Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1840: 1840

Chapter 1840: 1840

During the 360 degree somersault, Zhang Xiaoqiang deflected and fell to the ground steadily . At that moment, the cheetah generally rushed to Feng Kuang . At this time, the long needle was exhausted, and there was no barrier between Feng Kuang and him . Instead, the ubiquitous explosion spots blew up all the blood plasma under his head and face, exposing his red snake scales to the public"s eyes, and his whole body was still red, But no longer the feeling of plasma construction before, it also makes Zhang Xiaoqiang fresh . Every time he takes a step, he gets closer to Feng Kuang in the twinkling .

Feng Kuang couldn"t help looking around, but found that he was the only one who was doing it all the time, and the others were constantly retreating . They were not stupid . The method of spitting blood by the mutant animal that could blow up didn"t work for Zhang Xiaoqiang, so he could only help him do the external cleaning . Previously, so many evolutionists were cut into pieces under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s hands, They don"t have the ability to fight against such a terrible opponent, especially Jin Botian, who has turned around and run to their camp . They don"t know whether they want to get a vehicle and return to the city as soon as possible .

Qinghongdao"s people have no idea of doing anything . Although Zhang Xiaoqiang"s missiles caused them heavy losses before, Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed over and only knocked their people unconscious . They didn"t have a very deep relationship with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Now Zhang Xiaoqiang has proved his ident.i.ty as a top evolutionist, forcing Jin to break through the natural danger, Let Feng Kuang"s greatest means fail . Before, so many people were chopped to pieces by Zhang Xiaoqiang . They couldn"t avoid such opponents . Naturally, they didn"t want to partic.i.p.ate in the personal enmity of the four heavenly kings .

The people of Qinghongdao are also retreating . The only one present is Zhang Cheng beside Feng Kuang . It"s not that he doesn"t want to retreat . Feng Kuang is his immediate superior, and Zhang Xiaoqiang must kill him . The two kinds of entanglements make him unable to turn around and run away like others . He can only stand up to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s impact . Feng Kuang is not moved by Zhang Cheng"s loyalty . He grabs his arm, Before his heart throbs and struggles, the place Feng Kuang seized quickly condenses cold frost, which forms crystal like ice crystals along his arms and freezes him . It"s too fast . In less than a second, Zhang Cheng"s whole body condenses into an ice sculpture, which Feng Kuang pulls up and throws at Zhang Xiaoqiang . At this moment, Zhang Cheng is not dead, and his frightened dilated pupils pa.s.s the picture of heaven and earth turning upside down, Facing Zhang Xiaoqiang, he approaches quickly . Looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang with a cold face, he doesn"t know why . He pa.s.ses an icefish exploded under Feng Kuang"s hands .

Zhang Cheng is condensed into an ice sculpture and becomes a giant bomb in Feng Kuang"s hands . He approaches Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly . Just as Feng Kuang is about to detonate the giant bomb, the air flashes through the lines of diversion and chaos, and cracks explode on the ice sculpture . There is no reaction from Zhang Cheng . The whole person and the ice wrapped outside turn into pieces and scatter one after another, It refracts thousands of rays in the sun and falls all around .

In the blink of an eye, living people are frozen into ice sculptures, and then cut into pieces . In between, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhang Cheng have no contact . Feng Kuang"s ability is enough to make people cold, but Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ability makes everyone palpitating . When the fear is infinite, the previous pair of pieces of meat flash through all the people"s minds, It seems that they have already seen that they will become those things in the next moment . All of them are crazy . There are water snakes on their side and killing stars in front of them . The most real idea of these evolutioners is that there is no way out . They will not believe that if they do not fight against Zhang Xiaoqiang, he will not kill them . The previous cowardice turns into an explosion of extreme fear in the cruel blood, A shrill howl .

Countless flesh and blood surrounded the city on the ground with Zhang Xiaoqiang as the center, a complete circle, blood flowing vertically and bones separated, making Zhang Xiaoqiang as if he were a peerless devil . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s body was also full of broken traces left by various abilities, scorching, ice crumbs, black spots after explosion, white marks. .h.i.t by bullets, and dozens of people were hanged to pieces beside him, But there are more scarlet eyed evolutioners around him, right at his feet, crisscrossing cracks tear the top of the mountain like chessboard lines, unfathomable pits can be seen everywhere, and the ashes of plant debris are frozen . Three meters away from him, a series of anxious traces surround him like cobwebs .

Feng Kuang and several high-level evolutioners are retreating, while other ordinary evolutioners are killing red eyes and constantly crowding forward . Zhang Xiaoqiang feels the burning pain on his body . Even if there is snake scale armour, he can"t completely block the attack . Just now, Zhang Cheng"s ice pieces cut into pieces exploded at the same time, leaving his exposed skin scratched by countless sharp ice fragments, Dozens of other evolutionists besieged him again . If it wasn"t for the rat King blade, I"m afraid he would be here . When he saw the rest of the evolutionists, Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped thinking about capturing them and turned to roar at the water snake

"Little sunspot, if you don"t come here again, I"ll make you a barbecue by pulling out your skin . . . "

Don"t say it, Just now, Dashui snake didn"t recognize Zhang Xiaoqiang . Before, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s whole body was covered with blood, and all kinds of thick blood gas were mixed, even the mutant beast couldn"t smell it . In addition, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s head and face were covered with blood, let alone the appearance, and even his hair style couldn"t be seen, so Dashui snake didn"t recognize it . Besides, his brain was full of the dying mutant beast, It"s strangling on the mutant animal . Its huge mouth is so long that it wants to start with its tail and swallow the whole mutant animal that is not dead yet . After hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s cry, the big water snake who just swallowed the tail of the mutant animal is stunned . "Surrender, I surrender . . . "

One man shouts and rushes to Zhang Xiaoqiang . Even if the water snake has become a level 4 mutant, it still dares not neglect Zhang Xiaoqiang . Now Zhang Xiaoqiang may not be his opponent, but the abuse from small to large makes the water snake servile . Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s angry, he immediately spits out the tail of the mutant and twists his body like a black wall, He swam to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s back with a low brow . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s stature is not worth mentioning compared with the water snake, but the huge body of the water snake supports Zhang Xiaoqiang"s incomparable greatness . At this time, even the red eyed evolutioners dare not have the idea of fighting Zhang Xiaoqiang any more, and the first one to surrender appears .

This man didn"t know which side of the two forces was . After he made his choice, no one stopped him . In the face of such a terrible beast, no one dared to stop him . Just as the surrender evolutor ran to Zhang Xiaoqiang, the huge head of the loyal water snake, like a bullet from the muzzle of a gun, immediately came to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side and opened his mouth for a breath, However, the man was suspended with the corpses and debris around him, and disappeared in the snake"s mouth . For a moment, all of them turned around and ran behind them . No one dared to stay or resist . Zhang Xiaoqiang opened his mouth to shout, but the water snake ran out first, He also forgot that his body shape is no longer a small one that could be kneaded by Zhang Xiaoqiang when he was a child . The black scale of black light makes his huge body no smaller than that of a wall . In a moment, he b.u.mps Zhang Xiaoqiang into the sky . His huge body is like a high-speed railway . In an instant, it flashes past Zhang Xiaoqiang and appears among the evolutionists running around, The vacuum cleaner usually sucks the escaped evolutioners into their mouths .

"Run to the camp . . . Run to the camp . . . Follow me . . . "

Feng Kuang, who had been standing behind him before, suddenly yelled and let the evolutioners running around behind him follow him . In front of him, Jin Botian had already run a long way . He turned his head and looked at Feng Kuang with a smile in his eyes . Feng Kuang didn"t take care of the slippery Jin Botian . He kept calling the evolutioners behind him, as if he really had some means to help others, If Zhang Cheng is still alive, you can definitely guess what Feng Kuang thinks at this time . Feng Kuang is one of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s enemies . If everyone runs around, he will be watched by Zhang Xiaoqiang . At that time, he can"t run if he wants to, but it"s different to let everyone follow him . The people behind him will block Zhang Xiaoqiang for him, and they won"t be OK before they are eaten by the snake .

The big water snake is also a dead eye . He is worried that Zhang Xiaoqiang only cares about eating before him . Regardless of the owner"s anger, he will eat those who dare to fight against Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t catch up with the speed of the big water snake . In the blink of an eye, he rushes to the front several hundred meters, only to see its towering black back twisting rapidly, The huge snake"s head swings from side to side, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang sigh . Now the big water snake is finally raised .

After catching up with the water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang no longer sees the evolutioners in his eyes . Instead, he wants to capture some of the Qinghongdao, and then he will go and replace Chen Yu . The evolutioners running in front of him even use their strength to feed and lose nearly half of the population . Finally, he rushes into the camp left by Si Tianw.a.n.g, just as Feng Kuang approaches the camp gate, A military vehicle rushed out of the camp quickly . On the vehicle, Jin Botian was making a face of horror . He didn"t expect that Feng Kuang would lead the big water snake .

Feng Kuang stretched out his right hand and yelled at Jin Botian"s military vehicle to let him take a part of him . Jin Botian was eager for Feng Kuang to be eaten by a mouthful . He ignored the driver"s efforts to speed up . A truck of dust was removed, and in a twinkling of an eye, it disappeared thousands of meters away . When the evolutionists rushed into the camp, the armed men left behind in the camp didn"t have to give orders, and automatically organized fire to stop the water snakes from approaching, Numerous bullets were shot in various fortifications of the camp, heavy machine guns and rifles sang together, and then more than ten rockets with long flame plumes rushed out of the camp one after another, and they exploded around the water snake . The fire, smoke and messy fluorescence formed a big net to cover the water snake head-on, but the water snake"s huge body was not afraid of these things, One end hit the gate, a large oil tanker blocking the door .

When the snake hit the truck, the whole face of the snake was wet, and then countless light spots flew from the camp . The dense sparks on the thick metal body of the truck almost instantaneously, Dozens of hundreds of torches ignited around the water snake in an instant, forming a sea of fire in an instant, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart crack< br>