Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1874: 1874

Chapter 1874: 1874

There is only half of the scream, and the other half is stuck in the throat of Hong Xiaomei, and she will never have a chance to shout out again . With a scream, Xi"er, holding the bone bow, bends down and trots to Hong Xiaomei, who falls on the ground again . The women who wash clothes in the distance also find the change here . They throw away the clothes and the plastic basin together and run to the village shouting, and the chain reaction also happens, The young men and women in the field also threw away their farm tools and gathered together to retreat from the village . The older children found their rifles hidden around them and covered the others to retreat to the village .

Just as Xi"er rushes to Hong Xiaomei"s side, the alarm bell in the village also rings . Xi"er turns pale and looks at the confused crowd in the village . It seems like the scene that can only be seen in the doomsday movie . Countless confused women are running and crying . From time to time, some women fall to the ground and scream miserably . Most of the children are held in their arms by women, There are also some people who run around in a disorderly way . They are caught in the crowd and disappear . The sudden panic makes people all panic . Only the disabled women sit down in the corner and wait for their orders .

"I killed you . . . "

With a scream, Xi"er gives up looking at the little red girl who is lying on the ground quietly . She gets up and rushes to the village . At this moment, countless elite soldiers rush out of the village . In front of them, more than ten soldiers are carrying a big net . In the rope net are several struggling boys and girls . When she sees the people in the net, Xi"er"s pale face is no longer b.l.o.o.d.y, Even Runhong"s lips turned blue . Xiaowai, Jingru and Yu Jingdu were caught in the net . They were struggling like despairing animals . Soldiers in full arms rushed out of the village like wolves and grabbed the women who had fled . More soldiers surrounded them from both sides . They wanted to form a encirclement to surround all the women and children .

The struggling women are caught with their hair dragged to the ground, the crying children are carried in their hands, just like the dog preparing to evaluate, and the women kneeling on the ground holding their children and begging for mercy are driven together, shivering . In an instant, the spiritual support for Xi"er collapses, regardless of the washing woman, The children who are still working in the fields are all watched by those fierce soldiers like wild animals . It"s not that they don"t resist . All the children who shoot will be "nothing . I just want to ask you to come with me . If you are not so stubborn, maybe I don"t have to fight . . . "

The voice is just behind Xi"er . The delicate skin on her pink neck can feel the heat of that person"s voice . The white bone bow first stabs her back, and then a touch of Yingliang . At the moment when Xi"er turns around, she quickly moves behind her empty back . Unfortunately, all the counterattacks fall to the empty place, and Xi"er has some palpitations, Just after she shot the arrow, she could no longer feel the trend of the mysterious man, and the unfavourable prediction also lost its effect . The man"s means were strange and unpredictable . Even if he knocked down the red little sister, Xi"er never really saw him, let alone his appearance, even his shadow .

"Come out, you come out for me, are you a human or a ghost . . . "

Her heart was slightly fl.u.s.tered . Xi"er slowly retreated, her palm holding the bone bow was slightly wet, and the sweat on her forehead first crossed her cheek . The sunlight shining on the pretty girl"s body made her reflection gradually extend on the ground . The extended reflection suddenly showed the shape of a sword . The curved knife crossed the sky, reflecting the bright red and light, and fell on the girl"s neck, At the moment when Xi"er"s whole body"s sweat bristles up, the voice of sword cutting"s hoa.r.s.eness spreads to her ears

"Do you think I"m a man or a ghost?"

"Can they believe it? I don"t mean to deceive us . I"ll catch all of them at that time . "

The wooden boats that roam the river head slowly upstream . Rows of wood pulp are lifted up and dropped . As they paddle across the boat, drops of crystal clear water are scattered . All the people in the boat are Weng Li and his party . Weng Li sits in the bow of the boat, staring at the swaggering water gra.s.s at the bottom of the clear river in a daze, Everyone was rowing, and no one else was talking . Weng Li heard the soldier"s inquiry, and his mouth moved slightly . For a long time, he still kept silent .

"I don"t think so . We didn"t even have the qualification to fight with others . At that time, no one found the attacker before we were knocked unconscious . If they could capture us alive, they would kill us all at once . Besides, what can we do with us? You can also see that the other side"s army is not a bunch of b.a.s.t.a.r.ds in the urban area . They are all elite . They do everything neatly, and they have the air of killing and cutting in their eyes . Besides, their equipment and standard weapons are not mentioned . Heavy and heavy machine guns are all standard configuration . Each cla.s.s has a rocket launcher, each platoon has a grenade launcher, and the infantry company has a mortar platoon, There are also a lot of armored vehicles . I"m afraid their combat effectiveness has surpa.s.sed that of the field forces . "

At this time, the second lieutenant officer at the stern of the ship spoke . Maybe Xiaoshan"s troops are not so strange compared with the field troops before the end of the world, but they can see the calmness and self-confidence of a long battle . With excellent quality, excellent weapons, and sufficient logistics, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s army is a real b.l.o.o.d.y army, which can"t be compared with their remnant army . "Don"t mention it . It"s not up to us to decide whether we should contact them or not . We will react to the intention of the other side . How can we decide? Naturally, the top management will make up their mind, and the rest can only go one step at a time . . . "

Weng Li had great prestige among the soldiers . As soon as he opened his mouth, all the others stopped talking and rowed together . After a short time, their boat came to the wharf near a small town in the distance . Before the boat pa.s.sed, they saw a lot of people on the other side of the wharf . Small wooden boats of the same shape were on the wharf one by one, forming a piece of land on the water, Women and children with parcels on their backs were carefully on board under the care of soldiers . In the distance, fierce gunfire came faintly . The soldiers around Weng Li were all veterans . They frowned one after another when they heard the gunfire . Although the gunfire sounded faint, they knew that the battlefield was not far away from them . The evacuation of the dock area showed that the situation was extremely bad, I"m afraid there"s not much time left for them .

In the distance, I saw that the wharf was in a bit of a panic . When the boat rowed close to it, I found that it was completely out of order . The retreating crowd on the wharf was in a state of panic, just like a nest of flies . Most people were anxiously crowded in the wharf area . From time to time, some people were crowded into the water and splashed . The number of soldiers on the scene was too small . A company was in charge of the withdrawal of thousands of people, The company commander stood at a height, waving a pistol and yelling loudly . The roar was immediately drowned in the noisy cry and scream . His anxiety could only be seen through his red cheeks . The soldiers were too busy to rescue the people who fell into the water and maintain order . Most of the survivors on the scene could not remember others, so they just wanted to get on the ship first, and let the chaos gradually get worse .

"Wow . . . "

One half of the boat was in a better position, so it was easy for people to get on the boat . The other half of the boat was full of people who were frightened, but they forgot to share some of them . Then some people crowded up again, regardless of the slowly sinking hull . The bow of the boat suddenly tilted up, The people on the boat clung to the side of the boat and only knew how to shout, but they didn"t expect to go to a few people to climb up and restore their balance . Everyone was selfish and just wanted to grab the side of the boat and let others fall into the water to restore their balance . It happened that the most important thing in the end of the world was selfishness . All the people on the boat thought like this, so they could only watch the bow which didn"t rise fast, Miraculously stand up, and then the tragic cry, a ship of people did not run away, all sink into the water was destroyed .

"Stupid . . . "

The soldiers around them yelled at each other, and then on the wharf in front of them, the company commander who maintained order was also red eyed . He raised his pistol and shot the bullets out of the gun . The clear sound of the gun, like a whip, made the noise on the wharf pause slightly, and then a hoa.r.s.e roar resounded through the wharf

"Be honest with me . If anyone dares to brag again, All shot for sabotage . "< br>