Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1864: 1864

Chapter 1864: 1864

The largest area of a huge airship is naturally the air bag . If the air bag is erected, it may not be much smaller than a skysc.r.a.per . Countless airship air bags fixed by steel wire ropes rise and fall in the breeze, and from time to time they creak one by one . The outer skin of the air bag is tough and thick . The airship that can carry hundreds of people at a time naturally pays attention to keeping improving, Even if the air bag is sewn up later, it is not comparable to ordinary materials . On the side of the air bag facing the sky, meow is lying lazily on the air bag, curling her legs to bask in the sun . The rainbow carving flying freely in the sky hovers above her head . Looking at the lightning carving, meow"s heart seems to fly away .

This time, meow meow made up his mind that shiyuanye could not let them give up Vladivostok . That was Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fight . Why did he let them give up? There must be a solution . Meow can"t get in the way of the decision of the military and the government . Although she has contributed to the establishment of Yinmeng, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t give her any management authority . Even if she expresses her opinions, she will be ignored . She just climbs on the airship and lets them take her to Vladivostok to act according to the circ.u.mstances . Of course, meow is not just fooling around, She knows what her strengths are . The mutant beast is very powerful, but meow"s ability is just to control the mutant beast . So far, there is no mutant beast that meow can"t kill . As long as she can solve the most powerful mutant beast, the rest is not a problem . No matter how many mutant beasts come, meow can kill them . This can solve the crisis of Vladivostok, Why not get a lot of colloids and nuclei?

Miaomiao"s plan is very practical . Unfortunately, she forgets that her ident.i.ty is unique in Yinmeng . Because her disappearance brings misfortune to Lu Qishan and vilichko together . The whole military region is looking for her . If she doesn"t show up, I"m afraid that supporting Vladivostok is just empty talk . In addition, Miaomiao"s smart and clever is in a dead end . She doesn"t have to work with the airship, Even if she can"t find Vladivostok there, she can"t sneak past as long as she rides the vulture .

The boring meow was waiting for the airship to take off, but there was a dog barking . Just when meow was surprised that Dahei Erhong had come, the black and ferocious helicopter slowly rose into the air . Inside the transparent window was the surprise face like chimpanzee face . When meow saw him, he was surprised, He also saw meow

"All officers and men of the first fleet of the Yangtze River report to brother c.o.c.kroach and ask brother c.o.c.kroach to a.s.sign combat tasks . . . "

The energetic peak uniform is straight, and the White Navy officer"s uniform is flashing . On the river behind him, more than ten armed ships refitted from various ships are lined up, and more than 30 cargo warehouses are full of materials . Seeing those materials, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that this time Hubei base is doing its best, At the critical moment of Sichuan"s great development, they can allocate so many materials, which shows that they pay more attention to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s action .

Not only the Yangtze River fleet is coming, but Zhao Deyi"s first regiment and Xiaoshan"s independent regiment are also coming . Two battalions with a total of 1000 people arrived in advance, and Mo Shaoyun, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s deputy in Shanghai, is overjoyed . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s soldiers are far more powerful than the evolutionists" armed forces . There are all kinds of weapons, not to mention rare command cars and armored vehicles, Besides, there are Lou fanjun"s special combat group evolutors . These evolutors are the first to go ash.o.r.e . As soon as they go ash.o.r.e, they will shake the Ning brothers and swords who follow Zhang Xiaoqiang . Originally, Zhang Xiaoqiang was just a rootless man with strong personal ability and a big snake as the ultimate deterrent . However, there were not many of them . I didn"t expect that he could call more than 500 evolutors casually, Let them wonder how powerful the forces behind Zhang Xiaoqiang should be .

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the ships of the Yangtze River fleet, which are not as happy as he imagined . These ships are good, and they are not as good as the Navy"s combat ships . Even the Navy"s supply ships are stronger than the armed fleet they put together . In addition, the mode of operation in Shanghai is still dominated by evolutionists, and ordinary armed men encounter evolutionists, Even the elite troops can only become lambs, just like the sword chop behind him . Even the elite of Zhao Deyi for the rest of his life don"t need to spend too much effort to solve it . There are not many evolutionists like sword chop in Shanghai .

"It"s hard . When I came here, I saw the zombie sea by the Yangtze River, right?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t say much encouragement . He directly inquired about the zombie sea around Zhenjiang . When Gao Feng thought of the zombie sea that scared the whole fleet down the river, he looked ugly and nodded difficultly . At the same time, he felt guilty . Tens of millions of zombies could not be solved by a small Yangtze river fleet, even if the East China Sea Fleet was sent, It is also impossible to solve the zombies walking in hundreds of square kilometers .

"We only need to leave the army here . The task of the Yangtze River fleet is not only to transport materials and population, but also to bring zombies into the Yangtze River as much as possible . No matter it"s noise or human blood, it"s ok as long as it works . We should also pay attention to observing the evolution of zombies . Once we find the evolution of zombies, we should give priority to using ammunition . . . "

Tens of millions of zombies have always been Zhang Xiaoqiang"s problem . The Yangtze River fleet is too weak to solve these zombies alone . It has to be weakened as far as possible . The Yangtze River is wide and there are many aquariums . It is a good idea to introduce zombies into the river to feed fish . Even if only 30000 zombies can be eliminated every day, it will be millions after three months, which is better than wasting human lives and ammunition . "No problem . As long as we don"t go ash.o.r.e, the Yangtze River is the territory of our first fleet . We must complete the task a.s.signed by brother c.o.c.kroach . By the way, brother c.o.c.kroach, the news from Yinmeng is about Vladivostok . . . "

When the Yangtze River fleet contacted Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang also knew about the incident in Yinmeng . Zhao Jun did not dare to hide anything about Vladivostok and told Zhang Xiaoqiang the whole story . Fortunately, meow has found out and meow"s idea was known to them . Listening to the news from that side, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a headache . No matter where meow goes, he doesn"t worry, Vladivostok is like a chicken rib . Even if he keeps it, it won"t bring much profit . Now that he is preparing to go to Australia, he really has no energy to manage there .

"Why? c.o.c.kroach brother actually has territory in Vladivostok? "

As a wooden man, the silent sword cuts in and can"t help interrupting . Gao Feng notices that this man is more charming than a woman . He suddenly takes a breath in his heart . How can a man grow up like this? If other women see him, will he be jealous?

"Are you interested?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang turns to Jianjian and smiles . Jianjian finally compromises under the temptation of colloid and silver tea . As long as he can improve the ability of evolution, Jianjian doesn"t care about getting a boxed lunch under Zhang Xiaoqiang . Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang is very disdainful, he knows that Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t take the change of beast seriously . Jianjian"s face changes slightly, He said in a low voice

"If Vladivostok is also invaded by mutated organisms, I"m afraid . . . I"m afraid there will be no place to live in the coastal areas . . . "

"Oh? Why do you say that? "

"There are also signs of marine life coming ash.o.r.e near the sea in the urban area . . . The purpose of the three forces sending their hands to gather up the evolutionists is to defend against the threat from the sea . After all, we are sandwiched between the sea and zombies . If we can"t stop the marine life, I"m afraid all the survivors in Shanghai will die . . . "

The dialogue between Zhang Xiaoqiang and Jiancha fell to Gaofeng"s ears and caused a storm . Maybe Zhang Xiaoqiang and Jiancha didn"t realize the harm of marine life to the land, but Gaofeng remembered the paleontological data he had read before . Dinosaurs appeared in the Mesozoic era . The Paleozoic era before the Mesozoic era was the era of biological origin explosion, which began 600 million years ago and ended 230 million years ago, At the beginning of the rise of the Paleozoic era, organisms multiplied and evolved in the ocean until the Marine Giant finally appeared . After fierce fighting, predation and predation, the losers fled the ocean and went to land, and finally formed two different types of organisms . The terrestrial organisms evolved into prehistoric giant and dinosaur, and finally evolved into human beings, Marine life, on the other hand, has evolved into more species .

"Is . . . The second biological revolution coming?"

Gaofeng Nana said to himself that compared with countless endangered land creatures, even if the number of marine creatures is small, they are thousands of times more than that of land creatures . In particular, the mutant beast, which has gained the upper hand in the last world, is a great threat to zombies and human beings . The mutant beast is more terrible than zombies . If it does not form enough quant.i.ty advantage, it will not be enough, But once there are more than zombies? I"m afraid it will be a long catastrophe .

"What revolution?"< br>