Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1930: 1930

Chapter 1930: 1930

In the middle of the speech, Mo Shaoyun almost suffered from myocardial infarction under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s sharp eyes, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words scared him to kneel and tremble .

"You are also one of the survivors . Do you want to give up with you?"

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I"m wrong . Please punish me . . . "

Mo Shaoyun doesn"t have an excuse . He simply admits his mistake . Over the past few days, he has also found out some of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s characters . Zhang Xiaoqiang attaches the most importance to love . If he honestly admits his mistake, Zhang Xiaoqiang won"t take him like this . If he doesn"t admit his mistake, once his love is gone, he is in a dilemma between life and death .

"Get up . You"ll lose half of your credit for what you just said . If you"re talking nonsense, wipe your own neck . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang has let Mo Shaoyun go, but he has to admit that Mo Shaoyun"s bulls.h.i.t is the most feasible way at present . A large number of personnel will delay time to the greatest extent, and I"m afraid that even the army will not be able to withdraw at that time .

"Now that they have given us 5000 fighters, it"s a waste to use them as slaves . Although they are not good things, they are much better than ordinary people who have never touched guns . Divide them into two groups: the first group and the independent group . Let them reorganize overnight and take all weapons and ammunition to support Weng Li, Xiaoshan led the two battalions of the independent regiment with 1000 people as the leading force . In the past, Shunbei took over Weng Li"s security regiment . "

The first order was sent to Xiaoshan . This time, Xiaoshan"s troops escaped, but Zhang Xiaoqiang was not satisfied . It would be very sad to give them the matrix . Let Xiaoshan"s troops familiarize themselves with the battle of zombie sea, and at the same time, let them run in with the troops . Xiao Shan didn"t expect that Zhang Xiaoqiang would plot against him, so he immediately got up and took orders .

"Technical personnel will be given priority to ship, and the Yangtze River fleet will be sent to Wuhan for special escort . All the machinery will be transported according to different degrees of rarity, so that the communication room can contact Wuhan . All the equipment that can be found in Wuhan will not be transferred, and the parts can be removed as a supplement for maintenance . In addition, if there is a s.p.a.ce for these things after they are put on board, Try to send the children of the survivors on board as long as they can return to Wuhan alive, no matter how bad the conditions are . "

This is Gaofeng"s task, which is all in the charge of the Yangtze River fleet . According to Zhang Xiaoqiang, they are only responsible for scientific and technological talents and equipment, and they also act as nannies by the way . Gaofeng"s tense heart is instantly relieved, so that at least they won"t die of fatigue . Then they mention that they are not responsible for the transport of the lucky survivors . I"m afraid 100000 survivors will be lucky .

Not only Gao Feng, but other people also think so . For a moment, the atmosphere in the conference room was depressed, but Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Mo Shaoyun and immediately asked him to stand up and wait for Zhang Xiaoqiang to say:

"Raise a lot of explosives, find professional blasting talents, blow down all the buildings in the wharf area for me, and look for a lot of steel cables . . . "

As Zhang Xiaoqiang gave orders, people were busy, and soon there was a report from outside .

"Report, Captain Huang Tingwei has come back with information from the seaside . Meanwhile, there is an emergency . Please let brother c.o.c.kroach decide . . . "

The report from outside made Zhang Xiaoqiang"s anxious heart add fuel to the fire again . He yelled out loud:

"What"s the matter? I think Huang Tingwei is more and more useless . We have to send people to rescue the plane when it is forced to land . What emergency is there now . . . "

Huang Tingwei rushed in at the moment when Zhang Xiaoqiang scolded him . His face was the same . He rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang and pointed to the map of Shanghai on the desk

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I can"t keep Shanghai . The mutant beast by the sea will rush into the city as soon as tomorrow morning . If it can"t be stopped, it must be ordered to withdraw at noon tomorrow, Don"t worry about zombies or material search, or no one can escape . . . "

Huang Tingwei"s emergency was like a bolt from the blue . It hit Zheng Xiaoqiang"s head hard and made him stiff for a moment . Not only he but also the other people in the conference room were dull . Suddenly, Mo Shaoyun collapsed to the ground and burst into tears

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, you"d better kill me, I can take away 180000 people overnight . . . "

Not to mention Mo Shaoyun"s loud cry, Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked but determined . He kicked Mo Shaoyun out of the door with the tip of his foot, leaving behind a dark force without hurting him . When he reached the ground outside the door, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s fierce scolding spread to his ears

"If you have the strength to cry here, it"s better to do something quickly . If you can save one, it"s one, Just have a clear conscience . "

At this time, Xi"er and Ning"s brothers come from the outside . Now Xi"er is also one of Zhang Xiaoqiang"s guards . Ning"s brothers take the initiative to let Xi"er become the leader of the guard . The old entanglement of grat.i.tude and resentment turns into smoke . Instead, they naturally become Xi"er"s followers again . Xi"er sees Mo Shaoyun with tears on her face and hears Zhang Xiaoqiang scold her, He vaguely knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang was reluctant to give up the 180000 survivors . His mind shook, and then he eliminated the last point of resentment against Zhang Xiaoqiang . Suddenly, a figure flashed in his eyes . He saw the shadow outside the door standing in a straight figure . The huge bone knife on his back made his thin body slightly majestic . He exclaimed in surprise:"Chen Yu, do you know how worried Hong Xiaomei is about you . . . For you, she begged brother c.o.c.kroach to save you, even for you . . . Why are you so disobedient . . . "

Xi"er has long known that Chen Yu likes her, but Chen Yu is one year younger than her, and she is precocious . She always treats Chen Yu as a child, and her mouth is a lesson . In the past, Chen Yu said that she should not argue, but now Chen Yu has some calmness and prestige . Hearing Xi"er"s lesson, she just frowns, like a little adult .

"OK, you come behind me . Shanghai will be destroyed . Hong Xiaomei and Xiao Wai will go to the safe rear first . We may have to leave these days . You will come with us . . . "

Xi"er is indifferent, but she is an outsider . Chen Yu is her cla.s.smate, her partner and her own person . Even if she is not, she doesn"t care too much . Chen Yu"s eyes on Xi"er are a little less admiration and a little more strange . Suddenly, she connects everything in her heart . Jianzhan finds him and takes him away for no reason . After the helicopter forced landing, More helicopters were brought in, and Jianzhan caught him up with the helicopter and came back first . After all, it was hongxiaomei and Xier who made trouble . If they had been in the past, he would have wanted to leave the battlefield early to save his life . But now, he has a higher pursuit in his heart . Jianzhan only made two cuts in front of him . The first one was the monster"s head broken, and the second one was the group"s fierce awe, Only such a person is the situation he craves most . After three days of life and death, his tender heart began to change, and finally realized that only in the battlefield can he prove that he is a man .

"I"m fine here . You can do whatever you want and leave my business alone . "

Chen Yu doesn"t appreciate it . She sighs in her heart that the little red sister she didn"t deal with before can do this for him . However, Xi"er, whom he likes silently, still gives him such a command . She thinks that Jianzhan is so indifferent to him that she doesn"t even look him in the eye . A fire in her heart rushes to her head and says something that she didn"t dare to think of before .

"Chen Yu, what do you mean, sister Xi"er is so kind that you don"t appreciate her . What sarcastic remarks are you saying here? Do you have the ability to ask brother c.o.c.kroach with sister Xi"er and little red sister? If you have no ability, don"t pretend to be a wolf here . "< br>