Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2370: 2370

Chapter 2370: 2370

The rear war ended quickly . Under the ambush of superior firepower, thousands of kraya could not form an overwhelming force . Although there were casualties in the front war, it was still a big victory in general . The chance of a big victory was Yang Ke"er . Yang Ke"er was in command, even though she had no tactical literacy or any experience in commanding the army, she could find the weakness of the Hai nationality as soon as possible, It is no exaggeration to say that in addition to the advantages in quant.i.ty and logistics, the decisive chance for both sides in the war depends on who makes fewer mistakes . No one can take one step to see ten steps . No one knows what unexpected consequences today"s decision will bring to tomorrow, But Yang Ke"er doesn"t have to care about these . She just needs to decide according to her intuition .

When Zhang Xiaoqiang was carried back to the rear by Hou Fei, he did not see the trace of Xuefeng, but saw the kelaya corpses all over the ground . Most of them were incomplete . Except for those corpses that were blasted and could not be made up, it was roughly estimated that there were at least 4000 kelaya corpses here . The ratio of high-level sea people to low-level sea people was 10:1, that is to say, More than 400 high-level krayas were lost here at the same time .

The strength of a newly growing red alga is not a mutant beast . The sea tribe alone has hundreds of thousands of people, and only a few hundred kraya among hundreds of thousands of sea tribes, which is about 1000 to one . That is to say, including kraya killed by zombies on the front line, there are at least 20 kraya of sea tribes, not to mention four armed snake girls and fewer six armed snake girls, There is no doubt that it was a big victory .

Some kraya, who were stunned by the sh.e.l.ls, were placed alone . Their limbs, including their mouths, were tightly bound . The bound soldiers were evil . They had the rope skills of j.a.panese action movies . There were a large number of Hai people captured alive, nearly 300 of them . Nearly half of them lacked arms and legs, and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s soft appearance frightened Yang, I personally hold Zhang Xiaoqiang in my arms and no one will give it to me .

Xiaoshan Ninja"s eccentricity told Zhang Xiaoqiang what he summarized: "when the Hai nationality attacked, the first line of defense had only three companies with 500 troops deployed on a 20 kilometer line, with an average cla.s.s defending a 400 meter line, which was only used as an early warning force . They lost the most . When they withdrew, only 230 wounded people were left, In the second line, there were two regiments with a total of 4000 troops . After withdrawing to the third line of defense, there were 3200 troops . In the ambush, 8000 troops were dispatched, with more than 750 casualties, with a total of about 2000 casualties . Most of them were Australian troops .

About 4000 caraya were annihilated, more than 300 prisoners were captured, and three bases of ammunition were consumed, including half of heavy artillery ammunition, two-thirds of land mines and 80% of medical drugs . Only two bases of ammunition were left in the whole garrison division, and guns were seriously damaged . One third of rifles fired more than 1000 rounds of ammunition on average, Wear and tear the barrel of the gun . "

Xuefeng stares at Xiang yu"er who seems to be sleeping . She grabs her stiff arm from time to time and wants to pull her up . She doesn"t believe she is dead . She can"t smile at him anymore . The sadness in her eyes is like substance . Xiang yu"er is the closest person to him so far . It"s not the relationship between the nurse and the host, but the relationship between them, They have no love between men and women, but they are more stable than this kind of love . Xuefeng is a newly born intelligent creature . Although she was born out of her mother, she already has her own thoughts . When she lived with human beings, xiangyu"er taught him a lot, or she played the role of mother and sister .

Xiangyu"er"s departure makes him sad just like an ordinary person"s loss of a close relative . The feeling of penetrating the heart is in his heart again and again . At the moment, Xuefeng doesn"t want to pay attention to anyone, but just looks at xiangyu"er and regrets . He regrets why he has to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail to take xiangyu"er to the battlefield, and why he looks down on those sea people, leading to his helplessness in watching xiangyu"er die, I hate why I am so weak that I can"t defeat any six armed Snake Girl .

The more she thought about it, the more annoyed Xue Feng was . At last, she couldn"t help roaring . She knelt down and hit her head on the ground and kept howling . Even though she occupied the human body, she couldn"t really control herself like human beings . She couldn"t shed tears of sadness . She could only vent her pain in the form of howling, The ground trembled again and again with the impact of his forehead . In the dull sound, a pit the size of a bowl was smashed out . The wound on Xuefeng"s forehead cracked, but it could not shed a drop of blood . Blood was Xuefeng"s essence . Unless he was really destroyed, it could not shed fresh blood, but it made Xuefeng more uncomfortable, He is eager to shed something to vent his depression, which is a vague mark in the deep memory of his body . A man doesn"t flick when he has tears, but he can"t shed tears, let alone bleed before he reaches the sad place . The indignation in his heart is like a volcano that has been extremely suppressed . It is expanding in the pressure that makes him crazy .

Zhang Xiaoqiang leans on Zhuo Mingyue"s body and looks at Xuefeng, who is very sad . All the people standing at the door are silent . The emotional Yang Ke"er"s eyes are full of tears . Zhuo Mingyue looks at Xiang yu"er"s body and is dazed . She is as sad as Xuefeng, but only Zhang Xiaoqiang can see her tears, Miaomiao and Feifei don"t know what to call standing behind . For Miaomiao, more dead people have been seen in recent years than living people she saw when she was a child . In the gathering place, Zhang Xiaoqiang raised her as a boy . In order to temper her mind, she would take her with her as long as she killed people . On that day, she executed thousands of people by the lake . She had seen the scene of corpses in the wild . She didn"t care about life and death for a long time, Now her mother treats doudoutang as her own daughter, which makes meow lose her mother . Therefore, the only family she has now is Zhang Xiaoqiang . As long as Zhang Xiaoqiang is OK, the death of people all over the world has nothing to do with her . "Xuefeng . . . Let me find you another nanny . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know how to comfort Xuefeng . If it"s someone else, he will comfort her and magnify the fake to calm her down . But Xuefeng can"t . The Eastern defense line doesn"t strike down with a single blow . It"s Xuefeng who fights to death to block dozens of snake girls . Otherwise, if only a six armed Snake Girl rushes into the defense line, it will cause devastating damage . The mounds of corpses are no longer zombies, It"s human, so Xuefeng has to come out of grief and take over the command of millions of zombies in case the Hai people go ash.o.r.e again . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t believe that the Hai people will send so many kraya and snake girls .

"No, I only want xiangyu"er, brother c.o.c.kroach . I beg you, as long as xiangyu"er can survive, you can do whatever you want me to do, even if you kill me . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised that a blood Phoenix, who was greedy for life and afraid of death, saw Xiang yu"er more important than her own life . Zhuo Mingyue spoke in a hoa.r.s.e and tired voice .

"She can"t live . It"s all because of you . It"s because of your arrogance that Xiang yu"er died . She used to be my maid . You didn"t take good care of her . " Zhuo Mingyue"s words let Xuefeng smash her fist on the ground and yell: "then I"ll give her a life . . . "

"Stop . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that something was wrong . Xuefeng obviously wanted to die . He couldn"t help shouting angrily, but he didn"t know whether to call Xuefeng to stop or Zhuo Mingyue to stop . Zhuo Mingyue waved her sleeve gently, and the invisible force wrapped Xuefeng in front of her . She yelled: "if you die, she can"t live . Who will help her revenge at that time . . . "

After all, xiangyu"er was killed by the Hai people . Zhuo Mingyue didn"t really want Xuefeng to die . Zhuo Mingyue was most aware of the Snake Girl"s difficulty . It would have taken a lot of effort to kill a four armed Snake Girl if it hadn"t been for the cooperation of S4 zombie and Xuefeng just now . Even if she was arrogant, Zhuo Mingyue had a deep fear of the Hai people, even though she wanted to kill Xuefeng to bury xiangyu"er, But still say the words .

"Xuefeng, xiangyu"er has such a good relationship with you that she certainly doesn"t want to see you like this . You"d better stand up, live and avenge her . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks it"s shameless to say this . He doesn"t care about the relationship between Xuefeng and xiangyu"er at all . He can"t even remember xiangyu"er"s appearance . Now he thinks that the name of xiangyu"er"s Revenge encourages Xuefeng to keep the defense line . He feels hypocritical .

"Give me the things of noumenon, I need more powerful power, I want to kill all the sea people . . . " Xuefeng slowly got up from the ground, stood up in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, looked down at Zhang Xiaoqiang, gritted his teeth and said, with a firm and unquestionable tone . It was also the first time that he spoke to Zhang Xiaoqiang in this way, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel embarra.s.sed . What Xuefeng said was the black Cross Crystal left by Xuefeng himself, He didn"t know if there would be any change if he gave it to Xuefeng, and let Xuefeng come back to life . He wanted to know that Xuefeng"s strength was more than ten times stronger?

"Give it to him . If there"s a problem, I"ll kill him myself . . . " Zhuo Mingyue turns to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang and says that there is a strong chill in her eyes, but Xuefeng doesn"t have any happy look because of Zhuo Mingyue"s plea . She stands in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, her eyes are like dead ashes, staring at Xiang yu"er"s body . Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitates for a long time, nods and says: "it"s on the frigate . I"ll give it to you, I hope you can take the aim of exterminating the Hai people and don"t follow your old path . Xiang yu"er is also human . She certainly doesn"t want you to kill human beings any more . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang took risks in making this decision . However, compared with China, there are not too many zombies in Australia . The existing forces and weapons are enough to eliminate millions of zombies . Zhang Xiaoqiang is more experienced in fighting zombies than in fighting the sea people . Moreover, there are more than 100 tons of corrosion source bombs in Australia"s warehouses, which can be removed even if Xuefeng is ten times as powerful .

"I also want the corpses of Gaohai people . I have a hunch that if type 4 zombies eat them, they will grow to level 5 zombies, and level 5 zombies will be able to deal with things with four arms . If you give me 30000 sea people"s blood, I will expand the number of type 4 zombies . . . "

Xuefeng said here, seeing some changes in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face, she knew Zhang Xiaoqiang"s concerns in her heart . She hesitated for a while and then added: "at that time, I will bear the eastern defense line, and I will not let a sea clan go ash.o.r.e . . . "< br>