Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1854: 1854

Chapter 1854: 1854

In addition to the sun bamboo, there are also low houses in the valley . These houses are built with bricks and stones or wooden boards . They look like illegal buildings in the city . Through the windows of those buildings, you can see the Pearl tears on the long wooden tables, and there are also shadow figures busy, At first glance, the dense houses are no less than the fields of taiyangzhu . They extend all the way to the big lake in the valley . The houses on the edge of the big lake begin to be dense . They are all better houses . The clean and tidy houses are arranged in order, and the roads crisscross, forming the scale of a small town . In the center of the small town, there are rows of tall blue roofed factories with a lot of people, From time to time, carts with various transparent sh.e.l.ls or mold parts are pushed out of the workshop and sent to the warehouse on one side . Obviously, this is one of Yinmeng"s Secret production bases, the production workshop of UAV sh.e.l.ls .

Suddenly, a sharp birdsong resounded through the valley, and the huge shadow flashed between the ground and the house . The guard standing at the gate could not help looking up at the big mutant bird reflecting colorful l.u.s.ter under the blue sky . The mutant bird was huge, and spread its wings to cover the whole house below in the shadow . The wind was blowing under the big bird, The dust curls on the ground, and the diffuse dust is blown away by the stronger wind at the moment when the bird comes down .

When the rainbow sculpture is about to fall, a small car rushes out of the town and rushes through the dust along the s.p.a.cious road to the mutant bird . The mutant bird, whose body shape is like a truck, is not afraid of the speeding car . It raises its neck to make a crisp sound, and then slowly lowers its head to let the light-weight meow slide to the ground along the feather on its neck, Miaomiao sits on the colorful neck feather, slides down like a slide, and stands on the ground steadily . Holding the big package in his hand, he looks up and sees the flattering Zhou xiongzheng getting down to the car . Next to him are two little girls who are going to help Miaomiao carry things .

Seeing that meow stood firm on the ground, Zhou Xiong, with a smile on his face, quickly stepped forward to catch the big package in meow"s hand and repeatedly said:

"Miss Miaomiao is really capable . She always brings some good things back when she goes out . I heard that minister Shi and Minister Zhao were shocked by the things you brought back last time . They also made great efforts to encircle the zombie sea in Baotou, Keep asking me if I can ask Miss meow to get some more back . . . "

As he spoke, his finger was about to touch the thing wrapped in the whole hide in meow"s hand . However, meow, who was squinting and didn"t know whether he was happy or angry, lightly avoided it . He glanced at Zhou Xiong, who didn"t feel embarra.s.sed at all, and said with disdain:

"I managed to steal it . They didn"t know how to cherish it . They asked me for it every day when they ran out of it, I don"t want to go back to Hubei, unless he asks me to go back, or . . . Hum . . . "

Miaomiao is still in a rage . Zhang Xiaoqiang leaves without saying goodbye, which makes her small belly almost angry . He has committed the taboo of Miaomiao when he has other women . Mupeipei and Shangguan Qiaoyun can"t help it . They have it before her . Since they can"t monopolize it, they must put an end to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s later love and let Zhang Xiaoqiang pet himself most, but there"s another Zhuo Mingyue, How can she be more beautiful than her? Miaomiao is not happy, so she makes trouble with Zhang Xiaoqiang . However, she doesn"t expect that Zhang Xiaoqiang has two more in Wuhan . When she meets Yang Ke"er, her missing memory comes back to her mind . It makes her understand that she can never be the only one of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and she has to share him with many women . How can the proud Miaomiao accept this?

After several times of hesitation, meow finally gave up monopolization and was ready to share Zhang Xiaoqiang with other women . Because she was not happy, she put all her little temper on Zhang Xiaoqiang . Unexpectedly, Zhang Xiaoqiang left . As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang left, meow and Zhuo Mingyue became the most unpopular people in the base, which was different from Yinmeng, Hubei was fought by Zhang Xiaoqiang and Yang Ke"er . It had nothing to do with meow . Meow felt extremely aggrieved . As soon as he gritted his teeth, he flew back to Yinmeng, choking in his heart . Unless Zhang Xiaoqiang begged her, she would stay here forever .

Every day he is waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang"s news, and every day he can"t wait, which makes meow more and more anxious, and his temper is getting worse and worse . No matter who looks at him, he feels uncomfortable . That is Zhou Xiong, who vaguely knows the reason why meow is irritable with his ability . He can always avoid the minefield and serve this little ancestor well . By the way, he can also get some benefits, When he heard that Miaomiao was talking about the two giants, he didn"t dare to agree . He reached out and pushed the two pretty little girls around him to Miaomiao"s side

"These are the two little girls I found during my last inspection . They are both evolutionists . One is 13 years old and the other is 12 years old . They look similar to doudoutang . . . "

It seems that the suppressed flame is acc.u.mulating energy and exploding at any time . Suddenly, an image flashed in my heart . Doudoutang was held in the arms of a haggard woman . As the first visual angle, meow"s tears rolled down and his voice turned, say:

"Doudoutang didn"t come back with Miss meow . She must have done something wrong and been punished by Miss meow . These two little girls are very clever, and there are no adults at home . I"ll play with Miss meow in a moment and ask them to help you make some things . "At this time, meow looked a little better . He gave Zhou Xiong a deep glance and said contemptuously:

"Where did you turn this? What are their names? "

The two little girls are very timid . Miaomiao"s reputation is not obvious, but his status is very high . Before coming here, Zhou Xiong would give a lot of advice . After hearing Miaomiao"s questions, he stepped forward carefully and said softly:

"My name is Jiang Wan"er . . . "

"My name is shuiqingqing . . . "

The two girls didn"t say much, so they stood aside and asked Zhou Xiong to nod slightly . The two girls were all survivors of the northern army . Hundreds of thousands of survivors were separated according to grade and gender . Except for husband and wife and immediate family members, most of them lived in their own communities, which minimized the possible crimes, Children under the age of 14 have become the focus of Yinmeng"s care . Most of them have been sent to school or factory as apprentices, and some of them have been selected as talent reserves . These two little girls are specially chosen by Zhou Xiong to serve meow .

Not to mention, Zhou Xiong"s gift really made meow feel satisfied . He nodded his head in a very serious manner, handed the big package to Zhou Xiong, who had been waiting for a long time . He turned around and yelled at Caihong Diao, letting him fly to the sky to look for food . He pulled out the fragrant flash in his backpack and played with his big tail to walk to his exquisite villa on the top of the mountain .

Zhou Xiong, holding a heavy package, dared not neglect him . He willingly followed meow . From time to time, he asked the two little girls behind him to speed up their pace . He grinned and grinned as he walked . Meow always had a lot of good things to hide . A little leakage would bring him a lot of benefits . They climbed up the top of the mountain from the foot of the mountain, Miaomiao doesn"t feel anything, but Zhou Xiong is slightly panting behind him . Jiang Wan"er and Shui Qingqing have already flushed their cheeks and wet their backs .

On the top of the mountain is the small villa specially built for meow by the construction army of the canyon . It is located on the highest peak of the two gates of the canyon, and it is also the most scenic peak . Compared with mupeipei"s mountain courtyard, it has won in some aspects . The wooden house in the fairy tale of imitating Buddha is exquisite, with bright yellow paint on the outer wall, Strawberry red clean roof, there is a ring of milk Baise low wall, inside lies two are basking in the sun, the thick gra.s.s as soft as white clouds, all kinds of fruit trees hanging on a variety of colors and shapes of fruit, delicate and light swing standing on one side of the wooden house, a few giant bamboo windmills in the mountain wind fast rotation, blue sky, The green gra.s.s, countless fruits and exquisite houses make Jiang Wan"er and Shui Qingqing feel like they are in a fairy tale .

Two big dogs are sleeping in the sun . Their noses twitch slightly . They look up at several people outside the wall . The big dog"s eyes see a red and white face of meow . At the same time, they stand up and stretch out their long tongue . They jump from the wall to meow, One black and one red, two dogs head down together, stick out their scarlet tongue and lick to meow< br>