Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1836: 1836

Chapter 1836: 1836

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care what kind of fighting there is, and no matter how many evolutioners are innocent . For him, no matter how many evolutioners are in the city, they are not good birds . They are capable and dare not deal with zombies . They are only willing to bully ordinary survivors . One such guy dies less than one, which is a contribution to the purification of the environment, not to mention for him, Evolutionists are really not a rare thing . As long as he wants to, tens of millions of evolutionists can appear in Hubei and Yinmeng at any time . If it is not that the evolutionists are hard to be controlled, he needs to gradually establish a way to manage the evolutionists . Maybe all the soldiers will become powerful evolutionists .

The missile was launched as soon as it reached the ground . Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately jumped out of the vehicle and rushed forward with a Type 95 rifle . The sudden missile caught both sides of the melee unprepared . After a short distance, the shadowy missile hit the ground in the center of the melee with strong danger in the hearts of more than n people, and the flames of the explosion exploded in the crowd, More than a dozen evolutioners were torn apart by the explosion, and the scarlet flame suddenly formed a rolling small mushroom cloud . The black soil mixed with blood, the meat sauce of the mutant animals and the corpses jumped into the air one after another . The evolutioners around were running in various postures, but they were involved by the subsequent shock wave, and rolled up with the layers of debris, Lucky can also dance to wait to fall to the ground, bad luck is directly pierced by flying debris .

Before the smoke of the gunpowder cleared up, hundreds of people who had gathered around the mutant beast to fight for life and death were blown up, and huge pits were also blown out on the flesh and blood beach there . Originally, after the repeated kneading of the mutant beast and the evolutors, the small mountain top had long been a flesh and blood region, and the corpses and blood were mixed with each other . Now, Zhang Xiaoqiang came here again, It"s completely a place of ruins, filled with flowing smoke and clouds . Incomplete bodies and limbs can be seen everywhere on the ground . It"s indistinct to see the wriggling human figures struggling on the ground . Occasionally, we can see the lonely evolutionists standing in the same place and looking at the miserable scenery around them . This time, they have no time to escape, Similarly, the missile was involved in the explosion range, and both sitianw.a.n.g and Qinghongdao suffered heavy losses under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s violent attack .

Min Xinghe also died in the same battle as Zhao Sancheng . His black tornado can be attacked and prevented . Even in the face of the mutant beast, his strong tongue can block one or two . But in the face of the anti tank missile, he can"t block it for a second . In an instant, his ability is dispersed and his body is torn apart . He can"t die any more . The four heavenly kings lose another heavenly king, Qinghongdao"s people didn"t get along well either . Only three close to the top can hold down one heavenly king . This time, because of other arrangements, Qinghongdao didn"t send out their top evolutioners . The original calculation was that 12 and a half top evolutioners would hold down the four heavenly kings, and the rest would wipe out the other evolutioners, and finally unite to catch them all, At the beginning, Zhao Sancheng was killed by the mutant beast . At this time, there were only nine and a half top evolutionists dragging three heavenly kings . Chen Yang retreated, and his strength was just in balance . Unexpectedly, this rocket directly hurt both sides .

The sudden missile caused heavy losses to all the people on the scene . Before the smoke of the gunfire had gone out, they had already stopped fighting and were ready to deal with Zhang Xiaoqiang who was disrupting the situation . Everyone knew the location of the missile car . The surrounding anti-aircraft guns were no longer aimed at the mutant beast . They all aimed at the missile car to start the fire . At the first time, the missile car was. .h.i.t into a fireball and the whole body was blown into parts, The burning tire is still rolling on the ground, but Zhang Xiaoqiang takes the initiative to rush to the mutant beast .

More than a dozen agile evolutioners rushed out first, ran, leaped and gritted their teeth to meet Zhang Xiaoqiang . These agile evolutioners are not the same force . Qinghongdao and the four heavenly kings all have their own people . According to their tacit understanding in the past, they will put down all disputes when they meet with foreign enemies . First, they will take Zhang Xiaoqiang as their main target . After finishing cleaning up Zhang Xiaoqiang, they will take Zhang Xiaoqiang as their main target, Then they solved the grudge between the two sides . These agile evolutors are almost the same weapons . The shortest is 20 cm or 30 cm, and the longest is only 50 cm or 60 cm . They are short swords or swords, or heteromorphic hooks or sharp cones . These things do not affect their flexibility in their hands . In a twinkling of an eye, they are not far in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t throw out the blade of the rat king, but directly turned the muzzle of the type 95 rifle to open fire . At such a close distance, even if these evolutioners were in danger, they couldn"t flash at the first time . The continuous flash of fire made a meteor like fluorescence burst into a ma.s.s of blood on their thighs . Each agile evolutioner ate two bullets, and was suddenly struck by thunder, He could no longer control his body and tumbled to the ground . Zhang Xiaoqiang ran with his rifle and opened fire . From time to time, he jumped up to avoid the rolling evolutioners . Whether it was the rat King blade or the rifle, he could kill these agile evolutioners in the shortest time . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang promised Hong Xiaomei that he would replace Chen Yu with someone from Qinghongdao, so he was merciful, Just hit them in the legs .

Before the thirty rounds of a clip were finished, none of these agile evolutioners stood up again . Zhang Xiaoqiang flashed behind him, holding his legs on the ground and yelling bitterly, overturning them . These agile evolutioners threw away their rifles . Zhang Xiaoqiang drew out the Firebird machete, turned the blade so that the back of the knife was down, and quickly approached an evolutioner ready to chop . That evolutioner was not ambiguous, Countless small pebbles suddenly appeared beside him . Between his waves, they swarmed over Zhang Xiaoqiang . Then they turned their hands, drew out two pistols and shot at Zhang Xiaoqiang without looking . Broken stones are just smoke, and pistols are his trump card . Although his ability is not very strong, many evolutionists carry it in his hand . How can he know that Zhang Xiaoqiang would not evade and head-on crash into the stone shooting out of the air, straighten the blade, let the blade face block his cheek, and let other stones and bullets shoot at him, which made him tremble slightly, When the leather armour hit and flew countless stones and bullets, the man had already arrived at the evolutor"s side, and the knife body spun down, slashed the man hard, and chopped him to the ground .

Under the knife, the man collapsed to the ground and could not move any more . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang took back his machete and ran into the arms of another big man who broke through the smoke of gunpowder . This big man was a power evolutor . Before he could raise his shield, he was knocked into his arms by Zhang Xiaoqiang . His eyes were round on his twisted cheek, staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang and gnashing his teeth, As soon as he lowered his head, he b.u.mped into Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brow bone . At this moment, in the whirring wind, the bright red knife face flashed on his face, making a crackling sound . Then the evolutor spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the bottom . As soon as he fell down, Zhang Xiaoqiang was shorter than his body and ran into the smoke .

As soon as he entered the smoke, Zhang Xiaoqiang smelled a strong stench . It was the smell of blood and animals mixed with the smell of smoke . All kinds of smell mixed together made people dizzy . Zhang Xiaoqiang almost smelled all kinds of smell . Compared with the smell of zombie decay, the smell of septic tank fumigating people"s tears was not worth mentioning, So Zhang Xiaoqiang is not only not affected, but also because of his good psychological quality .

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was not affected, trampled on the floating soil and pieces of corpses in the smoke of gunpowder and knocked over the evolutioners who hit the edge of the knife . The evolutioners were greatly restricted in this environment . The seven meat and eight vegetable that had just been hit by the impact of the missile were drenched by the smell, and the smoke of gunpowder did great harm to their eyes, Many people didn"t recognize Zhang Xiaoqiang even when he touched him . They just searched for him, and then they were turned over by Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Evolutionists are not all good at melee . Zhang Xiaoqiang has a good location here . He beat over twenty or thirty people in a short time . But this kind of good luck stopped when he met Jin Botian . Jin Botian never changed his mind . Before, he hit the mutant beast in front of countless people . His ability is really strong . Facing this kind of ability, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t dare to be careless . He immediately threw out the rat King blade, and then accelerated to charge forward . The dribbling rat King blade wiped the streamer and came to Jin Po Tian . Jin Po Tian"s face full of bitter wrinkles didn"t change at all . He raised his hand and pointed it in the empty s.p.a.ce . A faint shadow flashed by, and the rat King blade broke contact with Zhang Xiaoqiang< br>