Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2347: 2347

Chapter 2347: 2347

The transfer center is very busy, with a lot of goods and materials piled up like mountains . Compared with the mountain like goods and materials, the people carrying them are like ants, and the crowd is like ants . They work in long and orderly lines . Trucks carrying containers roll out tornado like dust to block out the sun . Under the command of long, short and long whistles, cranes stack the huge containers in order, The transportation center is bustling, and the surrounding area is also restless . Hundreds of excavators are arranged in tens of kilometers deep . The huge digging bucket can dig out a hole the size of a 122 sh.e.l.l crater at a time . The mechanical arm rises and falls like a chicken pecking rice . It only takes half a day to dig out a trench more than 1000 meters long, and the excavated earth does not need to be transported away, Unloading in the side of the tunnel to form a hill, before the dig bucket again like a beat on the earth, a hammer on the solid knot .

Looking around, countless trenches crisscross like cobwebs, stretching for hundreds of kilometers . They form a huge encirclement and tightly wrap the transport center . Among them, there are many towers, many roads, and many barbed wire . At first glance, it looks like the position of World War II . A few hills above the front are reinforced to form numerous firepower points, Countless deer head tripods are similar to the Normandy beach, but the density is better than that of Normandy . One by one, there is no gap .

This infinitely extended defense line will be built forever as long as it has not been attacked by the Hai people . Agricultural machines weld armor plates that can resist ice spears, install fully enclosed machine gun nests, and wait silently on artificial platforms . Once the Hai people come back, these soil armored vehicles are meat grinders for harvesting life .

Tens of thousands of people are busy preparing for the war here . Compared with the hot outside, the wounded camp is filled with deep sorrow, as if it were covered by clouds . Just entering the wounded camp, Zhao Deyi feels that the temperature in the air is much lower than that outside . It"s like a deserted town, Listless wounded soldiers lined up and sat in the shadow of the tent, staring at the sky, wrapped in b.l.o.o.d.y bandages, some without legs or arms, and others coughed slightly from time to time, just like dying old people .

Seeing these soldiers, Zhao Deyi frowned . They were all the elite of the first regiment . Each of them was tempered through the most brutal battle . Many people were injured more than once . Zhao Deyi was so spirited when he set out from China that day, and now he is so empty and spiritless . The huge contrast makes Zhao Deyi a little hard to accept . His soldiers have always been the king of soldiers, How can the mighty men who pee in the windward station lose their spirits?

On the one hand, he complained about the soldiers" lack of morale, on the other hand, he complained about too many things and ignored the feelings of the soldiers . He quickened his pace and walked to the center of the wounded camp . Behind him, more than a dozen soldiers with rifles pushed in six carts with huge metal boxes . They lined up neatly . Many wounded soldiers saw Zhao Deyi standing still, He could not help but help each other and stood up . He lost his crutch and his wheelchair . He slowly gathered in front of Zhao Deyi according to the inspection formation .

The sound of hundreds of people moving at the same time shocked the wounded lying on the hospital bed . They felt the strange atmosphere outside and came out of the tent . In the end, even if they couldn"t move, they got out of the door with the help of nurses . Except for the unconscious wounded who were still in danger, all the sober people stood outside the playground .

As time goes by, Zhao Deyi doesn"t speak all the time . He just glances at the wounded soldiers with his ox eyes . In his eyes, the decadent look on the wounded soldiers slowly recedes . A hidden spirit breaks through the shackles of their hearts and shows them completely, It makes the wounded of the Australian army who are watching in the distance feel an inexplicable change . Before, the wounded of the Chinese people were just like rotten wood waiting for them . But now, just standing in front of that person, the rotten wood has taken off its disguise and turned into a sharp saber . The irresistible spirit soars into the sky, making the cold wounded camp hot .

"You . . . " Zhao Deyi raised his voice and burst out from his chest like the roar of a volcano: "whose soldier . . . "

"c.o.c.kroach brother"s soldiers . . . " the soldiers of the first regiment are all Zhang Xiaoqiang"s old men . Unlike the soldiers behind, they only know about the rejuvenation of China . They always follow Zhang Xiaoqiang"s example, and their roars in response break the silence of the barracks .

"What troops are you . . . " Zhao Deyi suppressed the roar of all the wounded soldiers with a single voice, which echoed in the ears of every wounded soldier like thunder .

"The first regiment . . . " The soldiers responded with more roars, and some of them even cracked the wound because of too much force and quickly dyed the bandage b.l.o.o.d.y .

"Who are you . . . " Zhao Deyi"s third question made many people hesitant . They looked at each other . After a long time, their hesitation disappeared completely, like an explosion: "we are elite . . . "

"Chen Chuang is out of line . . . " Zhao Deyi was not happy . On the contrary, he didn"t show a normal look to these wounded soldiers . He knew that these wounded soldiers didn"t need comfort or encouragement . He just lectured to the soldiers as usual . He didn"t regard him as a wounded soldier, but only said that they were soldiers . With his roar, a high response sounded from the injury: "to . . . ""Creak, creak . . . " The wheelchair rang, and the young wounded with amputated legs glided out of the line with the wheel . This amazing young wounded soldier was a sergeant . Even if he didn"t have legs, he would keep his upper body straight, just like a warrior being reviewed .

"Can we still fight?" Zhao Deyi drank a lot .

"You can still shoot . . . " The sergeant knew what he was missing, but he held up his hands and proved to Zhao Deyi that at this moment, the flame in his eyes was burning like a rebirth and he found his goal .

"Equip him with . . . " With Zhao Deyi"s order, two metal legs were taken out of the box behind him and sent to the sergeant . Looking at the two mechanical legs, the sergeant was surprised . At the same time, it also shocked other wounded soldiers . If the rules of the first regiment were not here, he would not have whispered to each other .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach once said to you that if you are willing to fight, you can fight all the time, even if you lose your legs and feet . This is a mechanical prosthetic developed by brother c.o.c.kroach in Australia . It is better than normal legs and feet with the help of multi-point neuron control system and high-energy battery . If it is not too expensive and the quant.i.ty is limited, I would like to replace it for myself, It"s cheaper for you . . . "

Zhao Deyi"s explanation made Chen Chuang burst into tears . He couldn"t believe it and asked, "can I still stand up?"

"Don"t say stand up, even if there is no problem in running, and it"s more strange than everyone else . Human legs will be tired, and mechanical legs won"t be tired . Even if you can walk from here to the southernmost end of Australia, I"ll wait for you to adapt to these mechanical legs, and with them you can go back to the army . . . "

Zhao Deyi boasted that mechanical prosthetics are not on the ground but on the sky . In fact, what he said is not true . Mechanical prosthetics are technological evolutors in Australia . Under the pressure of Zhang Xiaoqiang, they have been optimized and a.s.sisted by Xiao lang . therefore, the effects of these mechanical prosthetics are excellent . As long as they are not completely broken, only a few limbs are left, It can control thousands of mechanical nerves to make all kinds of actions through neural nodes, which is the same as usual, or even better .

"Li Xuesong came out . . . You broke one hand, only one mechanical prosthesis . Believe me, you will regret not breaking both hands together . . . "

"Jiang Cheng is out . You are an excellent monitor, but you are a poor machine gunner . I hope you can play more accurately after you have a manipulator . "

"Su Bowen came out . As a staff officer, your job should be to stay in the command department to a.n.a.lyze intelligence and put forward opinions . Unfortunately, you don"t like to use your head . Now that you are demoted, Jiulian needs a deputy company commander . In the future, you don"t have to sneak to the front line . This time you don"t have your left leg . I hope you won"t lose your head next time, At least before the invention of the mechanical brain

"Lv Xing, you have two choices . One is to install a manipulator and a mechanical leg to roll back to your troops, and the other is to install a Keling and join the frigate promised by brother c.o.c.kroach as a messenger . Which one do you choose?"

"Liu Xiaohong is out of the line . The guy with a big beard takes the name of such a woman . I doubt that you must not be liked when you were born . Take your prosthesis and roll . I have heard about you fighting with your comrades more than once . If I know you are fighting with a mechanical prosthesis, be careful with me . . . "

As the names were called out, the disabled soldiers got a chance to be reborn . Cheers broke out again and again in the whole wounded camp . Zhao Deyi"s ridicule also made the soldiers feel more cordial towards him . For a moment, the atmosphere of the whole wounded camp took on a new look . I believe in the near future, These elite soldiers will go to the battlefield again . "< br>