Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2352: 2352

Chapter 2352: 2352

Since he got up in the morning, Zhang Xiaoqiang has been in a bad state . Yang Ke"er, who came back last night in an empty boat, was so crazy that he almost wanted to do all the exercises he owed for a week . Every time Yang Ke"er was sweating and wanted to pretend to be a dead dog and sleep, he naively said that Zhang Xiaoqiang would have to work like an overworked old scalper, consuming his remaining physical strength . If he had a choice, He is willing to kill one hundred thousand zombies back and forth . Sometimes it"s a kind of torture to repeat too many actions . There are only dead cattle and no cultivated land . When Yang Ke"er opens his eyes in the morning, he carves his mark firmly in his heart . The bright eyes of Yang Ke"er make his goose b.u.mps . I"m afraid Yang Ke"er wants him to have another morning luck, At that time, he couldn"t even move a finger, but he could feel Yang Ke"er"s heart full of love and feel the tangle of powerlessness .

Fortunately, Yang Ke"er is a woman . She is a lot more mature than before . After breakfast, she returned to the front line . The front line is in a fierce battle . Zhuo Mingyue and meow have not come back for many days . According to the battle report of the front line, the situation is not very good . The east coast first went through the baptism of rainstorm like Shanghai, This rainstorm has swept over one third of Australia, covering the entire eastern coastline, making it difficult for the collection of blood Phoenix . The muddy ground has slowed down the moving ability of zombies by more than several times?

When he was sitting quietly on the cane chair to refresh his energy, Kessler came in and saw Kessler . Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned slightly and put on his translation headset . He heard Kessler say, "if Kruger can"t come, new creatures will appear in the Pacific Ocean, which can destroy any plane with a flight height of less than 15000 meters . It"s the algae in the Hawaiian sea that makes him crazy, The aid promised by the Americans could not come, but they told us about the material storage in Singapore . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was neither disappointed nor happy . He frowned, touched his chin and said, "in this way, the red algae in the waters of Hawaii will never be hit by missiles and airplanes again? Is this a three-dimensional defense system? "

With Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words, kesailer"s face changed greatly . He lost the ocean . Only the sky is still in the hands of human beings, and the flying alt.i.tude of the mutant sea birds is between one and five thousand meters . That"s why it gives human beings an opportunity . If it is raised to fifteen thousand meters, I"m afraid all transport ships and airships can no longer be used .

"Then what? Are we not cut off from China? " Kessler thought of the worst place . If the creatures flying in the sky are all over the world, all places outside the continental framework will become isolated islands . At that time, the sea people can completely break down one by one .

"Nu Wa, what"s the result of your a.n.a.lysis?" Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t answer kesailer"s question . He needed more information . As soon as his voice fell, all the floor curtains in the room automatically covered the windows, and the lights were turned off . The projector hanging under the ceiling projected the image of Nuwa on the snow-white wall . Kesailer was not surprised by the beauty of Nuwa, or that the Oriental beauty of Nuwa was not enough to move the hearts of Western men .

After Nu Wa appeared, she took a deep look at Zhang Xiaoqiang . Her eyes were misty, with unspeakable fluctuations . However, neither Zhang Xiaoqiang nor kesailer found out . They waited for Nu Wa to bring out the information . The picture flashed and fixed on a strange creature, saying that it was strange . This creature had four meat wings, dragged a long tail, and was smooth, The color is black, and the size is huge, just like a huge airplane . The strangest thing is that this creature"s head looks like an earless bat, and it has no eyes, but it has pangolin like scales . This scale appears on this creature for only one purpose, impact .

"You can"t land without limbs . Can"t this thing land?" Kessler murmured . After a while, he woke up and added: "yes, except for red algae, there is no land on the sea . This thing does not need to go ash.o.r.e . It should be a new species catalysed by the long-range strike of the new era . It can intercept all possible long-range strikes . If I guess correctly, this thing can stay in the air for a long time . Four wings can glide by air currents, and bats have no eyes, It depends on ultrasound to lock in mosquitoes and obstacles . Whether it"s an airplane or a missile, the speed exceeds the limit of vision . This thing can destroy an airplane . It"s the same principle as bat"s foraging . "

"By the end of the last minute, there were 32080 unidentified flying species in the Hawaiian waters . It is estimated that 500 red algae will be born every day . However, the growth cycle of this species is very long, and it is estimated that the highest number will be more than 30000 . . . "

Compared with 30000, the number of sea people is only a drop in the ocean, but for human long-range aircraft, compared with the zombie sea, the Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean, and it"s nothing if tens of thousands of them are scattered out, but it"s an insurmountable natural moat for human beings . We don"t know the search scope of these things, their limit flight speed, and their dead time, Human beings are still unknown to this kind of creature .

"It"s not too bad . They are hatched to defend the sky . Defense is always more than attack . 30000 flying monsters can attack any force all the time . It"s impossible to defend the whole ocean . They can only cut off the sky above the ocean . The sky on land doesn"t matter for the time being . We still have intercepting missiles to use, This thing should be a pa.s.sive attack . Once the target is found, it will be intercepted actively, so don"t worry about cutting off the route from China to Australia . . . "Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly sorted out the key points and found out the shortcomings of this creature . Nuwa then listed all kinds of data, which confirmed Zhang Xiaoqiang"s conclusion through deduction . However, kesailer could not remain optimistic, looking at the biosphere that almost blocked the whole Pacific Ocean in the virtual graphics, he said:

"The root of the problem lies in the meteorite . If it can"t be destroyed, The Hai people will be invincible . Even if we can resist a thousand attacks, the Hai people will still launch one thousand attacks . "

"According to the current calculation, it is very difficult for human beings to win . The only deficiency of the sea people is made up . Even if all the nuclear bombs in the world are launched, the sea people can not be destroyed . If we really reach a certain stage, the first one to be destroyed should be human beings . . . "

Nu Wa didn"t know how to use euphemism . She said her conjecture realistically . Zhang Xiaoqiang and kesailer"s faces became ugly at the same time . There was no camera in the room, and Nu Wa couldn"t observe the changes of their faces . She went on to say to herself:

"The worst part of the situation is that human beings give up all the areas near the water source and retreat to the desert, However, this retreat can not redeem the disadvantage . Like Hawaii and j.a.pan, the sea people will launch a coastal vortex to empty the foundation of the land and cause collapse . They will gradually erode the continental framework and eventually cultivate red algae with land materials . Unless they retreat to the north and south poles, the sea people once attacked Greenland and gave up destroying Greenland because of climate problems, Turn to the UK . Maybe there is a place where human beings can use the long frozen time to resist the sea people . "

"Antarctica?" When Zhang Xiaoqiang and kesailer look at each other, they feel a little suspended . Antarctica is surrounded by the sea, and there are not a few red algae . Just in the south of Australia, there are at least three red algae lying between Australia and Antarctica . If each red algae has flying creatures to patrol, then human beings can only watch it forever?

"When will huangquan and ishiharano arrive? Also, how is the integration of tuanlongwei going It"s too wasteful to put huangquan and shiyuanye in China . China"s development has been on the right track . The highway from Sichuan to Qinghai has been opened, and the surrounding cities and towns have been basically cleaned up . Tens of thousands of survivors found along the way have been a.s.signed to Qinghai for development . Now, four ten thousand people"s settlements have been built, and an industrial and agricultural system has been initially formed . It only takes one year, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t need anything from Qinghai for the time being, as long as the survivors can stand firm and provide a.s.sistance for future development . As for the residual forces of the original government, they can be sent to further areas to open up wasteland until they formally agree with the dominant position of the rejuvenation of China,

"It will arrive tomorrow morning, and it will be safe from time to time along the way . The Dragon guards of the regiment have been reorganized into three regiments, with 1200 people in each regiment . The first regiment is stationed in Hubei, the second regiment is stationed in Yinmeng, and the third regiment will arrive with the frigate tomorrow morning . In addition, there are scattered evolutioners who are undergoing the training . The fourth regiment is set up in Sichuan, and the fifth regiment is set up in Guangxi, Besides, the sixth regiment established in Hunan is dissatisfied with the formation of . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang has always been worried about the combat effectiveness of the evolutors . Unlike infantry, which can form a unified specification and organization, the combat effectiveness of each evolutor is different . A high-level evolutor can easily kill ten low-level evolutors, and a half top evolutor can kill a group of high-level evolutors, A top evolutionist, even a squadron evolutionist, may not be able to kill, let alone the G.o.d warrior who surpa.s.ses the top evolutionist . Zhang Xiaoqiang has a large number of evolutionists, including the newly discovered ones in various regions, the ones collected in Shanghai, and the ones rescued by using evolutionary matrix in the past battles, reaching 67 at one time .

But these evolutionists are not good and bad, and weapons and equipment can not be unified . Simply letting them use guns is not as good as expanding the army . At least the military people absolutely obey the orders, and gradually become weak . Their individual ability is strong, but the team operations are in a mess . It"s better to be a soldier once . They know how to cooperate and have never been a soldier, Catch the zombie in the sea .

Fortunately, a large number of new technologies have been achieved during this period . The production of Pearl tears has increased several times in two years . In addition, too many UAVs need to be built, and a large number of Pearl tears flow into the ordinary military industry . The coating material of Pearl tears has become a panacea . Even if a piece of ordinary high-density alloy shield is coated with pearl tears, its defense ability will reach more than three times, and there are a large number of guns, If enough bullets can be supplied, even metal storm sniper rifles will not be difficult . There are a large number of weapons and armor made of mutated biomaterials, and agile evolutors have strong fighting power . At least they can fight with S2 zombies of the same scale . As for spiritual evolutors with various abilities, they are organized into professional teams according to different abilities, That is to say, digging a hole and setting fire .

Through such integration, a strong combat effectiveness has been initially formed, and it is the best to use it in attack or suppression operations . Of course, this is only the beginning . Half of the 8000 soldiers in Australia have been transformed into evolutors . They do not need to worry about the failure rate of the evolutionary matrix . Although their ability is not very strong, they have reached the limit of human physical fitness, Whether it"s physical fitness or strength, speed has been greatly improved, single to single challenge, ordinary Hai nationality has no problem at all . "This is the only good news at present . Well, my comrade, since the new era can"t be over for a while, you"d better h.o.a.rd all kinds of ammunition and weapons as much as possible, and the eastern front can"t be delayed any longer . I"ll go over and have a look in the afternoon and tell Zhao Deyi to make a close watch on the mutant beast armor for me, At least make sure that every soldier gets the skin armor . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang then got up and walked upstairs . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s back, kesailer shook his head and said, "I think the hardest hit is Regel . He has been looking forward to the plan for a long time . . . "

"Let his hatred be repressed a little longer . People who can"t see the general situation have no need to live . They still hate and lose themselves for the dead in the face of life and death . This kind of people is not worth acting . If we are not cooperative, the first one I want to kill is Regel . . . "

When Zhang Xiaoqiang"s last words came, they disappeared . Kesailer looked at the empty stairway . Kesailer pulled out his cigar and held it in his mouth, stupefied< br>