Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1975: 1975

Chapter 1975: 1975

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t respond to Paul"s guilty heart . He looked at the giant beast in the distance and pondered . At this point, why didn"t the giant beast come after him? In doubt, I saw the beast turned around and spewed out countless snow-white hail again . Instead of shooting at the helicopter, the hail scattered around the beast . Seeing the hail that all fell into the air, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly flashed a light in his heart .

"Fly over and use the machine gun 600 meters away . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang just wants to test whether his guess is correct . Paul pushes the lever to accelerate the plane . In a flash, the plane reaches the position of 600 meters . At this time, the monster suddenly swings its head to the plane, and its mouth is about to spit out hail . Paul screams with fright, deflects the fuselage and makes the helicopter nimbly flash to a distance of 1000 meters, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly feels that Paul"s driving skills have reached the ultimate level . It"s like turning the plane to a kilometer away without any smoke and fire . Without any redundant actions of Paul, he is so precise and terrible .

Countless hail surged into the sky 600-700 meters high, stopped the rising momentum, and then fell at a faster speed . The scattered hail roared down in the air, smashing countless white ice spots out of the external walls, just like changing a layer of external wall paint, but the hail was not as unbearable as it was seen on the surface, Those patches of ice quickly form pieces of white crystal arrowheads under the irrigation of rain, freezing the whole wall in the thick ice layer, not to mention the previous scattered hail in the street below, all forming countless sword shaped diamond crystals .

It"s as if all the places where the hail comes are wrapped in crystal world, and countless ice swords are in full bloom, changing the wet street into a crystal world . Paul looks at the ice swords with creepy goose b.u.mps, but Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the monsters who look around the building with twinkling eyes, All of a sudden, he understood why the monster had to struggle with the tallest building . He didn"t know what it was like in the water, but he knew that when a giant reached the land, it was super shortsighted . A giant could only see things that were five or six hundred meters long . It was just like a person who was one meter eight could only see things within two meters . No wonder the plane was one kilometer away, The monster was at a loss .

It"s not as difficult to clean up this monster as you think . You just need to mobilize thousands of helicopters to launch anti tank missiles continuously . Ten or twenty missiles can"t be killed, and one thousand or ten thousand missiles can be killed . But let alone Zhang Xiaoqiang, even the army before the end of the world can"t do it . It"s impossible to say that there are no more than one thousand armed helicopters in China, Even if there are anti tank missiles, there may not be so many . After all, missiles are not cabbage . If you plant one, you can harvest a lot .

"Don"t worry, Paul . It can"t see far away . According to the original plan . . . "

When Zhang Xiaoqian thought of this, he was excited and yelled, which made Paul very embarra.s.sed . Is it not far from 600 meters? But Zhang Xiaoqiang asked him to come forward, and he had to fly over with a stiff head . After all, Zhang Xiaoqiang saved him under the attack of more than ten helicopters . Although he was afraid of death, he did not lose the pride of the Russian people . It was amazing to return his life to Zhang Xiaoqiang .

The helicopter really turned into a fly in front of the monster . It deliberately stirred in front of the monster"s huge head . The fire lines formed by innumerable fire spots exploded on the monster"s head one after another . The bits and pieces of cuticle and fine horn thorns fell off one after another in the roar of mechanism sh.e.l.ls . The Rockets flew across the sky in the rain curtain and bloomed red flowers on the monster"s head, The last two anti tank missiles lifted black clouds over the beast"s head .

The monster was completely infuriated and spewed out white crystal hail without restraint, which made all the buildings and the ground within 500 meters of the monster be covered with thick ice . The layers of ice seemed to rise infinitely like fermented dough, and the highest ice was like a ten thousand year old iceberg . At one time, an ice age was formed around the first tall building .

Paul is in a state of insanity, muttering about the Russian that Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t understand . His tone is cadence, sometimes high scolding, sometimes low murmuring . Under his mythical operation, the helicopter is like a clever fly, buzzing around the monster, avoiding the pa.s.sing hail again and again . I don"t know how many times the monster has spewed, Every time he dances with the G.o.d of death, it"s more difficult to fly a helicopter in the rain . As long as he is concentrated by any hail, he will freeze into a lump of ice and fall . Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes are also attracted by these hailstones . If he can use something to throw it into the Yangtze River, maybe the Yangtze River will also form a surface of ice . The survivors only need to step on the surface of ice to cross the river .

"Move, move the boss, it . . . "

Paul suddenly yells and breaks Zhang Xiaoqiang"s YY . With a look in his eyes, Zhang Xiaoqiang sees that the monster is almost frozen by the ice it spits out, and hasn"t shot down the helicopter for a long time . The monster roars, wriggles and doesn"t hold the first tall building any more . He slowly raises his feet and moves towards the helicopter, The ice, which is tens of meters thick, is as fragile as the saccharified gla.s.s in the super movie when the monster shakes .

Like a hammer, the giant smashes the ice layer . Countless sword shaped ice crystals are smashed under the rough skin of the monster . The monster can"t spit out hail, but Paul doesn"t dare to be careless . He just swings around in front of the monster"s head and launches a rocket from time to time to provoke . The monster is not the one who can"t fight back, Once the helicopter is less than 100 meters away from it, it will open its mouth to bite it, and the monster will not give up even if it bites empty for countless times . On the contrary, it seems that the monster"s resentment towards the helicopter has reached the point of no more . The seemingly slow body movement speed has actually reached a fairly fast speed . From the perspective of the monster"s body shape, it is even more impossible to exhaust the monster"s physical strength . Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want to kill the monster . He risked a lot to provoke the monster for the sake of Xuefeng . Chen Qingshan happened to see Xuefeng send more than 100 of her evolutioners to a remote place . This place is the forbidden area divided by Xuefeng . It means that there is a big secret for Xuefeng to be so nervous, and Chen Qingshan is a smart man, Nature can guess what"s in it .

Zhang Xiaoqiang attached great importance to the news of Xuefeng . He didn"t directly lead the soldiers to search there . He knew that Xuefeng had hidden many zombies in Shanghai, and there were nearly a thousand zombies in every part of her body . I"m afraid the zombies around Xuefeng were of higher rank . Before, there were no more than three zombies around Xuefeng, which is a doubt in itself, You know, in Zhenjiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang can see more than one level 4 zombie, so he suspects that these hidden type 4 zombies are all guarding around Xuefeng . According to his methods, he can"t deal with level 4 zombies . The only way he can think of is to kill people with a knife, and the super beast is his knife .

The lure of being irresistible makes the giant roar again and again . The giant"s rank is the highest among the mutants . In his summoning roar, countless marine mutants gather behind him to form a torrent and chase the giant inland . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is flying in the air, can see that all the small monsters 20 or 30 meters behind him follow, These monsters are like cherries beside watermelons . More than 100 cherries are chasing watermelons . There are countless sesame seeds around cherries . At the call of monsters, 80% of the mutants in Shanghai are attracted .

"Boss, we have arrived . What should we do next?"< br>