Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2001: 2001

Chapter 2001: 2001

While Zhang Xiaopingqiang was avoiding the water column, in the chaos of the urban area, the hanged zombies and mutant animals had reached the point of hot water . The water on the ground had already been dyed red by blood, like a blood lake . Countless mutant animals rolled in the blood . A torn zombie fragment, liver, lung, large intestine and other internal organs floated in the water . The urban area had been fighting for a long time, If you look around, there are h.e.l.l like scenes everywhere within dozens of kilometers, and the dead zombies stretch for many miles one by one .

Xuefeng takes 700000 zombies to the city, and the continuous team is at least more than 100 li from the beginning to the end . These days, dozens of hundreds of zombies and mutant animals are killed every minute in the flesh blender in the city . Now the number of zombies has dropped to less than 100000 . Although the number of giant animals has lost more, the number is still not reduced, The floating sculls in the blood river is no longer a legend, but it really submerges half of Shanghai . Countless scattered meat sauces block the sewers, and large and small corpses pile up in every corner of the city, emitting the stench of decay .

The lowest level of 100000 zombies are level 2 zombies . These Level 2 zombies are constantly evolving to level 3 zombies . Many D2 zombies have the rudiments of level 3 zombies . Each zombie is nearly four meters tall, and its muscles are carved like rocks . If it"s not for the outer skin without a heart-shaped sh.e.l.l, it"s not far from D3, not to mention S2 zombies, It"s very difficult for D2 zombies to transform into D3 zombies . Energy and apt.i.tude are indispensable . However, S3 zombies will evolve as long as energy is enough and apt.i.tude is not too poor . After all, a D3 zombie can easily kill a group of S3 zombies, and no matter how many S3 zombies can not kill a D3 zombie . Are these zombies like mice falling into a rice bowl? In the past, they yearned for flesh and blood all the time, But now, many zombies are a little tired of the flesh and blood that can be found everywhere around them . They even eat the brains of mutant animals .

Xuefeng, who is standing on a high-rise building, sees all this in his eyes . He is most satisfied with his sight when he chooses to live as a human being . His eyesight is the eternal pain of zombies . After becoming a zombie, his body shrinks seriously, and his eyes, which are the heaviest in water, will not be spared . As a Z-shaped zombie with great wisdom, Xuefeng has a strong ability to help command zombies with her eyes, This is also so many days in the face of countless mutant animals still adhere to the present fundamental .

There are 80000 zombies of type 2, 13000 zombies and nearly 200 zombies of type 4 around him . With enough flesh and blood energy, his remnant soldiers have undergone tremendous changes . Although he lost 90% of the number after he got out of the sea of corpses, his combat effectiveness has more than tripled . The only thing that makes him dissatisfied is that his physical quality is really poor, Even if he used nearly a ton of blood to moisten, he couldn"t achieve the most general physique of an evolutionist, which was almost the same as the previous heavyweight boxers .

Yes, at this time, Xuefeng"s weight is on the rise . Originally, her thin body looks like an addict, but now she is a big fat man . The evolutionist can transform the external energy into ability, while the ordinary person can only transform it into fat . With a height of 1 . 6 meters and a waist circ.u.mference of 1 . 6 meters, Xuefeng is helpless to look at her belly and look for the instep, He never forgets the evolutionists under Zhang Xiaoqiang"s influence, but he doesn"t dare to capture them in the past because he"s afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang will chase them to the sea of zombies as he did last time .

Xuefeng has a psychological shadow on Zhang Xiaoqiang . In fact, there is no lack of strength around him . As long as more than 100 S4 zombies attack, they can easily pierce Zhang Xiaoqiang"s weak defense line . It"s because they are deeply impressed by Zhang Xiaoqiang"s character that they can only press their desire for the body of the evolutionist and store fat here, A line of red and black blood plasma was drawn out from the battlefield under 100 meters . The source of blood was the mutant beast which was only caught through the heart . The mutant beast did not die, and the fresh blood squirted out and twisted up in the air . She swallowed the concentrated plasma into the hole in the mouth of the skull mask . Did Xuefeng belch with satisfaction, All of a sudden, a hot and dry flame spread in his body, like an erupting volcano, which made the skin in his armor split one after another, and the blood in his body poured into his armor .

On the floor above the high-rise building, it was like a spindle . The blood Phoenix with two sharp ends and a circle in the middle was twitching on the ground . The solid black armor broke to the ground, revealing the body of a bleeding man . His broad and stocky body was naked, with countless openings, and his bright red muscles and white bones were mixed together .

"Ah He screamed bitterly from Xuefeng"s mouth . I don"t know whether it was physical pain or psychological tangle . It seems that it"s not the first time for him to destroy his body . It seems that the latter is the most . In his scream, the round body swelled again and instantly became a hot-air balloon . When he reached the limit, Xuefeng exploded countless flesh and blood, leaving only a b.l.o.o.d.y skeleton, Later, all the scattered flesh and blood were suspended in the air and stirred by the invisible force, as if wringing clothes to squeeze out large areas of blood . Some kneaded and kneaded to the skeleton to form a paste like body . Soon, the whole body was patched like a patchwork . The b.l.o.o.d.y Phoenix hung her head and got up dejectedly, waving to let the plasma around her form a new armor, It"s much thinner than before .

"Still can"t, already exploded once, explode again will be broken, alas!"

With a long sigh, Xuefeng focuses on the far end of the city . She looks at the wharf controlled by Zhang Xiaoqiang bitterly . After hesitating for a long time, she still can"t summon up courage . She raises her arms and looks at her hands . After a long time, she grabs a handful of colloids and crystal nuclei of different colors from the open bag at her feet . These things are useless to zombies . Zombies only need flesh and blood, Collecting these things is because he knows that human beings may need them . There are still many of them . If he thinks about them, more will be sent . But how to use these things to exchange evolutors with Zhang Xiaoqiang is a difficult problem . When he thought of Zhang Xiaoqiang cutting off the head of the zombie he wanted to bend over, he immediately lost interest . He released his hands and watched these things crash into the bag . At this moment, he suddenly stood up and gazed at the rear of the mutant herd . About ten kilometers away from him, four giant animals were walking into the city with several beautiful women, Every time the S3 zombie ambushed in the dark jumped from the floor to kill the mutant beast, the beautiful women raised their hands and let the zombie explode in the air and split into countless pieces of meat . Seeing this, Xuefeng"s eyes suddenly lit up . As long as he was an evolutionist, whether male or female, he didn"t dislike it . Even he didn"t know what gender he was .

In an earth shaking b.l.o.o.d.y battle, more than 200 type 4 zombies around Xuefeng lost one-third of their lives . The third-order mutant giant of the other side was torn up by the zombies . Many of the four beautiful humanoid creatures were controlled in front of Xuefeng . Xuefeng looked at these beautiful females carefully . Although she was strange, she didn"t think much about it, The armor of the whole body suddenly split and turned into scattered parts, spinning in the air, and the b.l.o.o.d.y body was blown apart again . This time, even the bones were blown apart . The blood splashed all over the sky and the strange blood wave hidden in the plasma wrapped a human like creature into a blood coc.o.o.n . The method of blood Phoenix is beyond human"s cognition, and also beyond human"s cognition, The blue eyes are as quiet as ever . In the reflection of their pupils, a creeping blood coc.o.o.n slowly dissipates, as if the whole body melts into the companion"s body . Then the enchanting creature is exposed, but a pair of blue eyes are more vivid . The red lips gently start to speak, and suddenly the bright red mouth bursts open, A piece of snake letter like things spurted out of his mouth, with blood spurted out there are many crystal white triangle teeth .

The blue eyes suddenly contracted, and seemed surprised . Then the whole head split into cobweb like bloodstains . At the moment when the surging blood was about to flow out, the whole head suddenly disintegrated, and pieces of incomplete meat scattered all over the ground . In the b.l.o.o.d.y corpse, the b.l.o.o.d.y jelly like things slowly condensed into the rudiment of a little man, who was like a baby, Unable to see the specific appearance and gender, he jumped to one side of the ape Zombie"s head and made a speechless look at the sky . For a long time, Xuefeng"s spare tire was sent to him, but he was a thin man on the verge of death . His yellow hair was no less than a few, his yellow teeth were scattered and incomplete, and his bark like skin was mottled . It was really like a plane from the ground .

As before, Xuefeng occupied the half of the guy who stepped in the coffin . She saw a glimmer of light in her muddy, empty and numb eyes . Although her eyes were still covered with oil, they were full of vitality and moving her new body . Xuefeng"s eyes were not good at staring at the remaining three humanoid creatures and raised her right hand in anger, Condense three black blood crystal spears, ready to kill these things< br>