Immortality is not worth a cent to him, but Kluger can give everything for immortality, and the three times life expectancy can make every normal person crazy . He can"t help thinking of Kluger"s saying, "if you want to solve a problem, you must solve it from the source, If you want to kill Kruger, you have to start from Kruger"s key point, and Kruger"s key point is his fear of death . "< br>