Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2385: 2385

Chapter 2385: 2385

The east coast of Australia is a heavy disaster area for sea people . Most of the red algae from the Pacific Ocean are concentrated here . Dozens of UAVs flash through the dark clouds and shuttle back and forth on the red ocean . The islands of Fiji, Vanuatu and New Caledonia were all submerged by red algae . In the South of the red algae, which almost covered the whole sea, the sea is covered by red algae, The larger algal blooms engulfed New Zealand .

UAVs monitor the sky above the red algae 24 hours a day . Every minute, a large number of photos are sent to the Australian Intelligence Center for sorting . The photos can only a.n.a.lyze the surface state of the red algae . With the information from Flanders, the sea people will no longer engage in large-scale military parade on the water, and the airborne troops that can be regarded as funny will become the best, Under the water that can"t be observed by UAVs, countless mutant animals and sea people are devouring red red algae, reducing the area of red algae on the sea every hour .

The growth of red algae does not depend solely on the sea water and photosynthesis . The biggest root of this plant growing against the sky is on the seabed under the sea water . Tens of millions of huge roots are deeply rooted into the seabed to extract various elements and nutrients for plant growth . Red algae predatorily absorb the rich mineral support of the seabed as nutrients, and also clean up the mud acc.u.mulated for hundreds of millions of years on the seabed, This leads to the thinning of the earth"s crust . In order to continue to grow, red algae must get more nutrients, and only by swallowing the land can they stop until they form a complete biological system .

It can be said that the sea race and the land race are irreconcilable enemies of life and death . On the one hand, the red algae is an angel, the dawn of human new energy, and on the other hand, it is a devil . Countless sea races and mutant animals feed on the red algae and invade the living s.p.a.ce of land species . At this moment, countless mutant animals gather around the red algae and eat crazily under the sea, The land not far from the red algae is Australia .

"What is it?" Kesailer suppressed his fear and asked again . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes suddenly darkened . Playing with the lighter in his hand, he said in the driest voice:

"You know the Hai people named Xiang Hai"er, and many of the Hai people"s information is obtained through her . She also told me about the self-conscious meteorite hidden in the Hawaiian sea . Without her, I"m afraid we still don"t know who we"re fighting with . I thought the sea people were not difficult to deal with . At the first time, I faced the double siege of the sea people and zombies in Shanghai . At that time, the situation was extremely dangerous . On one hand, the sea people and mutant beasts were attacking madly, and on the other hand, the safety of 180000 survivors was in danger . During those days, I didn"t sleep well, and every day I struggled in h.e.l.l, But I survived, saved 180000 survivors, resisted the invasion of the Hai people, and finally killed the Hai people .

You can"t imagine that the Haizu, who almost drove us to the end, were just vagrant tribes who were chased and killed . They didn"t have red algae as supplies . They didn"t have 100000 or hundreds of thousands of quant.i.ties . Compared with the current Haizu, they were dregs . Later, when I went to j.a.pan, I saw with my own eyes the sinking of the j.a.panese island and the desperation of countless people in j.a.pan, At that time, it was a kind of torment to withdraw one person . You didn"t know what kind of person to choose to get on the plane . You didn"t know what fate those j.a.panese who didn"t have the chance to get on the plane would have .

In fact, I hate the j.a.panese . I don"t hate them, but I absolutely don"t like them . I won"t be sad when the j.a.panese die . But at the moment when j.a.pan sank, I saved a lot of people . They were all j.a.panese, including men, women, children, kind-hearted people and villains . They were not great, they were afraid . I was afraid that China would sink like j.a.pan, I can save them when j.a.pan sinks . Who will save me when China sinks? Save my child? "

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes are completely gloomy . Kessler is infatuated for a moment . He thinks of Europe, and there are signs of collapse in Britain . After a period of time, there will be an earthquake . Three red algae are staring at Britain like vampires . What country will Britain be after? Is it the end of mankind? No more hope?

"Aren"t we still fighting? We killed so many sea people, watered them with their blood, made armor from the leather of mutated sea animals, and made weapons from their claws . Even if the land is destroyed, human beings will not necessarily perish . They can survive on the red algae as long as they are strong enough, as long as they can become evolutionists . . . "

Keseler thought of another possibility . Even if the land is destroyed, human beings may not be able to adapt to the new living environment . At that time, under the red algae, there will be the sea people, and above the red algae, there will be human beings . Human beings have strong adaptability . As long as they have strong evolutors, they may not be extinct by the sea people . The red algae itself is an efficient energy source . Maybe human beings can create a new civilization .

With a smile, Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and said, "this is a way . Another way I think of is to go to heaven . As long as there is a place in the world that has not been occupied by the sea people, we can have a rest place . Red algae can provide energy . With energy, we can fly in the sky . The sky dancers of the sea people can fly 15000 meters, I will create an air fortress that can fly 30000 meters and 50000 meters high . "

Kesailer also smiles . He stares into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes and says, "it"s also a way . We can always think of ways to make human beings live . Or we don"t just fly in the sky . In the new era, we have a full set of s.p.a.ce technology . Maybe we can live in the moon for the rest of our lives . It takes at least several decades for the sea people to devour the land . At this time, We may be able to think of more ways, just like the sh.e.l.l of the s.p.a.ceship made by the giant tree in Yinmeng . There are always too many possibilities in this world . As long as we don"t give up hope, we may not succeed in defeating the sea people, but we may not have problems in living . . . "Unconsciously, the resistance and depression between the two people have disappeared completely . The most precious wealth of mankind is hope . Hope has unlimited possibilities . No one can say what will happen tomorrow . There are more ways than problems . As long as you don"t give up in your heart, there will always be new ways . Two hopes that are not very reliable let Zhang Xiaoqiang really get back the feeling of controlling everything in the past, Finally, I dare to face the reality .

"Xianghai"er told me that all the world"s level-5 mutants are concentrated in the Australian waters . These level-5 mutants are controlled by the Haizu . They started to move to the Hawaiian waters at the beginning of the nuclear winter outbreak, and now they are all coming towards us . The penetration of Snake Girl is just a kind of test, with fland as the Haizu"s internal agent . After the collapse of the United States, The sea people regard us as the biggest enemy and the last resistance . Maybe soon, they will land in Australia . At that time, I really don"t know how to resist . . . "

The inside information of Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t make kesailer pale . Kesailer understood the meaning of level 5 mutant beast . Any level 5 mutant beast is a super monster beyond human cognition . When such super monsters appeared in groups, it would be a disaster for any force . That"s how level 5 mutant beast appeared in Shanghai that day, If it wasn"t for him and Xuefeng, and if it wasn"t for the transport ship"s laser gun that just pierced the monster"s heart, the battle situation in Shanghai would be different .

"How much is the quant.i.ty? In what direction? Do you have any other forces besides level five mutant beasts? " Kesailer wanted to know more about it . Since Zhang Xiaoqiang said it, he would not hide it . He said frankly, "the level five mutant animals are at least 800, the level four mutant animals are ten times, the level four mutant animals are countless, the ordinary sea people are countless, and there are a certain number of higher sea people . This time, it"s a big trouble, not an ordinary big one . "

This is the real reason why Zhang Xiaoqiang is decadent . In the face of such a powerful Hai people, even if Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to believe that man will prevail, even if he is ten times stronger and the army is twenty times stronger, he will not be able to defeat these Hai people . To be honest, he has no ability to compete with any level five mutant beast, Even level four mutants are in suspense .

"We have to face it all the time . If we escape today, there will be tomorrow . If you escape, there will be your descendants . Sometimes it seems very difficult . If we really experience it, we will find that we are not as afraid as we think . Our fear comes from the unknown when we wait, including death . We can"t do it without omission, but we can do our best . We may not win the war, But we can beat ourselves . "

Kessler is like a philosopher at this moment . Zhang Xiaoqiang is not an easy person to be convinced, but he listened to Kessler"s words and calmed down . He got up and said to Kessler, "I won"t partic.i.p.ate in Flander"s side . Go and communicate with the new era . We are willing to exchange thunderstorm rifles for their supernova bomb manufacturing technology . Of course, Other technologies can also be discussed, so that they can send as many supernova bombs as possible in a week . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang made a decision . Kesailer was relieved and got up to leave . At this time, Nuwa appeared in front of them .

"The Hai clan appeared on the eastern coast and the northern coast at the same time . 37 level 5 mutant beasts have been found, 32000 below level 5 mutant beasts and 600000 Hai clan have been found . Pay attention, the follow-up forces are unknown . It is suggested that the front line defense line should withdraw immediately . . . "

Nuwa"s intelligence had long been expected by Zhang Xiaoqiang . He was not worried about the attack of the Hai people, but the stone hanging in his heart was put down at this moment . As kesailer said, what people fear is the suffering of waiting for the unknown . When things really come, instead of the fear before, he nodded to kesailer and said, "I"m going to the front line, You organize the evacuation of the survivors in the rear . All the cities in the East are abandoned, and all the population and materials are transported to the central region . We want to build the largest airport in the East, which will be the way out for the whole of Australia . You are right . One day we need to face it . It is better to solve it here than in China . "

Seeing the bright light in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, kesailer nodded heavily . He knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang really cheered up . Zhang Xiaoqiang regained his confidence, which had a great impact on the people below . Even if they failed this time, they would not be depressed . As long as there was hope, there would be future< br>