Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2004: 2004

Chapter 2004: 2004

Xuefeng is reminded of the cross by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the pursuers are still approaching behind him . If he gets the cross, he says that he can"t recover to the Zombie"s body again . At that time, those rebellious Z-shaped zombies will vanish in his mind . Zhang Xiaoqiang can"t help but control his mood . He wants to get the black crystal cross at the first time .

"I want your life . Eight thousand evolutionists died in front of me, and the infantry company I left in the building . You did all the good things . What a big deal? I tell you, I"ve never suffered so much . Do you think I"ll let you go? "

With that, Zhang Xiaoqiang drew out the Firebird machete and prepared to kill the last zombie, but he heard a Scream:

"No, I don"t want that thing . If I get that thing, I will lose my eyesight, my mood, and my hard won wisdom . I can only follow my primitive instincts . I am no longer me, What"s the point of being the Buddha? "

Xuefeng suddenly wakes up . It"s not normal for me to evolve wisdom . After leaving me, Xuefeng finds the advantage of having himself . If he doesn"t have himself, he can"t feel his existence any more . What"s the significance of becoming me? Is it the same as the zombies of the zombies of the zombies of the zombies of the zombies of the zombies of the zombies of the zombies of the zombies of the zombies of the zombies of the zombies of the zombies?

"What do you mean? Are you kidding me? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang put down his machete, and his tone became more and more impolite . Xuefeng was surprised . After a long time, he explained:

"I have started, and I don"t intend to have a cross . I just want an evolutionist . My body has been destroyed by you . Without an evolutionist as a carrier, I can"t protect myself or maintain human form . . . "

Xuefeng has no gender, no so-called ambition, the only power to make him continue to be strong is to survive, survival is the instinct of biology, so Xuefeng is so humble .

"It"s still impossible . Do you think I"ll leave myself a big enemy? Stupid . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang hurls abuse at the zombie . At the moment when the zombie is dull, he cuts off his legs with one knife . At the moment when the zombie is toppling, he cuts off his arms with two knives . Only the zombie with a stick wriggles on the ground and howls high, as if he had cursed something, but Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t care so much, With a gesture, he said to the soldiers around him:

"A few people will tie it up, then pack it and send it to Wuhan . . . "

Among Zhang Xiaoqiang"s forces, there are many people who can capture D2 zombies, but few people can capture D3 zombies . As precious research materials, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not dislike the good things sent to his door . After hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang"s order, a group of soldiers rushed up with nets and ropes to surround the zombies to death, There are also some soldiers will be killed by the zombie corpse picked up in the empty oil bucket, ready to wait for the complete decomposition after melting to collect corpse water .

"Ah, you can"t do it . You can"t do it . I don"t want to be an enemy with you . My previous behavior was controlled by me . I never hurt you . . . "

The zombie with broken limbs rolled in the mesh . The huge head pressed hard against the big soft net . More than ten ropes trapped it into a big rice dumpling . Xuefeng was struggling for the last time, making the soldiers around it ready to carry roll to the ground . Even if there were no limbs, the explosive force was not what ordinary people could bear . In this scream, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned a deaf ear and gazed at the far away urban area . Even if he was far away from the urban area, he could smell the blood . It could be seen how cruel the killing there was . As soon as he turned his head, he thought that if Xuefeng hadn"t attracted some attention for him, maybe 180000 survivors would have been approached by mutants, and for a moment, they would have been at a loss . Mutants in the urban area were small things, The red algae behind the mutant beast is the major event . The kraya and Amasa are obviously linked together . If you want to destroy Amasa, you must be the enemy of kraya .

"I can help you, I can help you, just give me an evolutor, just one . . . "

It seems that Xuefeng is still making the last effort . Most people hear his cry vaguely, but Zhang Xiaoqiang can hear it clearly . He didn"t want to pay attention to this guy . Hearing the word "evolutioner", Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered that there were new evolutioners every day in Shanghai before . Among the survivors, the new evolutioners had something to do with Xuefeng, This shows that the original master of Xuefeng has a set of procedures that can constantly induce the evolution of ordinary people . But now that she has this means, why does Xuefeng still send her to the door for abuse?

"Wait . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his hand to stop the swarming soldiers . Step by step, he walked up to the zombie and peered at the guy with his mouth open and shouting through the mesh . The Zombie"s thick nostrils had been deeply breathing in . He felt Zhang Xiaoqiang close to him and couldn"t help raising his head to let Zhang Xiaoqiang see the mottled scales on his face . The zombie didn"t move any more and let the net rope entangle him, Quietly waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to speak .

"What about the evolutionist? Can"t you make an evolutor? "

Squatting on the edge of the net rope, Zhang Xiaoqiang stretched out the tip of his machete to poke the skin armor on the face of the zombie, pecking and pecking, stabbing dense small eyes on the face of the zombie . The zombie endured the stabbing pain and howled hoa.r.s.ely"The evolvers in the urban area are the blood food created by us . The blood of ordinary people has no effect on us . Only the evolvers can let us continue to evolve . Since we awakened our wisdom, we began to prepare for the great event of evolution . We originally planned to raise 100000 evolvers" blood to complete evolution . . . "

This time, Xuefeng explained the cause of the Shanghai incident . Hearing the result, all the people present were shocked . All of them gazed at the zombies on the ground for a moment, as if they were acc.u.mulating boundless anger . Human beings are the spirit of all things . Even if they suffered the doomsday catastrophe, they still believe that one day human beings will become the master of the earth again, Can we hear that zombies, in order to evolve, hide behind the scenes and play with the life and death of 100000 people in applause, which makes them have a common hatred .

"Xuefeng can make a kind of gas, which will spread to human beings . In order to make this kind of gas, it needs the flesh and blood of 20 evolutioners every time . Xuefeng has been responsible for delivering evolutioners to the Buddha . . . "

The zombie continues to roar, and Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the ugly zombie in silence . Xuefeng"s words only confirm his guess . No matter what, the catastrophe does not come to the survivors . Xuefeng begins to talk about his plan and then begins to talk about his sufferings

”In fact, we really don"t have hatred . I want to thank you, If it wasn"t for you, I would have no chance to get rid of myself . Even if I ran to the ends of the earth, I would still be a part of myself . After occupying Xuefeng"s body, I would have my own thinking . I am Xuefeng, and Xuefeng is me . All the problems are my own problems . I just want to live in peace . If you don"t believe me, I can mortgage with something .

Do you want the chosen one? Those you just killed . I can give you 100, 200 or even 500 as long as you want . Do you want supplies? I know that there is a source warehouse, in which there are countless copper ingots, which can allow you to make more bullets . I can give you everything you want, as long as you give me the evolutor, I just want one“

Xuefeng has reached the point of begging . Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the wailing zombies speechlessly . He has never seen the shameless and shameless . He humbly begs the enemy . He has lost all his face . Xuefeng pitifully begs him, but Zhang Xiaoqiang has seen the boundless power and despair of thousands of zombies in his mind, Suddenly he said:

"What if I let you kill your own kind?"

Xuefeng was stunned and hesitated

"I can"t kill my subordinates . They are my capital for survival . Do you still want to kill me? When the chosen one is dead, you can easily find me and kill me . . . "

Xuefeng"s vigilance makes Zhang Xiaoqiang funny . It"s rare that this guy is still a little sober . He just doesn"t know what expression it is to let him cooperate with him to eliminate the zombie sea?

"I won"t move your subordinates . You are at the end of your tether . There are mutant beasts in front of you . The endless mutant beasts will eat you one day, and your fellow creatures will be approaching . In three days, you will face two lines of battle . At that time, even if you have progressors, how can you hold your life?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words are like a heavy hammer on Xuefeng"s head . Xuefeng has been trying to leave the city, but where can he go after leaving the city?

"Evolutionist, I only want evolutionist, you give me evolutionist, I give you something, now give . . . "

Xuefeng is dazzled by the anxious psychology . She pays Zhang Xiaoqiang before she receives the goods, not to mention the package delivery . She doesn"t even ask what the goods are< br>