Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1955: 1955

Chapter 1955: 1955

The flame had no effect on the surrounding people, even the scattered doc.u.ments were not lit, but all the zombies suffered . The blue flame surrounded them, burning blue light, and penetrated into their bodies along their body"s orifices . In a few seconds, the zombies turned into black ash . Shan Qingchao and Daoming shot continuously, They are all trying their best to break out the strongest combat effectiveness in the shortest time . Two groups of zombies are all solved by them, but their means can only achieve this degree . After all, a S3 zombie can easily kill a team of ordinary evolutionists, even if Zhang Xiaoqiang"s special combat camp is changed .

When new zombies sprang up from below, almost everyone was in despair . The most desperate were Shan Qingchao and Dao Ming . If there was no Xuefeng, they could run even if they couldn"t win . But just now, when Xuefeng exploded 8000 people"s heads, they suffered the same attack . If they hadn"t eaten glia, they would have some resistance, Perhaps also can die of muddle headed, before blood Feng even if didn"t want their life also let them vitality greatly hurt, up to now even lift the strength of the hand all have no .

The chaotic bullets didn"t stop the zombies . The zombies rushed at them fiercely in all kinds of postures . Shan Qingchao closed his eyes in despair . The eyes on Daoming"s b.l.o.o.d.y face were about to crack . At their most desperate moment, the zombies started street dancing one after another, twisting their bodies in all kinds of strange postures, making everyone"s eyes stare out, No matter how fast the Zombie"s speed is, and whether the Zombie"s claws will catch him or not, the machete can always cut off the zombie with its claws . Four or five zombies fight with each other to form a group . The two sides fight savagely . The figure doesn"t know what the defense is, Even if he was caught by the zombie, he was not moved . He still went down to dismember the zombie . When the fierce and short fight ended, all the zombies were cut into several sections by the machete .

"Your people are dead . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang raises his hand and throws two jujube shaped pills to two evolutioners who have lost their subordinates . Shan Qingchao and Daoming grab them and swallow them directly . Zhang Xiaoqiang shakes his head . If they had known this before, at least half of the eight thousand evolutioners could survive . Now it"s too late to say anything . They don"t have much reaction to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words, Only Shan Qingchao, sitting on the ground, gritted his teeth and said:

"I knew I would blow him up, but I didn"t expect . . . "

"He"s not a blood Phoenix, he"s a zombie of type Z . you"re not an evolutionist, you"re the food he raised in captivity . The 8000 evolutionists who died below are all food . If you can become an evolutionist, you have to thank the following things . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words were so cold that Daoming couldn"t help frowning . He hesitated when he wanted to speak . After a while, he said:

"It has nothing to do with us . What do you want us to do?"

Shan Qingchao takes a look, gets up, walks to the empty window sill full of broken gla.s.s, looks down, sighs and says:

"Nothing can be done . From now on, we are going to start the countdown . I didn"t expect that I would die here . . . "

At this time, Shan Qingchao became free and easy . The so-called countdown is the countdown of life . When the zombies below find them, they die .

"Go up, maybe you can call the helicopter . . . " Three evolutionists have been talking all the time . The company commander stationed in the building can"t help but talk . His eyes look out unnaturally . Thousands of evolutionists are bleeding below . They have nothing to do with ordinary people, which makes them very strange . You know, evolutionist is always superior . Compared with downstairs, he is still willing to be an ordinary person .

"I can"t take so many people away . If Xuefeng finds out that we"re not dead, he"ll come here again as he did just now . I"m afraid Daoming and I can"t support him . "

Shan Qingchao was in despair . Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at them and said nothing . After them, seven or eight zombies sprang out again . As soon as the zombies burst out of the hole, their heads slid away from their necks . The rat King blade was cruising there all the time . The zombies rushed up and almost took the initiative to put their heads under the knife . They didn"t even have a chance to dodge . When the bodies fell down, Daoming opened his collar, Cried wildly:

"I"m not going anywhere . My brothers are dead . How can I survive? I wanted to kill these things before, but today I finally caught up with . . . "

I don"t know if the death of 8000 evolutionists had a great impact on them, which made the two top evolutionists die . When Shan Qingchao heard Tao Ming say this, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he said to the armed men around him:

"Go get the dynamite . . . "

Instead of persuading them, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to the pale company commander and said:

"Any zombie below can kill a company"s infantry, and two zombies can kill a battalion . Do you know what I mean?"

The company commander looks at Zhang Xiaoqiang in horror . They are not Zhang Xiaoqiang"s direct family . They don"t have the calm att.i.tude in the face of death . Zhang Xiaoqiang says this to tell them that even if they run out temporarily, they still have no way to live . "Tell them what to do . I only need to rest for 10 minutes to get my breath back . At that time, I can drag at least 10 or 20 on the road . The same is true for Daming . In the end, we will detonate the explosives installed on the support points of the building . . . Ha ha, it seems that my previous preparation is not in vain . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang heard what Shan Qingchao said . After careful inquiry, he realized that Shan Qingchao and Daoming had made plans for the city"s loss before . They installed explosives on the tall buildings at each intersection . When the buildings were destroyed, they could block the intersection and form ruins fortresses . This was originally a bargaining chip for Zhang Xiaoqiang, but now it"s not bad for zombies .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, let"s go . Let"s drag them down . The helicopter should come soon . . . "

Dao Ming"s eyes are dim . He pulls out the cigar in his coat pocket and points it to himself . His fingers holding the cigar tremble slightly, saying that it"s false not to be afraid of death . If it wasn"t for Xue Feng"s eccentric ability to blow the head of an evolutionist within one kilometer, he didn"t have the determination to stay here . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t have this problem, but is the easiest person to live .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, you don"t have to worry about us . I"ve given you trouble before . Daoming"s wife and children and I still ask brother c.o.c.kroach to take care of us . If you rush out and the woman asks them to remarry, the children will ask brother c.o.c.kroach to take care of us . We don"t ask them to make any contribution, as long as they can live safely . . . "

Shan Qingchao has already started to support his son . Originally, he and Dao Ming were cruel people . If they didn"t expect Zhang Xiaoqiang to take care of their offspring, they would rather drag Zhang Xiaoqiang on the road together than watch Zhang Xiaoqiang go away . Human nature is complex, sometimes selfish, sometimes selfless .

"If I want to run, I don"t have to wait for the helicopter . These things can"t stop me . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly shook his head and said this . In the middle of the speech, there was a shock and a roar from downstairs . A S3 Zombie"s head came out of the hole . As soon as the head came out of the hole, Zhang Xiaoqiang flashed away . The red light disappeared . Half of the Zombie"s head was divided into two parts, the upper half of the heavenly hood flew to one side, and the remaining half of the black head was flushed with black blood, The brain rushed out, and the zombie side spray brain side soft slide down .

"I"m going to kill Xuefeng . If Xuefeng doesn"t die, I can"t sleep and eat well . I have a plan . . . "

"This is angry bird 02, this is angry bird 02, call c.o.c.kroach, call c.o.c.kroach . . . "

Before, Paul and Chen Yu ran back to the base with a soft cotton sword chopper . At this time, he returned with all ten helicopters . The helicopters formed a diamond formation in the sky and flew to the building where Zhang Xiaoqiang was . The call to Zhang Xiaoqiang from the communicator never stopped . I don"t know if Zhang Xiaoqiang"s walkie talkie is out of order, Even when the helicopter formation looked at the smoking building from a distance, it didn"t get a response from Zhang Xiaoqiang . On the contrary, countless other troops reported the latest intelligence to the helicopter . The fire was burning thick smoke on the outer wall of the building, which was almost missed by the pilots as the surrounding of the burning River in the distance . All the planes corrected their direction and accelerated to the faint building in the distance, A touch of red also flashed in the black smoke< br>