Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1861: 1861

Chapter 1861: 1861

Now that vilichco is going to use f.u.xing coin to buy JS matrix, they can make up their minds from the success rate . The lowest JS matrix is sold for one million yuan, and every 5% increase will triple . In this way, 80% is 3 million yuan, 85 is 9 million yuan, 90 is 27 million yuan, and a zombie is 10 yuan, If they want to get 90% JS matrix, they have to kill 2 . 7 million zombies . If they want to go further to 100%, maybe there are few zombies left in China, and they are not afraid that vilichco will not buy them . No one dares to gamble with their nickname . The higher the position, the more money they can make from others, I will not save those little money with my own life .

With this in mind, ishiharano is determined that it is good to have his own intellectual property rights, and the pricing power is in his own hands . I"m afraid that vilichko doesn"t know that he is going to work for Zhang Xiaoqiang all his life for the sake of the higher evolution matrix in his dream . Obviously, vilichko can"t think so far . He has been dazzled by the good news . According to his calculation, It"s nothing to kill 100000 zombies by 3000 people . As long as you give him one month, the number of zombies will be at least three times that . By then, three JS matrixes will be available . Besides, he has his own evolutors, as long as the evolutors are added in .

"In fact, the price of ten yuan for each zombie is just the base price . The evolutionary zombie is five times as much as the ordinary zombie, and the type 2 zombie is five times as much as the evolutionary zombie . If you are lucky enough to catch the living zombie, the price will be ten times . The type 3 zombie can also be calculated in this way . Besides, if you catch the type Z zombie, it will be at least twice as much as the type 2 zombie, A zombie of type Z is worth ten thousand ordinary zombies . By the way, we still have many special items that can continuously improve the abilities of the evolutors . We charge different revival coins according to the types and effects . So the general can rest a.s.sured that as long as you kill the zombies as much as possible, you may not be able to become the strong ones in the fairy tales . "

One by one, carrots are thrown in front of vilichko . In this moment, vilichko becomes a rabbit in the eyes of Ishihara . All kinds of fantastic ideas construct cages of different sizes in Ishihara"s ambition, and cover vilichko layer by layer . Vilichko doesn"t know that he has to work for Zhang Xiaoqiang for the rest of his life, and he is still very happy, He asked

"Now that you have an evolutionary matrix, you have a lot of evolutionists . Do you have more than a thousand?"

Ishiharano smiles and says with pride:

"It won"t be long before the general can see the scale of our b.l.o.o.d.y battle regiment for himself . I believe it will give him an unforgettable experience . . . "

At the end of the speech, the whole private room suddenly shook violently . Crystal lamps and wall lamps broke and went out in this kind of shaking, which seemed to be a strong earthquake . Then the whole private room fell into darkness . The fragile sound of wine bottles falling to the ground was like a dense drumbeat . Vilichko screamed wildly and followed everyone to the ground full of broken gla.s.s, Some people pull apart their companions and try their best to get to the coffee table full of sundries, some turn over the sofa to cover themselves, others cry in panic . Even shiyuanye has to hide in the corner of the room and pile up on silk stockings and skirts, praying that the earthquake will not kill him .

"Boom . . . "

There was a loud noise, like a bomb exploding in the outer wall of the black star bar . In the greater vibration, there were many terrible cracks on the wall . There were women"s screams and men"s roars outside . With the violent shaking, everyone forgot to breathe, and their heart stopped . Waiting for the final moment, there were several loud noises, The cracked wall collapsed, and all kinds of gla.s.sware broke . Even the coffee table where wine bottles were placed turned into countless pieces of broken gla.s.s . The chaotic pieces were still splashing and rolling on the ground, and countless bricks and stones were pressed down . Light came from the outside at the moment when the wall fell down, and the disordered private room was covered by countless dust just after it was exposed, Then the whole building began to deform and collapse, and a bigger disaster came at this moment .

Shiyuanye curls up and gets stuck under the collapsed stone beam . There is tearing pain all over his body . The most serious part is his foot, and there is pain in other places . However, his right foot has lost his intuition, as if he had never grown this foot since he was born . Naturally, shiyuanye"s heart will not feel sad about losing one foot, and his heart will surge with a trace of anxiety, What on earth made this place collapse? Will the rescue troops know he"s here? How many people will die because of this disaster, and they are still alive, so is vilichko still alive? There are also those evolutionists outside . Under the anesthesia of alcohol, how many of them can escape? All kinds of thoughts are wandering in his mind .

Suddenly, a few dark shadows flashed through the gap between the stone beams and the bunkers in front of us, and a loud roar came from the outside

"Here"s a live one . Give me a hand . . . "

He had been discovered, which made most of Ishihara"s worries fall down . He could not help groaning and wanted to speak, but his throat was dry and painful, and he couldn"t speak for a long time . After the rescue workers found him, their originally tense heart relaxed, which made his whole body pain deepen several times . A strong feeling of fainting was like the tide, Wave after wave hit him, or Ishihara"s character was determined, and kongfu had been knocked down by this feeling for a long time . Just as he was struggling with the feeling of fainting, the stone beam in front of him suddenly pulled apart and fell piles of cement dregs and broken bricks, which shocked him . Then he woke up . In his eyes, two pairs of strong hands held him and pulled him out . The action was a little rough, which made Ishihara cry out in pain . Even if he cried out, no one answered, At the moment, ishiharano"s whole body is covered with cement and dust, and his head and face are smashed by stone bricks . He can"t see the human appearance . His right leg is connected to his knee in a strange posture . It"s obvious that he"s broken, and his military uniform can"t see the original appearance .

However, he did not receive any more damage . An evolutor in leather armor came up to him, put his hand on his head, felt it, and heard three words:

"Ordinary people . . . "

With that, Ishihara was picked up by a strong man, crossed the ruins like obstacles and went out to the street . He put Ishihara on the street under the care of dozens of soldiers . At this time, Ishihara felt a little relaxed . At least his d.a.m.n leg would not hurt his nerves in the shaking . A kettle was roughly stuffed into Ishihara"s mouth, Ishihara had some strength when he stopped, and he drank half a pot of water in spite of the clear water choking his lungs . When the kettle was taken away, Ishihara"s trance spirit gradually woke up . To his eyes, there were rows of groaning wounded people in the street . Further, there was a corpse with head and face covered with clothes . The wounded were divided into two groups, one group was ordinary people like Ishihara, There are more than a dozen women in bra.s.siere skirts or three-point style, and a group of evolutionists who used to revel in bars . They are all tied up in all kinds of ways, even those who broke their hands and feet . The chic small buildings three stories high have been turned into ruins . One by one, the evolutionists of the b.l.o.o.d.y battle group are still searching in the ruins . From time to time, some people are looking for the injured survivors, Or the dead bodies are taken out, and the power evolutionists carry the collapsed construction waste to one side, while the spirit evolutionists search for survivors with various abilities . In the distance, the army has completely sealed off the block, and the high-rise buildings are monitored by snipers with sniper rifles .

Shiyuanye was sober after drinking water . Although his mind was still a little confused, it did not hinder his thinking . It was not an earthquake . Only the black star bar was razed to ruins . At most, several windows were broken in the surrounding buildings . It was the progressives of the b.l.o.o.d.y battle regiment in Ordos that caused the tragedy . They attacked the whole building fiercely and destroyed it by means of sneak attack, Let everyone buried in the ruins together, even he almost explained in it, think of here, Ishihara ambition in a surge of anger, the use of b.l.o.o.d.y regiment, must have Zhao Jun and he and the leader of the b.l.o.o.d.y regiment Li Zhongyue agree, why? Is it Li Zhongyue"s rebellion?

A sergeant went to shiyuanye and squatted down . Shiyuanye turned his head and glared at him . He was about to speak, but his throat was still as painful as before . His hoa.r.s.e voice couldn"t say a complete word . In a moment of anxiety, he only used his eyes to shoot anger at him . He wanted the sergeant to pay attention to him, but the sergeant didn"t see his anger and anxiety, He just pulled aside his body, took off the pistol on his waist with the clip, got up and left . As he walked, he looked at the type 92 5 . 8mm pistol in his hand and muttered in a low voice:

"It"s strange that Lao maozi used our standard pistol . . . "

The sergeant said that Shi Yuan Ye did not hear him clearly . He wanted to struggle to do it, but he could hardly get a little bit of movement . He was so cold that he was in a cold sweat and raindrops . A pair of dusty and sc.r.a.ped arms came up to support his waist . He slowly put him in the warm arms . When his wounds were all dragged and he could not help moaning, a bad perfume first came into his nose . Then the back of the brain will be on a pair of strong double peaks .

"Don"t move . You"re badly hurt . We"ll hide you later so they can"t find you . . . "

His voice is very familiar, but ishiharano has no impression of the husky female voice . The woman who hugged him spoke and unb.u.t.toned his military uniform, obviously trying to help him take it off . Maybe the woman also guessed that the destruction of the black star bar was related to the internal cleaning of the military . Ishiharano was almost killed by the kindness of the woman, He didn"t believe that anyone here would dare to do harm to him . He struggled and roared in a weak voice

"Help me polish my badge . . . "< br>