Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2364: 2364

Chapter 2364: 2364

In the new era, there were powerful zodiacs . Zodiac was an invincible warrior for mortals . Through the evolution of time, Zodiac disintegrated and lost two Zodiacs by accident . Up to now, there are only four Zodiacs that can be controlled in the new era . It can be said that the losses are heavy . Among them, the night G.o.d dreamt of stars and the iron curtain G.o.d isaster fell to Australia, In Regel"s report, Mengxing and esaster were defeated and captured by tier in the clearance operation . Regel, at an extreme disadvantage, used the price of immortality to plot against tier, and finally killed the nominal leader of Australia, a.s.sad, and the subversion behind the scenes, Kessler .

This report is full of legendary twists and turns . No one in the new era headquarters will believe it, and Regel doesn"t expect them to believe it . He only needs to send the elixir of immortality, while Kluger only needs an excuse and two heads, even if he suspects Regel is playing tricks . He doesn"t care about all the intrigues, as long as he can save his own life, He doesn"t care about anything if he can get rid of the threat of death .

The Harrier hawk airship entered Russia peacefully . Before the end of the world, the sky over Russia was an absolute forbidden zone . Russia, with rich cultural heritage, inherited most of the legacy of the former Soviet Union and was able to lock in any flying object that entered their airs.p.a.ce . According to laomaozi"s violent habit, missiles might fly up without warning, but now, The whole of Russia fell into boundless silence, and the only remaining Russians were killed and killed by ten thousand mad dogs .

Gloucester is a cold young man with rare albinism, white face and white hair, and a few wrinkles on his forehead . He is dressed in a black leather robe and does not show airs . He is thin, shriveled and weak . He feels like a great white ape in a robe, or a kind of hairless one .

Hadman sat opposite Aristo and flipped a playboy book a few years ago . His fingers were flipping the pages, but his eyes were staring at the beating page numbers without focus . They were acting as a subst.i.tute for Kluger, but no one paid any attention to it . The moment they came out of Europe, they knew the fate of the subst.i.tute, but the subst.i.tute didn"t know it .

Sitting between the two theocracies, the double is not comfortable . Hadman and Aristo don"t deal with it . To be exact, Aristo and all the theocracies don"t deal with it . This man was originally a black man with albinism, which seems to be inconspicuous among white people . But even if he turns white, the black man"s special curly hair doesn"t grow long, and he has the habit of speaking, If he is just a black man, white people will not have any ideas, but if he wants to pretend to be a white man, no one will . No one wants to stand with him and be degraded .

The double is just an ordinary person . Although he has extraordinary knowledge, he does not break away from the category of ordinary people . He always feels that Aristo"s eyes are not right when he looks at himself, which is a very dangerous omen . However, hadman becomes a G.o.d . No one knows what the outcome of going to Australia will be like . There is no news from the previous two G.o.ds who went to Australia with Regel, The double doesn"t know if he can be as lucky this time as he was last time, only injured but not killed .

It"s still a long time to arrive in Australia . The stand in doesn"t know how to stay in this dreary s.p.a.ce . Instead of looking at the two divinities, he turns to look out of the boat . At this moment, the alarm rings from the kite hawk empty boat, which makes hadman jump up . He gets up and carries the parachute on his back . However, the stand in sees a big six winged white bird coming out of the clouds, More than 100 meters away, parallel to the Yaoying airship .

What surprised people was not the mutant bird, but the two women on the mutant bird, one big and one small, all wrapped in thick fur, sat on the back of the bird and looked at them . The speed of the Harrier hawk airship was not slow, and the speed of the mutant bird could not catch up with it . However, the bird had a strange ability to break through the air, and could move 100 meters in an instant, The birds are still parallel to the Harrier .

Then hundreds of flying beetles, the size of a car, rushed up from below and circled around the Yaoying airship, forcing the Yaoying airship to open all weapon ports . The laser defense system was in full readiness . As long as the unknown creature launched an attack, the Yaoying airship would shoot down any enemy, just when the two sides were in a standoff, Hadman has been nervous nagging: "how to do, how to do, I don"t want to die, I don"t want to die, or . . . Let"s surrender . . . "

Aristo, who is as cold as a poisonous snake, turns a white eye at hadman . The white people look down on him, but he looks down on hadman . Hadman came back to Europe from Australia and was beaten half dead by EOS . He got phobia and was afraid of everything . He was neurotic all day . He didn"t have any consciousness of the G.o.d warrior, and the double began to tremble . He was worse than hadman, Anyway, hadman was also a fierce man who had fought and seen blood . He didn"t even kill a chicken .

The battle was imminent . The mutant bird spared two laps and flew to the Yaoying airship . More than 100 flying beetles also flew down . They stuck to the ground to catch up with the mutant bird, which made the people inside the Yaoying airship feel relieved . At this time, they found that they had reached the sky above Moscow .

Wan Qiang stood in the middle of countless zombies and pulled down the head of the Z3 zombie hiding in the deepest place . He looked up and sucked the brains of the zombie . He let out a smooth roar . His scarlet eyes were full of satisfaction . He threw away the Z3 zombie like the head of an octopus and turned to look in a certain direction, He can feel something attracting him . This kind of thing is called powerful . After he came out of the subway, he felt this change . As long as he kept hunting high-level zombies and eating their brains, they would become stronger . Now D4 zombies can"t walk a round in his hands, so they can easily take off their heads and eat them as coconuts, Even the high-frequency sound of the zombie Z3 is not as useful to him as it used to be . Wanqiang doesn"t know which direction is St . Petersburg in the northwest of Russia, the second largest city in Russia, with a population of 5 million . Four years after the end of the world, where are three zombies and Z3 zombies that have reached the peak of level 4? He doesn"t know how terrible his road is . One day, After eating all the high-level zombies, he will grow to an unimaginable level and become the most terrible enemy of mankind, the king of zombies .

The kite hawk airship flies over Wan Qiang"s head . If Wan Qiang looks up and stares at the sky, the clouds block Wan Qiang"s sight . After a while, he takes his sight back and continues to march to St . Petersburg . He doesn"t care about Zhang Xiaoqiang"s request to leave Russia . From now on, he has only one goal, and keeps getting stronger, Until he was strong enough to kill everything that might threaten him, no matter people or others . At that time, what he wanted to kill most was Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Kluger is ready to throw his own shot because of the countdown to his life . He gives up all the benefits outside his headquarters to get the elixir of immortality . Zhang Xiaoqiang still doesn"t know what kind of gift Kluger is going to give him . Flander, who is also facing the countdown to his life, has fallen into despair . He is just a small person in charge of the US government, and he belongs to the kind of being monitored, The lack of research materials, the evacuation of researchers, and even the reduction of security personnel due to the war among the Haizu made him feel vulnerable

At the moment, Flanders huddled in bed, staring at the TV screen in a daze . The United States has a strong infrastructure and is the first to restore the power of civil facilities, There is not much difference between postmodernism and pre postmodernism . As long as it is not close to the area where the zombies are concentrated, it will be OK . And human beings are not as afraid of zombies as before . Without genesis and the sea people, Americans must be the first country to stand up from the world .

The TV shows the war between the front line and the Hai people . To be exact, it is a propaganda video of the new government encouraging the survivors . It does not say that the Hai people have broken through a line of defense, that human beings have been retreating under the impact of the Hai people, and that thousands of soldiers have died in the war . It just mobilizes the survivors to take the initiative to go to the battlefield, Fight for America"s tomorrow .

Flander"s focus is not on it . He knows more than ordinary survivors . The army has been unable to withstand the attack of the sea people . The U . S . Army defends everywhere . There are too many areas to defend . More and more red algae are close to the East and west coasts . Now the United States is suffering from two sides of attack . Fortunately, the east coast has Genesis to help resist, Otherwise, the American form is likely to be worse .

The power to start a nuclear bomb has been opened . The military and politicians are engaged in a final battle and arguing about the final start of a nuclear bomb . Everyone knows that a nuclear bomb is not an egg . Once it explodes, it will leave decades or even hundreds of years of nuclear radiation . The location of the explosion is on the coast of the United States, which is not as insignificant as it was thrown in other countries, This is the scar that will bring serious natural disasters to the United States .

On the TV screen, countless soldiers cheered and raised their guns . Behind them was a giant sea animal that had been killed by the explosion, and a confident general"s inspiring speech . All these made frande lose his appet.i.te . He raised the remote control and turned it off . When he stood naked on the floor, he only heard a slight sound, and his left arm joint exploded like a blood arrow, The wound was not big, only the size of mung beans, but the bright red color made frand"s pupils dilate a lot, and his body began to collapse again .

Frande"s immortal secret is the split of thinking . He can split his thinking into two parts which are interrelated and relatively independent . This ability is not his real ability . His real ability is to steal, which is a very partial ability, powerful and useless ability . He can steal the ability of any evolutor and act on himself, But this ability has a time limit . It can last for up to three hours at a time . After that, he will return to his original shape, which is not much better than ordinary human beings .

If fland is a soldier, this ability is not too bad, but he is a scientist, so he applies this ability to Elson, because Elson"s ability is split thinking, and can operate any mechanical equipment . Although Elson conceals his ability, fland has already been able to spy on it, because he knows that, The secret of immortality may lie in the split mind, or the split soul . When stealing this ability, in order to permanently solidify the ability, he consumed Elson"s vitality, which is also Elson"s old crude oil . What he didn"t expect is that this ability requires too much of the body, and even the best cloned human body can"t carry the split mind, Once the conflict happens, the body will collapse .

Without treatment of his wounds, blood trickled down his arms to the floor and splashed with blood . Blood trickled down the floor to the end of the corridor . When he opened the door, Flander entered his laboratory, where the blood was extremely b.l.o.o.d.y . The limbs and viscera of various creatures were displayed in gla.s.s jars filled with formalin, The most conspicuous jars are filled with palpitating heads, including human, zombie, Haizu and kelaya . All the heads are ferocious, which makes people feel cold .

Instead of staying in the showroom, he walked into a room with a thick metal door closed tightly . The metal door was as thick as 30 cm, just like the safe door of a bank . At the moment of closing the mountain, there was a dull sound of locking . No gla.s.sware could be found in this fully enclosed sound insulation room . Even the light was hose fluorescent light . Frande"s eyes were scanning the room, Stay in a set of two huge speakers and a complete set of audio equipment< br>