Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2003: 2003

Chapter 2003: 2003

Huang Tingwei persuades Zhang Xiaoqiang from the side . In his opinion, this intelligence has some value, at least let them have a rough understanding of the birth of a new intelligent race in the sea .

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, then shook his head and said with a bitter smile:

"I know . I"m depressed . I just killed two krayas . I knew I was . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t elaborate . Huang Tingwei"s eyes moved . He took up Zhang Xiaoqiang"s topic and said:

"Just now our observation post saw a tornado storm around the seaside . It came and went suddenly . Does it have anything to do with you? It can"t be . . . "

Huang Tingwei draws inferences from one instance that kraya is an aristocratic cla.s.s, which must be rare in number . Many people have doubts about the strange incident just now, but Huang Tingwei connects it with Zhang Xiaoqiang .

"There are some things you don"t need to know . The more you know, the heavier the burden . I can only tell you that our enemies are beyond imagination . Compared with them, zombies and the new era are really kindergarten level . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t want to talk about it in detail . The information he knows can be called top secret . Once it"s leaked, it will cause great panic . Although Huang Tingwei is good, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t think he can bear the pressure of real extinction . Only in huangquan and ishiharano will they consider informing . At this time, a soldier rushes into the outside, He said in surprise

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, there are zombies with white flags . This time, they also gave gifts . . . "

The pontoon has long lost its role as the line of life and death . Today, only a continuous fleet is driving on it . No matter how the river waves fluctuate, the huge pontoon is still motionless, and there are no redundant personnel on it . Only close to the downstream are numerous heavy machine guns and anti-aircraft guns erected, and armored vehicles are arranged on fixed design platforms, Ready to attack the mutant creatures close to the pontoon at any time, the artillery which played a great role carefully constructed the artillery position on the north bank, a cannon with different diameters at the gate was rejuvenated, every seam was carefully maintained, and hundreds of sh.e.l.ls were protected .

Compared with the strict defense on the north bank, the south bank seems a little careless . Except for a large amount of goods and materials piled up here, there are only one company"s guards and thousands of detained coolies . These people are the guys who have done evil to women in the heavy rain on that day . They are used as pure cannon fodder . Other people are tired of eating meat every day, and they can only eat some sc.r.a.p, The best treatment is to eat the discarded bones and viscera together with moldy grain . Zhang Xiaoqiang, who arranged for them to load and unload materials on the south bank, did not consider the safety of these people . In his plan, more than 100000 survivors have completely crossed the river, leaving only countless materials, such as steel, copper, mechanical parts, electronic tools, There are also various kinds of biological products that are dispensable . It"s a pity to discard them .

Although these things are not in short supply, in any case, they are also materials, which can be converted into needed finished products after being transported . Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang arranged these people to carry them here, and even made preparations for the guards not to resist and directly withdraw once they were attacked, and these people would be thrown down as garbage and burned with all the materials at that time .

The people in the guard company knew the fate of those coolies, so they didn"t take it seriously . They usually stayed on the off-road vehicle and were ready to move at any time . As a result, the zombie appeared today . Instead of firing a shot, all the vehicles started up and fled to the pontoon together . At the same time, they were ready to start the fire . Of course, If they didn"t see some zombies wringing their big pockets and holding white flags .

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood at the edge of the zombies under close supervision and looked at them strangely with Jianzhan . In front of him were all type 3 zombies . A D3 could easily destroy the whole company . It took a lot of courage to supervise these zombies . As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang came, he found that most soldiers" uniforms were soaked with sweat, For a moment, I couldn"t help sighing . When I left the hot spring base for Wuhan that day, what a nightmare the D3 zombie in front of them was . Now it"s reduced to a small role . It"s really a thing of the past .

"Brother c.o.c.kroach, this is what they sent me . . . "

The company commander of the guard company took a cla.s.s of soldiers to wrap the animal skins stained with blood and flesh fascia . Before opening them, he smelled a pungent smell of blood . Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the quality of these animal skins was not bad, at least similar to the thick skin mice raised in the hot spring base, and untied the tangle, Countless glittering nuclei and colloids were exposed in front of people"s eyes . Under the sunlight, they gave off colorful l.u.s.ter, which immediately shook the eyes of hundreds of people . Seeing these things, Zhang Xiaoqiang looks strange . Now in the safe across the river, there are at least 1000 of these things, among which there are at least 50 at the third level, at least 200 at the second level, and countless at the first level, which attracts the eyes of all those evolutionists . If Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t want to break the rules and destroy his financial system, Who knows how many sword chop Daoming will appear?

Each of the five parcels has a weight of 70-80 Jin . It takes two people to lift it . On the opposite side, there are three D3 zombies, which are obviously carried by them . Outside of D3, there is a bluish white S4 zombie, which looks like an ape . This S4 zombie has a rich body and a bulging stomach . It barely looks like it, Even in the details, we can see the female gender before its mutation . "Don"t kill my part . You can"t kill me if you kill me . I want to exchange with you, exchange . . . "

The zombie began to speak . His hoa.r.s.e, low growl seemed like the roar of wild animals . He asked the soldiers around them to step back together . Zhang Xiaoqiang was not moved . He looked at the zombie and thought about whether to chop his head or his thighs first . For zombies, he never did anything to kill one . Killing a D3 zombie was equivalent to killing 10000 ordinary zombies, Kill a S4 zombie, the future S5 zombie may be less than one, as for the blood Phoenix sent things, he was not sensitive .

"I have something else . You must like it . . . "

He may find that Zhang Xiaoqiang"s intention to kill is strong, and Xuefeng is also anxious . Repeated conversations are rejected by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and he has no choice . Just when he says this, a shadow flashes from behind the zombie, and then the zombie is split in two from the crotch to the top of the head by a short beak blade, and once again disappears in the shadow, Let three D3 zombies make a commotion at the same time .

"Come on, what do you want in exchange for . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that Xuefeng could control a zombie, so he would not give himself a spare tire . The three zombies on the scene might be controlled by Xuefeng . Although he did not know what means Xuefeng used, Zhang Xiaoqiang believed that Xuefeng could hear his words . Sure enough, after Zhang Xiaoqiang spoke, all the zombies were quiet again, The heaviest zombie at the head growled in a gruff voice:

"Why are you doing this . . . I just want to talk to you . . . "

The same roar did not fall, and two flying saws intersected on its neck . The D3 zombie, who was not afraid of 37 sh.e.l.ls, lost his head, and the round head rolled on the ground, which was full of bitterness . The remaining two zombies were ready to move, swish, and cut again from the back of one zombie, He jumped five or six meters high and gave the zombie a hard blow to the back of his head . The hard skull was pierced by a short blade that could pierce the scales of four snakes . The meter long blade came out of the Zombie"s eyes, and the zombie stopped moving and collapsed .

"Well, all the things that hinder my eyes have been removed . Now I"m in the mood to listen to you . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang digs his ears and eyes, flicks his fingers, and pretends to be casual . He makes the remaining D3 stiff again, and makes Xuefeng"s anger expand to the point of no more . At the same time, he has a deeper fear of Zhang Xiaoqiang . He really has no way to deal with this moody family .

"What"s ahead is just a gift . You need . . . "

"I don"t need . . . " Zhang Xiaoqiang stops the words behind Xuefeng . Xuefeng wants to use colloid and crystal nucleus as opening props . He doesn"t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang is having a headache with his financial system . He just touches Zhang Xiaoqiang"s brow and feels embarra.s.sed . He thinks, will the last D3 zombie be chopped by Zhang Xiaoqiang? Although there are ten thousand type 3 zombies under his command, there is no place to supplement them . He practices killing for Zhang Xiaoqiang in vain, and even the heartless Xuefeng feels distressed .

"But I admire you . I kneaded you so many times and sent you to the door . Do you think I will give you that cross? Let you unify the zombie sea to threaten me again? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang thinks that Xuefeng is still thinking about the black crystal cross that he threw into the safe . He knows that it must be a treasure that zombies can"t get . Just like this zombie in front of him, if he gets it, he may not be the second one in time .

"You . . . What do you want, as long as I can do it . . . "< br>