Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1969: 1969

Chapter 1969: 1969

Chen Youyi kneels naked in the center of the rain, feeling uneasy . Beside him are more than ten companions who are bewitched by him . Like him, these people are stripped naked and shivering in the heavy rain . The only difference is that they are all tied up . It seems that Chen Youyi is better treated . Not far away from them, four cold soldiers standing like javelins are watching them, The weapons in his hand swept over them from time to time . Chen Youyi bent down and knelt in the rain . The cold rain took away his body temperature, and at the same time, his heart was torn by regret . His eyes swept the ropes tied by his companions, but he didn"t want to untie them . He knew that if he let go of these people, he would die first . After they were caught, they would have no way to live, I will kill myself before I die .

There"s no such thing as the tragedy of death . Even if he"s worried about his life, Chen Youyi doesn"t regret it . He didn"t live by luck and strength, but by his ingenuity and brain . Since he surrendered to Zhang Xiaoqiang, he worked as a small manager of the logistics and transportation team . Relying on his consistent expertise, he heard a few words, These things are just news or new things in ordinary people"s mind . In his mind, they are the situation map of the whole urban area of Shanghai . With the coming of heavy rain, the withdrawal of troops, the annihilation of 8000 evolutionists, and the fierce gunfire on the river, all these show that the whole city of Shanghai is not secure, and more than 100000 people"s lives are in danger . As an ordinary person, he has no choice, Only in danger .

Who knows that when he was most worried, his distant cousin Chen Qingshan appeared . This rich relative in Shanghai didn"t recognize him before the end of his life . In Shanghai, he didn"t get any help and benefits except to show respect for the local specialties of his hometown . He didn"t expect them, I didn"t expect to see this handsome cousin in the transport team .

Chen Qingshan knows a little bit more than Chen Youyi . As an agile evolutionist, Chen Qingshan is a head higher than Chen Youyi, half forcing and half pleading . He is so smart that he even agrees to Chen Qingshan"s plan to rob the boat and leave . What happened later is like a nightmare . Half of the 30 men he has caged are dead before they get on the boat, Chen Qingshan was easily taken down by the chief of Daoming palace as soon as he started, but he didn"t have a chance to move all the time, just because a handsome and charming man was standing beside him . The man didn"t even look at him, just staring at those companions who were begging for mercy in the killing .

Thinking of this, he suddenly understood the resentment of his companions towards him, which is how he felt towards Chen Qingshan . If it wasn"t for Chen Qingshan, he might not have been able to get a ticket at the worst, and he might not have been able to find a way to promote himself in the crisis with the way he thought out . Now the only way to survive is whether others can take a fancy to his own way, If it doesn"t work, Chen Youyi shivers, and his hatred for Chen Qingshan flashes through his heart again . Just now, Chen Qingshan says that he knows about Xuefeng and asks Daoming to arrest him for interrogation . At least he can hold his life for a while, but he didn"t even look at himself when he left .

The rain dripped through his face, and his hair flowed down to the ground . Drops of rain broke on his face, and the tiny raindrops stung his eyelids . The pain in his eyes didn"t make him close his eyes . His pupils were scanning around all the time, looking for any possible opportunity . At this moment, two officers stepped forward with the water deep in their ankles, Even if he looked up, he couldn"t see the faces of the visitors clearly . The two men all held pistols in one hand . Otherwise, the uniform raincoat couldn"t tell their ranks . They came to him and stopped . One of them asked:

"Is that him?"

"It"s him . He seems to be one of the masterminds this time . " The other person"s cold, emotionless reply cools Chen Youyi"s heart, before he can argue .

"Well, for the time being . . . " After the officer who spoke earlier said this, he walked around with another man and raised his hand with a shot .

With two shots, two strong men with b.l.o.o.d.y eyes on their foreheads fell down . They could not even twitch before they were dying . They fell to the ground like two wooden piles . The red blood instantly stained the water on the ground . The rest of them were in a panic . They wanted to beg for mercy, but they could not spit out the cloth .

"It"s not easy . There are two of us and thirteen of them . Whose is the more one?"

After killing two people, the officer didn"t continue to shoot . One of them seemed embarra.s.sed and said to his companion . The companion was also a little puzzled . He pulled down the hood of his raincoat a little, turned to look at Chen Youyi, who was in shock and fear, and said:

"Didn"t this guy say it all? The gas bomb, the location of the laboratory and the chemical raw material warehouse are not enough to buy his life according to his crime . At most, let him have a good time . Let"s give him a good time, so that we can kill seven people each . "

The rain splashed countless tiny raindrops on the officer"s raincoat, which made him feel like he was covered by fog . He couldn"t see the details with his lowered hood . The water lines dropped from the brim of his hat . Chen Youyi"s begging eyes couldn"t penetrate these water lines . He looked at the officer"s eyes . It seemed that the other side didn"t look at him at all, just spoke to the air . "Well, it"s hard to do . If his method works, maybe he"s still a talent . It"s not a pity that a fool dies . If a talent dies . . . " Another officer heard that he hesitated a little, but the pistol didn"t stop . After shooting the second man who died in his hand, he opened his mouth, as if to find an excuse for Chen Youyi .

"Useful, certainly useful . . . The killing efficiency of a poison gas bomb is terrible . A poison gas bomb can kill all living things within a radius of two kilometers, and those raw materials can be made into mixed poisons by a little simple processing . Mixing them in water is more powerful than creating poison gas bombs, at least three times more . . . And so on . I know a lot of things . I"m the project leader of the hybrid lab . I"m good at studying the power conversion of new energy . I can also . . . "

In order to survive, Chen Youyi doesn"t care about anything . Now he sees a chance of life . Even if he is willing to be a slave for his whole life, he says everything he knows . He doesn"t want to bargain . He sees that these two people are abnormal killers . Killing them is not a burden, but a pleasure .

"It"s useless . Don"t listen to him . Even if he doesn"t have the ability, he will make up all his skills . " The officer who proposed to kill him was very disdainful . When he refuted, he raised his hand and shot again . At this time, there were six men who died in two hands . It was like the countdown . If Chen Youyi could not prove his value before the twelfth man was killed, he would be killed with the thirteenth man .

Chen Youyi has a lot of ideas and doesn"t know how to say it . In his opinion, it"s not their orders that the officer was ordered to execute the prisoners . It must be the two officers who are used to killing people for fun . It"s no easier to escape from them than to s.n.a.t.c.h their lives from the tiger"s mouth . Chen Youyi doesn"t have much time, Once they kill themselves, even if he has a thousand mouths, begging for mercy will not be of any use .

"Touch . . . "

There were two shots in a row, and two men fell down in the water that had already risen to their legs . The rain that had been dyed red with blood had numerous bubbles, which was the last breath of the two people"s mouths . The traces left at the last moment of their lives were described . At the moment when the two men fell down, one of the military officials called out:

"You are so mean that you should shoot twice in a row . . . " At the moment of shouting, he also fired two shots, and two more people died in the b.l.o.o.d.y water . The rain was more red, and he couldn"t distinguish between water and blood . Chen Youyi"s brain was blank at the moment . The only thing he knew was that in the blink of an eye, four more people died in front of him, and he had only the last two people left .

"Hum, don"t try to kill one more than me . I"m in a bad mood today . The brothers of the Yangtze River fleet died so bravely that I can"t even find a corpse . I"m on fire and want to kill . . . "

"Touch . . . "

"If you"re not happy, I"ll be happy? They just go ahead . If they can"t figure out a way, none of the thousands of brothers and more than 100000 people will be able to leave, we will surely die in battle . We just don"t know how many enemies we can kill before we die . "

"Touch . . . "

The last shot shocked Chen Youyi"s soul . At this time, the two officers had a strange tacit understanding . They stood in front of Chen Youyi and the other guy and raised their guns . The bodies and blood on the ground aroused their bloodthirsty psychology . At this moment, even if Chen Youyi said that he could get oil from water, They won"t hesitate to build a s.p.a.ceship< br>