Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2006: 2006

Chapter 2006: 2006

A scream echoed in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s ear . Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on the hot stove with his legs up, and then concentrated on barbecue . The smoke of barbecue mixed with the smell of saliva surrounded him . If it wasn"t for the scream of the female creature, it would be a bit of a leisurely petty bourgeois, He was surrounded by the tenderest meat, seasonings and olive oil from all kinds of mutant animals . Jianjian sat next to him and put pieces of almost transparent meat on the iron bar with great interest . Watching Zhang Xiaoqiang skillfully roast the yellow and crisp meat kebabs, the outside was burnt and the inside was tender, looking down at a pile of c.o.ke like things on his plate, he was very depressed, If Zhang Xiaoqiang is better than him in fighting, he is just slightly unconvinced . Now Zhang Xiaoqiang is better than him in barbecue, which makes him even unconvinced . He can only give up the plan of spoiling food and work as an a.s.sistant without any skill .

Sweating soul evolutionists stand in front of female creatures and stare at their blue eyes . Sweat oozes from their forehead, condenses at the tip of their nose, refracts the indoor light, and then falls down . The female creatures burn their lower bodies with red hot irons, and the scorching smoke rolls out of the room in the rotation of the exhaust fan . These creatures have no feelings, But in the great pain or can not help but scream, each time I open my mouth, a snake like tongue stabbed out of my lips like a sword .

Huang Tingwei has been accompanying the mind evolutioners to sum up the intelligence . When these two beauties were tortured, those hearty and strong men were a little impatient, but Huang Tingwei had no other ideas . These two creatures were not defined as human beings in his mind, and their hearts were different . Huang Tingwei"s ruthlessness was perfectly displayed at this moment, The fiery red iron is dedicated to the most delicate skin, and the two beauties are like artworks . Their skin has become a rag in their hands .

"Come out . . . " With a cry of surprise, the soul evolutioner turns around with a happy face, waving his sleeves and wiping his sweat . It also takes courage to face a peerless creature who turns into a rag . When he gets information, he doesn"t want to look at it more and turns around quickly . He sends the information scribbled to Huang Tingwei .

Hearing the cheers of the soul evolutionists and the chopping sword with sliced meat, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn"t help looking up, but he didn"t seem to notice it . His eyes were just staring at the fragrant kebabs, his hands flying like b.u.t.terflies, and his focus was like staring at his first love . Huang Tingwei summarized the two reports, picked out all kinds of mistakes and repet.i.tions, sorted them out, and went to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s side to wait quietly .

Zhang Xiaoqiang put the meat kebab in one side of the stainless steel tray, picked up the towel, wiped his sweat, and took the report conveniently . This time, it was explained to Zhang Xiaoqiang by the soul evolutionist .

"There are about twenty of them in Shanghai, and one of them is a king . The purpose is to attack the Yangtze River, occupy the waterway, and flee inland relying on the Yangtze River . "

"Fleeing?" Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at the mind evolutor strangely . The young evolutor nodded and said:

"These kraya were not bred in the holy land, but evolved from low-level creatures by relying on some holy stones . Their ident.i.ty was not accepted by the holy land, and they were attacked and fled all over the world, This caraya just arrived in Shanghai and was blocked by pursuers, so they wanted to enter the Yangtze River . There are about 20000 of them . They are born to control water . Besides controlling water, some of them can enslave mutant sea animals . Their biggest hope is to go to the holy land for pilgrimage, so they have no intention to be enemies with pursuers . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to be listening to a fairy tale . A new intelligent race has been bred in the sea . This race has its own faction . A group of fugitives are looking for a place to hide . It should be the most compa.s.sionate dog blood plot in the film and television works . Unexpectedly, such a group of bereaved dogs have forced them to such an extent, Even the level five mutant beast has appeared, so what kind of strength does it have as the main force of pursuing and killing? Will there not be a super beast thousands of meters to destroy the world like G.o.dzilla?

"Report, the UAV has found five female creatures, three on the edge of the urban coastline, two on our side of the coast . Minister Venus asked whether to launch UAV attack means?"

Outside the door came an internship staff officer . He was about 16 years old . His face at the corner of his mouth made him look very young, but his eyes were focused on Zhang Xiaoqiang . His face was full of excitement and exuded a nameless fever . Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded to the second Sergeant intern and said:

"Don"t act rashly, keep a close watch on . . . "

The little officer, who had just come out of the Military Academy for internship, saluted Zhang Xiaoqiang sternly . Without any superfluous actions and words, he turned out of the door and left Zhang Xiaoqiang to look at his back and think about something .

There are some big things . All kinds of intelligence are beyond his expectation . At present, the enemies he meets are more and more beyond his imagination . Whether it"s the sea of corpses or the tide of variant animals, they are all small roles . Even in the new era, they are small roles in the face of this disaster . I"m afraid Xuefeng has become a harmless creature compared with them, and they are struggling, Suddenly thought that tomorrow will have to give Chen Qingyun to Xuefeng, although promised to trade, but not necessarily can"t do?Chen Qingyun has been worried all this time . He has been detained in the center of the evolution center . Even if he has good ability, he has no chance to escape . Especially, a few guys who have learned the instinct of beasts in the battlefield don"t wait for him to act rashly, but when he has some ideas in his mind, he will come to check them out . Although he is given variant animal meat every day for him to chew, But it can"t give him a second"s peace of mind . He lives in a low and strong bungalow . The dark and humid environment exudes the smell of corrosion . Just like Chen Qingyun"s mind at the moment, as an evolutor, he is born with a shallow sense of danger . The growing sense of crisis slowly settles in his mind, and he suffers day and night .

He howled loudly, his throat was hoa.r.s.e and bleeding . He pounded the closed iron door for countless times . The skin on the back of his hand had already dyed the iron door red . Countless struggles were ignored, and he could only cry in a low voice in the corner . Today, unprecedented fear oppressed his heart . He knew that today was his last day .

"That day, we found more than 20 miniature bombs among the blood warriors around the giant beast, of which only 12 are intact . With the detonator that Franklin gave us, we can detonate the bomb within 500 meters . Even if we can"t kill the blood Phoenix, we can also destroy his body . . . "

Huang Tingwei was carrying a metal tray on which were placed twelve prismatic bombs the size of soybeans . He murmured darkly to Zhang Xiaoqiang for fear that he would be heard by Xuefeng if his voice was a little louder . Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed these miniature bombs with his fingers and retorted suspiciously

"It"s too small, isn"t it? Isn"t that a heart bomb? How powerful is a thing that can only blow up the heart? "

Huang Tingwei understands Zhang Xiaoqiang"s distrust . After all, he has never really seen this thing explode . Looking back on Franklin"s story, he firmly says:

"There"s no problem . The evolutionists are stronger than the ordinary people, and the blood warriors are stronger than the evolutionists . They have enough consideration to implant these bombs into their hearts, Every bomb can explode 50 cm, let alone detonate in the body . Even if Xuefeng transforms her body into steel, it"s useless . Besides, we don"t only implant one . Anyway, these bombs are idle . Give him a loop from head to foot? "

Zhang Xiaoqiang then reluctantly nodded his head and asked whether he could implant the corrosion source . He learned that there was no material that could load the corrosion source like gla.s.s, and that it would not break easily after implantation . He sighed that it was too difficult to plot against Xuefeng, But I didn"t think it would be against the commercial reputation for Xuefeng to have so many things installed on the evolutor she bought< br>