Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1834: 1834

Chapter 1834: 1834

Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t wait any longer . He has come to the point where it is clear that there is no deviation in the calculation of the four heavenly kings . In addition to the death of one heavenly king and hundreds of armed men, the loss of the evolutors is less than 10 . The army is intact . The remaining evolutors are also under the leadership of the three heavenly kings to harvest the fruits of victory, plus the evolutors they captured before, At least hundreds of evolutionists have been captured by them . As long as these evolutionists are digested, the four heavenly kings can absolutely fight against the three forces . Other people, Zhang Xiaoqiang, don"t want to control them, but he must kill the three heavenly kings, and Zhang Cheng, who deceived him .

As Zhang Xiaoqiang dashed past with his sword, those steady minded and tolerant evolutionists rushed out of their hiding places . The overall situation was determined . Although the four heavenly kings" abilities were terrible, they fought hard against the mutant beast for a long time, and their abilities were nearly exhausted . They would not miss this opportunity, In addition, the four heavenly kings have been working on the mutant beast, and one person died for this, which makes them think that the mutant beast can enhance the ability of the evolutor is absolutely not groundless .

Qinghongdao"s 100 person team has also not suffered any losses . They have been cleaning up the scattered evolutioners outside . Although they have not gained as much as the four heavenly kings, they have 50 or 60 captives in their hands . According to the previous task, they have completed the task, but Chenyang wants more captives, and there are other teams around, He has the intention to catch all the four heavenly kings, and keeps searching . On the way, Gu Le"s eyes are always flashing . The dying mutant beast in the distance makes his eyes red, but Chen Yang is not ready to fish in troubled waters .

Suddenly, the roar of the players came from the front

”Put down your arms and hold your head in both hands . We are Qinghong Dao . If you don"t want to die, surrender“

There were many people in front of Gu le . They couldn"t see who it was for a moment . Only a huge bone knife flashed over the people"s heads . One knife cut through the air and sent out a scream . The next second, two human bodies flew from left to right, scattered blood color and fell like fireworks . The roar of surprise and anger came one after another in the middle of the team, More than 20 agile evolutioners rushed there with knives in both hands . Some evolutioners with rifles also sealed all human s.p.a.ces with bullets . No one believed that the other side could escape the counter attack of 100 evolutioners . No one believed that the other side could cope with the siege of several near top evolutioners, including Chen Yang .

The same is true for gule . He thinks that the battle will be in contact in the shortest time . Unexpectedly, several corpses and broken weapons will fly in front of him, which makes gule surprised . At the same time, the opponent is not in a daze . On the contrary, he roars out a long roar and rushes into the middle of the agile evolution to kill . The sword has no edge, The huge flat double-edged bone knife looks as white as jade, but its edge is not very sharp . It seems that it can"t even cut a slightly thicker stake . The ruler long short knives held by the agile evolutioners are all made of the best alloy . Even the bulletproof vest can be pierced at a single poke . This kind of excellent weapon has no resistance under the bone knife, It seems that those are not alloy knives, but toy knives made of bamboo . The knives are broken and the flesh and blood are flying . The bone knives seem clumsy, but they are extremely flexible . In a few blinks, they tear up the evolutioners one by one . The bullets fired by the long-range evolutioners of Qinghongdao often arrive at his side, and then they are thrown down by the scales and shields on the upper half of his left wrist . Under his foreknowledge of danger, No bullet can really pose too much threat to him .

As more than 20 agile evolutioners were slaughtered for nearly half of the time, the evolutioners coming from behind finally got close to the sudden killer star . At this time, gule finally saw the true face of the comer . This is a child with fluffy mouth . He is not very tall . Compared with the adults, this child is very thin, And the withered words on his face all show that he doesn"t look as strong as he shows, but the bone knives in his hands are extremely sharp . Two powerful evolutionists wave the thick solid steel pipes with their arms and smash them hard at the children . The solid steel pipes on the left and the right can"t be cut off even if they are magic weapons .

The child was not afraid . His eyes were like ice, and he showed a bit of perseverance . He turned his waist, dragged the bone knife and cut it with force . He was not afraid of the strength of the other side . He wanted to be a force evolutor . Just as the bone knife fell on the steel pipe, two powerful evolutors couldn"t control the steel pipe, and were hit on his chest by the rebounding steel pipe, At the same time, he spurted blood, and then his body split in two, left and right, and fell to the ground .

When the two evolutionists were defeated by the young, they died miserably in front of everyone . The agile evolutionists who were ready to cooperate with the siege retreated one after another, and the others also stopped . Only Chen Yang rushed up and waved and drank . Suddenly, the young man who wanted to rush up with a bone knife was dull, as if he had been put on a heavy load . At the moment of Chen Yang"s hand, At the foot of the young man, the ground suddenly split a big hole, and the young man suddenly fell into the trap . Then the power evolutors around him rushed up with a shield and surrounded the young man who was temporarily limited . As soon as he was about to subdue him, the young man was like a wild beast, suddenly tensed, clenched the bone knife in his hand, as if in slow motion, sweeping out from left to right . Gule looked dully at the flying corpses and broken shields . The six power evolutors were cut off in a few breaths . It seemed that the child had no strange means . His attack moves were almost the same every time . The great thing was that he changed direction a little faster, but he was often cut off by a bone knife when others approached him, But it"s the simplest move, but no one can catch it . No one can keep it intact even after he takes a knife, whether it"s an agile evolutor who is good at avoiding or an evolutor with infinite power .

Chen Yang is annoyed by the child"s fierce killing method . He roars with all his strength . The huge pressure makes the child fall down, and the crack on the ground widens and deepens again, sinking him to the ground until his neck . The evolutor who uses this ability is not at ease . He also plunges the huge bone knife that kills countless people into the ground for a while, Only his head is still exposed, gnashing his teeth and looking at the evolutioners around him, his eyes are full of panic and despair .

"Let me kill him . . . "

A power evolutionist roared, waved the big hatchet and slashed the only head on the ground . Seeing that the child was about to die, he gave a cold hum . The pressure on the child instantly transferred to the power evolutionist, making him kneel heavily on the ground and unable to move . The huge hatchet was deeply inserted in the ground and kept shaking .

Chen Yu, who is more relaxed than killing chickens, is hiding and waiting for opportunities . He knows that he has no companion and no one to believe, so he doesn"t rush forward rashly . He has endured until now that the mutant beast is seriously injured and dying, which is his last chance . His ambition is to become stronger and more powerful than Xi"er, He wants to let Xi"er look up to himself, so he will run away rashly and want to capture the treasure of the mutant beast . Unexpectedly, he meets Qinghong Dao, who specializes in catching the evolutionist .

The ground closed in an instant, and Chen Yu was buried dead in the earth . His eyes flickered with panic and despair, his mouth roared incoherently, and his heart seemed to fall into the abyss . As a young man without real adulthood, he was far more frightened and panicked than ordinary people when he encountered difficulties . His twisted face showed his teeth, He made a threat to the evolutionists standing around him, but he was like a newborn animal . He was not seen by others at all . A dark shadow flashed around his eyes, and the thick toe kicked heavily on the back of his head, which made him feel dizzy .

Chen Yu, who fainted, was dug out with all hands and feet . Others were sad for his dead companion . Only Chen Yang"s rigid face flashed a little happy, and turned to other evolutioners and ordered:

"Take him, let"s go back, and leave the rest of the game to others . This boy is worth more than 50 evolutionists, When we go back, we all have credit . "

When Chen Yang said this, the mutant animals in the distance were already fighting with each other . One by one, the evolutioners were fighting with the big black fish . The three heavenly kings, with their subordinates and other evolutioners surrounded by Qinghong Road, were fighting against each other . They all wanted to eat each other . Instead, they formed a stalemate, and the mutant animals had lost their threat, A lot of blood loss and missile trauma make it only one breath away from death, while other evolutioners either die or are caught by both sides . In addition to a few people running back to the city in panic, only a few half top evolutioners are still here to deal with both sides and look for opportunities .

Other people didn"t object . It"s good that there were no dead people before . Everyone"s morale is high . Now they have suffered heavy losses . More than 20% of the casualties were done by a young man . This makes them no longer have confidence in the war in the future . They cooperate to clean up the bodies of their companions, catch the captured evolutionists and go back to the same way . No one finds out, Gu Le didn"t know when to leave the team and quietly touched the mutant beast .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t rush to join the scuffle at this time . The four heavenly kings and the people of Qinghongdao couldn"t tell who they were . He didn"t want to clean up the forces on both sides . At the moment, he was rushing towards the two anti tank missiles, but his sword chop could only hurt himself . He felt like a hen being carried by people, In his eyes, he could only see the rotating ground and green gra.s.s leaves . From time to time, there were stems and leaves on his face, which made a b.l.o.o.d.y scene . In the distance, he was busy, but he couldn"t see anything . He fell into the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang . He struggled and prayed for death, but Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know what att.i.tude he held towards him, so he let him follow him half life and half death< br>