Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 1978: 1978

Chapter 1978: 1978

Above the sky, strange flying objects with flat circles are flying fast across the sky . This flying object with the same style as an air frigate is slightly bulky compared with a warship . There are no ferocious lines and too many weapon ports . Only there is a laser transmitter in the bow, which is more like a transport ship than a warship . This one is 120 meters long, The 30 meter wide flying ship is flying silently across the clouds to the endless sea . From time to time, a huge mutant bird pa.s.ses the air ship, but there is no sign of interest, as if it is just a dead thing in the eyes of the mutant bird .

"This time it"s your holy blood warrior . " Captain Lambert, your carefulness and preciseness in your work show me the best quality of the German people . I believe the chancellor will repay your efforts . Three Duke cla.s.s frigates are being built in the European new technology factory . I believe one of them needs your experienced and rigorous captain . . . "

Captain Lambert"s face was a little happy, and he bowed to Franklin more humbly . When he walked out of the meeting room, the officer asked suspiciously:

"Aren"t the three frigates rumored to have a captain? If you give Lambert one, will it be difficult for the speaker? "

Flannelin slowly pulled down his hood to reveal his scarred head, which seemed to have been burned by fire . He glanced at the new commander of the Asian military region with his blue black eyes, and slowly shook his head

"Can you and I guess the power of the speaker? Just remember that following the speaker will get something you will never expect, The rich report will make you enjoy like a king in the world . The premise is that you should respect the speaker like a G.o.d . Please keep this in mind, Knight Hardy . "

Hardy lowered his head and murmured

"I can have today because of the speaker . In the eyes of the military headquarters, I am the speaker . Then I will always be the speaker . Is the speaker confident in challenging miss star?"

Franklin listened, hesitated a little, then shook his head and said:

"You don"t need to worry about it . You and I can"t control any decision of the speaker . The Asian military region is a mess that the military headquarters regard as a quagmire . If you want to prove yourself and make yourself further in the speaker"s mind, you can restore the Asian military region, I believe that after you rebuild the 13th legion, the speaker will give you unexpected gifts, whether it"s glory or wealth, or a longer life, as long as you want, you can get . . . "

When Franklin had finished speaking, the other Golden Oak officer said in a low voice:

"Commander Hardy, don"t worry too much . Miss stars and the hordes are dragged in the United States . The speaker is the real leader in the new era . As long as the air frigate is in our hands, neither hordes nor miss stars can return to the headquarters, There is also ocean isolation . I believe that we can create a new empire, and then you will be the greatest general of the Empire . "

Franklin looked at the Golden Oak Leaf officer admiringly . As he was about to speak, he heard a buzzing alarm . Then captain Lambert"s anxious report came from the room

"Attack, we received an attack . It was an anti-aircraft missile position built by the Indonesian army . Our army in Indonesia rebelled . . . "

Before he heard it, a roar rang out around the ship . Laser beams crisscrossed outside the ship, blasting white missiles in the air, which made Franklin pale . Their air ship was a prototype of a transport ship . If it was destroyed here, I"m afraid even the speaker would not be able to save him, He could not help shouting:

"Go to China, go directly to China . . . "

When Franklin"s anxious words were heard all around, the forty-eight Holy Blood soldiers did not move a minute, as if the harsh alarm was just a piano music that they would forget . When everyone was in a panic, a tall and strong holy blood soldier sitting on the edge suddenly raised his mouth and then hid in the invisible .

Three days before the disaster in Shanghai, the three giants of Yinmeng were struggling in the battle conference room . On the huge electronic map, there was the overall layout map of Yinshan Mountains . All kinds of rugged mountain roads and fortifications were scattered among them . Close to the edge of these fortifications, the Red Sea occupied three-quarters of the map, which made each of them look dignified .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach is in danger in Shanghai . Hubei does not have enough transport capacity to support him . We are dragged in the Yinshan Mountains again . It"s really a headache . . . " Zhao Jun scratched his scalp in agony, staring at the strangling positions marked on the map . These positions are mutant plants that Zhang Xiaoqiang found that can cause ma.s.s destruction to zombies . These mutant plants can stretch tentacles to catch tentacle monsters digested by zombies, and burst out bullet like mutant trees, There are also plants that can make zombies fall asleep and be engulfed by their roots . In addition, there are more mutated plants found after Zhang Xiaoqiang left . Some of them can spray corrosion like solutions to melt zombies, some can wrap zombies tightly with vines to suck up every drop of liquid on zombies, and others can spray nameless gases to make zombies free from the control of Z-shaped zombies . The deployment of Yinshan Mountain lasted for nearly half a year, and all kinds of fortifications and traps had been arranged . When the zombies entered the mountain, they gradually surrounded and suppressed, but the zombies didn"t want to go any further . Shiyuanye, who was so worried about these traps, almost vomited blood . The three of them had to give up their other work to find a way .

"We don"t have to worry about brother c.o.c.kroach"s ability . The key is that these 20 million or 30 million zombies are around us . We can"t be at ease . We can"t fight head-on attack . The set trap will not work after 200000 zombies are eliminated . I suspect that the zombies over there have wisdom . . . "

Shi Yuanye"s conjecture is very heavy . It"s so heavy that Zhao Jun and Zhou Jie sipped their mouths together and their eyes twinkled . News comes from Zhang Xiaoqiang every day in Shanghai, and the situation is getting worse . As Zhang Xiaoqiang"s real core force, they can"t open up the situation . If they delay the opportunity and can"t finish the task Zhang Xiaoqiang told them, I"m afraid< br>