Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1945: 1945

Chapter 1945: 1945

"The evacuation work is coming to an end, and the transfer of materials is almost completed . However, it is not easy to build a floating bridge across the river . We have no experience in building a floating bridge, and the time is very short . At present, the way we think of is to use empty oil barrels as buoyancy to build wooden boards . But this kind of floating bridge is quite dangerous, and it is greatly affected by wind and waves, Even if the floating bridge is built, we can"t pa.s.s cars . We found more than 10000 vehicles in underground garages and indoor parking lots in the urban area . It"s impossible to transport them across the river, cars can"t pa.s.s, and materials can"t be transported in full . If only we were given another half a month, half a month would be enough for us to work out a solution . "

The defense line in the urban area is safe for the time being . The problem of oil shortage has been solved after Zhang Xiaoqiang found the crude oil storage center around the urban area . Tens of thousands of tons of oil imported from abroad is the best combustion supporting agent . It is continuously injected into the river by oil tankers, which makes the already strong flame too high again, However, their enemies are not only the mutant beast on the opposite side of the sea of fire, but also the zombies behind them . And the oil is not enough to support two-line operations . How cool would it be if they could finish the evacuation task by lighting two fires?

Zhang Xiaoqiang is still in the center of the city . What he reports to is mo Shaoyun"s deputy, who is mainly responsible for the transportation of goods and materials . Zhang Xiaoqiang holds his arms tightly and listens to his subordinates" report with no expression on his face . Shan Qingchao and Dao Ming sit opposite each other . They bow their heads and don"t know what they are thinking . Jianzhan also attends the meeting . The lights are bright in the luxurious meeting room, which makes the reporting staff nervous, At least he hasn"t been in such a high-end place .

"Don"t bring me difficulties . You should think more about how to solve the difficulties, whether it"s a floating bridge or a ferry . As long as you can transport things and people in the shortest time, you should know that most of the 180000 people are elite managers . I can use you and other people naturally . If you can"t do it well, you can resign yourself, Let those who can solve it go to . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was very impolite . He was sweating a lot because of what Zhang Xiaoqiang said . He pulled out the collar b.u.t.ton and nodded his head, but the atmosphere did not dare to take a mouthful . Shan Qingchao gently lifted the tea cup in front of him, looked at the green tea and said softly:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, I heard that your troops are going to be unstoppable? From last night to this morning, nearly a thousand people have been lost, right

When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, he became angry and waved his men away, saying:

"I don"t care if you have the ability to solve these problems . I only want the results . If you do a good job, you will live well in the future . If you don"t do a good job, you won"t want to make a breakthrough in your life . Go out and think about it . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang is in a bad mood and can"t speak politely . His subordinates quickly get up and bow to Zhang Xiaoqiang . After he walks out of the gate, Zhang Xiaoqiang slaps the table and shouts at Shan Qingchao

"Do you feel your conscience when you say that? How did we reach an agreement before? Despite all the preconceptions and close cooperation, I didn"t see your so-called sincerity . I didn"t pursue your dishonesty . Instead, you said something cool in front of me . Do you believe that Lao Tzu and you can break up and play by yourself . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang angrily let the sword cut eyebrows to stir up, brush out the Firebird machete to cut the nails, but his eyes are maliciously staring at Shan Qingchao"s neck, which is very bad .

Shan Qingchao"s twinkling eyes fluctuate slightly, and a face turns into a smile instantly, just like a chrysanthemum beaten by frost, with a trace of treachery .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, it"s not that I"m not authentic or that I want to preserve my strength . At present, we really can"t use our people . Look, there"s a fire in the city . As long as the fuel can be guaranteed, those things will not be able to get through . The main way to deal with those things is to rely on guns and ammunition . These things are all in your hands . Even if our evolutors are sent, they will not be able to use them . I think it"s better to use them at the last moment . "

No, it"s all no excuses . Zhang Xiaoqiang sneers . He doesn"t know that Shan Qingchao won"t really play a card until the last moment . It"s not only Shan Qingchao, but also Dao Ming . When they were desperate before, Zhang Xiaoqiang said anything . But once they found that things were not bad enough to collapse, they had other thoughts, After all, they still want to keep the evolutionists . When Zhang Xiaoqiang completes his plan to save 200000 people, they can still master thousands of evolutionists .

As long as they are not idiots, Shan Qingchao and Daoming do not hide this calculation . As long as Zhang Xiaoqiang"s force is not more than half dead, their evolutors will never go out . This is their bottom line . Zhang Xiaoqiang is angry that why their own people can die, their people can"t?

"Hum . . . When is the critical moment? I tell you that now my people are in front of me on both sides, and the materials consumed every day and the soldiers killed in the battle are also mine . I don"t care what you pay attention to, but I can"t do it . Do you believe me to give up the two lines of defense immediately and let all the troops concentrate on defending my original territory? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s heart was full of anger . He almost blew up his heart and lungs and said the threat, but he just said that the migration work has not been completely finished, and the material transfer also needs a lot of time . Although the current situation is still good, who knows if there will be new changes tomorrow? You know, another mutant sea animal is still trying to get close to the land in the sea . If he really gives up, he will be the first one to suffer the misfortune, but he has to say something, or he will be the unjust leader in vain . Shan Qingchao and Daoming do not believe in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s threat . Now it is Zhang Xiaoqiang"s people who are ahead . They have 3000 more evolutionists in the past three days . In addition, the number of evolutionists in the past has reached an unprecedented 8000, which is much more than the total number of evolutionists in the whole city of Shanghai, They have the ability to compete with Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Shan Qingchao smiles, puts down his cup and wants to open his mouth . Seeing how he looks, he knows that he won"t say anything substantive . He"s not a fool, and he won"t let Zhang Xiaoqiang handle it . Even if he sends his own men, he has to bargain . Just as he"s ready to open his mouth, Daoming suddenly took his arm and whispered:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach has given us a lot of evolutioners . If brother c.o.c.kroach really wants to weaken our strength, he will never do so . Those evolutioners originally belong to brother c.o.c.kroach . Brother c.o.c.kroach has given his sincerity, so we have to express our sincerity . Otherwise, it is not cooperation, but starting from the ground . "

Daoming is different from Shan Qing Dynasty . Shan Qing Dynasty did not trust Zhang Xiaoqiang from the beginning to the end, and did not care much about Zhang Xiaoqiang"s force . However, Daoming knew Zhang Xiaoqiang"s killing power through his keen sixth sense . As a top evolutionist and a leader of thousands of evolutionists, he had a general understanding of hundreds of evolutionist abilities, He has also a.n.a.lyzed the strength and potential of the evolutor"s ability . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ability unintentionally displayed in front of him is unprecedented . If this ability continues to strengthen, many attack means will not play any role in Zhang Xiaoqiang, and will be crushed by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s killing intention before he gets close to him .

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s own strength makes Daoming afraid . At the same time, he also knows what Zhang Xiaoqiang"s bottom line is . Although the situation seems good, it is not completely stable . Every day, he receives a briefing on the trend of zombie sea . If 180000 survivors can"t leave, Zhang Xiaoqiang will never let them leave alone . Although Shan Qingchao is smart, But he was squinted by the rapid expansion of the number of evolutionists under his command . He couldn"t see clearly that Zhang Xiaoqiang was still holding their lifeblood . He showed a little bit of toughness and declared that his strength was OK . Once he fought against Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang would never be afraid of them if he dared to clean up the 5000 armed men and 1000 evolutionists of Hongyun with a team of 2000, So instead of letting Shan Qingchao refute Zhang Xiaoqiang, Daoming holds him< br>