Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1876: 1876

Chapter 1876: 1876

"Kill them, kill them, what kind of soldiers are those who kill the common people? Are we raising you to kill them for you?"

The crowd began to roar . The civilians, who were once again bound, wanted to vent their anger and let the soldiers who had sabotaged their escape plan be punished . One by one, they were so excited that they wanted to kill Weng Li and others alive . One of them rushed up to the second lieutenant, He roared with a ferocious face

"You killed my brother, I"ll kill you . . . "

Under the aim of dozens of rifles, the soldiers around Weng Li were at a loss . They didn"t understand why they were arrested when they stopped the chaos and collapse . The man who came was not bold, but the crowd behind him gave him encouragement . If it wasn"t for the people behind him to fight together, he would not dare to rush up to fight, This is not Weng Li"s sorrow .

The second lieutenant was pale and looked at the man . He closed his eyes in despair and waited for the coming beating . All the other soldiers looked decadent . However, they were dissatisfied with the repressed volcano and their comrades in arms . Only under orders, they could not defend their comrades . Looking at the man, the company commander could no longer help it, Raising one"s hand is a shot, which breaks the man"s cover . With a splash of brain, the man falls to the ground and spills red blood . Then the company commander roars:

"From now on, there will be another collision and killing . . . "

The company commander immediately frightened the survivors . They didn"t understand why the company commander wanted to kill Weng Li and kill them . The second lieutenant suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the company commander and asked aloud:

"Why . . . "

"Because he . . . "

The company commander"s right hand pointed to Weng Li . Weng Li was also stunned . Then the company commander said the reason:

"After receiving orders from the higher authorities, Weng Li was immediately arrested and escorted to the front line . "

There is no reason, no excuse, just the company commander"s verbal order . When Weng Li was confused, the company commander said helplessly:

"This is the order of the superior . I"m sorry, I"m a soldier . . . "

"What"s the reason for that? Is there no reason? I"m going out with a mission this time . It"s related to the life and death of thousands of people . The person in charge of the dock area is there . How can these civilians be arranged? And commander Yang Wanshan is there? Where is he Fengli? They don"t care about the chaos in the Docklands? "

The second lieutenant couldn"t help his anger and questioned the commander"s order . However, some other soldiers found something wrong and suddenly called out:

"The big ships are gone . The big ships are gone . They are loaded with all the food and materials . They were waiting to take the guard group with them . Where have they gone . . . "

The big ship is the last safeguard for the soldiers . There are only chaotic crowds and scattered wooden boats in this dock area . They can"t see the shadow of the big ship at all . It was because the chaos was ignored by them before that they could see it . The company commander heard that there was a flash of anger on his face, and the soldiers preparing to arrest Weng Li also dropped their guns, One of the platoon leaders called to the company commander:

"Company commander Wan, I still obey the order of fart . We"ve all been treated as garbage . As for those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds who want to punish our brothers?"

"Tell me exactly what"s going on . . . "

Weng Li"s concussive mind finally calms down . The previous company commander"s words make him unable to react for a moment . How can he be arrested as soon as he gets home? He didn"t make any mistakes?

"The order we received was to arrest you, and no one else was allowed to ask . These civilians only said to evacuate as far as possible, and then . . . "

The company commander couldn"t go on . The above order was unreasonable . Weng Li and others were more and more surprised . The second lieutenant suddenly got angry, raised his rifle and fired at the sky . He shot all the bullets in the gun at one go . The streamer flashed across the sky, and a shrill trombone roared out in the second lieutenant"s mouth .

"I"m afraid that after Weng Li was arrested by you, he was executed when he was sent to the front line, right? Come on, what"s going on? Is it the ghost of he Fengli? Company commander Wan, you don"t want to cheat us . Open your eyes and have a look . There are thousands of people here . Life and death are all in your mind, and more than 100 brothers are watching you . Even if you don"t want to disobey the above orders, how can you find a way for them? "

After roaring out his depression, the second lieutenant regained his sense and asked all kinds of doubts . He never believed that when the front line was in full swing, the superior would order the free evacuation of the survivors and arrest Weng Li . There must be something wrong with him . When he said these words, there was some pain and tangle on the face of company commander Wan, Only the platoon leader standing behind him said bitterly:

"I"ll tell you why the dockside is so messy? He Fengli"s temporary emergency committee has run away with his wife, children and beautiful women . All the evolutionists have defected . He has taken commander Yang Wanshan and asked the security group to resist for 24 hours before he can get the support . In addition, he Fengli has made a killing order to you Weng . He wants to exchange your head for commander Yang"s safety . As long as your head is sent to the police station, he can get the support, The regiment will be able to withdraw from the battlefield . Commander Yang Wanshan asked us to come out and prepare to send you to the front line . He asked you to leave here with the regiment . However, the wife and children of company commander WAN are in the hands of he Fengli . He asked us to send you to another place . No matter which order we obey, it will be difficult for the company commander to do . . . "When the truth came out, Weng Li"s head almost burst open, and his eyes suddenly burst with blood . He grabbed company commander Wan"s chest and roared:

"Can"t we just bring commander Yang out? What about these civilians? Thousands of people, just watch them die? "

The company commander was told of the pain in his heart by his subordinates . His wife and children were born after the end of time . His family had long been gone . Now he has only two relatives . His son is still in his infancy, and his wife is only 20 years old this year . Their life and death depend on their own thoughts . On the one hand, they are relatives, and on the other hand, they are more than 100 brothers and thousands of survivors, No matter what choice he made, he was heartbroken . Hearing Weng Li"s question, Wan company commander pushed Weng li away, yelled and jumped, as if he was venting . After a few words, he took a deep breath to calm his mind, looked at his platoon leader and asked him to say .

"They can"t be rescued . They take all the armed ships and heavy weapons . We can"t get to the island even if we attack from the water . There are also those evolutionists . They are not what ordinary soldiers can deal with . . . "

The platoon leader could not help saying their previous calculation, which made the second lieutenant"s eyes bright, and suddenly said:

"Why did he Fengli do this? Why does he only want Weng Li"s head, but he is willing to let the whole guard group bury him with him . . . "

The second lieutenant"s words suddenly awakened the angry Weng Li . He pushed away company commander Wan, pushed away the confused crowd around him, rushed to the top of the dock area, turned over and stood on the roof, and yelled at thousands of people

"Xiaoxue . . . Qinqin . . . Where are you!"

The shrill calls were not answered, and the crowd was as silent as a sea . Company commander Wan looked at Weng Li, who was calling alone, and his eyes flashed a little gloomy . The second lieutenant saw that something was wrong . He was a clever man, and suddenly he took a cold breath and lost his voice

"If they want to kill Weng Li, they just have a crush on Weng Li"s woman?"

After calling for a long time, he didn"t get any response . Instead, the distant gunfire was getting closer and closer . Weng Li was staring at thousands of survivors . A flash of lightning was shining in his heart . What Zhang Xiaoqiang said to him came back to his mind . The justice he wanted to uphold even though he died became ridiculous when the two girls disappeared . He couldn"t even protect the people around him, What else is justice? The survivors he guarded are selfish, even unwilling to deal with the life and death of his cla.s.smates . They just want to escape by themselves . What"s the significance of his protection?

The faces of the survivors gathered below were full of anxiety and fear, and the huge psychological pressure made them more and more irritable . If it wasn"t for the red halo in the water, I"m afraid a new round of chaos would happen again, and the floating corpses in the water would be more because of these people"s impatience, and thousands of people"s life and death depression would form a strange atmosphere, More and more survivors" eyes begin to become fierce, and a kind of danger begins to spread in the crowd . The management has collapsed, and the survivors below have become rootless Ping . They will do everything they can to find a way to live . The previous iron suppression gradually fades away in their more and more impatient mood, and the crowd surges again, pushing toward the wooden boat by the river .

"Weng Li, don"t be silly . You have thousands of people"s lives in your hands . Commander Yang and your wife are waiting for you to save them . Make up your mind quickly . What should you do?"

The second lieutenant, who is investigating Zhang Xiaoqiang"s influence with Weng Li, can"t help yelling at him . He wakes up and stares at the survivors with scarlet eyes

"What can we do to save these sc.u.m? Let them die and count the ball . Which one of you would like to kill he Fengli with me . . . "

Weng Li"s manifesto makes all the survivors in front of him dull . They stare at Weng Li standing high, as if they have never recognized him . Although Weng Li is an evolutionist, he is not as arrogant as an evolutionist . Among the survivors, he is popular and respected, and Weng Li always regards himself as just, It"s for these survivors that they have had several confrontations with the provisional government that manages them . They thought Weng Li would be interested in them, but they didn"t expect that Weng Li would say such things .

"Who are you going to . . . "< br>