Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1906: 1906

Chapter 1906: 1906

In the procession, Hong Xiaomei pouts her lips and walks with her companions in the procession full of women and children . Compared with the hope in other people"s eyes, Hong Xiaomei"s face is full of sadness and sadness . Looking back at the city behind her from time to time, she looks like a child saying goodbye to her relatives and going out for the first time, Xiaowai stood beside hongxiaomei, pulled her sleeve and said:

"Red sister, don"t look . . . What can you do even if you rush out? Did you see the wounded and the bodies that came in this morning? All the evolutionists are better than us . Even if they are all taken down, it"s useless even if you run past them . Brother c.o.c.kroach can kill hundreds of evolutionists, and others can kill him . So many evolutionists are dangerous in the battlefield . They die accidentally . You see, so many soldiers are going to fight . Chen Yu may have died long ago . Let"s go by boat, At least it"s safer in Hubei than here . When we get to Hubei, we can enter the military academy . We have meat and fruit to eat every day . Isn"t it better than here . . . "

The two little girls beside xiaowai are nodding and pulling hongxiaomei forward . Hongxiaomei is dragged forward by three people . She turns her head and looks towards the city . A few tears come out of her eyes . She thinks of her bright new life in the future and is half pushed away by her companions . She is in the middle of hongxiaomei"s farther team, Maner and some beautiful girls are walking quietly in the middle of the line with their suitcases . These girls are very bright . Many soldiers put down their rigid expressions and smile at her . At the moment of crossing, some soldiers throw candy or other snacks to her, which makes her hands unable to hold .

"Man"er is the most distressing . You see, all the elder soldiers regard her as a treasure . Tut Tut, they really envy me . "

It"s the girls around her who are different from the weak and haggard women in front of her . The women around her are white girls with even body, slightly fat and round cheeks . Their eyes are bright and their hair is black . They can see that they are a group of people who don"t need to starve in the last days . If they are before the end of the world, They are afraid that they are worried about their chubby belly and cheeks, but in this end of the day, everything they worry about does not exist . In the end of the day when everyone is haggard and thin, these women are definitely more attractive to others than those thin girls, and they are more popular with others . They have a certain style of the Tang Dynasty .

These girls were also given gifts from soldiers . Different from men"er, who had a sad face, these girls were in high spirits . Beside them, there were several tall and strong women carrying rifles . Obviously, they came to protect them . Compared with other people"s uneasiness, they had no pressure at all . These girls were maids who had served Zhang Xiaoqiang at the beginning, Zhang Xiaoqiang sent these women out of the house one after another, but they got Mo Shaoyun"s care . Most of them became caretakers . They lived a carefree life and had a stable att.i.tude, so they became a rare group of flowers among the survivors .

"Don"t talk about it, Qiao Ling . Man"er is in a bad mood . After leaving brother c.o.c.kroach, he will be depressed . There"s no way to do it . People"s heart is not on Man"er . It"s good to be treated well and sent to Hubei . If it wasn"t for Man"er, these elder sisters would not have come to protect us, There are a lot of people who are hiding in the dark and peeping

It was the oldest girl who spoke . Compared with other people, this woman was calm and dignified, but the scar on her neck revealed her tragic experience . This woman was tolerant of these girls, caring for people like a big sister, and her eyes were full of love and doting, There is also the deepest envy and jealousy .

"If you want me to say that man Er is not reluctant to give up brother c.o.c.kroach, what she is reluctant to give up is leader Xi"er . Now all men in this world are unreliable, and the only thing they can rely on is their relatives . Man Er has an evolutionist sister, and no one dares to be unkind to her even without brother c.o.c.kroach . It"s really envious . . . Don"t worry, man Er, your sister will soon catch up with us, We"ll have to rely on your sister to take care of us . "

It"s the lively Qiao Ling who broke her mouth and said her guess . It"s no wonder Qiao Ling said that in the end of the world, women had already despaired of men . For them, love was the product of the last century . In the end of the world, it"s better to expect men to get a mouthful of food . What men do to women is a nightmare that they can wake up in their dreams, I believe that in addition to a very small number of women, most women have suffered under men, even the cheerful Qiao Ling is not listed .

"Forget it, I just look at the hometown where I was born and raised . I don"t have a man . . . Or a sister . . . "

After that, Man"er took a few steps to the side . They happened to be surrounded by a group of seven or eight year old children . They were also weak . Most of the children had panic in their eyes . Man"er went to them and handed out the food one by one . He didn"t leave any of them, which attracted the praise of the soldiers who watched her, After delivering the food, man turned his head and finally looked behind him . Then he turned his head and walked forward with determination .

"So they"re ready to fight us? It"s not a small scene . I just don"t know that their evolutors are almost completely destroyed . How dare these ordinary soldiers attack me? "Standing on the top of a high-rise building and leaning against the astronomical telescope, cunning and ghost like Hongyun leaned over the observation lens and focused on the ruins in the distance . He was surrounded by dozens of evolutioners who stood up straight and stepped forward . The evolutioners were divided into two groups, standing face to face . The expressions of the progressors on both sides were not harmonious, and there was a faint hostility between them, At the end of another group of evolutionists is Shan Qingchao . Shan Qingchao"s eyes are full of worry . Hearing Hongyun"s taunt, he gently picks his eyebrows and shakes his head . After a while, he interrupts Hongyun"s complaint .

"No one knows what happened to Xuefeng, but it"s impossible for Xuefeng"s 300 Pro army and 800 enslaved army to be destroyed . If we do it ourselves, let alone lead 500 evolutioners, even if we lead 5000 evolutioners, we may not be able to help Xuefeng . After two defeats with Xuefeng, there are still more than 20 people left intact, which is enough to show that Xuefeng is strong, Do you really think you"ve got him? "

Shan Qingchao"s words are plain, but they don"t seem to have enough penetrating power and transmissibility to make Hongyun at the other end listen clearly . His thick browed and big eyed face suddenly dispels his disdain and arrogance . His eyes are flickering . He turns around and flatters Shan Qingchao

"Isn"t there you? My family can"t eat it . We can do it together . Daoming doesn"t care what he does now . He"s a turtle with a shrunken head . Let"s let his people go first . When the fight is almost over, let"s be fishermen as well . "

Shan Qingchao"s attention also drew back from the distant sky with black smoke . He turned to look at his serious good fortune behind him, touched his smooth head, and his eyes twinkled . A few seconds later, a smile came from the corner of his mouth, and the smile turned into a sneer

"You"re asking for credit? Clean up the army over there, and then go to Xuefeng to please the master of Xuefeng? If you want to go, you can go, but I advise you that if you want to be a good dog, people may not appreciate it . Be careful that you will be made into dog meat hotpot by others . "

Hongyun"s expression froze, and then his eyes acc.u.mulated a little anger . Shan Qingchao was on an equal footing with him and compared him to a dog . Even though he was always smiling, he couldn"t bear his anger . He immediately aggravated Shan Qingchao"s jealousy in his heart and thought that he would find an opportunity to let Shan Qingchao die, but he made up his mind .

"Since brother Shan is ungrateful, I have nothing to say . I don"t need brother Shan in this battle . I"ll take care of it myself . "

Then he kicked the telescope out of the roof and fell downstairs . He took back his right foot and turned to walk . The line of evolutionists behind him turned around at the same time and followed Hongyun without squinting . When Shan Qingchao saw Hongyun"s back, his sneer turned into a smile again, When Hongyun disappeared, he turned to the empty corner behind the signal receiving station and said:

"What do you think, brother Daoming?"< br>