Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1973: 1973

Chapter 1973: 1973

"This . . . This really works? Can you put up a cable in a rainstorm at night? "

Pan Shuai has always been aggressive and quite confident in technology . It"s inconceivable that Lou fanjun suddenly took over such a big deal . He was a typical force after the end of the world . He lived like a dog in Shanghai ruled by the evolutionists . In his eyes, the evolutionists were all high-ranking adults . They were extremely arrogant, obstinate and domineering, They can even trample on other people"s dignity and personality at will, just because they have the ability that ordinary people can"t have . It"s impossible for the superior evolutionists to do these humble things, but that"s what Lou fanjun did .

Lou fanjun had a bad impression on Pan Shuai . He glanced at him and did not answer . He just looked at Mo Shaoyun and said:

"Go to brother c.o.c.kroach and ask him to allow me to select the evolutors in the evolutor system to form an engineering team . I promise to complete the task of floating bridge in three days, and all the materials and personnel must cooperate with me . . . "

Lou fanjun"s arrogance is taken for granted by Pan Shuai . Under the rule of evolutionists, all the survivors in Shanghai who dare to rebel have died, and the rest are smart people who have learned to put themselves in the right place . Although pan Shuai is starving, he is still alive, and the more he lives, the better he will be . After hearing Lou fanjun"s declaration, he hesitates a little, Pleaded submissively:

"Chen Youyi and I can serve as technical support . We hope we can follow our suggestions in the work arrangement . We"d better inform us of the plan . We will make flexible changes according to the plan . "

"Senior, do you remember me . . . " Chen Youyi escaped from death . He was a little excited . After listening to pan Shuai"s name, he quickly opened his mouth to get closer .

"It doesn"t mean anything . If you don"t finish the task, you will still die . . . " Pan Shuai glances at Chen Youyi, who is still expressionless . Chen Youyi nods with approval . It"s a great favor for Pan Shuai to propose to let him become a technician . Mo Shaoyun has never spoken . Seeing Lou fanjun"s nod, he agrees with Pan Shuai"s proposal and makes a rare decision .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach has been working hard all day and still insists on the defense line of the river bank . I just heard that brother c.o.c.kroach is sleeping . I don"t need to inform him about these things for the time being . I just need to communicate with Mr . Huang Tingwei directly . In three hours, I can send the evolutor from Shazhou island . We will fully cooperate with the rest of the work . I hope we can give brother c.o.c.kroach a surprise tomorrow . . . "

There was no objection from all the people on the scene, so it was settled . Just at this time, there were cheers from outside, breaking the sound of the rain . All the people looked out together, and saw that countless people left their work at hand and ran to the code head in the dark rain . In the distance, the voices of countless people chanting songs came .

"By the way, I"d like to tell you the good news . Brother c.o.c.kroach invites you to eat meat . . . "

Xiao Shan, who had not spoken for a long time, turned up a smile . As soon as the eyes of other people brightened, the electric eel finally came ash.o.r.e . There were at least 1000 tons of electric eels more than 100 meters long, which was enough for everyone to have a full meal . Let alone the rumor that the meat of the mutant animal was more effective than a panacea . It was a rare treasure . For a moment, everyone was in a warm mood, One after another, they got up and wanted to see the huge prey like a water snake .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, this is the fresh meat from the back . Have some . . . "

Before the hot lunch box was delivered to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang was dozing off when he was awakened . Before he opened his eyes, he smelled a strange smell from the wings of his nose . His eyes narrowed slightly . He saw the red and white fish steaming in front of him . When he saw the hot food, his spirit improved a lot . He took a mouthful of fish soup with both hands, A stream of heat poured into the abdomen, so that the cold and wet air on the body were dispersed for a few minutes . Looking up, he saw Zhao Deyi standing in front of him . From the weak light behind Zhao Deyi, he found that the sky was already bright, and the rain outside was still spa.r.s.e, but it was much smaller than yesterday .

"Do the soldiers have it? We must ensure that everyone can eat hot food . I worked hard for them last night, and I can have a shelter from the rain . They can only stick to it in the rain . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang holds the food box in both hands and feels the faint heat . What he thinks is the company that accompanies him all night . Zhao Deyi is greatly moved by the words and nods heavily

"They"ve had it all . They"re in good condition . Everyone has raincoats and hot water . They"ve had it once in the middle of the night . I don"t dare to disturb the c.o.c.kroaches" sleeping incense . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang was satisfied with the logistics, so he began to gobble down his breakfast . The eel meat was white and crystal clear, and it was made into fish soup . The color was milky white, and there was no need to put any seasoning . It was still delicious . It was more delicious than other delicacies Zhang Xiaoqiang had eaten before . When he ate it, he could feel a warm current slowly swimming around his body, making his whole body warm .

"This meat is a good thing . The evolutionists of the engineering team ate it once in the middle of last night . After eating it, they are as energetic as doping . So far, they have laid the keel of the floating bridge on the Yangtze River . If brother c.o.c.kroach goes to have a look, it will be spectacular and the future is much more stable . Except for women and children, everyone is busy, When they"re busy, they don"t have other thoughts . "Zhao Deyi talks about all kinds of arrangements in the rear area . Zhang Xiaoqiang listens to every sentence, but his mind is not in the rear . He has been thinking about the entrance to the sea . Whether he can contain the Yangtze River depends on all kinds of poisons delivered last night . When he thinks of this, he speeds up his meal . The food box is ready in a flash . After eating five people"s portions in a row, Zhang Xiaoqiang can eat well, Raise your hand to stop Zhao Deyi"s nagging, and raise your telescope to observe the river downstream .

Compared with yesterday"s rainstorm, Zhang Xiaoqiang can see the river 2000 meters away . No matter how far away he is, he can not see it carefully . However, he can still observe it vaguely . The sky is still dark, but the dark clouds are not as black as yesterday . The outline of the high-rise buildings in the urban area can also be seen . Countless black smoke curls over the urban area, which is much thinner than yesterday, Further away, a mountain like monster moves slowly .

"Order the whole army to be on guard, the sea beast has landed . . . "

Seeing the final shadow, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly put down his telescope and turned pale . Then he raised his telescope again . The monster was too tall, higher than all the tall buildings, almost like a mountain peak . Even in the rain, he could see the monster coming ash.o.r.e, which was the last thing Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to see . Even if the monster was only level Four, it could easily trample the water snake to death, Thinking of this, he suddenly saw that the water snake ran to the downstream and played in the water . Its black and broad body was like a dragon rolling up and down in the water waves, but the water around it was strange blue and purple . Layers of dead fish appeared on the side of the water snake . The water snake seemed to like playing in the poisonous water, and there was some comfort in his heart . At least the Yangtze River was guarded .

When Zhao Deyi heard the mutant animal coming ash.o.r.e, his face changed and he said in a trembling voice:

"This . . . This? As long as one day, we can build a floating bridge, a large floating bridge for 20 people to pa.s.s side by side at the same time

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly turns around and pushes Zhao Deyi away from the watchtower to look back . His broad vision allows him to see the long floating bridge on the river near the wharf . Hundreds of containers are floating on the river, and each container is standing like a javelin . At the wharf, one container is lifted to the river by eight evolutors and thrown into the water, There are also evolutionists who jump on the floating containers in the water and control the water waves to swim freely, closing to the long dragon like a group of fish . There are also 16 giant men who can lift the containers full of various tools, just like transport ships, swimming around the long dragon and connecting the containers together .

Then he saw a lot of agile evolutioners running on the long dragon, as if there were something connected between them . Two kilometer long steel cables of Hengjiang River have been erected . I don"t know who had a sudden idea that they should divide up countless branch cables on the two cables, connecting all the containers together like a suspension bridge, The upper and lower layers of insurance make these containers not float away across the river . More containers in the rear join the long dragon one after another . The other two steel cables are laid opposite the cargo ships . If there is no accident, at least one thousand containers can be fixed on the river in the evening . It"s a miracle that even Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t think of such a degree overnight< br>