Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1860: 1860

Chapter 1860: 1860

The aftermath of the explosion also affected Lu Qishan . His face and hands were cut by the blown sand . Countless blood holes crisscrossed on the skin . Three or five drops of winding blood flowed from each blood hole . His military uniform was also blown into strips . There was red and wet everywhere in his chest . Only his eyes were still bright and angry . It seemed that he could not feel the pain of his body at the moment, In his mind, there was incomparable indignation in despair . In front of him, the dust that had blocked his sight was completely blown away . The tall and strong Russian man was bending down to hold his knees and panting . The ground in front of him was like a miniature model of the surface of the moon . Eleven of his companions fell to the ground in various shapes, and their injuries were more serious than those of Lu Qishan, Many people have been soaked in blood to dye into blood people .

The pistol in Lu Qishan"s hand has been pointing at the evolutioner"s forehead, even in his fierce eyes . At this moment, Lu Qishan seems to feel that he is being watched by a fierce beast, but he is not afraid . There is no trace of meow around the evolutioner, even the body . If meow has an accident, even if he is seriously injured, Lu Qishan was so sad and indignant that he wanted to kill all the Russians . Even if he was targeted by this powerful evolutionist, he didn"t flinch . In the blood pupil of his eyes, he didn"t have any other look except to refuse .

The sound of footsteps came to him one after another . A black rifle made the evolutioner meow . All the soldiers were firm and silent, and their guns didn"t tremble . At the moment when they quickly and accurately launched the formation, a fierce atmosphere filled the air . No one thought that the opponent was the evolutioner and hesitated, The rigid and firm eyes stare at the strong evolutionist like a beast, and the fingers firmly hold the trigger . If you move a little bit, you will hold all the firepower to the end and pour all the firepower . There is a real smell of gunpowder between the two sides of the airship . Then the military vehicles spew black smoke and rush to the front with faster speed . The 89 heavy machine gun, recoilless gun, There are 35 mm automatic grenade launchers and 40 rocket launchers aiming at the ma.s.sive evolutor together . Armored convoys roaring in the distance, and thousands of soldiers are constantly warning . Ant colony generally rushes towards the airship . Even the silent 40 tube 122 mm rocket gun in a corner of the barracks is slowly turning its muzzle to aim at the airship, as long as one is wrong, That huge airship will explode into a fireball in an instant .

A drop of sweat from the yellow dust covered cheek of the evolutioner broke through the black mud ditch, and then more sweat oozed from the tip of his forehead and nose, wetting the dirt on his face . His short breath gradually stabilized, slowly straightened his waist, turned and slowly looked at the muzzle and various heavy weapons that surrounded him in a circle dozens of meters away, just as he turned and looked around, In less than three minutes, the whole camp of the third division broke out completely . In addition to the soldiers gathered around, thousands of soldiers were still swarming in . The whole camp was closed at this time . In addition to the airship, three stealth helicopters of the mourners were also surrounded to death, right next to the plane, Several other engineers were installing a magnetic bomb to the cabin sh.e.l.l, apparently poking the third division"s hornet nest .

"I surrender . . . "

Surrounded by thousands of soldiers, surrounded by comrades in arms whose lives and deaths are unknown, this evolutionist is not a single minded man . He suddenly knows what he has done . Whether he lives or dies, he is not in charge of it . Even if he can kill ten or 100 people, he can"t kill thousands or thousands of people . Besides, he is not so invulnerable, Not counting the hundreds of guns pointing at him, even those heavy machine guns aimed at him could tear him to pieces in an instant .

Surrender was in Russian . There were many Mongolian soldiers on the scene . They were more familiar with Russian than Chinese . The first time they rushed up and waved the b.u.t.t of their gun was a beating . The practice of Mongolian soldiers was handed down from the Soviet Union . This Russian evolutionist obviously knew what to do . He rolled up and held his head and let more than ten soldiers beat him, More than a dozen soldiers waved their b.u.t.ts silently and hit him again and again, making a dull sound . A series of blue and red marks appeared on his arms . There was countless silence around the soldiers . The muzzles of the guns were like sunflower seeds densely arranged in the flower center, and there were dozens of military vehicles waiting for him, Further, the heavy machine gun and muzzle of the armored vehicle are pointing to this side .

A piece of blood flew up, and the evolutioner"s scalp cracked . When his G.o.dless eyes were staring blankly at the blurred and shaking figures around him, a black gun b.u.t.t with wind roaring hit him heavily on the mouth, and his cheek twisted with the deformation . The huge force made him fall to the ground, and the moment he fell to the ground, A piece of white teeth with blood spray on the dust covered ground rolling .


With a loud shout, Lu Qishan stopped the soldiers" violence and made them step aside, revealing the evolutioner curling like a dead dog inside . Standing in front of the evolutioner, Lu Qishan kicked him over to make him face up . The evolutioner was no longer as majestic as before . His face was covered with blood and dirt . He could not see his original face clearly and his mouth cracked, The blood red foam continuously flows out from the corners of his mouth, many of which are black . There is no good skin on his whole body . The black purple swelling on his arm makes him swell as thick as a steamed bun . However, he lies on the ground with only air in but no air out, and his eyes are also swollen . The black purple eyelids cover most of his pupils in the dense shadows of the crowd, Barely able to see the squint of the pupil in a trace of pain and loss . "Search for me and find the little girl who came with me . Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you have to find someone alive or dead . If you can"t find them, you"ll have to wait to be shot . "

As Lu Qi Shan lowered his pistol powerlessly, he scanned all the soldiers around him with ferocious eyes . His twisted face revealed a sense of determination and madness . The wounds on his face continuously oozed blood, making him like a hungry ghost in h.e.l.l . The soldiers around him took orders, grabbed the hair of more than ten evolutioners on the ground and dragged them away . More people rushed into the transport cabin of the airship, Looking for the figure of meow, and then a military vehicle rushed out from the barracks, a channel of radio waves swirling above the barracks .

Paul and chikov look blankly at the soldiers and the muzzle of the gun who rush into the door . They raise their hands suspiciously . One by one, the members of the b.l.o.o.d.y battle group scattered around the city rush to the black star bar, and the rare evolutionists appear in the eyes of ordinary people . On the high buildings, smart figures, like the lightness masters in the ancient costume TV series, rush around the floor, From time to time, he took off high and jumped tens of meters away and landed on the opposite floor steadily . On the ground, strong men with huge shields and thick back machetes appeared from different corners and ran to the same place . More troops gathered in the city center from the guard points around the city, and then the dust began to rise in the direction of the barracks, A powerful armored car appeared in the dust .

Shi Yuanye and vilichko are having a good talk . Several officers are sitting down one after another and staring at the gentle Chinese colonel in front of them . They are intoxicated with the scenery that they have become evolutionists . For evolutionists, ordinary people have an inexplicable emotion, which is mixed with envy, jealousy, hostility and desire . Generally speaking, The desire to become an evolutionist is greater than the sum of other emotions . No one does not want to be more powerful . Especially in this dangerous end, even vilichko is not immune from vulgarity . Even if he has his own evolutionist camp, his power is others" and his ability is the key point .

"Ha ha, it seems that brother c.o.c.kroach still has some reservation for us . Evolution matrix has incomparable attraction for ordinary people . Even I have been seduced . As long as I can become an evolutor, as long as I can make my offspring become an evolutor, I really don"t have power . . . "

With the possibility of becoming an evolutor, Even if he becomes the lowest level power evolutor, vilichko is willing to . The mace thrown by huangquan not only interests him, but also inspires other officers around him . Ishihara breathes a sigh of relief . In this way, all the obstacles can be solved . Brother c.o.c.kroach has also explained to him, but he thinks that he can"t take advantage of the evolutors, JS matrix will be sold to them at different prices according to the success rate . Ordinary JS matrix mixed with alcohol can increase the probability to 75% . The follow-up JS matrix will be stuck at 90% . It will take time to break 95%, and reaching 100% is a long way off< br>