Apocalypse Cockroach

Chapter 2017: 2017

Chapter 2017: 2017

"This time, you are very smart . Originally, your life and death have nothing to do with me, but you are still relatively honest during this period of time, and you have not done anything out of line, so I have the heart to give you a clear way . . . "

Standing on the dock, Zhang Xiaoqiang talks with Xuefeng . Xuefeng condenses the blood colored armor again and looks powerful . Maybe the armor is destroyed again and again, which makes him lose confidence . Talking with Zhang Xiaoqiang, he doesn"t wear a helmet mask . Instead, his face, which makes Zhuo Mingyue unhappy, is exposed in front of several girls . I don"t know why, when I see Xuefeng, Xiang yu"er, who had always thought that she was dying, had a heart fluttering and was about to jump out of her throat . Her small hands seized the corner of her clothes, and her eyes naturally and unnaturally discharged to Xuefeng . Xuefeng"s whole mind was on Zhang Xiaoqiang . Her height of two meters was slightly arched, and she lowered her height to the same or even slightly lower angle as Zhang Xiaoqiang, As if the j.a.panese were respectful to Zhang Xiaoqiang, a pair of thief eyes swept his hands from time to time . He was afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang would cut off his handsome head with a knife .

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t use his hands and feet as Xuefeng thought . He pointed out his worries about Xuefeng"s future . No matter whether Xuefeng listened or not, he almost said that he was a Guanyin Bodhisattva in the midst of saving Xuefeng . Xuefeng was a little absent-minded and listened to Zhang Xiaoqiang"s painstaking nonsense, Waiting for the topic, my heart is still murmuring, Zhang Xiaoqiang is Zhuo Mingyue"s husband, why the husband is so much worse than his wife? Is Zhang Xiaoqiang stepping in backwards?

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn"t know that Xuefeng has been ordered by Zhuo Mingyue . He only needs to speak, and Xuefeng will agree . He thinks that Xuefeng"s thoughtfulness is the expression of her heart . He works harder to say all kinds of truth, just like the salesmen before the end of the world selling the so-called safety concept to Xuefeng . Xuefeng still listens to nonsense, "It seems that Mrs . Zhuo doesn"t want to let brother c.o.c.kroach know that she sent her . Otherwise, she won"t be an alliance, but she will take refuge . Does Mrs . Zhuo want to save some private money, but she doesn"t want her husband to know?"

Then he quickly threw this puzzling idea out of his mind . These things are all kinds of memories that he occupied the human body . It is this kind of thing that makes him understand the joys and sorrows of human beings, but he will not really immerse himself in these things . In his body, there are primitive instincts engraved in his bones, and there is a strong sense of survival, This is also the core instinct of the zombie . Even if he has left the ranks of the zombie, he still can"t get rid of this instinct to go deep into the soul .

"Do you think that"s what I"m saying?" Zhang Xiaoqiang"s mouth is dry, and he feels that it"s almost the time of the fire . As soon as the topic turns, he asks Xuefeng, who is wandering in his eyes . Xuefeng seems to be hypnotized and does not move . Zhang Xiaoqiang pushes him . Xuefeng immediately turns back and says:

"Brother c.o.c.kroach is right, but what do you want me to do?"

What Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to hear most is this sentence . Regardless of the fact that Xuefeng is not a real human being, he slaps the shoulder higher than his head heavily, which makes Xuefeng have to stoop again, so that Zhang Xiaoqiang can be more comfortable .

"I want to find out a way for you to survive . Now we will benefit each other and lose each other . Zombie sea always annoys me . It"s better for you to cooperate and kill all the opponents who may cause harm to you in exchange for an opponent I don"t know . "

Looking at Xuefeng"s respectful cheek, Zhang Xiaoqiang said solemnly, "after waiting, I"ll see if I can kill you too . . . "

Xuefeng didn"t believe Zhang Xiaoqiang from the beginning to the end, but he had to come here today . If he came here, Zhang Xiaoqiang might kill him, but if he didn"t, Zhuo Mingyue"s beating was better than being killed, at least he could have a good time .

"No problem, what brother c.o.c.kroach says is everything . As long as you speak, I can do anything . . . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Xuefeng in surprise . Although he knew Xuefeng was afraid of himself, there was no need to talk like that, right? But I don"t know what Xuefeng is afraid of is not him, but his wife in name . After Xuefeng fully cooperates, Zhang Xiaoqiang begins to doubt Xuefeng . He then tries out with various words, but finds that Xuefeng is still as stupid as before, which makes him confused . Is this guy stupid to the limit?

"Cough . . . Well, since you have understood what I mean, I don"t talk much nonsense . What do you think of the current situation? Now you and your zombie have become dumpling stuffing . If you don"t have me, you will surely die . The difference is that you take the initiative to fight early death for a few days and pa.s.sively avoid late death for a few days . What do you think? "

Not to mention, Xuefeng was worried about being reminded by Zhang Xiaoqiang, but he didn"t believe Zhang Xiaoqiang at that time . He didn"t think Zhang Xiaoqiang was kind to him at all . Of course, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn"t have a kind heart . Once she came and went, Xuefeng had an ostrich heart . As long as the big knife hadn"t cut his scalp, he wouldn"t care about the possible danger, Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang threatens to break the ties between the two sides, he doesn"t care . In his mind, Zhang Xiaoqiang on the other side of the Yangtze River may not be more kind than Hai who wants to eat his corpse behind him . "Well, brother c.o.c.kroach, let me put it this way . I didn"t appear until you killed me . If I"m younger than half a month, what do you expect me to say if I don"t even have a full moon?"

Xuefeng"s expression is innocent and his words are shameless . Zhang Xiaoqiang has forgotten Xuefeng deeply and shakes his head secretly . He only thinks that Xuefeng is really crafty and cunning at this time . He was all in disguise before, which almost made him misjudge .

"Well, now you take the initiative to seek my alliance . What"s your plan?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang has lost patience and takes the initiative to turn the topic to the main purpose of this time

"Of course, it"s to unite with your army and resist together . Don"t worry, I"ll let the zombies listen to me . During this period, I have indigestion and feel sick when I see meat, And don"t worry about cannibalism . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang almost kicked Xuefeng into the river . Is this what the guy with brain said? Seeing the anger in Zhang Xiaoqiang"s eyes, Xuefeng shrinks her head . After considering for a while, she comes up with another idea

"Or I"ll stay here . . . If something goes wrong, I"ll cross the river . . . " Xuefeng always suspected that Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to collect his zombie, so she was so enthusiastic about making an alliance with him . If he would never agree before, but now a zombie named Zhuo Mingyue scares him . Compared with his own life, a zombie is nothing . Now he is also a person named Zhuo Mingyue . Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to clean him up, he has Zhuo Mingyue as a guarantee .

"Don"t you attract zombies and mutants? You don"t want to cross the river when you pour . I"ll be dragged down by you . You know, all the mutant animals get up from the water . "

Zhang Xiaoqiang shakes his head repeatedly . This is a rotten and moldy note . Xuefeng remembers the origin of the mutant beast . Retreating to the wharf will only let the mutant beast cut off his back .

"I"ll stay away from you and let the zombies and mutant animals kill each other until they die together . " Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at this boastful guy dully . There are tens of millions of zombies, and the number of mutant beasts is less than one million in the sky . Now his total number of mutant beasts on the other side of the river is less than 100000 . The mutant beasts in the ocean are not unlimited . The intelligence feedback from the reconnaissance plane shows that the scale of the mutant beast tide has decreased, And countless vortices on the ocean also blocked the mutant animals coming from the deep sea, waiting for the zombies and mutant animals to die together . It"s really a pity that he dares to think .

"You only have a million zombies that can survive until now . There are tens of millions of zombies over there . Do you think the mutant beast can win?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang"s words make Xuefeng hit the head with a bang . If that"s true, he can really become a delicacy for zombies of type Z . today"s Shanghai is a treasure for zombies . Countless corpses are rotting, but zombies will not despise these rotten meat . G.o.d knows that there will be millions of zombies of type 2? At that time .

"What do you say? This can"t be, that can"t be, or I"ll just surrender with the zombie . You can . . . " Xuefeng has abandoned herself . She is in a dilemma between Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhuo Mingyue . There are mutant animals and zombies on her side . She was originally a short-sighted guy, but now she has no choice .

Zhang Xiaoqiang won"t believe Xue Feng"s words . In his heart, Xue Feng is still that crafty guy . Even Xue Feng"s occasional mental r.e.t.a.r.dation is considered by him to be a pig and a tiger . However, his purpose is not to cooperate with Xue Feng, but to borrow her to clean up the sea of 5000 zombies, For the time being, it cleared the largest gathering place of zombies in China< br>