Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1964: 1964

Chapter 1964: 1964

"There are two choices . One is that you can eat more of it, but this ability may not be suitable for you . The other is to give you a medicine with purification ability . As long as you take the medicine, your ability will continue to increase . Maybe even I am not an opponent at the extreme . "

This one is the second-order mutant animal glia that triggered the war among the evolutioners on that day . Jianzhan ate the first-order mutant animal glia, and this one is just what he needed . What Zhang Xiaoqiang said is the tianshengjing discovered in tiezhongyuan . Tianshengjing can make the evolutioners advance and improve their original ability again, For those evolutioners who are not very powerful, they are rare . Zhang Xiaoqiang gave him a reward for taking in thousands of evolutioners, but not all of them . Zhang Xiaoqiang himself ate three glial bodies, which can really improve the ability of evolutioners . However, one more ability may not be converted into combat effectiveness, On the contrary, the remote control of his throwing knife is his biggest killer . If Zhang Xiaoqiang blindly pursues the colloid and ignores the improvement of his own ability, I"m afraid that today his rat King blade can"t help the D3 zombie, nor can he help the sharp enemy . At least now his rat King blade won"t be easily blocked .

Jianzhan wanted to ask for the colloid directly, but he chewed it up and swallowed it . For some reason, he suddenly thought of something else . If he had eaten the colloid, he would have no place to cry . At least there were some evolutioners in Shanghai who didn"t use fart, They can control the growth of their hair, or they can keep themselves from starving by eating mud . What"s more, they can control the amount of their farts even if they fart louder than thunder?

"I want the potion . You wait . The machete will come back to me sooner or later . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang takes back the Firebird machete, glances at Xi"er and walks towards them . At this time, they have already started to quarrel . When they see that Zhang Xiaoqiang stops arguing, Zhang Xiaoqiang has already stood in front of Xi"er . Xi"er sees that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s face is red and dodges . Chen Yu glares at Zhang Xiaoqiang when she sees Xi"er"s appearance, No matter how much he says he doesn"t care, it"s impossible for him to let go of the feeling in his heart . Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know that he was taken as his rival by accident, but he only sees the big water snake in his eyes . If the big water snake rises up in front of him, it"s no less than the height of a seven or eight story building, and the snake also exudes a kind of aura similar to his intention to kill, I don"t know what the effect of this aura is . Anyway, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t feel the pressure . He turned to Xi"er and said:

"You take a boat . You are not needed here for the time being . Those children are waiting for you on Sha Chau Island . . . "

Xi"er has been haggard after these days of fighting . Now standing in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, she is as dirty as a mud monkey . Seeing Xi"er like this, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want her to continue fighting here . Xi"er has great potential . If she is provided with enough resources, she may grow to an incredible level one day . Zhang Xiaoqiang only talks to Xi"er and ignores Chen Yu . Chen Yu is hostile to him . How can he not see it?

"No . . . I"m going to stay . . . "

Xi"er repeatedly objected, but Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t persuade him carefully . When he opened his eyes, he stopped talking . Xi"er didn"t know why . When he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang"s severe manner, he lost all his confidence . He bowed his head and didn"t speak . Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, pushed away Chen Yushun and climbed to the top of the snake"s head with his tail shaking, Looking at the dock area in the distance, I yelled .

Like a giant train, the snake slowly spread out and swam to the river, leaving Xi"er standing in the same place staring at the snake"s huge body and Zhang Xiaoqiang"s back

"You like him?"

Chen Yu"s question made Xi"er shake her head subconsciously . She looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang"s back in silence . After a while, she said:

"No . . . maybe it"s because he"s like my father . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t know that he was treated as a father by a little beauty . If he knew, he would not have acc.u.mulated the momentum to prepare for a big fight like now . At the moment of heavy rain, he should be too busy to answer many questions . Only the marine mutant beast approaching the dock area is the most critical point . They still have a way to live . At least his legitimate troops can withdraw, If he can"t bear it, I"m afraid no one will be spared except a few high-level officials . If he has been in Shanghai for so long, all his efforts are in vain, and he will lose a lot of money .

The giant water snake is very powerful . When the crowd saw the direction of the water snake, they could not help but stop their work . Countless people looked at the giant water snake and Zhang Xiaoqiang in silence . Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the head of the water snake and did not respond to the sight around him . His gloomy eyes looked at the dusk sky . The black clouds were gathering and surging, just like demons, From time to time, I saw a flash of white light in the clouds, and then came a faint thunder .

Sometimes people get fl.u.s.tered because others are fl.u.s.tered, and they also get fl.u.s.tered . If there is no powerful person, they will get more and more fl.u.s.tered, and finally collapse . But now, water snake and Zhang Xiaoqiang have become the sea G.o.d needles in people"s hearts . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s presence here not only rea.s.sures them, but also makes water snake bigger than the terrible beast . Look at the dark scales, All the reinforced concrete piers in front of the water snake are easily erased by the body of the water snake, which makes people feel a strong sense of security from the bottom of their hearts . In their hearts, the terrible water snake is on their side . Since the water snake is so powerful, no matter how many animals threaten the wharf, it is not enough for the water snake to chew . More and more clear guns rang out in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ears . At the moment, most of the elite of the first regiment were deployed in the dock area . They might not be able to defend the river, but they were not willing to fight on the ground . After the battle, armored vehicles could be prepared . Artillery positions and machine gun positions were constructed in strict accordance with deep fortifications . In order to prevent the invasion of heavy rain, these positions were all covered with military green tarpaulin, They can fight even in the storm .

Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at the infantry position . He didn"t even think of meeting Zhao Deyi . He drove the water snake to swim down the river bank and into the river . On the far side of the river, more than ten armed speedboats were leaning towards the river . The fire was intense . The downstream stage of the river was almost boiling hot water, and the rolling water was like surging magma around the ships, From time to time, we can see ships dropping grenades or explosives into the water, blowing up a flurry of dark red water . Although all armed ships are iron ships, it is also very dangerous to fight in the river . In the cruel battle between Huohong and gunsmoke, a 10 meter long speedboat was smashed by the whole ship, and countless scattered parts are still rolling in the air, The ships in the breach capsized rapidly in the turbulent water of the river . Until the last moment, the soldiers who tied themselves to machine gun positions still shot into the river .

When the boat capsized, all the sailors were thrown into the Yangtze River . Before they fell into the water, the b.l.o.o.d.y mouths full of sharp teeth broke open and the water bit together . In Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, all the excellent sailors splashed countless bright red in the mutant beast"s mouth like broken watermelons . Suddenly, their hearts were like fire . They stomped on the water snake"s head and yelled for orders .

In the short time between Zhang Xiaoqiang"s issuing the order and waiting for the snake after taking a bath, the Yangtze River fleet fought so hard . From the dents on these ships, we can see how fierce the war was . Although the river was turbulent, large pieces of ship wrecks on the water were seen by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the green vegetation on both sides of the river was gloomy and terrifying under the gloomy sky, Waves of mutated animals rush up the river bank one by one . They rush a fish shaped mutated animal full of holes up the river bank . Looking around, the huge dead fish on the river are unknown . Even in the dark light, the river water around the ship also shows a different kind of red . I don"t know it"s the blood of the fighting sailors, Or is it that the mutated beast will run out of blood and make the river red after being shot .

The speed of the water snake entering the water is faster than that on the sh.o.r.e . It"s like a black high-speed railway breaking through the white mark and rushing down . No matter how fast the water snake is, it can"t save some of the armed speedboats that have reached the limit . Zhang Xiaoqiang watched helplessly as the speedboats were covered with bullet headed steel helmets, The ten meter long silver scaly big head fish are packed into piles of twisted and deformed pieces of copper and iron . It"s not a pity for these armed ships with intensive firepower, but for the sailors who are trying their best to shoot at the last moment< br>