Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1943: 1943

Chapter 1943: 1943

"One third of the fuel stock is lost . If we want to rely on the fire to stop the mutant beast, I"m afraid we can only stick to it for a day and a half . Our combat goal is at least a week . In addition, the fire can only make the mutant beast unable to pa.s.s and will not cause too much damage to it, so . . . "

The staff officers are reporting the progress of the current attack to Jianzhan, who is bold and reckless in usurping the throne . Jianzhan, for a moment, has controlled thousands of evolutionists in his hands, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang have to bear the pressure of two aspects . Although Qingdao society fully cooperates, he has to win the combat tasks of both sides . Zhang Xiaoqiang does not know whether to blame him or praise him, After all, it was a troublesome thing . The staff officer"s report didn"t let Jianzhan listen to it carefully, but he was thinking about something else .

"Although I have harvested these gums, I haven"t made much effort . That sly c.o.c.kroach brother must know something . Otherwise Chen Yu would not have hinted for him just now . In this way, I can"t eat them alone . I"m not willing to hand them in like this . It"s really a tangle . . . "

Jianzhan"s face was flat, and his eyes were only the burning river . He seemed to be focused, and he didn"t know where to fly for a long time . These staff officers didn"t know Jianzhan was distracted . Zhang Xiaoqiang asked them to come to help Jianzhan, so they had to do their duty well .

"The withdrawal work has reached a deadlock . A lot of materials need to be transported by large vehicles . A lot of materials are piled up in the dock area . The transport capacity of the Yangtze River fleet can"t keep up . We have to stick to more time . A week is the basic bottom line . Every day we increase, we can transport more East, West and population . . . "

The staff officer continued to report . At this point, they all felt guilty . The mutant beast was not a zombie and would not wait in a row for machine gun fire . The bigger mutant beast on the opposite side might kill a platoon of soldiers, and even if 100000 people were sent out, it might not be able to stop thousands of mutant beasts . The fuel supply began to be tight, and I"m afraid it might be a week, Jianzhan didn"t notice the strange look on the officer"s face, but still thought:

"Why don"t you use these gums as payment for machetes? Although I didn"t want to return it, what should I do in case that c.o.c.kroach brother hits me? If you can"t keep your machete, you"ll have to be beaten by him for nothing? "

Thinking of this, Jianzhan couldn"t help shivering . The report of the staff seemed very close and far away . He couldn"t hear it in his head . His thoughts turned and he went back to other directions .

"I"ve gained a lot of benefits these days . There are more than 20 colloids, more than 60 crystal nuclei, claws, horns, scales and skins of mutant creatures . With these things, I can also ask brother c.o.c.kroach to replace me with a snake scale beetle, as if I don"t have to stay here? By the way, why should I defend the city for him? It"s so strange . . . "

Thinking of this, Jianzhan suddenly regained his mind and turned to the staff officer

"Well, just now you said we didn"t have enough fuel?"

The chief of staff nodded and looked at Jianzhan intensely, hoping that he would come up with a way .

"Well, I"ll report to brother c.o.c.kroach immediately . I"ve worked hard to maintain the defense line these days . I"m worried about the comfort of the defense line day by day . I"m tired and sick . Today I learned that the fuel supply is not enough and the defense line is unstable . I vomited blood Three times in a coma . Please send brother c.o.c.kroach to trust the commander to take over the defense work . "

Said here, Jianzhan looked at the opposite sea of fire and sighed softly: "Alas, it"s not that I don"t try my best, it"s that the mutant beast is too powerful . . . "

The sword chopper always does things as he likes . All of a sudden, Chen Yu is surprised by his abandonment . These days, he can see one thing . The sword chopping ability is most suitable for high-end force . No matter where he is, the mutant beast will die and hurt badly, so he doesn"t need to command the sword chopper, As long as he stays in the front line, he can stabilize people"s mind . Suddenly Jianzhan said he would quit if he didn"t do it . Is he afraid?

In the distance, the sea of fire is surging, and the tongue of fire pours out seven or eight meters above the river . Puffs of smoke rise from the sea of fire, making the originally dark sky more gloomy . The sea of fire is not only burning in the river, but also on both sides of the river . The kilometer long river forms a spreading fire dragon in the fire, and it has many branches to burn everything that can be ignited on both sides, The towering trees mutated by the river have become huge torches . Countless torches emit hot heat at the same time, burning the vehicle debris piled up on the street under the tree into molten iron and flowing along the street .

The heat wave in the distance impacts, and the hot air flow forms a hot layer between the high buildings . Even if you stand on the high buildings, you can feel the hot air baking brought by the fire in the distance . The heat wave that makes people"s hair crispy and curly can"t wash away the coldness of people"s hearts . How can they persuade the sword chopper to give up at this time? Although Jianzha is not a qualified commander, he is a brave and matchless general . As long as he is there, no matter the mutant animals will be given the first place under his machete . The included evolutioners are also the ones who follow his orders after they kill the commander of Qinghong road defense line . If he leaves, who else can take over the evolutioners here? Once these evolutioners collapse, Who else could have thought of these horrible mutants?"According to our rules, if you leave the front line, you will be treated as deserters . There is only one end to deserters . . . There is no amnesty for killing them . "

After a long silence, one of the staff officers suddenly said this in a low voice with a cold chill . At the same time, the other staff officers felt the holster around their waist and gazed at the sword cutting . Even Chen Yu could not help touching the handle of the bone knife . She looked at the sword cutting and the officers with flashing eyes . She did not know which side he wanted to help?

"Well! Who can stop me? "

Jianzhan"s charming eyes are chilly, whiter than women"s, and her perfect cheeks are covered with frost . Chen Yu can"t help but step back because of the faint sense of killing on her body . Her twinkling eyes are the most evasive . Just when Jianzhan wants to be powerful, a mourner helicopter suddenly rushes out of the gloomy sky and flies straight to the top of the building where people are standing, Jian Jian"s eyes flickered a little hesitation, and he no longer made pressure on the officers . He looked up to see who was on the front line at this time .

Helicopters are the overlord of the sky in Shanghai . The streamlined fuselage has made the survivors Marvel more than once . The scene of killing monstrous beasts unilaterally in the coastal position has also made countless evolutioners tremble . Even if Jianjian saw the helicopter, he was uncomfortable . When the helicopter was stable on the top of the building, it was not the pa.s.sengers in the back cabin who rushed out first, It was Paul, the ace pilot of the plane . He jumped out of the plane and rushed to the corner of the building . He squatted on the ground in a sweat and vomited . Then, with the helicopter as the center, he covered all the people within 10 meters, making their hair stand up and tremble .

Zhang Xiaoqiang reluctantly jumps out of the plane and takes a sympathetic look at Paul, who is almost driven mad by his killing intention . He is a little embarra.s.sed . Since his killing intention is out of control, he can never take it back . People within 10 meters around him will be affected, and it"s even more unbearable to stay in the rear . No matter where he goes, he"s always full of people . It"s better to come to the front line and have a look . He just got off the plane, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that the sword was not right . He held the Firebird machete in his hand with a look of bitter hatred . Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at it and thought that he was just borrowing it for a while, so he reached forward and looked at the flashing eyes of the sword . He was very amused .

"Well, brother c.o.c.kroach, your machete can increase my attack power by three times . I can"t find a better weapon . I think . . . "

Jianzhan swallows hard . In Chen Yu"s unbelievable eyes, he pleads with Zhang Xiaoqiang . Jianzhan is like Mount Tai in Chen Yu"s heart . But in the face of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he can"t even speak clearly, which makes him feel subversive .

"This is my . . . "< br>