Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2368: 2368

Chapter 2368: 2368

The endless barrage of bullets once again interweaved the scarlet three-dimensional network . Yang Ke"er"s counterattack was quite fierce . When the Hai people quietly touched it, the fire burst out this time was even better than just now . Not only was the fire network tilted, but also the beehive shaped mine thrower installed on military trucks . Each military truck had six beehives, Each hive has 32 throwing ports, and 192 anti infantry mines can be deployed at one time . Ten mine laying vehicles can lay 19020 mines on the whole ambush point .

At the moment of explosion, this 75mm mine is no less powerful than the 75mm sh.e.l.l . The Hai people are not human beings . They don"t know that the big round box on the ground is a hornet"s nest that can"t be touched . However, the effect of the explosion is better than that of the fire net . The Hai people who tremble and fight in the light of the flare are all kraya, There are all these craya highland steps . Among the scarlet fireb.a.l.l.s, one by one craya flew into the sky . Many of them were shot by large caliber bullets, and they were divided into two parts without even room for resistance . On the contrary, small caliber bullets are ineffective for them . Craya has protective barriers, unless heavy weapons can break through .

Under the command of Yang Ke"er, the defense line was immediately stabilized . The sh.e.l.ls were fierce and poisonous, and thousands of kraya were killed and seriously injured . At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhuo Mingyue and Huang Fei were looking for Xuefeng among countless zombies . Zombies were the most important part of the eastern defense line, and the eastern part was the elite of the survivors" gathering place in Australia .

Among the piles of corpses, there are rare corpses of the Hai nationality . The corpse mountains built by evolutionary corpses are like roadblocks . The intricate arrangement makes people confused . Zhuo Mingyue floats in the air like a flying arrow, pa.s.sing on countless corpses . Xiaofei"s human like fierce beast is not slow on the ground, carrying Zhang Xiaoqiang on his back like a gust of wind .

Looking at the countless corpses, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brows were tight . There were no mutated animals among the Hai people"s corpses, and there were no ordinary Hai people . Most of them were kelaya"s corpses . Each beautiful kelaya fell in the middle of the corpses, which looked like a mummy . It was obvious that the blood was drained by Xuefeng . Xuefeng had not done it in person for a long time, This reminds Zhang Xiaoqiang of the boundless sea of blood when he was in Shanghai . He can let Xuefeng do it by himself . It can be seen that the situation is worse than he thought .

The more we go forward, the more corpses there are . All the corpses are like sieve holes . I don"t know how many of them are . Many scattered zombies have no formation . They squat together to devour the corpses of the Hai nationality, just like the devil of h.e.l.l, chewing and breaking bones, There are also the tearing sound of Shasha and the howling sound of type D zombies, which reminds Zhang Xiaoqiang of the first night of the virus outbreak .

Suddenly, a sharp high-frequency scream came from the distance . This kind of Z-shaped Zombie"s unique ability didn"t sound very pure . Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that it was Xuefeng"s roar . Zhuo Mingyue speeded up in an instant, like a meteor rushing towards Xuefeng, but he saw hundreds of S4 zombies walking and jumping in the distance, encircling and annihilating ten four armed snake girls, Each of the four armed snake girls is extremely powerful . It"s not like seeing a corpse hit an invisible blade and scattered into a pile of fragments .

But Xuefeng couldn"t see her figure . Only the blood wave with a radius of 100 meters was whirling like a whirlpool . The blood wave was rolling and surging . The blood crystal spear stretching for several ten meters was like a millstone, which was suppressing the three six armed snake girls gathered around . Each of the three six armed snake girls was more than two meters high, but two-thirds of their long tail was wriggling on the ground . They were different from kraya, Each arm is holding a piece of animal bone . These animal bones include skull, ribs, shoulder blades, leg bones, and animal teeth like machetes . Each one is crystal clear, as if jade . Without waving the animal bone once, the ice blue crystal sand in the form of essence is scattered everywhere . Everything blown by the crystal sand is covered with thick ice in an instant .

S4 The actual lethality of the zombie type D is higher than that of the zombie type D4 . The invisible speed and the sharp claws that easily cut the steel bars are all big killers . The majestic mutant animals will die and have no life when they encounter them . But under the ice crystal, they are as fragile as a wine gla.s.s . When they touch it, they will turn into ice sculptures and fall to the ground . Hundreds of S4 zombies are decreasing, Dozens of four armed snake girls rarely lost . The whirling blood wave seems to be amazing, but it has no ability to fight back under the attack of crystal sand . Pieces of blood turn into blood ice and then smash . The scope of the blood wave is also shrinking . It seems that the blood wave will dissipate soon .

With another high-frequency scream, the blood wave was shocked into countless molecules, revealing the blood Phoenix in the blood colored armor . As soon as the blood Phoenix disappeared, the crystal sand splashed by the three six armed snake girls fell back one after another, flapping on the barrier in front of them and sliding away .

"Extremely cold?" At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang also saw the crystal sand of the six armed Snake Girl . In his mind, he flashed the level five mutant animal he had seen in Shanghai that day . The ability of the level five mutant animal was not that it could freeze everything . The next moment, Zhuo Mingyue flashed to the center of the battlefield and appeared around more than ten four armed snake girls who were surrounded by dead bodies, The confused Nianli knife is like a meat grinder to strangle the Snake Girl . The barrier around the Snake Girl breaks in an instant, forcing the snake girl to open her mouth and spray out crystal sand like a thick fog .

In the crystal sand, the invisible Nianli sword is also blocked . The ice of Nianli barrier beside Zhuo Mingyue splits into many small holes, and then breaks into powder . After one round, Zhuo Mingyue is forced to retreat by the crystal sand . But the Snake Girl"s vitality is also greatly damaged, and her smart body is also a little depressed . At this time, zombies around the six armed Snake Girl swarm in, They all jumped on the Snake Girl with four arms . In a moment, they grasped the Snake Girl"s body to the blood mouth of meters long . Once the blood mouth was formed, blood was drawn from the Snake Girl"s body to form a slender blood snake . It gently twisted and gathered into the blood wave of Xuefeng, which made the blood wave more decadent . The corpse drained of blood became the food of S4 zombie . In the blink of an eye, it fell apart under ten pairs of sharp claws . Zhang Xiaoqiang saw zombie hunting more than once . Only this time he was most elated . Zhuo Mingyue cooperated with S4 zombie to kill a four armed Snake Girl and then approached the second one . It was not that this creature was vulnerable to attack, On that day, there were three of them, and they could only beat the Snake Girl by a small margin . This time, they could easily solve the problem from two aspects . The first aspect is that the Snake Girl"s fighting power is the strongest only in the sea . The other is that not all snake girls have Holy Spirit bones . Holy Spirit bones are the source of a tribe in the sea . Destroying any holy spirit bone is destroying a tribe .

Zhuo Mingyue is close to the second four armed Snake Girl, but the four armed Snake Girl raises her fist sized pocket skull high and destroys the flash of red light . At the moment, Zhuo Mingyue"s body rises up, and Yu Guang can only sweep the two S4 zombies . At the next moment, the red light disappears with the zombies, and Zhuo Mingyue pours down again, she knows, It takes at least ten breath for the red light to start again . This time is enough for her . It"s like a replica of killing the first four armed Snake Girl . This time, the snake girl is injured again under the claw of S4 zombie . Once injured, the blood will be drained by Xuefeng until it is eaten by the zombie .

As soon as Fei Fei arrived, Zhang Xiaoqiang leaped high before she jumped to the third four armed Snake Girl . It was like a bat rushing to the fourth Snake Girl . The snake girl he chose had no Holy Spirit bone . People were in the air, and the dazzling electric arc tilted to the four armed Snake Girl regardless of the cost . The barrier around the four armed Snake Girl quickly melted, Although it can"t kill with one blow, it can neutralize with the barrier . When the barrier is only a thin layer, the Firebird"s scimitar will arrive . The next moment, the Firebird"s scimitar hits the animal bone Scepter on the four armed Snake Girl"s claws and flies . The sawtooth"s scimitar cuts from the bottom to the Snake Girl"s chin from an unexpected angle . The Snake Girl sprays her life-saving crystal sand, and the sawtooth"s scimitar turns into a giant popsicle, At the same time, Zhang Xiaoqiang released a layer of flame, and swept away all the crystal sand . At the next moment, the huge popsicle that had not yet melted was smashed on the Snake Girl"s chin like a mace, and the ice broke . The sharp serrated knife cut the Snake Girl"s beautiful face into huge blood . While the snake girl flew upside down, the fresh blood rushed out of the wound and gathered to Xuefeng .

After Zhang Xiaoqiang fell to the ground, the big fist of the ferocious beast broke the Snake Girl"s barrier to the sea last time . She grabbed the Snake Girl"s two arms and tore them apart . The snake girl screamed, and two blood arrows shot out . The broken wrist and blood waves gathered together . Four blood waves of the Snake Girl"s blood flowed into the blood Phoenix, making the blood Phoenix roar happily, It"s just this roar with a lot of sadness .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the snake girl who has been cut off by himself . The corpse is about to fall to the ground . He doesn"t want to let S4 zombie waste time by eating the corpse . Firebird"s cutla.s.s, like a boomerang dart, divides the corpse into two sections and burns them into fly ash . However, two animal bones and a crystal of faceted prism fall from it, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly constrict: "kill the monster and drop the treasure?" With this strange idea, Zhang Xiaoqiang with a group of desire dissatisfied zombies rushed to his second opponent .

This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not leave a mouthful of food for S4 zombies . No matter they were killed by him, Zhuo Mingyue and fufei, they were all turned into ashes with Firebird machetes . The prismatic crystals fell one by one . The zombies threw themselves at other snake girls without food, just like a lewd s.e.x Wolf . At first, the zombies suffered heavy losses under the encirclement and suppression of snake girls, But in the back, only the zombies with bad luck will be picked up by the Snake Girl, and other zombies are helping humans pick up the Snake Girl .

Zombies are the eyes and ears of Xuefeng . Naturally, they won"t attack Zhang Xiaoqiang . With the cooperation of both sides, there are fewer and fewer snake girls . In fact, Zhang Xiaoqiang and others didn"t kill any snake girls by themselves . All the snake girls died by draining blood after being injured . The real main force is Xuefeng, Under the siege of the six armed Snake Girl, the blood wave of 100 meters was once reduced to tens of meters . However, with the blood of the four armed Snake Girl, the high-level creature could continue to stand still and sometimes launch counter attacks . At the same time, there were more S4 zombies to contain the six armed Snake Girl,

The power of the six armed Snake Girl is too great for the four armed Snake Girl, After walking in front of these six armed snake girls for a few rounds, the S4 zombie will turn into a porcelain doll and fall to pieces, but it gives Xuefeng a chance to breathe . Just when they are in a stalemate with each other, less than 30 four armed snake girls are finally solved . The proud Zhuo Mingyue takes the lead in challenging one of them .

Before I arrived, Nianli Dao brushed to the six armed Snake Girl for half a year . Unexpectedly, Nianli Dao, which could break the four armed Snake Girl"s barrier, had no effect in front of the six armed Snake Girl . The six armed Snake Girl"s barrier didn"t even vibrate . Then I saw the disorderly and invisible Nianli Dao chiseling dust on the ground around the barrier, and the six armed Snake Girl"s counterattack was amazing, The crystal sand forms a thick fog and rolls to Zhuo Mingyue . The thickness of the thick fog is more turbulent than the original vitality of the Snake Girl with four arms . It can be operated freely and chases Zhuo Mingyue flying around like a crystal sand dragon .

The figure of Feifei suddenly appeared in front of the six armed Snake Girl who was chasing Zhuo Mingyue . She hit the barrier with a hard blow, and the fluctuation was visible to the naked eye . At the next moment, the anti shock force of the barrier bounced Feifei out . It was still in the air, and a piece of crystal sand brushed across . It was about to brush to the waist of the fierce beast, where Feifei"s real body was< br>