Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1873: 1873

Chapter 1873: 1873

Xi"er has a bad heart for Zhang Xiaoqiang . She always wants to fight with Zhang Xiaoqiang again to win or lose . When she learns that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t use her trump card in the last fight with her, and she did try her best at that time, her heart calmed down . What really worries her is that these abandoned women still have children . In her opinion, no matter how generous Zhang Xiaoqiang is, It is impossible to support a group of waste people unconditionally .

"It depends on you . You are the top evolutionist . No one can beat you under him . As long as you have enough value and can fight for enough benefits for him, and we help, it"s no problem to support these women and children . Of course, if he dislikes them and wants to drive them away, won"t we also leave?"

Hong Xiaomei knows about Xi"er . For Chen Yu"s sake, she thinks about all kinds of problems, and the solutions to all kinds of problems have already been perfected in her mind . As long as Xi"er is constantly tangled and seeking reasons, she is sure to persuade Xi"er to join Zhang Xiaoqiang, because the more tangled Xi"er is, the more reasons she looks for, it means that she really wants to join Zhang Xiaoqiang, For example, the more picky and troublesome the customers in the shop, the greater the chance of doing business .

The women squatted by the river and began to wash their clothes . The splash of water came faintly . When they were washing their clothes, their mouths were not idle . They talked about all kinds of nutritious family members and broke out a burst of laughter from time to time . Further away in the wild, some strong women with a lot of slightly older children were reclaiming the fields with their farm tools, Behind them, a mu of cultivated land has been cultivated . In the brown soil, a green weed has never been seen . The fine soil is like sand . Looking around, all the soil is finely leveled, not to mention stones . Even the slightly larger soil lumps can"t be found . It can be seen that these women and children spend a lot of effort on this land .

"It"s a pity . . . If we leave, the land will be abandoned again . "

"As long as people live, they can reclaim land everywhere . Today we give up these dozens of fields, and tomorrow we can open up 1000 or 10000 fields, and we can never eat up the food we grow . "

Hong Xiaomei is also reluctant to give up the fields here . If she has the fields, she will have the harvest . If she has the harvest, she will never worry about finding food and starving, They don"t have to worry about what they"ll eat after they"ve eaten all the food . The land is the real treasure in their hearts . Xi"er"s wet eyes are reflected in the clear water . Looking at herself in the water, Xi"er purrs like a kitten . She lowers her head and buries her cheek in her lap . The black silk slips from her shoulders and her white pink neck shines in the sun, The thick and sticky nasal voice brings out the girl"s uneasiness

"If, if he doesn"t go back to Chen Yu, what should he do? What if he uses these children and women to coerce us . . . "

Xi"er is just a tangled complaint, but she is shocked when she hears it . Chen Yu killed many people in Qinghong Dao that day . She wishfully thinks that as long as she captures the people in Qinghong Dao, she can exchange Chen Yu for Chen Yu . What should Qinghong Dao do if she doesn"t admit it, or even anger Zhang Xiaoqiang? It"s a small matter that Zhang Xiaoqiang was killed . It"s bad that Chen Yu can"t come back .

"Either . . . Or I"ll get in touch with Qinghong road . . . "

Hong Xiaomei weakly expresses her new idea . For Chen Yu"s sake, she even hopes that Xi"er can let go of her hatred and go to talk with Qinghong Dao . In exchange for Chen Yu, she is willing to persuade Xi"er to take refuge in her old life and death feud . As soon as she speaks, she is stopped by the anger in Xi"er"s eyes . Xi"er"s eyes are strange, which makes her afraid, Just when little red sister didn"t know what to do, Xi"er said:

"Have you forgotten how w.a.n.g Yang died? Did you forget how your cla.s.smates died? Chen Yu was caught by them because he was disobedient and left without our consent . He wanted to rob the inexplicable treasure . Since he acted privately, he had to bear the consequences for his own behavior, and I would not send other people to those animals for slaughter just because of him . "

With that, Xi"er stood up, pointed to the woman who washed clothes downstream, and the children who worked hard in the fields, and said harshly to Hong Xiaomei:

"What"s the virtue of Qinghong road? Don"t say you don"t know . They are all driven out there . If they are driven out, they will be beaten to death . They can"t run and jump all their lives . Do you have the face to tell them? For the sake of Chen Yu, should these thousand people be treated as animals? Red younger sister, you let me down too much . Don"t say Chen Yuben doesn"t like you . No matter how much you do, he still doesn"t like you . It"s your own business to do what you want . But don"t involve me, the suffering sisters and brothers of thousands of people . . . "

Hongxiaomei"s cheeks are the same color as her clothes, and her eyes are empty and evasive . Xi"er is not a fool . She has known for a long time what hongxiaomei thinks of Chen Yu . At ordinary times, hongxiaomei is not a fake color to Chen Yu, and even deliberately sarcastic . She just wants to attract Chen Yu"s attention . Xi"er can"t say she likes or dislikes Zhang Xiaoqiang, It was they who took the Ning brothers away . Zhang Xiaoqiang took care of the survivors, and there was no expulsion of the weak women and children . It turns out that the crows in Shanghai are a little bit less black, and they have more contact with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Xi"er also thinks that Zhang Xiaoqiang is the leader who is most likely to accept the more than 1000 women and children . That"s why she tangles with others, She can"t even think about it, let alone hesitate . "I . . . I"ll just talk about it . Besides, we can"t hang ourselves in one tree . What if we can"t rely on both sides?"

Hong Xiaomei is in a big mess . She likes Chen Yu, knows that Chen Yu likes Xi"er, and knows that Xi"er doesn"t like Chen Yu . So she doesn"t envy Xi"er very much . Otherwise, when Xi"er opens her mouth, she will never have any chance . The IQ of women in love will decline, and so will Hong Xiaomei . In order to save Chen Yu, she will try at least, The last bad idea is to let Xi"er completely decide .

"Forget it, I don"t want to go to anyone else . Since that person wants benevolence and righteousness, he won"t attack us for the time being . Even if the food and materials are blocked, we just need to be a little nervous and stick to the harvest . If he comes hard, I"ll run, unless he wants to leave an enemy of life and death staring at him day and night . Hum, we depend on ourselves . . . "

"Good ambition . . . "

A hoa.r.s.e and obscure compliment sounded from their side, as if the sound of mixed metal friction was in their ears . At the moment of the sound, red little sister swept a red line, swayed out the shadow and fell 30 meters away . Then Xi"er picked up the huge bone bow on her toes, swung her hands, turned 360 degrees in place, and waved a perfect circle, When the bone arch is waved, the air is blown out by the bone arch, and the gra.s.s on the ground is pressed down by the air pressure generated out of thin air, and then it lies on the ground, forming a clear concave arc .

"Who . . . Come out here . . . "

Xi"er"s eyes are round, her big bright eyes flash, and she looks around fiercely . The bone bow in her hand is half open . The long arrow of animal teeth on the bow string is ready to go . The breeze makes her hair flutter slowly . Her small face that can be broken is tight . She exchanges eyes with the red little sister who flickers in the distance from time to time, Let Xi"er and red little sister at the same time doubt, but they two people have heard, then from time to time, must be someone to make trouble .

"No matter who you are, explain your intention to me, or I will do it . I have found you . . . There is only one chance . . . "

The arrow in Xi"er"s hand still moves with her . The people hiding in the dark don"t believe that Xi"er is telling the truth . Instead of showing up, they don"t even say a word . It seems that they want to continue his prank . Xi"er is still wandering around aimlessly . The frost on her face is getting heavier and heavier, but there is a sneer in the corner of her mouth, A burst of burst of roar, a huge sound wave instantly raised the girl"s hair . Just as the hair was raised, a withered tree in front of her side burst into pieces . Countless pieces of broken debris splashed all around in an instant . The roaring sound became like a humming bee colony . The red girl in the distance suddenly yelled: "he"s not behind the tree . . . "< br>