Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2344: 2344

Chapter 2344: 2344

"What?" Zhang Xiaoqiang"s expression of consternation was frozen at this moment, and he could not even take back his chin . No one knew it . He knew that kesailer was Regel"s loyal dog . Without kesailer, Regel was nothing . Even Zhang Xiaoqiang was envious . Regel had such a good administrator and dealt with Australia in an orderly way, In the present chaotic situation, Australia has been able to maintain its stability, and Kessler has made great contributions .

"The purpose of my coming from Australia is to take back the political power in Australia . At least that"s what Kluger ordered . In order to achieve my goal, I must gain Kluger"s trust . I can"t hide it before, but I can"t hide it now . . . "

With Regel"s narration, Zhang Xiaoqiang understood the cause and effect, the consequence of the sea clan violence . Kruger knew it clearly . Compared with the distant Europe, Australia would be attacked by the sea clan first . In this way, the new era would have a chance to take back Australia, so he sent Regel and the two G.o.ds to prepare .

The reason why Kluger sent the three of them was that Kluger suspected that they might have problems . At the beginning, regor guessed Kluger"s mind . The first thing he did when he came back to Australia was to calculate the two divinities and lock them up here . He wanted to put the black pot on the divinity and let Australia return to the new era at an appropriate time, In order to gain Kluger"s trust, Kluger didn"t think Kluger thought that the real culprit of Australian rebellion was Kluger . In some administrative means, Kluger"s shadow was detected by some intentional people, which aroused Kluger"s vigilance . If Regel wanted to complete the task, he had to kill Kluger to win Kluger"s trust .

Regel has fallen into the madness of revenge . For revenge, he doesn"t care about his life and death . If suicide can solve Kluger, he will not hesitate to stab himself in the neck . But keseler is different . Keseler is his best friend and the most important brother . They rebel against the new era for the same purpose and want to kill keseler, Regel"s heart is very hard, but also let his conscience condemned .

"It"s not for power, it"s for revenge . The people he would kill even if he betrayed keseller must be the high-level people in the new era . The real high-level people in the new era are only the G.o.d warrior and the mysterious speaker . Does he want to kill his father?" Zhang Xiaoqiang is thrilled . Patricide is a big crime to be despised in both the West and the East . Even if Kluger is his enemy, he doesn"t want this guy killed by his son . After all, he has a good impression of Regel . He is a wise man who knows how to advance and retreat . He doesn"t have much ambition and treats his allies generously .

"Do you know the consequences?" Zhang Xiaoqiang asked in a deep voice, with an inexplicable chill in his voice .

"Isn"t that death? Anyway, I should have died long ago, when my mother was eaten by those guys . . . " Regel showed a sneer, took a big mouthful of the wine bottle on the table, opened the neckline and said aloud .

"Do you know the consequences of killing Kessler?" The chill in the words is more serious . The spreading murderous intention gently pushes the cigar box and wine cup before them and slowly slides to Regel . They don"t notice the change of the desktop . Regel"s eyes are staring at the ceiling, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes are staring at Regel"s empty eyes .

"I know that the Australian regime will collapse, the army will split, the gathering points will be divided, millions of people will fall into civil strife, and there will be sea people outside . In three years, millions of survivors will die, more than 90% of them will die, and the remaining 10% will die in five to ten years . . . "

A series of figures sprang out of Regel"s mouth, making the flame in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart unable to suppress any more . He smashed the metal table top with one blow, shattering the red wine gla.s.s and cigar box on the table top . The huge roar reverberated in the closed room . The fist style lifted up Regel"s hair and dropped it . Regel gulped a mouthful of red wine, Shaking his head, he said, "that"s just right, so you can occupy Australia . The research inst.i.tutes, laboratories, factories and technicians here belong to you . . . As long as you can help me kill him . . . "

Regel said that he was not keseller, but Kluger . It"s not so easy to kill Kluger . As long as he can kill Kluger, he is willing to give everything, but it"s not easy to kill Kluger . If there is no way, how can he think of sacrificing Kluger?

"Did you have the heart to kill Kessler for helping you so much?" Zhang Xiaoqiang said here, the momentum of the whole body can no longer hold, suddenly outside, just like a gust of wind will bounce everything on the table, flowing wine in the air across an arc, smashed on the crystal coffin of Dream Star, like blood winding down .

"He just took the first step . I know I"m sorry for him, but I have no other way . The information you gave has been verified and it"s really feasible . It"s just what Kluger needs . Kluger"s research on allogeneic variants has reached a bottleneck and needs new ideas to uncover the final obstacle . Therefore, he has to come to Australia to let him come, a.s.sad and Kessel must die . "

In Regel"s words, kesele and a.s.sad are like two irrelevant chips, which are easily abandoned . The empty and dry words make Zhang Xiaoqiang"s acc.u.mulated anger slowly weaken . He just can"t stand Regel"s betrayal, but the interests contained in them are amazing . He knows better than anyone what it is to solve the problem of Kluge, such as large supernova bomb, kite hawk and empty boat, There are all kinds of new technologies that Australia does not have . Although it is not easy, there is a glimmer of hope . "I don"t want you to kill them, at least not now . You don"t care about the life and death of millions of people, but I care . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang negates regor . He doesn"t have to talk about it . If it"s normal, he doesn"t bother to take care of the other party"s bulls.h.i.t . But now that the Hai people are invading, he can"t allow anyone to destroy it .

"Why? Just kill Kruger . It won"t cause you any trouble . I don"t want to cause you any misunderstanding . " Regel"s stunned look, surprised eyes, and that kind of inexplicable anger made the two people"s previous atmosphere faint .

"You can sacrifice the whole world for the goal, I need to save the whole world for the goal, we all live for the goal, so we are the same kind of people, that"s right, so we are antagonistic . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang does not hesitate to say what he thinks . In order to revenge, Regel is willing to sink into the abyss . Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to create a beautiful world for future generations and relatives, so he must stop Regel . Their differences cannot be bridged, and they are decided at the moment he comes in .

"Ha, I don"t think I"ve done anything wrong . Sometimes sacrifice is inevitable . Don"t you have a saying in China that sacrifice your life for righteousness? In order to achieve the goal, the superior has to do everything . Besides, our goal is not in conflict . As long as Kluger dies, Kessler will not cause too much impact . As long as you promise, I will let the Chinese partic.i.p.ate in the management of Australia now . "

Regel"s wishful thinking to persuade Zhang Xiaoqiang, but his hand touched a special switch . When he was about to act, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly stood up from his chair and looked down on Regel, and said with disdain: "how? You want to do it? "

Press the finger tip on the switch to move away inadvertently, take the bottle and give yourself a mouthful . Regel also stands up and says with red eyes: "the way is different, don"t conspire with each other . This old Chinese saying is very suitable for now . You go your way, I go my single wooden bridge . . . "

"You"ve made a mistake . Even if you give Kessler"s head, you can"t win Kluger"s trust, because Kluger needs my head more . . . " With Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words, Regel"s face changed greatly . Next moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s body jumped up on the table and jumped up high . Countless sharp spikes sprang up from the ground, like a dense forest around his previous standing position . In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, only Regel was resentful and ferocious . Regel"s aura was in his perception . If there was any change, he could detect his thoughts, The overall control makes Zhang Xiaoqiang like a fish in water, rushing to Regel like an eagle .

Regel grins his teeth and glares at Zhang Xiaoqiang . The golden light diffuses from his pupils . Tens of thousands of light speeds in the room like a fast wheel . The metal tabletop in front of him is crushed in an instant, but Zhang Xiaoqiang"s body is expanding with a bright red color . The full range defense of the flame barrier makes Zhang Xiaoqiang easily block Regel"s killing stunt, The next moment, regor flew backwards .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s feet stomp on the ground and jump up again . He cuts his leg like a sharp knife and smashes it on Regel"s chest . Regel"s blood spurts into the air, but his body accelerates several times and hits the floor . The huge impact makes Regel"s blood in the air scatter on the smooth and tidy floor, But his body slipped to the corner and hit heavily .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fighting experience is 1000 times richer than that of Regel . After the somersault landed, he didn"t stop . He rushed to Regel like a shadow, raised his foot and stomped on Regel"s b.l.o.o.d.y head . Once he took the hand, he would die . As for how to leave here, he didn"t think about it, and it didn"t matter that he fell out with Australia, Great . He put the blocking positions in the Philippines and Hainan Island< br>