Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1893: 1893

Chapter 1893: 1893

PS: the time set in the previous noon chapter was not sent out, which caused chapter errors . I"m sorry for you . This is my negligence . Someone asked me about the ending . Here I add that the final enemy is coming, and the ending is coming . The end of this book is infinitely close,

Shanghai, once a prosperous city, has always been known as a city that never sleeps, Even in the middle of the night, it"s still bright in the sky, just like the Milky way in the sky scattered on the earth, but all these flowers are turned into flying smoke and dissipated in the end of the world . Countless high-rise buildings in the urban area are like dead beasts, silent in the dark, tall and majestic shadows emitting a desolate and cold atmosphere in the night light, just like the horror forest in fairy tales, Only at the end of the night sky in the distance, the faint fire light made the black curtain a little more red .

In the frontier fortification group near the urban area, Zhao Deyi, with an ugly face, sits and smokes . Several officers around him are making a lot of noise and inviting for a battle . In the open s.p.a.ce with bright lights outside, five hundred elite soldiers are waiting, their black steel guns are neatly held in front of their chest, and their eyes are angry as if they were real, The repressed anger in the hearts of hundreds of people filled them with a real evil spirit . In front of them, there were light machine guns and mortar grenade launchers in order, like soldiers waiting for inspection .

Next to hundreds of soldiers, a crying man was sitting . His uniform showed bloodstains under the light . In his crying, the medical soldiers squatting beside him covered his head with white gauze . In a twinkling of an eye, the gauze was dyed red . All the soldiers looked at the crying man and acc.u.mulated anger in silence, And the man was still shouting at the top of his voice:

"We didn"t do anything, so we went to ask them for a car . I was the only one who came back in the past, and my ears were cut off by them . We didn"t do anything . They looked down on us . . . The brothers are still in their hands . . . "

The man"s cry is extremely harsh . Blood oozes from his broken ears and flows into his shoulder socket along his neck, wetting his uniform . However, he curses the evolutionists and armed men in the urban area . His curse is naturally heard by Zhao Deyi . All the officers around him can"t bear it . One of them shouts:

"Sir, When did we suffer such a big loss? Although these 100 people are the new recruit mob of brother c.o.c.kroach, can they be regarded as their own? Brother c.o.c.kroach did his best to send them to ask for things . Before the war between the two countries, they were detained and their ears were cut off . This is a slap in the face . Brother c.o.c.kroach has to ask for people in person . Otherwise, they will kill one person in half an hour . This is a declaration of war . What are you waiting for? Take your brothers and fight to let them know what will happen if they offend us . "

"Teacher, even if you have to wait for brother c.o.c.kroach to make a decision, the brothers are still tied up in the hands of others and kill one in half an hour . Now two hours have pa.s.sed . If you wait until tomorrow, half of the brothers will be gone . In case brother c.o.c.kroach blames . . . "

"Yes, we are here to deter the urban areas . If we have no response after such a big loss, people will think that we are all soft persimmons, and those detained brothers will be miserable . "

There are many different opinions . There is only one purpose . They have never been bullied like this before . Since they have been bullied, they have to find a place . As for whether they will be blamed by brother c.o.c.kroach, they haven"t thought much about it . They all know Zhang Xiaoqiang"s virtue . If they do things well, even Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anger will be a little bit of thunder, But if it doesn"t work, it will bring disaster and say that they have to die . However, Zhang Xiaoqiang will bring back the pain they have eaten . With Zhang Xiaoqiang"s soft nature towards his own people, they don"t have to be too afraid of the so-called punishment .

"Don"t mention it . I know the importance of it . We can"t even see the terrain clearly . It"s easy to be swept over by others . Their high-end combat power is all evolutionists . Even if you are the elite of the rest of your life, you still can"t see the progressives who are high and low, You don"t know about the casualties caused by the youyinhua brigade to the c.o.c.kroach base on that day . Even if we change it, we may not be able to stop them . Now Brother c.o.c.kroach is busy with the evacuation . We still have to use static brake . When brother c.o.c.kroach comes, we are looking at his arrangement . . . "

When Zhao Deyi finished saying this, he had some anger in his heart . He had to follow his previous temperament . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t have an order, he would take people to find the place first . But now, unlike in the past, he knows that the zombie is approaching, and Zhang Xiaoqiang is planning for the evolutionists in the urban area . In case their impulse destroys Zhang Xiaoqiang"s plan and causes too many casualties, I"m afraid his position has come to an end . Now his status is the most advanced in the first army of Hubei f.u.xing, and there are still plenty of opportunities for him to go further . But he can"t capsize in the small sewer of Shanghai .

Zhao Deyi"s reply didn"t convince these officers . These officers were all struggling from h.e.l.l in the three mountain guard battle . The reinforcements had no ammunition and no food . They even had to drink and count the drops of water . Their desperation didn"t destroy their morale . At the first time of breaking through, they were in front of the rescue Marines, After replenishing ammunition, 300000 zombies surrounded them were annihilated, and nearly 100 zombies were killed by each of them . It can be seen that they are fierce . These fierce guys have always been Diao Heng, the best in the world in the army . No one but Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Quan can make them bow down . Zhao Deyi deliberately indulges in order to maintain the wolf nature of the army, It makes them more proud, which makes them instinctive . Now Zhao Deyi says that the urban evolutionists are so powerful that they are even more upset . They start to make trouble again, and form a double pressure with the outside in a neat and silent formation, oppressing their direct subordinates . He just wants Zhao Deyi to let go . "Here comes the c.o.c.kroach . "

A notice from the outside made Zhao Deyi take a long breath, pushed away several leaders in front of him and said aloud:

"Now you don"t have to make trouble with me . Brother c.o.c.kroach is outside . You can find him . What brother c.o.c.kroach says is what . . . "

Zhao Deyi, dazed and full of fire, rushed out of the door first, and saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was getting out of the car with a black face, shouting:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, you guys can"t swallow this breath . If you didn"t wait for your order, we would have killed you . When did we suffer such a big loss? You guys have already a.s.sembled, just . . . "

"Everyone is ordered to . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t look at the aggrieved Zhao Deyi . He yelled at the soldiers in line . Zhao Deyi"s steps to Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly stopped, turned his head to stir his chest, and roared like an explosion

"Attention . . . "

"Brush . . . "

Standing at attention in order to form a huge sound wave, the muddy man stopped crying . Holding his ears, he looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with a grim face . Zhang Xiaoqiang stepped forward to the soldier and yelled:

"At a rest . . . All the people will be dissolved, and all the others will go back to the camp to sleep except the personnel on duty . This is the order . . . "

As soon as the order came out, the soldiers could hardly help asking questions, but they were elite after all . No matter how angry they were, they still obeyed the order . Under the leadership of their company commanders, they turned around and trotted to the camp . The company commanders dared to quarrel with Zhao Deyi, but did not dare to quarrel with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhao Deyi looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang like a fool, He asked weakly

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, do you want to deal with them at dawn? We have night combat training . Every platoon has night vision equipment . We don"t lose money in fighting at night . We won"t have any problem in dealing with them . Even if they have evolutors, we also have special teams . Lou fanjun, I"ll be there in a moment . "< br>