Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1968: 1968

Chapter 1968: 1968

It seems that the big water snake is not spitting poisonous gas, but spitting blood . After all the birds" beaks and wings turned white, the water snake has no strength to float around the gap of the river bank . It is almost the same as the electric eel whose mouth bled to death . Zhang Xiaoqiang stands on an abandoned watchtower on the river bank to take shelter from the rain . The watchtower was originally built by several steel plates in a hurry, In the narrow s.p.a.ce, he couldn"t even turn around . Zhang Xiaoqiang was all wet, holding a Firebird machete in the middle of the cold river, looking at the sky and sighing . After the electric eel and the bird"s beak were exhausted, the downstream stopped for a while, giving Zhang Xiaoqiang a chance to breathe and time to think .

Just as he was looking at the slowly drying cigarette on the Firebird machete, he was delighted . A call drew his attention back to reality . Looking up, he found that a 300 ton sand carrier was slowly approaching the gap . A group of soldiers in raincoats were running back and forth in the cabin, calling for him . The person in front was the peak of returning .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, we"ve come to support . Zhao Deyi is in the back . We"re going to build a position on the river bank . As long as there"s a big water snake with us, we can hold on for at least three days . . . "

Gao Feng wipes the rain off his face and excitedly suggests to Zhang Xiaoqiang that he did not expect Zhang Xiaoqiang and the big water snake could recover the river bank . As long as some heavy firepower is built on it, even if the previous shoal of steel headed fish is ten times more, the whole river bank can not be smashed . The soldiers around him are staring at the corpse of more than 100 meters long electric eel, Such a long beast died in the river, which made them have a higher respect for Zhang Xiaoqiang and the big water snake . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t agree to Gao Feng"s proposal, pointed to the electric eel and said:

"No matter how many people come here, if there"s still this thing down there, it"s not enough to die . "

Gaofeng looks at the 100 meter long electric eel with some disapproval . No matter how powerful the eel was, it is dead now . As long as it can kill the first one, it can kill 100 . He has confidence in Zhang Xiaoqiang . Zhang Xiaoqiang shakes his head when he sees Gaofeng"s appearance . Gaofeng has confidence in him, but he has no confidence in himself, Thousands of birds" beaks and wings almost ate him together with the water snake and the belt bone . If the water snake had not been forced to spit out the hidden card by him, he didn"t explain too much . These things are beyond the imagination of Gao Feng . It"s useless to say more, but it"s harmful to the morale of the army .

"Teach me for the time being . You should go back immediately and ask Mo Shaoyun to look for people who know about pesticide factories or chemical plants among the survivors . He will try his best to find all kinds of highly toxic raw materials . As long as we have these, we can ensure the stability of the Yangtze River . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s new idea is poison . The poison spewed by the water snake is extremely poisonous . It kills thousands of birds" beaks and wings at one time . However, the poison gas of the water snake is so powerful that it can"t last . After one time, it becomes soft as mud . You don"t need to expect it to spew a second time in a short time . You have to find a subst.i.tute .

"What does brother c.o.c.kroach mean?"

Gao Feng looks at the countless mutant carca.s.ses floating on the water and shaking in the rain . These beak flying wings look strange and are not big . They are even worse than the steel headed fish that surrounded the fleet before . They think these things are just small monsters . So they only pay attention to the electric eels before, instead of looking at the innumerable beak flying wings . Now they hear the poison, Only then can we see that these monsters with beaks and wings are all intact .

"Poisons, pesticides, heavy industrial raw materials, as long as they are highly toxic, even things with radiation, I dare to throw them into the Yangtze River . We don"t know how many mutant beasts there are in the lower reaches . We can keep them for a day, but we can"t keep them for a lifetime . We can just turn the whole lower reaches into a dead place, so that the mutant beasts can see the greatest ability of human beings again . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang looks numbly at the rising and falling bodies of water animals on the downstream river . The snake venom not only empties the beaks and wings around him, but also poisons many mutant animals on the downstream . Unfortunately, the snake venom of water snakes is not unlimited, and the heavy rain and river water are constantly diluting the venom . I"m afraid it won"t have any effect before it reaches the mouth of the sea .

Gao Feng was a little surprised to hear Zhang Xiaoqiang say this, and said Na Na:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, will it . . . "

I wanted to say if it was too much . After the end of the world, the factories and living facilities along the Yangtze River stopped . In the past, the environment and water quality along the Yangtze River were severely damaged by all kinds of pollution . Now these damages have just been restored by nature . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s next step is to make more efforts, I"m afraid it"s a catastrophe not only for the mutant animals, but also for the ecosystem of the Yangtze River . Imagine how terrible it is . G.o.d knows what Shanghai will be like after the recovery of Shanghai in the future .

This idea is just a continuation of environmental protection before the end of the world, so Gao Feng hesitated and didn"t oppose it . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who Gao Feng said, also understood that every Chinese living in the city was distressed by the consequences of environmental damage in his previous life . If he finally saw a little green mountain and clear water, he would be destroyed in his own hands, It"s not easy to put this feeling on anyone, but it has to be done, otherwise .

"There"s no time . It"s the limit that I can support now . We don"t have a second fleet to squander . Even if there is damage to the Yangtze River, there"s no way . As long as the Yangtze River is still there, it will recover one day, but people are gone . Even if it becomes a paradise, it"s a mutated creature . It has nothing to do with us . In order to survive, we have no choice . "Zhang Xiaoqiang was also very helpless, at least in front of Gao Feng . In his previous life, he was just an otaku . Even if the environment was damaged, he just sat in front of the computer and scolded . He didn"t have any real feelings . If it wasn"t for this desperate situation, he would not have thought of the idea of losing both sides . He just noticed that once he made up his mind, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not lack the courage to burn the boat . Gaofeng can"t refute Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words . As soon as he thinks of one thing, he says to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, just now there were several survivors in the dock who wanted to seize the boat . One of them, an evolutionist, was killed by sword and Dao Ming, However, one of the evolutors, Chen Qingshan, seems to know the heel of Xuefeng . The other, Chen Youyi, gives us advice and poisons the Yangtze River in order to survive . "

Chen Youyi, whom Zhang Xiaoqiang had heard before, was the armed man who led the uprising . If it wasn"t for him, Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ambush would have taken a little twists and turns to clean up Hongyun"s armored forces . Unexpectedly, this guy wanted to rob the boat, which indirectly shows that Chen Youyi is flexible and good at looking for opportunities, but also can see the dangers that others can"t see through, I"m afraid the proposal of poisoning is the way he left for himself . After all, he has to take risks to seize the boat . Maybe he has found the poison, and Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know whether this guy is really smart or he thinks he is smart .

"He used to be the man of the four heavenly kings, who was responsible for the security work of a laboratory . Later, the poison gas bomb in the laboratory exploded itself, and no one could survive except him . "

Sure enough, Gaofeng said what Chen Youyi really bought his life . Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned . He first thought of the gas bombs that exploded in the four heavenly kings camp . It seemed that the gas bombs killed the Qinghongdao evolutors . Finally, they were devoured by water snakes as desserts . Unexpectedly, those things were made by Shanghai evolutors themselves< br>