Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1857: 1857

Chapter 1857: 1857

At the moment when Ishihara entered, a huge sound wave covered him like a tsunami . All kinds of discomfort came out from the beginning to the end . His heart beat faster and vibrated with a strong rhythm . It was as if a big drum had been pressed on his heart . The huge vibration made him feel suffocated and he couldn"t help breathing faster, However, the air in the bar was very turbid, mixed with alcohol and second-hand smoke . As soon as he inhaled into his lungs, he coughed violently . Before his eyes could recover from the dazzling light of the colorful rotary spotlight, he heard men howling and women laughing wildly . When he really saw the scene in front of him, he suddenly felt a little angry, At the end of the world, everyone struggled to survive . There was such a decadent and indulgent place in their city . The word "meat forest in wine pond" was perfectly displayed here . The tabletop was full of wine bottles, the women dressed in three-point style showed their snow-white bodies, and the men with crazy long hair were all shirtless, holding wine bottles to make all kinds of dirty postures .

The hundred people packed the black star bar with no small size . On the table, on the steps, and on the ground, there were bottles of wine everywhere . The bar was no longer a place for liquor mixing, but a place where the toil was carrying the drinks . The waiter served a Baijiu of wine to the group of men and let them take it from time to time, and heard the sound of the wine bottle breaking up from time to time . From time to time also see a drunken thick man stepped on the rolling wine bottle, fell on his back .

The crowd was surging and the shadows were heavy . Under the colorful light, ishiharano couldn"t find the position of vilichko . Suddenly, with a scream, she saw a white body floating out of thin air and spinning rapidly over the dance floor . The woman seemed to be stunned . She spread out her four limbs and twisted like a big cake on everyone"s head, Baihuahua"s thigh glows with enchantment under the light of the rotary spotlight, which causes those men to shout madly . Suddenly, the crazy scream turns into a cry in women"s mouth . The cry is a bit joyful, and seems to enjoy the flight controlled by the evolutionists . Then, like wine fountains, it sprays from the wine bottles in the hands of several evolutionists, Shot on the half empty wine to form countless drops, so floating around women, refracting the colorful light rays .

Seeing this, Ishihara"s right hand almost touched the holster and wanted to pull out the pistol to shoot, so that all the evolutionists could calm down . The evolutionists were stronger than ordinary people . If they couldn"t control themselves after getting drunk, I"m afraid the consequences would be disaster . At this time, a bald thin man in a suit came and bowed respectfully to Ishihara, Let him pay attention to this man, in this man"s humble guidance, ishiharano to the voice a little smaller place .

"Captain, I"m Nie Chuzhen, the owner of black star bar . Would you like to come here for a drink or someone? If you drink, all the drinks are free . If you want to find someone, I can call them for you . If you need anything, I can do it . "

Nie Chuzhen didn"t recognize ishiharano . Except for their subordinates, ordinary people seldom know about the three giants . However, Nie Chuzhen didn"t dare to neglect the officer with the weapons of the colonel . Just now, he was worried after he saw the ident.i.ty of this unusual man as a colonel . He knew that all the drinkers were evolutionists, but compared with these evolutionists, He was even more worried that the colonel in front of him was not happy . In case of conflict with the evolutionists, even if he lost his hair, he would not be able to take it away . In fact, the silver Mongolian soldiers had the highest status and could not be offended .

Pushing aside the high-end cigarettes handed over by Nie Chuzhen, ishiharano frowns through the gla.s.s window and looks at the carnival crowd outside . It can be seen that these evolutioners know how to handle themselves, and they are not crazy with alcohol . Even those evolutioners who fall on the ground get up in the laughter of their peers and continue to drink . It can be seen that ishiharano is concerned about those evolutioners, Nie Chuzhen breathed in his heart and said quickly:

"These old men still obey the rules . No one dares to mess around . The day before yesterday, there was some confusion . They were stopped by their leaders . All the culprits squatted on one side to watch others drink . Since then, no one dares to come blind . Our young lady doesn"t do skin and meat business . She just accompanies them to make trouble . "

While he was talking, Nie Chuzhen took out a black velvet bag from his pocket and opened it . The open bag was full of broken diamonds . Looking at these diamonds, Nie Chuzhen was extremely reluctant, but respectfully sent them to shiyuanye and said:

"When they came, I was afraid that they would make trouble and break things, so I raised the price of drinks 20 times, These are the profits after the costs have been mentioned . If the chief needs . . . "

Nie Chuzhen is really distressed to say this . The diamonds here are worth at least 100000 f.u.xing coins, but he does not dare to eat alone . The rank of colonel is very common before the end of the world . After the end of the world, Yinmeng is an absolute high level, at least at the division level . How many divisions are there in Yinmeng? I"m afraid he can"t hide his caution if he can make the military pay so much attention here . For the future, he is willing to have a relationship with the military .

Who is shiyuanye? Nie Chuzhen knows what he means when he takes out these diamonds . Nie Chuzhen wants to use these diamonds to link up with the army, just like the collusion between officials and businessmen before the end of the world . As long as he links up, he will take these diamonds today . Tomorrow, Nie Chuzhen will be able to use this relationship to earn ten times and twenty times . If other people really want to win back, they may be excited, But shiyuanye is one of the three giants of silver and Mongolia . He can enjoy the JS matrix with a price of one million f.u.xing coins at any time . If he did not have a 100% success rate, he would not be an ordinary person today . After the recovery of the city, most of the materials are controlled by the Executive Yuan . What the army needs is directly applied for by the Executive Yuan, and there is no budget, For ordinary people, these things may take ten years to earn without eating or drinking . For hunters, they need to kill tens of thousands of zombies, but for Ishihara, they are nothing . "Take me to their leader . . . "

Ishiharano pushed the diamond in front of him as he did before . Without any hesitation or slowness, he seemed to just wave his hand away from the breeze, especially natural and unrestrained . The natural and unrestrained ishiharano made Nie Chuzhen even more frightened . He bowed his head and did not dare to say more . He reached out to lead ishiharano into the noisy dance floor . The boss was very good at business and laughed at everyone, The cigarette in his hand seemed to be a snowflake, which disappeared in front of him in a twinkling of an eye . These wine filled Russians didn"t pretend to be arrogant just because their boss was an ordinary person . They said h.e.l.lo to their boss in loud voice . They used seriously lost Chinese, and the boss responded in more informal Russian . They didn"t stop until they took ishiharano to a private room .

At the door of the private room stood two tall, blonde women soldiers . The two women soldiers seriously examined the boss who came near, and their eyes swept to ishiharano"s rank . They were slightly stunned and disdained . One of them said in standard Mandarin:

"What are you doing here? The general is very busy . If . . . "

"I"m Ishihara . Go tell him I"m here . . . "

Ishiharano didn"t beat around the bush . He stepped back and gazed at the two Russian women soldiers in front of him . They were slightly stunned . As soon as their faces changed, they immediately stood at attention and saluted, shouting:

"Lieutenant Savannah of Jinwei battalion salutes the officer . Please wait a moment . I"ll let the general come out to see you right away . . . "

After that, he gave a support to his companions, turned around and pushed open the door of the private room . A wild laugh rushed out from inside, which made ishiyuanye"s face turn black and blue . Then he sighed helplessly . Now it"s true that the emperor is not in a hurry, and the eunuch is in a hurry . Another female soldier has given way to the door behind him, Standing respectfully and looking at the young ishiharano, his eyes were full of light . Such a young officer turned out to be the head of the strategic Department of the Yinmeng region . Their high status made them look up to him, and they no longer despised ishiharano"s rank as a colonel .

At this time, the door opened, and vilichko and some of his officers came out of the room together . When they saw Ishihara, who was a soldier in a military uniform, they suddenly felt feverish, clasped their hands, and rushed to Ishihara, learning Chinese etiquette . They said in poor Chinese:

"Ha ha, how can minister Shi come here to have fun? It"s hard to meet him, Today, I will pay for all the expenses of minister Shi as long as he is happy

While he was talking, he grabbed Ishihara"s arm and led him into the private room . Nie Chuzhen wanted to get in touch with Ishihara"s light, but was pushed out by two female soldiers to close the door, isolating all the voices inside . They just entered the room, At first glance, there are a group of women with white thighs, smoking or eating . The wine table is full of messy wine bottles and snacks . There are also a pair of silk stockings and short skirt clothes thrown everywhere . What makes Ishihara most sad is a blue shining high-heeled shoe on the table, which is full of red wine . I don"t know it"s the officer"s wine cup, Originally, these women were very relaxed and didn"t care about their appearance . Suddenly, they saw Ishihara . Their expressions changed . They all got up and bowed to him, which made Ishihara confused .

"It"s my sister"s honor to have an officer of the Renaissance army here today . If it wasn"t for the soldiers to wipe out the zombies and recover the city, and we didn"t have a stable life today, you may look down on us, but we respect you . We don"t charge you a cent for today"s table fees . It"s a piece of our heart . . . "

When the first coquettish woman said this, the other women nodded, as if taking it for granted . Ishiharano nodded in the blank eyes of the other officers and said with a smile:

"Everyone has his own choice . I"m not a defender or a righteous person, so I won"t look down on you . Today I"m here to talk business with them, So

Ishihara didn"t really think that these women had done anything unforgivable, even if they sold their bodies to the Russians . It had become a routine in the last days, and even Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t stop the soldiers from venting, so he was even more upset . When the women heard Ishihara"s words, they breathed a sigh, turned around and left the door, Villiqueko is not easy to stop . He rubs his fingers awkwardly< br>